Valkyrie Storm

Chapter 134 Tempering Method

Chapter 134 Tempering Method
The three of Tang Yan struggled for a long time before finally adapting to this cruel tempering method. While trying to stabilize their minds, they tried to absorb the liquid medicine for breakthrough and fusion.

The medicinal liquid here has been tempered for thousands of years, and the energy it contains is very pure, almost without any impurities. Although it is a bit overbearing because of the fire spar, it is definitely a rare treasure medicine!

They can fully imagine that after continuous tempering, the impurities in the body will be eliminated, and they will have a more robust physique, which will have great benefits for future growth.

For this alone, they are qualified to be grateful to the Rao family!It is even more necessary to persist with the strongest will!
All three of them sat cross-legged in the cauldron like bloody skeletons, only the heart and dantian were protected by spiritual power, connected to the veins of the whole body, and autonomously absorbed the precious energy in the medicinal liquid.

Du Yang planned to take advantage of the liquid medicine's invasion of the meridians, constantly communicate with the origin of the Usagi, and integrate it with the spiritual meridians bit by bit.

The simplest thing for Xu Yan is to temper his body and fuse his arm bones with the help of surging energy.

Tang Yan first focused on body training, deliberately released himself, let the liquid damage, accelerate the body's tatters, and then reshape the body at the fastest speed with the help of the healing ability of Immortal Yan Tian Jue.

When Du Yang and Xu Yan were performing a 'body shaping' reincarnation, he had to perform it at least twice.

Furnace!Lives up to its name!It's like refining them alive.

Refining from the inside out!
Odin and the others waited patiently outside. According to their estimates, Tang Yan and the others would last for two days at most, and Xu Yan's time would be longer, around three or four days.

Although the tempering in the smelting furnace is effective, the process is too painful. I am afraid that everyone who has experienced it will not want to try it a second time. This is simply self-harm!Tang Yan and the others are still children, and if they can persist for two or three days, it will be the limit.

However, one day, two days, three days, and four days of refinement still continue

There was no sound of giving up in the boiling cauldron.

Tang Yan and the others were still insisting, but Odin and the others couldn't sit still.

The refining furnace is very domineering. Even if it is suppressed, it still has the characteristics of refining. It can continuously stimulate the potential in a short period of time and promote the fusion of the source and the tendons. But after a long time, it may fall into a coma and be refined by the refining furnace. Melt away and become one of the liquid medicine.

This situation is not hypothetical, because in the history of the family, a certain clansman fell into a coma in order to absorb more medicinal liquid, and was finally refined alive.

"How is it? It's the fourth day!"

"How about interrupting forcibly?"

"If this continues, I'm worried about accidents."

The clan elders were all frowning. The time has completely exceeded their expectations. This is not a good thing. Even Venerable Huoying couldn't hold back. These are three super geniuses. They are not good at explaining to themselves.

"Wait a minute, there is still a voice inside." Odin listened attentively, and there was still a faint moan of pain inside, indicating that the three were still alive and had not fallen into a coma.

The fifth day

The refinement is still going on, and Odin and the others are getting more and more anxious. They feel the movement inside over and over again, and they are always on guard. Once the sound inside quiets down, they will forcefully break open the first time.

sixth day seventh day
Eighth day!
Kaka!Cracks unexpectedly appeared in the ancient furnace, and a terrifying energy fluctuation suddenly came out from inside.

"What's going on?" Odin and the others changed their faces drastically.

The stone cover above the refining furnace shook, becoming more and more violent, and the mist became more irritable, rushing out from the gap, as if some peerless monster was about to be born.

"Set up a ban!" Odin roared loudly, and the joint worship venerable and the elders of the six major clans gathered all their strength to form a seal ban and pressed towards the furnace.This furnace has been passed down since ancient times and is a family treasure. They don't want it to be shattered today.

boom!The stone cover was lifted, and it hit the ground heavily, causing the whole hall to shake violently, but in the next second, the irritable liquid mist suddenly stopped, and slowly transformed into two phantoms, a curled up rabbit with alternate black and white eyes, exuding A palpitating light, a golden beast shadow, surrounded by thunder and lightning, surged with terrifying oppression.

The phantom formed for a short time, and then formed an explosive energy storm, sweeping the entire room.

Odin and others suppressed it with all their strength and controlled the power of the storm.

Slowly, the fog dissipated, the fluctuations dissipated, the room returned to calm, and two phantoms entered the furnace.

"Successful?" Odin and the others recovered from the shock, and secretly felt that it was worthy of being an ancient beast. Even if it fell, the origin still had such a terrifying power.

"Arrange a quiet room for me!" Du Yang was the first to jump out of the furnace, his whole body wrapped in petrochemical brilliance, his eyes alternated red and black, and his state was very unstable.

"Go!" Venerable Huoying rolled up Du Yang and rushed out of the stone room.

Xu Yan came out later, his body became thinner, his exaggerated muscles were restrained, and he no longer looked so exaggerated and awkward. This was not due to damage, but the muscles were condensed, all impurities were removed, and he was forged into a real The strength contained in the body of fine steel must have been greatly improved.

But Xu Yan's right arm turned into a huge animal arm, thick and big, covered with golden hair like steel needles, and the sharp claws flashed a gloomy cold light, with a kind of piercing power that palpitated.

"I want to retreat!" Xu Yan's face was very pale, he had difficulty speaking, and was struggling to control his right arm.

The six clan elders quickly guarded Xu Yan and left, they will protect Xu Yan!
Tang Yan was still sitting cross-legged in the furnace, continuing to refine his body.It hurts, it hurts very much, no less than cramps and peeling over and over again.But during refining, he suddenly thought of the spirit veins of monsters. If he wanted to successfully devour monsters, it seemed that the Golden Elephant Art alone was not enough, the key was to rely on himself.It just so happens that this opportunity is rare, it is better to temper the body to the extreme, and add more chips for future success.

In order to grow up, Tang Yan can do anything!
What's more, the power of the Golden Elephant Jue is also related to the physique. The stronger the physique, the more 'golden' it will be when it is cast, and the more perfect it will be integrated with the muscles.

Fight?Fight!Unless you refine me to death, the young master will carry it with you!

Day after day, time continued, tempering continued, Tang Yan gritted his teeth and persisted, and used the life fog baby to stimulate his consciousness again and again, so as not to let himself pass out.

Tang Yan's goal is to make his body strong enough to resist the attack of the liquid medicine!

No.15 days, an unprecedented fifteen days, finally succeeded!

The medicinal liquid can still invade the muscles, but the speed is extremely slow. Once the Golden Elephant Art is used, the body will be completely 'golden' from the inside out, just like a golden little golden man.

During the continuous tempering, Tang Yan also absorbed the precious substances inside, and promoted to the second level smoothly!

But just when Tang Yan was about to leave, he accidentally discovered something special in these liquid medicines, a kind of energy that could be refined and poured into the sea of ​​​​qi with the Immortal Yantian Art.

This special energy is similar to the refined soul of life, but it is somewhat different. It may come from some kind of precious medicinal herb, or it may be the substance formed by the furnace during years of refining, but in any case, with their Injected, Qihai actually responded.

The ghost Qinghuo, who has been sleeping for a year, seems to be showing signs of recovery!
This discovery made Tang Yan ecstatic. Its awakening not only means that martial arts such as Lie Yan Jue can be fully used, this awakening is likely to be accompanied by changes in the ghost green fire.Having lost its 70 years of lifespan, and accepted the baptism of the furnace, it must have benefited far more than itself.

So, hold on!keep going!
20 days [-] days [-] days

Tang Yan used the Golden Elephant Jue to protect his body, resist the refining of the liquid medicine, and absorb this special substance wholeheartedly.

Odin guards the outside of the furnace every day, paying attention to the situation inside all the time. As time goes by, the shock in his heart continues to increase. The longest refining time in family history is twelve days, and it is still When he was promoted to Martial King, Tang Yan was using the strength of the first-rank Martial Ancestor to set new records over and over again.

Pervert is too perverted!

Isaac and others often come to see it, and every time they confirm that it has not come out, they will inevitably feel a lot of emotion.Even Niya's attitude continued to improve. Aside from this little guy's shameless personality, other aspects seemed unusual.

Being able to persevere in it depends not only on strength, but the most important thing is perseverance!

They have all experienced refining in a furnace, so they are naturally aware of the cruelty of this process. Isaac persisted for five days, Niya persisted for eight days, and Tang Yan continued after 20 days.

This can no longer be described as abnormal!
Odin even secretly sighed that the new generation of the Rao family showed signs of decline, and was once depressed, but God didn't seem to abandon the Rao family, and sent such a little monster.He even wanted to thank the Tang family and the Lingwang Mansion, if not for their abandonment, Tang Yan would not have come to the Rao family!

The old people of the Rao family all have a long-term vision. Tang Yan may be weak now, but I believe that he will shine in a few years. At first, he wanted to use Tang Yan to deal with this crisis. I really like him.

Tang Yan acted with his own strength and won their respect.

(End of this chapter)

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