Valkyrie Storm

Chapter 1373 Accidents

Chapter 1373 Accidents (1)

Tang Yan looked at the team of Wu Jieshu and others, smiled silently, and was the first to walk to the ring under the attention of everyone, twirling his fingertips, the golden flame turtles that had been placed in the golden lock in advance appeared one after another.

One head, two heads, three heads... Unlike all the golden tortoises in the rest of the team who were unconscious, the golden flame spirit turtles he summoned came alive one by one, with billowing flames bubbling all over their bodies and fierce eyes.

Not only the review team was amazed, but the rest of the teams were also surprised.Moreover, the number of Golden Flame Spirit Turtles made the hearts of those who paid close attention tightened.

After some evaluation, the review team announced loudly: "Tang Yan's representative team, there are two high-level demon masters, ten junior demon masters, and 26 demon kings. Including the ten returned before, the total score is 64 points! "

Wow!hum!There were bursts of discussion in the audience, 64 points? !The key to directly reaching the top of the overall list is that Tang Yan was deducted [-] points before.

If there was no early deduction, wouldn't Tang Yan give a high score of 84?Enough to widen the gap strongly, not the first, but also the second!

The quiet faces of Wu Jieshu and others in the audience changed slightly. They were surprised by Tang Yan's achievements, but they were more fortunate.

"Huh, isn't that right? Didn't you say that he has..." Han Shaofeng on the high platform asked strangely, but was stared back by Chu Kuangfeng.

"Wait patiently, don't interfere, a good show is on!!" Ling Qingmao reminded everyone.

"Tang Yan's representative team has completed the review, with 64 points, temporarily ranking first!! Next!!" The review team reminded loudly!

"It's our time!!" Tuobagui waited until Tang Yan came down from the stage, and then walked towards the ring with a calm smile, and waved all his Golden Flame Spirit Turtles under the attention of the audience.

The audit and notarization is: "Three high-level demon masters, ten junior demon masters, and 35 demon kings, with a total score of 67 points! Notarization completed! Overtake Tang Yan's representative team and temporarily rank first!! Next!"

With 67 points, he surpassed Tang Yan by three points and went straight to the first place!

The atmosphere at the scene was immediately tense, and no one commented any more. They stared wide-eyed at the beginning of the tense situation.

Qin Minghuang walked towards the ring, but stopped halfway, looked back at Tang Yan for a while, his eyes were a little complicated, this behavior was puzzling, and confused people, even Tang Yan was secretly surprised.But Qin Minghuang just stayed for a while, continued to walk to the ring, and recruited the Golden Flame Spirit Turtle.

The review team notarized: "Three high-level demon masters, ten junior demon masters, and 28 demon kings. The total score is [-] points. After the notarization, the next one!"

Tuobagui's team immediately showed a smile. They suppressed Tang Yan and defeated Qin Minghuang. Now they are firmly in first place! !
Even if the Witch Commandment Book succeeds in its counterattack, he will still be No.2, and he will also have generous prizes.

Not bad! !
Everyone in Tuobagui's team smiled.

At this moment, eyes from all directions focused on the last finale, the Book of Witch Commandments, looking forward to his performance.If he can score more than 67, the team battle championship will belong to him and the Holy Empire he represents.

For Wu Jieshu himself, this honor should not be underestimated, and it would even accompany him throughout his life.Because once the news is sent back to the empire, it will definitely cause a sensation in the empire after being slightly embellished by the supporters. This honor will also greatly enhance the influence of the witch commandment book in the empire and within the royal family.

After all, this is a top event representing the new generation of the entire continent, and no one will ignore its value.

Wu Jie's face was calm, and the ancient well was calm. Under the focus of tens of thousands of eyes, he walked towards the ring calmly.But compared to his calmness, the rest of the team looked more or less excited, obviously the number one was within easy reach!

"Can we start?" The Book of Witch Commandments asked the review team.


"Stand back, everyone, please."


A smile appeared on the corner of Wu Jieshu's mouth, and he raised his hand and shook his head.

Aww!A roar like a thunderstorm suddenly broke out in the arena, and the dazzling golden light surged into the sky with a sweeping momentum. The manic flames swept across the wide arena, blasting back the six semi-holy-level reviewers on the spot.

Rumbling, the dull crashing sound shook the entire valley, many people's eardrums roared, their eyes were horrified, and a few people were caught off guard and almost fell down.

The saints on the high platform almost stood up: "Half holy golden turtle?!"

After the roar, the audience was silent, almost frozen. Tens of thousands of people stared blankly at the flaming arena. There was a huge monster like a hill looming there, which could be confirmed with a little feeling——Half Saint.

"My God! The Book of Witch Commandments tamed a semi-holy old turtle?"

"It's hard to catch a high-ranking Demon Venerable, but he actually caught a half-saint!"

"How did he do it? Forced control, or direct taming?!"

"No wonder he is so confident, it turns out he has nothing to fear!"

There was a lot of discussion among the crowd, all of them looked shocked and full of surprise.

Tang Yan was equally astonished. This scene was far beyond expectations. The conscious body immediately sneaked into the fire hell in the southern part of the New World, awakening the drowsy old Jin.

"What's the matter, didn't you say you don't need me?" Elder Jin raised his sleepy eyelids and snorted vigorously.

"I didn't want to trouble you, but now I have to need you."

The Golden Flame Spirit Turtle slowly lifted its huge and heavy body: "What happened?"

"Are there other semi-sacred golden flame spirit turtles in the river world?"

"Of course! The world of the river area is vast, and the number of river beasts of all levels is huge. They provide us with abundant food and good living conditions. Of course, it is good to live. The average lifespan of our golden flame turtles is longer than that of other river beasts. Three or four times, the more time you can squander, the higher the chance of breakthrough.

If he can persist in going through the hurdle of ten thousand years, he will transform and grow into a it be that other teams have found the semi-holy Golden Flame Spirit Turtle? "

"That's right!!"

"Oh? It's interesting!! Get me out, I want to see who it is!" Jin Lao's eyes full of viciousness unexpectedly showed a little anger.

"No hurry, I want to ask Mr. Jin, do you know all the semi-holy spirit turtles in the river area?"

"The whole world in the river area is connected to me, and there are four semi-sacred tortoises. I am the oldest in the Golden Flame Spirit Turtle group. When each tortoise is moving towards the honorable and semi-sacred realm, it will usually seek With my help, I will protect them to advance safely, not only as an acquaintance, but also as a benefactor!"

Tang Yan pondered for a while, then snapped his fingers: "Old Jin, wait a moment, I will find a chance to get you out."

Mr. Jin shook his body and shook off the magma all over his body. He understood Tang Yan's meaning very well: "Leave it to me to deal with it."

The arena outside was already filled with amazement, and the Witch Commandment Book stood on the back of the semi-holy spirit turtle, and successively recruited different levels of golden flame spirit turtles, one after another, causing a sensation in the audience.

After the final evaluation by the review team: "One semi-sacred realm, four high-level demon masters, ten elementary-level demon masters, and 34 demon king realm, the total score is [-]%!"

Eighty points! !

Strongly widened the gap, throwing away Tuobagui's 67 points!
"Why does he have so many!!"

"Nonsense! After subduing a semi-holy ancestor, the other brats will kneel down before they disappear?"

"How did he do it? This thing has a violent temper, how can it be easily surrendered."

"The witch commandment book is for the prince, so I'm afraid there is some special method."

Everyone talked a lot, how shocked, how much emotion.

The review team discussed in detail, and looked up at the saints on the high platform.

Qiao Ba said loudly: "Who has any objections?"

"Me!!" Just as Tang Yan was about to open his mouth, someone in the other teams suddenly shouted.

All the troops followed the reputation, and it turned out to be Xue Tianchen from Zhenyao Temple. He walked towards the high platform facing the eyes of the audience, and smiled as he walked: "Hehe, I suddenly score...wrong..."

Qiao Badao: "The total score is jointly assessed by the audit team, and there will be no mistakes."

Xue Tianchen walked towards the ring, glanced at the book of witchcraft commandments, and said with a half-smile: "It's not your fault, it's my fault."

"What do you mean?"

"I suddenly remembered. I caught two batches of golden turtles at that time, and I only gave you the first batch just now. The second batch... forgot..." Xue Tianchen's smile deepened, the ring on his fingertip flashed, and the large batch of golden turtles The Flame Spirit Turtle flung itself towards the ring.

bang bang bang!Spirit turtles that looked like millstones rolled and bumped all over the arena, gathering together in miscellaneous places, all of them unconscious.

"This..." The audit team looked at each other, with different expressions, unable to pay attention for a while, and turned their heads involuntarily to look at the saints on the high platform.

Chu Kuangfeng and the others immediately exchanged opinions, and then nodded to the review team.The six saints of the review team immediately walked towards the group of Golden Flame Spirit Turtles, preparing for the review.

"Wait! What are you doing?" The team of the Witch Commandment Book immediately questioned and strongly objected: "He is cheating!! How can he throw away batch after batch! It's shameful!"

The review team retorted coldly: "As long as the Golden Flame Spirit Turtles are captured during the ten-day team competition, they are all within the score of the review!"

"Haha!! Xue Tianchen is cheating!! This trick is good, I like it!!"

"Hey? You can still play games like this? You've learned a lot!!"

"Hey, wonderful, I like this kind of dramatic twist."

"Xue Tianchen is a lunatic... Hehe... Thanks to him for thinking..."

Compared to the team in the Book of Witchcraft, the other teams were indeed gloating. They were not afraid of big troubles when they watched the show. Anyway, they missed the first place. Naturally, they wished for more accidents, the more chaos the better.

(End of this chapter)

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