Valkyrie Storm

Chapter 135 Women's Army

Chapter 135 Women's Army
Tang Yan was immersed in the refinement of the furnace, while absorbing the energy needed, while trying to summon the ghost Qinghuo.During this period, Du Yang and Xu Yan made breakthroughs one after another. With the full protection of the clan elders, their final integration went smoothly.

Du Yang has successfully broken through to the second-rank Martial Ancestor, and his strength has greatly improved, but the most congratulatory thing is that he has successfully completed the fusion of the spiritual vein and the Usagi origin. The future growth space is even wider, and even Venerable Huo Ying, who personally protects him, All feel happy.

Xu Yan's right arm has returned to its original state. The ancient beast's arm bone is perfectly fused with its own flesh and blood, and it will definitely burst out with stronger power, which seems to have become her biggest killer.And after being tempered in the furnace, her physique became more condensed, and her already terrifying strength of 'ten thousand catties' directly jumped to twenty thousand catties, a qualitative leap!

The strength has skyrocketed, and the combat power has leaped, laying a solid foundation for breaking through to King Wu in the future.

In the few days after the breakthrough, Du Yang and Xu Yan started actual combat exercises, and the elders of the clan accompanied them with golden armor guards to help them consolidate their strength.

25 days later!
"He's still in the furnace? It's been 25 days!" On this day, Isaac and other senior family members gathered in the underground palace.

Niya looked strange: "Father, are you sure he's still alive?"

Odin walked forward, knocked heavily on the furnace twice, and shouted into it: "I'm sorry to disturb your bath, but the time for life and death is coming soon."

"30 days?" Tang Yan's voice came from inside.

"Look, this kid is alive and well." Odin looked at Niya and the others, and shouted again: "Today is the registration time, and all contestants must report today. The royal family needs to draw your blood, use Come to mark your life, you can track your position during the game, and determine whether you are alive."

The medicinal liquid in the refining furnace was churning, and the stone cover was slowly pushed away. The golden Tang Yan slowly crawled out from inside, sat on the edge of the furnace, moved his stiff body, but did not rush down: "Does it have to be today?"

Niya and the others were speechless. Hasn't this guy had enough?Even when they were promoted from Wu Zongjin to King Wu, the soaking time was basically seven or eight days. This guy has been soaking for 25 days. Not only can they persist, but they still have some unfinished business.

Isaac was quite speechless: "After 25 consecutive days of tempering, your body is already so strong that it is abnormal. Even if you don't support the spiritual power of the body, it is difficult for anyone at the same level to break through your defense. .Using the Golden Elephant Protector, the defensive power will be doubled, even if you can resist the attack of a high-level warrior with your body, are you still not satisfied?"

Tang Yan shrugged and jumped down from the top.This body has indeed been tempered to the maximum extent, but the ghost Qinghuo he was looking forward to has not been fully awakened. The 'special substance' he inhaled is obviously enough, but there has been no movement in the depths of the sea of ​​​​qi.

Is it unwilling to wake up?Or does it need to be stimulated in a special way?
Odin put his hand on Tang Yan's body, and with a simple feeling, he smiled: "That's right, second-rank Wuzong!"

Isaac and the others were all refreshed. Although it was expected, getting the confirmation from the ancestor still made everyone feel excited.At this critical juncture, every step up indicates that the chances of surviving are higher.

"Where are my two brothers?"

"Du Yang has broken through to the second level and is comprehending petrochemical martial arts. Xu Yan has reached the peak of the third level and is adapting to her animal bones. I have already sent someone to invite her." Odin smiled and said to Tang Yan and the three The child's love has reached its peak.It is difficult for others to break through the first level, but they are so easy, this is a genius!Amazing talent!

Tang Yan took the clothes from a guard and asked, "You said you were going to sign up today?"

Isaac said: "Start registration today, make final preparations tomorrow, and leave for the deserted city the day after tomorrow. The official competition will be held in five days, and you will be randomly sent to different places. Those who can persist for 30 days will be considered advanced. When the time is up, someone will pick you up and rush to the team battle arena on the edge of the deserted city, rest for two days, and then start the battle in turn. The team battle is open, and there will be tens of thousands of people from all parts of the country watching the battle. Witness your match and decide the final winner."

"How many monsters are there in the wild forest?"

"This is what I need to remind you. In order to increase the cruelty of this game, the royal family has already swept the wild forest in advance, and transferred eight kinds of ferocious gregarious monsters from other places. Thousands! These gregarious monsters have just entered an unfamiliar environment, and they will definitely try hard to find a suitable living territory. Because the number is close to a thousand, and their temperament is ferocious, they will seriously break the balance of the wild forest and fight fiercely with the original monsters inside.

The number of monsters in the wild forest is already very large, and this chaos will inevitably cause riots in the entire forest. Anyone who steps into it at this stage will become the target or food of the monsters.

In addition, the royal family will try to anger the five beast kings entrenched in the wild forest after you enter the wild forest, that is, five powerful fifth-level monsters! "

The more Tang Yan listened, the more he felt that something was wrong, and he frowned tightly: "Is this really just a competition? Or do we want to bury all the younger generations of the major families in it? Who cares? You are cruel enough to kill them all. Isn't he afraid of angering the big families?"

Isaac sighed helplessly: "The royal family just wants to irritate the major families. Whoever can't help it first, they will take the knife! You may not know that the family power of the Delos Empire is becoming more and more independent. , Frequently involved in other fields, especially the legion, caused the royal family's influence to decline sharply.

The main reason for Delos' successive failures in the melee of the Frontier Empire was the conflicts between the frontline legions.They urgently need an excuse to kill chickens and monkeys, eradicate a certain family, and deter other families, so as to strengthen the royal regime. "

"Isn't he afraid of shooting himself in the foot with a stone and causing rebellion across the country? Forget it, these things have nothing to do with me, as long as I can get out of that deserted forest alive." Tang Yan had a headache, and he was simply cramping, and he was fine. What kindness is there!

That's good, there are not only thousands of rioting monsters, but also hundreds of powerful family warriors, and there are even conspiracies and tricks specifically targeting the Rao family!

This is simply a mountain of swords and a sea of ​​fire!
"We believe in you!" Odin and others gave Tang Yan encouraging looks.

Tang Yan didn't like this at all, and waved his hands weakly: "I don't even believe in myself, where do you have the confidence. Let's go, sign up, and get to know the young talents of your Delos Empire by the way."

Ten minutes later, Du Yang, Xu Yan, and seven other members of the Rao family who participated in the competition had already gathered here, the first martial arts arena at the forefront of the family, but at the moment Tang Yan saw them, Tang Yan felt a rush From the dantian straight to the brain, and then his face was full of confusion.

Beauty!All beauties!
The Rao family is basically full of suave men and charming women. The seven people in front of them have not abandoned the family inheritance. They are all beautiful women, well-behaved, loli, charming, lively, temperamental, Heroic type, delicate type, there are seven types that one expects to find, it is simply a beauty pageant, and people who watch it feel itchy.

But this is to participate in a brutal and bloody life-and-death struggle, not a beauty pageant!Monsters won't be gentle with you just because you look sweet, the more delicate you are, the more suitable they are!What's more, the place is chaotic, full of killings, and there is no one to supervise. If some men have evil intentions, their end will definitely be very miserable.

"Calm down, you're staying here." Du Yang touched Tang Yan and smiled strangely: "I'm lucky, maybe I can find a chance to solve my single life."

"Let's play!" Tang Yan rolled his eyes angrily, and asked Isaac, "Are you sure it's them? This is to participate in a life-and-death battle, not to give benefits to people!"

"There's no other way. Besides the seven of them, there are two boys and one girl, but the girl is Little Betty, er, a boy."

Tang Yan cast a disdainful look directly, and muttered: "The boy who stays here is afraid of being extinct, isn't he?"

Isaac coughed a few times and changed the subject: "They are all pretty good. Three are Wuzong, and the rest are Tier [-] martial spirits. They can basically protect themselves."

"Don't deceive yourself, the weakest of the other families are the first-rank Martial Ancestors, and the wild forest is in a mess. They have no actual combat experience, and they can only be reduced to sacrifices, and maybe they will be given something. The problem is serious. How big is the sex? You should know better than me. I finally ask you, are you sure you want them to participate? This is to die!"

(End of this chapter)

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