Valkyrie Storm

Chapter 1358 Empress Wu

Chapter 1358 Empress Wu

"If something goes wrong, can you bear it?!" Niya asked seriously.

"Please believe in the Holy Land!!" Qiao Ba's expression was as usual, but his eyes were a little cold. He had never been criticized face to face by a little girl.

"Don't get excited, just wait a moment." Xuanyuan Longli was relatively calm, and also signaled to the others to be calm, because the screams and beast roars inside stopped soon.If it is really dangerous, with Tang Yan's strength, he can definitely resist a few tricks, and it won't end so quickly.

Inside the palace, the Golden Flame Spirit Turtle looked at the scene in front of it with horror on its face. It was completely unbelievable. This scene exceeded its expectations!

Even the holy ancestor on the seat stood up, staring at the monster in the hall with shining eyes.Shengzu is a beautiful woman with blue hair, her beauty is not real, and her temperament is like a royal lady, but at this moment, her face that has not changed for thousands of years is full of shock.

The monster that suddenly appeared was black in color, more than ten meters long, and entrenched fiercely. The head of the beast was very clear like a dragon's head, but it was not particularly like it. It was covered with black scales, and its body also resembled It is a dragon body, but it is unusually strong, like a vicious leopard!It has strong and powerful limbs and sharp claws. The claws are sharp and contain the power of splitting the sky.

There is a shocking pride and arrogance all over the body!

There is also a kind of extremely clear hostility and fierceness!
Surrounded by the boiling green fire, the ominous power became heavier and stronger!

What kind of monster is this?Based on their experience, they can't tell the type, but that kind of aura is by no means a simple type.

Tang Yan himself was also terrified, looking at Nian Youyu, and then at the woman above, petrification?He never expected that the holy ancestor of the Naga tribe turned out to be a petrified monster! !Looking at the stone statues around me now, it’s no wonder that they feel so lifelike. It turns out that all of them are real river beasts that have been petrified.

This is not a parlor at all, but a torture hall.

And...even now that the demon spirit veins have been activated and the green fire domain has been activated, Tang Yan still feels his whole body stiffen the moment he sees the opponent's eyes, his consciousness is drowsy, and there is a feeling of panic and coldness that is about to be completely petrified.

Tang Yan hurriedly avoided his eyes, and his eyes shifted to other directions, not daring to look directly at the ancestor.

"Golden ancient vein, demon spirit vein! This is the breath of the eighth-rank imperial vein..." Shengzu's eyes became brighter and brighter, like a sharp sword, trying to pierce Tang Yan through: "What a Jiulongling! It's better than I imagined What a young master of Nine Dragon Ridge! Skyfire Emperor Vein, Demon Spirit Emperor Vein! Two great imperial veins in one! If this makes you grow up, that would be great!"

What? !Tang Yan was startled secretly, and became even more vigilant. This monster could see through its own reality at a glance, and even recognized the grade of the demon spirit veins.How is it possible, safety is unreasonable, even if the River Beast Guardians have existed for a long time, at most they can recognize the demon spirit veins, and this is the end, as for the grade, they should not be recognized!

What's more, listening to what she seems...not too friendly..."You..." The Golden Flame Spirit Turtle was still speechless in shock, especially after the Holy Patriarch named the name of the eighth rank, it has gone through many vicissitudes. It feels dizzy...Bapin? !Isn't it the demon spirit imperial veins! !Be good to me, the imperial vein of the Ancient Gold Clan and the Demon Spirit Clan!

And... a skyfire emperor's bloodline that rules hell, a demon spirit emperor's bloodline that caused a sensation in the ancient clan, double emperor's bloodline? ... Hiss... How did the two bloodlines merge?What kind of freak is this!

It also wanted to express a sigh of emotion, if it really made Tang Yan grow up, would it be great? !Isn't it going to rewrite the history of the Central Plains!

It was so shocking!After living for tens of thousands of years, it has never been as shocking as it is now.Unknowingly, quietly, I met such a freak! !
"Good for you, Tang Yan! Good for you for the blood of the Double Emperors!!" The Holy Patriarch walked down from the stage step by step, bringing Tang Yan a heavy oppression like a mountain, which made him feel cold, and he wanted to solidify and petrify several times. It forced him to step back again and again, and he didn't dare to look directly at him at all.

"If your secret is passed on to the major empires, they will definitely join hands to destroy you, Jiulongling, and you, a potential dangerous factor!" The ancestor stopped at the bottom of the stairs, staring at Tang Yan coldly .

"Thanks to the ancestors, thank you." Tang Yan's dragon tail swayed unconsciously, causing the green fire to continue to boil, and even the nearby stone statues tended to melt. The power of the blood of the two emperors should not be underestimated. The pervasive power of petrification: "But we came here with friendship, why did you kill directly?!"

This woman was really ruthless enough to directly kill her.

If it wasn't for the power of his bloodline to protect him, he might have turned into a stone sculpture like Nian Youyu, with an inexplicable death that was wronged and pitiful.

Tang Yan was annoyed. After finally recruiting Nian Youyu, he unexpectedly... "I don't care what your status is or what amazing talent you have, once you come to my territory, your life will be under my control." , After being surprised, he regained his composure: "Tell me the secret you know, or don't blame me for not giving Holy Land face."

"What's the secret? Sorry, I have no comment!!" Tang Yan's dragon tail curled slightly while swinging, and his tone was suddenly severe.Everyone is dead, the negotiation is over, what else is there to say!Still need a good attitude? !
"Tang Yan, pay attention to your attitude!! Don't delay, your friend will really die if you delay any longer." The Golden Flame Spirit Turtle reminded Tang Yan in time.

"What? Nianyouyu didn't die?" Tang Yan frowned.


"Are you sure?" Tang Yan immediately stared at Nian Youyu's stiff statue.

"Very sure."

Tang Yan softened his attitude, calculated a little, and said, "Do you know Youye Forest?"


"The Youye Forest is not in the Qitian Continent. It is a dark forest floating in the void, and it is also a void prison. I was lucky enough to break into it, and I was also lucky enough to break out."

"You mean hell? The ruined world left over from the ancient hell?" asked the Golden Flame Spirit Turtle. Because of Tang Yan's identity as the Fire Emperor, it naturally thought of there immediately.

"It's not hell, it's a special space. There are tens of millions of terrifying beasts and monsters from the holy land. They are the masters of that space and guard hundreds of prisoners. I just mentioned Empress Wu and the Sword Saint, as well as the Emperor of the Sixth Empire who disappeared in Qitian Continent for tens of thousands of years, are all guarded inside."

"Ridiculous, ridiculous. The Sixth Human Emperor has been dead for tens of thousands of years. It is a legendary figure. I don't know if it really exists. Wu Niangniang and Sword Master are both legendary figures. How could they still be alive? When you How can I be fooled?!" Shengzu suddenly became angry, and his tone was extremely severe.

Fabricate an ethereal space, fabricate a suspicious lie, without any evidence, even a reasonable explanation.Not to mention the Holy Patriarch, even a child would not believe it.

"I have already told your leader, Ba Pu." Tang Yan pointed to his head, and said, "I use this to guarantee that everything is true."

"How much is your head worth?! At first I was a little curious. How could you know about Empress Wu? You actually made up an even bigger lie for me. If it wasn't for the holy ground, I would have killed you with a single palm." you!"

"Don't worry about getting annoyed, I know things are difficult for people to accept, but it's not too late for you to get excited after I finish the next few words."

The Golden Flame Spirit Turtle coughed lightly, signaling the ancestor to give him another chance, and the ancestor said coldly: "What are you talking about?"

"Wu Niangniang's cage is engraved with a sentence-Wu Niangniang Bai Chenxiang! The name of Wu Sheng, the reputation of the Queen of Heaven, rises from the destruction, merges all dharmas and becomes nirvana. With the Dao rectifying the name, a hundred clans will be sanctified, and ten countries will be reunited." Respect Empress Wu!"

The Holy Ancestor's eyes were suffocated with suspicion, while the Golden Flame Spirit Turtle raised his eyebrows and stared at Tang Yan: "What else?"

"There is a passage engraved on the outside of the Sword Saint's cage--Sword Saint Liu Tianzong! Envy is like hatred and sword is like a dragon, and the task of eliminating demons is heavy on one shoulder. Smash all evils across the world, and cross thousands of mountains to kill demons."

Tang Yan thought back to the epitaphs he saw in the celestial tomb group one after another, and said again: "If I really made up a story, I wouldn't make up such outrageous things, even I can't make it right."

"They are all alive?" Shengzu was half-believing, his suspicious eyes lingered on Tang Yan, trying to cut him into pieces like a sharp knife.

"It's absolutely true to be alive." Tang Yan repeated it for the third time.

"..." Shengzu read Tang Yan's epitaph carefully, the sharpness in his expression weakened again, and asked: "Where is that void?"

"As I said, it was a fluke to be able to find it, and it was also a fluke to be able to escape. There is only one thing I can tell you. Its power is absolutely equal to that of the Valley of the Wicked and the River District. I advise the ancestors not to try to investigate. And... I was able to escape thanks to them, and I also promised that I would try to save them in the future. If the ancestors really can't believe it, why not come and make a bet with me, a long-term bet, when I return to You in the future Night Forest, you can go with you."

"Wait until you return to the forest? Didn't you just say you couldn't find it?" Shengzu's tone became stern again.

"I can't find it, but I have my way, someone can help me find it, just not now."

"I will give you one last chance to convince me to believe your story, otherwise... you will not only be unable to save your friend, but you will also be unable to step out of this palace. The price of lying to me is death!! I will not kill you, But it can kill you completely."

The Golden Flame Spirit Turtle immediately reminded Tang Yan: "Seize the opportunity, the ancestor is not joking."

Um? ?Tang Yan murmured secretly, there must be a bigger secret in the He District, otherwise the Naga clan would never be so arrogant and conceited.

(End of this chapter)

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