Valkyrie Storm

Chapter 1350

Chapter 1350
"I have a suggestion." Someone suddenly snapped his fingers and suggested: "His Royal Highness doesn't dare to provoke Tang Yan, it's because he is afraid and doesn't want to cause trouble for himself! But we have nothing to fear, we can do whatever we want! I suggest that we form a team to pursue Tang Yan. If there is a fight, will Prince Houston ignore it? At that time, His Royal Highness will no longer be afraid of this or that."

Miranda's eyes lit up, but hesitantly said, "Will it bother everyone too much?"

"No trouble! This matter is not just for you, we can't swallow this breath, how can the majestic imperial team be bullied by that lunatic Tang Yan." The crowd was excited and echoed that person's proposal.

"Then..." Miranda nodded pretending to be hesitant, and couldn't help being excited, secretly applauding. In this way, the two sides can really fight, and there is only a chance for him to mediate secretly... But at this moment, click, A sky-shattering loud noise shook the river area, and a golden lightning bolt tore through the night, smashed down the air, and exploded directly in the team of Miranda and the others.

What? !Everyone was terrified, their scalps went numb, and they retreated like crazy. At the same time, their spiritual power surged, inspiring their martial arts, and roared: "Who dares to be presumptuous!"

Miranda also backed away in shock, but at the moment when the golden lightning dispersed, a black figure broke through the golden light and swooped towards her like a tiger, leaving trails of fascinated shadows, reaching Miranda.

"You..." Miranda still hadn't recovered.

"Bitch!!" Roaring like thunder, roaring like a beast, the black shadow slapped Miranda's delicate face. The sound of the slap was as crisp as thunder in the clear sky, and it stirred for a long time on the vast and peaceful river area.

Miranda was caught off guard, and was thrown into the air, whirling and blasting towards the river, but she recognized the person who came by a moment before: "Tang Yan?"

"Bitch! Bitch! Bitch!" Tang Yan chased after him at a wrong step, entangled tightly with his shadow, and swung wildly like a slap and a whip.

Clap clap clap!

The dense crackling sounded like firecrackers, and Tang Yan entangled Miranda like a poisonous snake, beating Miranda with all her strength, causing Miranda to become unconscious, her nose was bruised and her face was swollen, and blood was flying everywhere. There is no way to fight back.

"Tang Yan!! Are you tired of living?!"

"TMD, the bullying has come to the fore?!"

"Let go of Miss Miranda!"

Browning and the other seven people were all furious and came roaring.

"Blocker, die!!" Tang Yan's chest thumped, and a roar rushed in his throat, exploding on the tip of his tongue, followed by a surging ghost green fire sweeping across the sky like a flood.The unprecedented tyranny of Qinghuo, the unprecedented mania, with a deafening roar, galloped out of a huge field of nearly a kilometer, like a giant lake across the sky, burning the energy of heaven and earth, shining on the vast river area, covering all Miranda and other people around.

"Ugh!!" Browning and the others screamed, the devouring power of the green fire almost melted and devoured them, and the dense green fire devoured the spiritual body like a poisonous insect. In a blink of an eye, almost To rush into the body cavity.

An unprecedented sense of horror and despair swept through his body like an electric current, as if he was suddenly placed in an alchemy furnace, and he was about to be smelted alive.

"Be careful, get out of the way!!" Houston and the others were all startled, and rushed over like lightning, grabbed Browning and they rushed out of the crisis-ridden green fire wave area at full speed.

"Bitch! Garbage! Killing you won't relieve my hatred!!" Tang Yan whipped Miranda angrily, crackling, wishing to cut her into pieces.

"Ah!! Help!! Help me!!" Miranda screamed in horror, her voice was extremely sharp, piercing through the Green Fire Domain, and rushed towards Browning and the others.

Browning and the others were still in shock, but the voice hit their ears, as if stimulated by silver needles, and they woke up in horror: "Save people! Hurry up and save people!!"

"What's going on with Tang Yan??" Houston was a little restless this time, frowning, and rushed head-on into the boiling and huge green fire field, and at the same time scolded Hao Shuai and others: "You all stay with me!"

But...Houston had just stepped forward, and his expression changed. Hao Shuai and others also changed their expressions and shouted: "Beware of the sky!!"

Boom! !Xu Yan flapped his bone wings and bombarded at full speed, like a thunderbolt smashing down the air.Xu Yan punched out, the sky and the earth rolled with thunder, the space collapsed, and the gang qi exploded. Due to the heavy and crazy power, the space was like glass plates shattered into pieces, revealing dense space cracks !
The terrifying scene was unheard of, and the audience was horrified.

"Crystal Solution Shield!!" Houston was startled and unafraid, raised his arms to resist, and the sharp energy formed a shield-like body on the elbows and wrists like crystals, firmly holding Xu Yan's fist .

Clang! !A sharp sound wave swept across the sky in an instant, like an invisible sharp blade sweeping across. Immediately afterwards, unparalleled critical strike power rumbled between the fist and the energy shield, forming two extremely violent impact waves, sweeping toward the arms of the two in reverse.

Xu Yan's critical attack stopped abruptly, and he himself was carried in the air, but as the main attacker, as a Bone Race wizard, the fist hit with a million gravity, its power... click... Houston's shield exploded on the spot, it can be said to be an inch The shield was cracked and exploded into fragments of dust.

Although the shield lost most of its strength, it still pressed on Houston with a critical strike force of hundreds of thousands of catties.

It's as if Mount Tai is pressing down on the top, and the land is falling apart!
Undoubtedly, Houston vomited blood in a muffled voice, and was fired on the spot like a cannonball. range of meters.

If it is about frontal attack, if it is about the collision of forces, Xu Yan is definitely the top of the new generation in the entire Qitian Continent, who can resist? !
"Your Highness!!" Hao Shuai was shocked, and with a wave of his fan, a cloud of light rushed out. It was seven-colored dust, each grain of rock was one inch, and each grain weighed a hundred! !
Each grain is condensed from one inch of solid rock, and each grain weighs a hundred catties!

Rumble!The dust billowed violently, tossed in the air, turned into a ten-meter heavy hammer, and violently bombarded Xu Yan. Its power and energy were as if a thousand-foot mountain had been forcibly compressed.Its majesty, power, and radiance instantly became the focus of the river area and the brilliance of the dark night.

Xu Yan is proudly standing outside the Qinghuo domain, his golden light is soaring, and his fighting spirit is high: "If you want to enter the domain, pass me first!"

Click!Xu Yan clenched his fists, causing a violent sound in the space. He vibrated his waist and firmed his lower body, and struck the colorful hammer with his fist. There was no fancy, no energy surge, it was purely a wave of strength.

Millions of gravity, explode! !
"Is she crazy?" In the distance, Browning and the others, who had just regained consciousness, stared slightly, resisting Hao Shuai's colorful sandstorm with their fists? !It was almost death, and they didn't dare to watch the bloody scene that followed.

But... Clang!Rumble! !The earth shook and the mountains and rivers trembled.The colorful heavy hammer of the critical strike exploded completely, yes, it was broken into pieces alive, and the blasting sound caused was earth-shattering, and even tore the space, forming a large space crack.The river area within a radius of one kilometer suddenly rose into the sky, enduring the extremely terrifying impact of Gang Qi.

The momentum is amazing!

Xu Yan was as firm as a peak, with a fierce fighting spirit, firmly outside the domain, his right fist was safe and sound, without the expected fragmentation and bloodshed.

hiss! !Browning and the others gasped. Not only were they taken by the momentum, but they were also shocked by the momentum. They even took a few steps back at the same time, looking at the scene in front of them in disbelief.

Hao Shuai was shocked, he knew how violent his own dust was, even though he didn't try his best, it was definitely not something that could be crushed with one fist!Since his debut, except for Houston, no one has ever made his colorful sand dust 'broken'.

Boom! !The lake below exploded with a bang, stirring up huge waves of hundreds of feet, and spraying water all over the sky.Houston charged with murderous intent, "Dead!"

Clang!The sword is like thunder, and the roar is like a tide!The light of the knife pierced the air, piercing the night, a long golden knife slashed Xu Yan, swept the power of splitting the sky, and drew a shocking afterimage, like a round of golden sun shining on the sky and the earth, forming a Bailihe area. The most dazzling focus!

But...Xu Yan stood still, raised his arms fiercely, and intercepted with one hand in the air, clang...fingers clasped stiffly, and under the dumbfounded eyes of the audience... pinched... leaving behind a roaring sound like cracking gold. Shaking mountains and rivers.

"Miranda must die today! No one can stop it!" Xu Yan raised his right hand to the sky, his power soared, and he firmly grasped the golden giant knife. As soon as he finished speaking, a million powers soared. The condensed golden long knife shattered, turning into an out-of-control golden energy storm that swept across and raged.

Houston was startled in mid-air, and suppressed the second and third rounds of offensives that had gathered momentum. He looked at the golden armored woman in the sky in disbelief.

Hao Shuai and the others held back their attacks a little bit, the shock on their faces could hardly be concealed.

This... this... woman... what a terrifying power... and at this moment, a sharp and long howl came from the boiling vast green fire field, and a dense fog that looked as black as gray spread over the green fire field. It exploded in the depths, erupting into the dark high altitude like a volcanic eruption, and gathered into a giant poisonous snake above the boiling green fire, swallowing snake letters.

In the depths of the thick fog at the head of the snake, the sky poison made Miranda no longer seductive, twisted angrily, and glared at Tang Yan in the tide of fire.

At this moment, both the high-altitude powerhouse and the river beast at the bottom of the lake felt unspeakable boredom and trembling, as if something was suppressing and stinging their souls.

"That's... half-holy?!"

"What a terrifying soul power!"

"Miranda is actually a semi-holy? Is she hiding her strength?"

Houston and the others were alarmed again, their eyes were changing, and they had a vague premonition of something.

(End of this chapter)

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