Valkyrie Storm

Chapter 1355 Empress Wu's Tomb

Chapter 1355 Empress Wu's Tomb

"Old Jin! Why are you here!" Papu was surprised, but he was even more surprised when he saw Tang Yan sitting cross-legged on the flaming shell of the Golden Flame Spirit Turtle, and then became furious: "You bastard, I see you I really don’t want to live anymore, hurry up and get off Elder Jin’s body.”

Chu Kuangfeng was completely dumbfounded, exaggeratedly dumbfounded.I'll be good, isn't this Mr. Jin!The oldest boss in the entire River District!
How could he be ridden by Tang Yan? ?
Could it be that Tang Yan caught the ancestor of the Golden Flame Spirit Turtle?
"Don't get excited, I voluntarily stayed by Tang Yan's side." The Golden Flame Spirit Turtle buzzed, although it was old, it was full of vigor, sonorous and powerful, with an aura of calm and self-prestige.Although it has gone through vicissitudes, the domineering power of the Golden Flame Spirit Turtle family is still engraved in its bones, and it has become more and more powerful due to the accumulation of time.

"Voluntary??? Why!!" Ba Pu couldn't believe it.

"He is the descendant of the Fire Emperor, isn't that enough reason?" The Golden Flame Spirit Turtle walked towards the river beach with heavy steps, every step made the ground tremble and the mountains shook, every step made a piece of magma, melting the rock formation under its feet, Its whole body is steaming with golden flames, and it is also shining with golden light. It looks like a scorching sun, blooming in the river area under the dark night, it is really eye-catching.

"Is this the reason? You compromised with the dignified elder Jin?" Chu Kuangfeng muttered to himself, vaguely feeling something was wrong.Tang Yanhuo's status as the descendant of Emperor Tang Yanhuo may be attractive to other golden tortoise ancestors, but it seems that it is not enough to bow down to "follow" for the oldest Jin Lao.

The Golden Flame Spirit Turtle stopped on the river beach, half of its heavy body sank, the nearby sand and stones melted rapidly, and the smooth river beach was rapidly turning into a magma pool, which was shocking.It looked at the Naga tribe coldly, and said indifferently: "I've heard Tang Yan say, who actually issued the arrest warrant for the He District?"

"It was sent by the ancestor himself."


"Tang Yan brutally hurt Alison, the leader of our clan."

"We haven't seen each other for decades, you kid, you dare to lie to me?" The Golden Flame Spirit Turtle said in a lukewarm, lukewarm way, but a ruthless gleam flashed in its golden eyes.

Little Doll?Many multi-armed Naga were astonished. The majestic leader of the Naga tribe was called a little doll, but considering the age of Jin Lao and the relationship between Jin Lao and the holy clan, they couldn't say a word. Even Bapu himself has no temper.

Tang Yan laughed, it really is one thing for one thing!The original intention was to recruit the old turtle to break the imbalance in the strength of the two sides and force the other party to give in. I didn't expect the old turtle to give me a surprise. It seems... This old turtle has an unusual identity. I really picked up a treasure. up.

"Because little Alison was injured, the Holy Ancestor was alarmed to issue the arrest warrant in the river area? Do you think I'm old-fashioned and foolish?"

Ba Pu insisted stubbornly: "Alison was almost killed, with more than 40 fractures in her body and more than 30 blood holes. This is not an injury, it is half dead!"

"It's just an injury, and it's not about to die. With the recovery ability of your Naga clan, you can recover after ten and a half months of cultivation. Even if you really angered you, you can just chase and kill them. Do you need to be wanted?! Give me To be honest, otherwise, not only would you not be able to take Tang Yan away today, you would even have no chance of making a move."

"Old Jin!! Is this what you should have said?" Ba Pu was annoyed, and the rest of the Naga tribe also glared. "For an outsider, you are going to be an enemy of our Naga clan?"

"Stop labeling me, it's just a lesson to you little ones, it's a family motto, keep talking about it as an enemy. Don't think I can't see through your flamboyant intestines, the arrest warrant may be issued by the Holy Ancestor, but I'm afraid to teach Tang Yan a lesson. It was you who changed the order without authorization, and you want to avenge Alison." The Golden Flame Spirit Turtle has lived for tens of thousands of years, and has trained a pair of piercing eyes to see everything clearly.

Papu's breathing was heavy, causing the surrounding river tides to turbulently turbulent, splashing fluffy waves and roaring endlessly.It glared at the Golden Flame Spirit Turtle, gritted its teeth and said, "Old Jin, don't rape us."

"So what if you're dead?" The Golden Flame Spirit Turtle's momentum rose, and his fighting spirit was raging: "Come here, use all your strength, and let me see what you juniors are capable of."

A female eight-armed naga stopped the furious Papu, she didn't want to get into trouble with Mr. Jin, otherwise it would be difficult for the ancestor to explain: "Old Jin, to be honest, we were ordered to take Tang Yan back, and we wanted him to do the same. thing."

thing?What is so motivating.Not only Tang Yan and the others were surprised, but Chu Kuangfeng was a little at a loss.

"For one thing, as for the whole river district wanting to be wanted?"

"Tang Yan hurt Alison very badly. This is one. The second is that the Holy Ancestor wants to interrogate Tang Yan himself. As for what will be interrogated... I don't know."

The Golden Flame Spirit Turtle frowned with steel-like brows: "What kind of treasure is it? If it's not convenient for you to tell me, I can ask the Holy Patriarch myself."

"This..." The three eight-armed naga hesitated for a while, looked at each other, and then looked at Chu Kuangfeng in the distance. Their indecision made the whole audience even more strange.

Finally, Ba Pu spoke angrily: "Two days ago, Tang Yan broke into a secret place, destroyed a tomb, and released many treasures, which were snatched away by Tang Yan, Panshenzhai, and our guards respectively. The Holy Ancestor personally checked, the original owner of this tomb"

"who is it??"

"Miss Wu!"

"Wu Niangniang?!" The voice of the Golden Flame Spirit Turtle suddenly increased by more than ten decibels, and Tang Yan was also stunned.

"Emperor Wu? What Empress Wu?" Chu Kuangfeng wondered, the tomb buried in the river area?Is there such a person in the river area?Empress Wu!What a great name!But why have I never heard of it! !

"You know him?" This time, the Golden Flame Spirit Turtle and the three eight-armed Naga all looked at Tang Yan, even more strangely than him.

Tang Yan's expression was strange: "You must have made a mistake, Empress Wu is alive and well, where is the tomb?"

In the Youye Forest, the celestial tombs were in turmoil. Tang Yan broke through Empress Wu's tomb in the Holy Realm Cemetery. Her power and influence are still fresh in my memory. It was the combination of her and the Emperor who almost shattered the space and caused chaos.

Being able to maintain such power shows how it is possible for Empress Wu to have a tomb when she is alive.

"Wu Niangniang is still alive?!" The Golden Flame Spirit Turtle and the three half-saint Naga were shocked, and they stared into Tang Yan's eyes.

Tang Yan rolled his eyes again and again, thought and thought, and asked, "Who is Empress Wu?"

"You don't even know who Empress Wu is, how do you know that he is still alive." Ba Pu glared at Tang Yan, and his attitude towards Tang Yan was very bad: "If you dare to talk nonsense, not only will I not be able to forgive you, but the Holy Ancestor will not forgive you." will pass you by."

"I know her, and she also knows me. We have been together for less than an hour. It was very chaotic at the time, and we didn't have time to communicate. However, Empress Wu is indeed alive, but she is currently under suppression. That's all I can say, and I guarantee Qian Zhen Sure."

"When did you see it?" The Golden Flame Spirit Turtle was very serious.

"Two years ago, in a special space, there were not only Empress Wu, but also many legendary figures." Tang Yan nodded his head with his hand, and said, "With this guarantee, it is absolutely true."

All the Nagas looked at each other with extremely serious expressions.alive? ?Empress Wu is alive?How is it possible!
"You want us to take the treasure out of the tomb?" Xu Yan asked.

"The other treasures don't matter, but the ancestor wants one of them."

"which one?"

"Beauty Picture!!"

"Why?" Nian Youyu almost jumped up.

"The beauty picture is in your hand?" The water arrows of all the Naga clan locked on Nian Youyu.

"I..." Nian Youyu's face froze, and cold sweat immediately covered his forehead.

"Oh?? You handed him the picture of the beauty? Have you recognized the Lord?" The Golden Flame Spirit Turtle's cold eyes turned to Nian Youyu.

"Recognized!!! I have already recognized the Lord!!" Nian Youyu hurriedly responded, fearing that others would take it away.

"I have already promised it to him. That very special??" Tang Yan really didn't expect that what they wanted was a picture of a beautiful woman, so it can be seen...the picture of a beautiful woman must be a treasure.Otherwise, the Naga people don't want gold-threaded jade clothes or jade hairpins, but they are mobilizing people to find pictures of beautiful women.

"Very special! One of Empress Wu's personal treasures back then! Using this to control seven absolutely loyal half-saint ladies, she was once awe-inspiring and dreadful. Later, her eight beauties were handed over to her sister, and then...beauties The figure disappeared and never appeared again." The Golden Flame Spirit Turtle said slowly, his eyes turned to Nian Youyu little by little, and after a while he said, "Little guy, I regret to inform you that you are dead!"


"Before you came, did you leave any last words to your family?"

The Golden Flame Spirit Turtle understood why the Patriarch Naga wanted to hunt down Tang Yan, and it was for the legendary top spiritual weapon, the beauty picture.Having a picture of a beautiful woman is equivalent to having seven absolutely loyal guards, who wouldn't be tempted?The Holy Patriarch is also not exempt!
Now it seems... things are in trouble.

The treasure that can make the heart and desire of the Naga ancestors is so precious, it seems that it is inevitable, and no one can dissuade it.

The most troublesome thing is that Nian Youyu actually recognized the master.

As far as the beauty picture is concerned, unless the first-generation owner of Wu Niangniang can abandon it at will, once other people have it, they will only cut off the connection with the beauty picture after death.

In other words... Naga ancestors must kill Nian Youyu!
(End of this chapter)

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