Valkyrie Storm

Chapter 1359 The Swordsman

Chapter 1359 The Swordsman
"I've said enough. I'll tell you what should be said and what should not be said. I have nothing else to add. It's up to you to believe it or not! But my friend must let it go! I have given you all the courtesy, if you still If you don't take me seriously, we really have to talk about it. I have something to give you here, you can be proud of being a man, but you have to give face!!"

"Death!!" The ancestor suddenly stepped forward without warning, the whole hall trembled suddenly, shaking like an earthquake, the rocky ground under Tang Yan shattered violently, rubble splashed randomly, the tide swirled, a thick The python's tail drew towards Tang Yan with pure petrochemical power.

"I'm sorry, you can't kill me!!" Tang Yan's killing flames surged, and a beast roar rolled in his throat. The twisted dragon's body suddenly rioted, and the swirling dragon's tail faced it head-on without fear.

Clang! !Deafening! !

The tail of the dragon and the tail of the python collided to make the sound of golden spears, and in an instant, it was like two huge waves colliding under the strong wind, creating a violent and chaotic storm. It was the collision of the green fire wave and the petrified fog.

Tang Yan's whole body trembled violently, he flipped into the air, and was thrown out fiercely. The dragon's tail was dripping with blood, and large scales were scattered. Mark of.

Half-holy body, challenge the high-level ancestor head-on! !The Golden Flame Spirit Turtle was shocked, and its oily green eyes widened! !
"Good boy!!" Shengzu's face changed slightly, and the restrained python's tail struck again.

But... "Aww! Do you really think I'm afraid of you?!" Tang Yan preempted the attack, and the dragon's body, which was not yet completely stable, writhed wildly.A roar shook the heavens and the earth, and a gust of ancient power shook the temples.

Lore - Hidden Dragon Road!

Tang Yan's aura surged again, the wind and thunder rumbled under his sharp claws, and there was a low whistling, intent on killing and cruelty, his body rose violently, like blue lightning tearing the night, and sprinted tens of meters in a straight line in an instant, reaching the holy ancestor.

At this moment, the roar shook the heavens and the earth, and the killing power shook the palace crowd.

Straight-line impact, unstoppable.

He pierced the space.

The most dominant and fiercest, the way of destruction!
The sudden and terrifying surge of ferocious power moved almost instantly until half a meter in front of the holy ancestor. His eyes were red and murderous, without any hesitation.

At the same time, two crystal-clear spirits appeared around the dragon's body——Blood Soul Tree and Huo Ling'er!

They are delicate and delicate, they are delicate and lovely!
They opened their misty eyes, and in an instant, the wireless was cold and no longer human emotions. Following Tang Yan's critical attack, following his roar, and following his catharsis, the two spirit bodies slowly stretched out their immature The little hand pressed towards the ancestor! !

"Tang Yan!! Stop!!!" The Golden Flame Spirit Turtle felt in a trance that his vision and consciousness were dislocated, and he couldn't catch the scene just now, but his intuition reminded him——Tang Yan started a war!

"What??!!" Niya and the others outside the hall changed their expressions in horror.

Qiao Ba and Chu Kuangfeng were also alarmed.

"This is your guarantee?! Kill!!" Niya took the lead, she was no longer rich and glamorous, and showed her killing side for the first time.

But the next moment, boom! ! !
The ground shook, the bottom of the lake turbulent, the whole main hall was completely violent, the chaotic gravel scattered and rolled, and densely packed and countless bubbles rushed up like boiling, like the sea and clouds, shocking the vision.Immediately afterwards, a violent shock wave swept in all directions, and the entire palace group was touched, and the nearby palaces made crackling sounds.

The bottom of the vast lake was completely shaken, and thousands of eyes all focused on the collapsed main hall and the dense bubbles that surged up like a storm.

There was endless roaring, and the surrounding area was dead silent.

broken! !Qiao Ba and Chu Kuangfeng looked at each other, and they both saw the dignity in each other's eyes.

"No one is allowed to move around!!" Qiao Ba suddenly roared, violently sweeping the bottom of the vast river with overwhelming power, like a mountain pressing down on the top, filled with endless oppression, not only forcibly suppressing Niya and others, but also making riots in sight The herds are awed.

Chu Kuangfeng took this opportunity to rush away, directly reaching the sky above the palace, the energy around him exploded like a storm, and enveloped it with the momentum of a storm, blasting away the waves and air bubbles, and a blade of light formed, extending a distance of [-] meters. , The sound of clanging is endless, purely condensed from Gang Qi into a solid steel body, the killing power is like the sea.

Chu Kuangfeng was furious, and he danced in his battle robe, raising his sword and roaring loudly: "Holy Ancestor! Stop! Evilman Valley will never allow Tang Yan to die here! Never allow it!"

"Give me up!! Wicked man Gu Qiaoba, Hedi sage ancestor, you have messed with the wrong person! If my husband has any troubles, no matter what abilities you have, no matter what secrets you have, no matter how old the world is, no matter the hell on earth, we will all be there for you!" Do everything you can to make your river... buried!" Niya yelled coldly at the same time, her eyes brightened, her gorgeous clothes flaunted without waves, and an ancient and vast momentum suddenly exploded.

Between the eyebrows, the mysterious ancient characters stand out!
In the pupils of the eyes, stars burst out!
Raising his arms and pointing at the sky, Taizu's holy pen shot out a majestic black mist, a roar of dragons trembled at the bottom of the lake, and a black dragon roared out as if crossing another world. It is so huge that it looks like an ancient giant occupying the bottom of the lake, bringing an unparalleled shocking gaze.

"Sacred Patriarch of the River District, we are waiting...not afraid of you..." Xuanyuan Dragon Carp clasped its palms tightly with fists, and its lowered eyelids opened suddenly. The huge picture scroll included more than a dozen multi-armed nagas who were in a daze and astonishment all around. "Please treat each other as equals, we are guests not prisoners! If you are disrespectful, don't blame us for being rude."

"Surround them!!" Ba Pu and the others were startled and angry, roaring in unison, mobilizing troops and ordering the river beast herd.

The atmosphere was suddenly tense.

"Stop it all!!" Qiao Ba's face was gloomy, his eyes flashed with cold light, and the transparent palm shadow blasted in all directions like a storm. In an instant, whether it was Niya's thick black dragon or the nine-tailed red dragon carp, Or all the Naga clansmen and the river beast herd were thrown back hundreds of meters as if struck by lightning.

In the distance, Chu Kuangfeng was furious at the same time, roaring continuously: "Naga tribe, if Tang Yan dies, you can't take responsibility! Xu Yan, Niya, if you make trouble again, no one will be able to protect you! Stop it! Don't blame the old man for being ruthless!"

In the ruins of the collapsed main hall, the holy ancestor stood where he was, without taking a half step back, but... the long sky-blue hair turned into dense blue snakes, they twisted and twisted, swallowing scarlet snake letters, Waiting for Sen Leng's eyes, this situation and this scene are strange and terrifying.

But... in the gravel under her feet, there were more than a dozen corpses of thin blue snakes scattered, floating with the surge of the water tide, all of the bodies were covered with green fire, accepting calcination.

And carefully observe the face of the ancestor, there are several blood red wounds, as if torn open by sharp claws, they are slowly healing, but the blood dripping on the skirt is clearly visible.

Tens of meters away from the ancestors of the meeting, Tang Yan manifested a human form, his face was a little pale, his expression was cold and resolute, he maintained a defensive posture, holding a brocade box high.

Right in front of Tang Yan, opposite the brocade box, a python's tail was stopping dangerously.

This scene, as if frozen in time.

"Do you recognize me?" The brocade box in Tang Yan's hand has been slightly opened, and a wonderful spatial fluctuation is pervading the surroundings like ripples. Got it, which is the main reason why the counterattacks she has already played are stopped.

The holy ancestor looked at each other coldly, his evil eyes flickering coldly.

Tang Yan's whole body tensed up, and he remained firmly on the spot: "I believe that you are very strong in the river area, and you can decide my life or death, but... Although I, Tang Yan, have a weird temper, it is not because of any compromise that I can survive until now. !"

"No human has dared to act presumptuously in front of me for many years." Shengzu's tone was cold, and he snorted coldly with disdain: "What's inside? The life-saving baby your parents gave you? Do you think you can threaten me with a baby?"

"When you go out, of course you have to have something to save your life. It's not shameful. The world has the greatest life. In the battle of the same level, I will never cheat, but if I encounter a domineering thing that is bullying the weak by the strong, I am completely powerless to resist. It needs to be used. To be honest, it is actually a space channel, and it can help me get through the Eternal Beast Mountain."

"Huh?!" Shengzu's face changed slightly.

(End of this chapter)

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