Valkyrie Storm

Chapter 1354

Chapter 1354
The rest of the multi-armed Naga were waiting in full force, ready to go, and more than a dozen river beasts in the rear also showed their power. Following the instructions, the ferocity and control of the river beasts were revealed, and the vast river area was suddenly filled with wind and clouds. Breaking the tranquility of the dark night in the river area.

"Will you fight?" Nian Youyu was secretly startled, but also looking forward to it.Although he has a perverse temperament, he is also a passionate master, otherwise he would not go around causing trouble and looking for excitement.

"Get ready, but don't fight." Xu Yan said in a deep voice.

"Why? Didn't you and Tang Yan have a heated fight with him at the bottom of the lake that day?"

"Why don't you ask why? Aren't you smart?! It was a special occasion that day. Alison was alone and was trying to win the treasure. We were sure that we could kill her quietly. If it wasn't for Li Bai If Ying intervenes halfway, we will be done, and no one will know. Are you sure today? Can you kill them all silently?" Xu Yan clenched his fists and frowned: "Either kill them all, or one Don't kill, or you will be in too much trouble."

Tang Yan also didn't want to form a grudge, and said coldly, "It's not that I don't dare to fight, it's that I don't want to fight."

"We are not worthy of you?" A female eight-armed naga sullenly.

"Tell me, tell me your real purpose, why do you want to arrest us." Tang Yan felt that there was something strange inside, he was not afraid of causing trouble, let alone fighting, and went crazy. He and Xu Yan absolutely killed the three-headed and half-saint Naga, but he You must figure out the situation and don't want to be taken advantage of by anyone.

"What is the reason, the old man is also very curious. Commander Bapu, tell me?" A voice appeared without warning, and Dao Wei'an's figure slowly walked out of the dark river area in front of him. Following his appearance, a wave of The unrestrained majesty of the holy realm permeated the audience uncontrollably, steadily resisting the fierce power inspired by many semi-saints.

The person who came was the sage of the Valley of the Evil——Chu Kuangfeng.

After settling down with Zhao Huan, he returned to the center of the river area, and followed the Naga team all the way here, just to prevent them from fighting fiercely with Tang Yan and others.After all, the Naga tribe is a war-loving and rebellious race, and Tang Yan is even more of a savage thorn. It is tantamount to a jackal vs. a tiger.

So after learning of the arrest warrant in the He District, Chu Kuangfeng, who had just returned to the central region, stared at the Naga chasing team, monitoring and tracking them all the way, but they never showed up.

"People are coming from the Valley of the Wicked! Phew, I'm saved!" Nalantu and the others exhaled, and the Holy Land came forward, so there shouldn't be any problem.

But... the leading male Naga rolled his eyes at Chu Kuangfeng very indifferently: "It seems that there is no rule to report to the Valley of the Wicked when doing things in the River District."

Chu Kuangfeng has a bad temper and is irritable. He is a fierce man, but this time he was surprisingly not angry or angry. ? We also have some friendship, let me tell you something?"

"No comment! I came here for Tang Yan today, and he must pay for what he has done." The male Naga known as the Overlord Waterfall glared at Tang Yan, and snorted, "I want to avenge Alison with my own hands!!"

Chu Kuangfeng's face darkened slightly, and he almost exploded. At least he kept his restraint: "Do you know who this is? He is the young master of Jiulongling, a forbidden area in the Central Plains, and Jiulongling is a close ally of the ancient Xingluo Kingdom of the empire. , Don’t you think about the relationship here? If there is a real life, I’m afraid the river district will suffer.”

"Hahaha!" The male Naga suddenly laughed wildly, and the other two female eight-armed Naga also showed disdain and sarcasm. "Afraid??? Haha, a joke, a big joke! Hahaha!! Chu Kuangfeng, you have been in the Valley of the Wicked for a year and a half, and you still don't know the situation in the River District? Who has our Naga clan ever been afraid of? It is said that the Xingluo Ancient Kingdom and Jiulongling are entangled by the Daqian Dynasty, do you have the energy to come over, even if you come, so what?!"

The last sound was extremely wild and domineering.Even Tang Yan and the others changed their expressions slightly, and they spoke loudly, but everyone could tell that this was definitely not arrogance. It seemed... obviously confident.

Weird! !
What kind of support can make them fearless of the forbidden land and the empire?

What kind of reliance can make them ignore the Valley of the Wicked?

And...Chu Kuangfeng's silence and frown clearly showed them...Ba Pu is really not purely arrogant, and the He District clan does have a special support.

Gu Lingfeng touched Nianyouyu, and said in a low voice: "How much do you know about the river area, and what kind of monsters are there in the depths of the river area!"

"Ask me, I'll ask who! I just heard that there is an ancient river area in the east of the Evilman Valley, which is a restricted area, and I don't know anything else." Nian Youyu quietly wiped the sweat from his forehead, muttered : "Are we in big trouble?"

Gu Lingfeng stared at the stalemate, nodded slowly: "Well, big trouble."

Nian Youyu rolled his eyes bitterly: "You won't coax me."

The male Naga Bapu said proudly: "Please find out the situation. It was Tang Yan who violated the agreement of the Evilman Valley. Not only did he hurt the leader of our clan, but he almost killed her. If it wasn't for Panichenzhai's timely intervention, Alison may have already encountered an accident.

Even if this vendetta goes to your Lord Saint Beast, it must be returned to our river district for an explanation.Still the same sentence, one can keep Tang Yan! "

Just as Chu Kuangfeng was about to open his mouth to comfort him, it blocked his mouth again with a yell: "Since brother Chu came forward in person, I'll save face and don't need to go into the details, as long as Tang Yan and the others put pressure on Alison Return the original wounds on your body, how about it?"

Chu Kuangfeng pulled his face and slapped Tang Yan fiercely, secretly annoyed that he caused trouble everywhere. "May I ask how Alison's injury is?"

"There are 42 fractures in the whole body and 29 blood holes."

"Hiss! So ruthless?" Nian Youyu and the others glared, it was too exaggerated, no wonder the Naga tribe went crazy, such a serious injury was more uncomfortable than killing it.If Tang Yan and Xu Yan, two madmen, could not be allowed to work together, it would be too cruel and violent.

"You..." Chu Kuang stared, you might as well just kill it.Make trouble, cause trouble, don't know how to wipe your ass!Deserves the trouble!

Tang Yan raised his eyebrows and asked, "You mean that both of us, brother and sister, were fractured in 42 places, and you poked holes in 29 places?"

"It's all of you!"

"What's none of our business?" Nian Youyu muttered, Longli and the others hurriedly guarded Nalantu and Youzhuo behind them, all showing their fighting spirit. It seemed that today's battle was inevitable.

Chu Kuangfeng was secretly anxious, trying to think of a way to resolve it.Don't let the two sides fight. He doesn't know Tang Yan's true strength, but he knows the horror of the three half-sages of Bapu, especially in the main battlefield in the river area where the water energy is infinitely abundant. With the assistance of the river beast and the multi-armed naga, Tang Yan and the others have no chance of winning.

"Get ready, release..." Ba Pu gave the order directly without giving anyone time to think about it, let alone Chu Kuangfeng.

"Give me some time." Tang Yan suddenly turned around and rushed into the dense forest.

"Want to escape?!" Ba Pu and the others were furious, but in the next second, there was a loud bang in the dense forest, a blazing golden light illuminated most of the area, and even more rolling heat waves swept across the dense forest and rushed towards them.

Vigorous and powerful, it shocked the audience!

"What's wrong?" Everyone raised their heads in shock.

Aww!There was a deep roar in the forest, like a thunderstorm in a thunder cloud, it was vigorous and lasted for a long time.A raging fire was ignited in the dense woodland, and patches of trees were instantly ignited, setting off a fire that soared into the sky.The temperature of the sky and the earth continued to soar, and the flames and golden light turned into a scorching sun, illuminating the river area.

"That's..." Many river beasts retreated slightly. They felt an arrogant coercion, deterring their souls. The continuous soaring heat wave of the two made them feel a strong threat.

Papu and the others held back a little, frowning and staring.

They felt a long-lost familiar atmosphere...Boom!boom!

Click click!

The ground shook, the ancient trees collapsed, and a huge golden monster walked out of the sea of ​​flames and slowly moved out. It was ten meters high and three to forty meters wide. It was golden in color and densely covered with rock-like bony spurs. It was sharp and hard, as if a single claw could shatter a mountain.The smaller animal head is even more shocking, just like an eagle head covered with ancient stubble and gravel.

It is huge in size, looks weird and more ferocious, and moves a little clumsily, but in the eyes of anyone, it is tyrannical and ferocious through the body, extremely dangerous.

With each step, the sand and rocks under his feet would melt, leaving behind a series of magma along the way, dispelling the darkness and burning the space.

Its appearance raised the temperature on the river beach by nearly [-] degrees!
"Golden Flame Spirit Turtle! Half-holy!" Xuanyuan Longli and the others exclaimed in unison. This was the first time they had seen it with their own eyes. They only knew that Tang Yan had recovered one, but they hadn't seen its true face, nor felt its true appearance. The real power, when I saw it today, the visual and spiritual impact was greater than expected.

A simple but profound impression formed in my mind at the first time - danger!
(End of this chapter)

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