Valkyrie Storm

Chapter 1349 Disappointment

Chapter 1349 Disappointment
"Is Miranda from the Temple of the Holy Spirit?" The others exclaimed.

"I don't know her, but she knows me. I have no grievances or enmity with her, but she provokes again and again! She once said... she will never forget that day..." Tang Yan's consciousness flew, his eyes lighted It's getting darker.

"What did you remember?" Niya asked.

"Do you still remember the one on the battlefield in the South China Sea? There is a female envoy in the Holy Spirit Temple who likes to collect human skins. She has a secret method to transplant her soul into other people's bodies. Doves occupy the magpie's nest and keep it for herself." She coveted the skins of Zhaoyi and Ling Ruoxi at that time!
If my guess is correct, Miranda is her, she is Miranda!Most likely, the Temple of the Holy Spirit managed to control the real Miranda, and the Sky Poison Envoy used secret techniques to devour her soul, and then Miranda's identity got mixed into the Valley of the Wicked! "

"Heavenly Poison Messenger! She occupied Miranda's body and hid the strength of the semi-saint!" Xu Yan, Niya, Xuanyuan Longli, and Nalantu all remembered that terrible and vicious woman!

Xuanyuan Longli took a deep breath: "The Holy Spirit Hall really won't be a quiet spectator! First the Kappa, then the Sky Poison Envoy, will there be others?"

Tang Yan's face turned cold again and again, gloomy again and again, his eyes flickered, looked at Matthews who was unconscious on the ground, and slowly raised his head: "You bastard who doesn't know how to live or die!"

Boom! !The ground under his feet suddenly cracked, and the violent qi swept across. Tang Yan shot into the sky like a cannonball, and galloped towards the distant river area.

"You stay, guard Matthews, Chocolate, follow me!" Xu Yan followed closely to support Tang Yan.

"Uh... what are you talking about?" Nian Youyu was very at a loss.

Over the river dozens of kilometers away, Houston's team was hunting for the Golden Flame Spirit Turtle overnight, but after the incident at Mountain Dew Island, the atmosphere in the team seemed to have changed.

Intentionally or not, the three of Browning formed a group of their own, guarding the "weak" Miranda. That delicate and sickly state was so pitiful that even other people looked at them with concern.Moreover, most people began to be overtly or secretly dissatisfied with Houston's leadership, feeling that he paid too much attention to the overall situation and was too cautious, so that he lost the blood of a man.

But because Hao Shuai and the other three semi-sages have always supported Houston, the rest of the people didn't have much to say, and because they took into account the ranking scores in the team battle, they didn't dare to refute clearly.

However, the seeds of contradictions had been planted and took root. Gradually, the 11-member team became divided and was no longer as united as it was at the beginning.

Miranda was calm on the surface, kept silent, seduced Browning and others, and stabilized her influence.Secretly, he began to worry. Seeing what Houston meant, it was obvious that he really didn't intend to have any grudges with Tang Yan, and even avoided meeting him.Her mission is to instigate the hatred of Tang Yan from various empires, and bring Tang Yan a few more enemies. How can Houston be allowed to find the golden tortoise step by step.

In the previous battle on Surf Island, the risk of seriously injuring Matthews was to use this as a trigger to trigger the hatred between Tang Yan and Matthews, so that the two teams would fight bloody battles.But...Houston's calmness and Tang Yan's restraint completely collapsed her risky attack.

Fortunately, when I seriously injured Matthews, I added a poisonous needle to him, which can play a role in interference, and will not reveal that Matthews is poisoned by the soul.With one's own ability, unless you are a real soul cultivator, you can't judge it.

What should I do?
How to make Houston and Tang Yan meet, and how to make the two sides go to war?
Miranda thought secretly, looking for a new breakthrough.

"What's on your mind?" Browning was concerned about Miranda.

Miranda smiled slightly, shook her head, and said nothing.

"Are you blaming me for not avenging you?" Browning wanted to conquer Miranda earlier, but unknowingly fell into Miranda's charm and couldn't extricate himself. Now he is very concerned about Miranda's thoughts.

"Young Master Browning thinks too much, why would the servants blame you?"

"Don't worry, I will do what I promised you! Even if Tang Yan can't be brought down now, I will definitely find an opportunity to beat him down in the future and let him kneel in front of you to plead guilty!" Browning has never been so eager as he is today. Strength, desire to grow.

The other two expressed their opinions one after another, wanting to speak out for Miranda.

Miranda's heart moved, and she sighed pretending to be sad: "My family believes in the strength of the young masters! But His Royal Highness doesn't plan to fight Tang Yan, that is, we have no chance during the whole team battle. Tang Yan belongs to Jiulong Ling, Jiulongling is in the Xingluo Empire, thousands of miles away from your country, after the Holy Land competition is over, you all have to go your separate ways, and I don’t know how long it will take to see Tang Yan again.”

"This..." Browning rolled his eyes, grabbed Miranda's hand suddenly, and said solemnly: "You follow me back to the family, and you will live there in the future. When the time is right, you will definitely avenge me."

Miranda smiled, and pulled out her hand without a trace, shaking her head slowly, but said nothing.

Browning gritted his teeth, and lowered his voice, "What do you want? Just ask, and I will do my best!"

"My family came to the Valley of the Wicked just to find Tang Yan. He usually stays in Jiulongling, and he is guarded by many strong men when he goes out. It is completely impossible for the Nu family to seek revenge alone. This is the only chance for the Nu family. ...I don't want to lose..." Miranda spoke lightly, with a gloomy expression.

"Leave it to me!!" Browning rolled his eyes and immediately caught up with Houston: "Your Highness, I think we should change direction."


"Catch up with Tang Yan and teach them a lesson."

"And then?"

"Tang Yan acts arrogantly and is unpopular. People like that should be taught a lesson."

Houston glanced at him with a half-smile: "Since when did you become a judge? If anyone is not pleasing to the eye, you will come forward and teach him a lesson! We are here"

Browning suddenly stopped in front of Houston and looked at him seriously: "Why?"

"what why?"

"This doesn't look like your style! In the empire, you will never allow anyone to challenge your authority, let alone question you, but now? Tang Yan has bullied you, you He was indifferent, and even said something to avoid it!"

Houston stopped, looked at Browning and smiled silently.

Hao Shuai and the other three half-sages also shook their heads and smiled, without saying a word.

"What are you laughing at? There's nothing funny about it."

"I will talk to your father personally when I return home."

"Talk about what?"

"Talk about your appointment as the supreme commander of the Firehawk Army."

Browning's face sank: "What do you mean?"

"I was optimistic about you before. It was my suggestion to your father that he could try to relax his control over you and give you a bigger stage, an independent stage, to show your growth.

But now it seems that I was wrong, you were not prepared, and you don't have the quality of a legion-level commander, or in other words, you don't even have the ability to be a deputy commander. "

Browning's face was gloomy again and again, and his eyes flickered coldly: "You want to revoke my nomination for Firehawk Commander?"

"I will make a suggestion to your father about your performance in the Valley of the Wicked. As for whether to revoke it, it is up to the marshal and his old man to decide."

"Why? Are you displeased with me?"

Houston shook his head and smiled, without saying a word, leaving Browning aside and continuing to search for the Golden Flame Spirit Turtle.

"Houston, explain clearly to me!!" Browning was annoyed.

Hao Shuai put his arms around Browning's shoulders: "Brother, His Royal Highness is not a small-minded person. It was your own behavior that was inappropriate. Tang Yan did not provoke us. With his temperament, he is polite to us." Yes. Also... we are not afraid of causing trouble, we are not stupid!! Brother, be careful Miranda..."

"What do you mean? Make it clear! Stop, everyone! Do you look down on me, Browning?" Browning frowned and scolded one after another, but Hao Shuai and others had all left.

"What's the matter?" Miranda followed up and asked, "Prince Houston still doesn't agree to follow Tang Yan? What is he afraid of?!"

"Damn it!!" Browning looked at the direction Houston and the others left, gritted his teeth in hatred, and clenched his fists hard.

"Is Tang Yan that scary? Fighting is allowed in team battles. As long as no one dies, what's the deal? Don't Tang Yan and Li Baiying fight very hotly? Don't Tang Yan and Zhao Huan's team also do it? Have a game? Don’t we have the courage of our impressive imperial team?” Miranda was a little anxious, her tone was no longer so gentle, her eyes flickered, and she secretly accumulated soul power. It’s really impossible... Try to interfere with Houston’s soul ? !

(End of this chapter)

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