Valkyrie Storm

Chapter 1374 Accidents

Chapter 1374 Accidents (2)

Tang Yan and the others looked at each other with weird smiles on their faces.

The review team did not give the team of the Witch Commandment Book a chance to argue, and quickly judged: "Two high-level demon masters, five elementary-level demon masters, and eighteen demon kings. The total score is 42 points, including the above 82 points. , with a final total score of [-] points!"

"Something's wrong! There's a ghost inside!! The score difference is too big!!" Tang Yan's deep eyes shone brightly, focusing on his smiling teams.

Noticing Tang Yan's gaze, the group responded with a sneer unceremoniously.

82 points!The other teams also had doubts.It was fun just now, but now it is more incredible. How did Xue Tianchen catch so many golden flame turtles? !A score of more than ten is acceptable, but a score of forty is a bit exaggerated!
"There are indeed ghosts! Take a closer look at those teams!" Niya directed them to look at the teams of casual cultivators in the corner. Unlike other teams who were 'naturally' surprised and arguing, that group of people was surprisingly calm. There is a somewhat strange smile on the expression.

Nian Youyu rubbed his chin and muttered, "I remember that the three teams all scored more than 20 points, more than [-] points, far lower than the other teams, could it be..."

"Huh?!" Awoke with a start, everyone suddenly realized.

Tang Yan said: "No accident, Xue Tianchen must have used a special method to convince those three teams! He collected a part of the Golden Flame Spirit Turtle from them, and used it to hit the top of the final ranking.

None of their teams has the strength to compete for the top spot, but if they are assembled together, the situation is completely different.Xue Tianchen may promise them certain conditions, but the final victory belongs to him. He not only earns fame, but also gains treasures, and he can also take the opportunity to get close to those casual cultivators. "

Xuanyuan Longli said: "Xue Tianchen couldn't think of such a way, it should be the opinion of Sophie An who is beside him, that not simple!!"

At this moment, Xiang Wanqing suddenly walked towards Tang Yan's team, first stopped to look at Niya, and then moved closer to Tang Yan's side.

This move immediately made the atmosphere of their team subtle.

"Sister, you are..." Tang Yan evaded a little bit, but he did it very cleverly, so that Niya could see that he was backing away, and it wouldn't make Xiang Wanqing feel strange.

"His Royal Highness asked me to ask a question." Xiang Wanqing's voice was not too loud, and it seemed that she intended to tell Niya, meaning that you should not misunderstand.

"Huh?" Tang Yan subconsciously looked at Qin Minghuang in the distance.

Qin Minghuang was paying attention to the changes in the arena and ignored Tang Yan's gaze, but the rest of his team looked at him intentionally or unintentionally.

Xiang Wanqing leaned closer to Tang Yan's ear and whispered something softly.

Tang Yan's face changed slightly: "Really?"

"It's not about you, it's about whether you are sure."

Tang Yan smiled: "Of course!!"

"Well, it's up to you, don't let us down." Xiang Wanqing handed Tang Yan something, gave him a deep look, and left quietly.

At this moment, all eyes were on the ring, and no one noticed their small movements.

On the ring, Xue Tianchen smiled and cupped his fists towards Wu Jieshu: "Prince Wu Jieshu, I'm very sorry for making you upset, and I will come to apologize someday. But today's No.1... I'm not welcome..."

"Really?" Wu Jieshu's eyes were all black, without a trace of white, coupled with his pale complexion, it gave people an indescribable sense of evil.

"I have 82 points, you are [-] points, and you are two points ahead of you. Number one, it's mine!!"

Wu Jieshu looked at him expressionlessly, while Tuobagui below had an ugly expression on his face. Xue Tianchen not only pushed Wu Jieshu down from the top of the list, but also brought himself from the third place to the second place.

"I don't think it's wasted anymore, time is precious." Xue Tianchen waved to the saints on the high platform: "Announce the results!!"

"Wait!! Mr. Xue Tianchen, do you think it's appropriate for you to do this?" Wu Jieshu showed a slight smile, but even though he smiled, his eyes were still evil. No one could see his true emotions. On the contrary, because of this kind of smile, there was a sense of danger out of thin air.

Xue Tianchen is not afraid of him: "It's suitable!! It's very suitable!!"

"Don't you consider other people's feelings?"

"Haha, it's a big joke to say this sentence from His Majesty Wu Jieshu's mouth. If I always worry about other people's feelings, can I live to this day? If you always worry about other people's feelings, you can reach your current position ? We're all grown-ups, so stop making childish jokes like this."

"That's true, I was naive."

"You're welcome. I'll teach you some more when I'm free some other day." Xue Tianchen laughed, seemingly polite, but actually it was more of a mockery.

On and off the stage, everyone remained silent, watching the confrontation between the two with their own concerns.

Wu Jieshu took a deep look at him: "It seems that Mr. Xue Tianchen is in a good state of mind."

"Of course, very good!"

"Oh..." The Witch Commandment Book dragged out a long ending sound, stretched out its hand, and the golden glow flickered, and three golden flame spirit turtles of medium size appeared in front of them, vividly, rolling their eyes, All of them turned towards Xue Tianchen.

"You..." Xue Tianchen's smiling face suddenly froze.

"I just checked, and there are still a few left in the interspatial ring. I am 83, one point ahead of you, and the first place belongs to me. I am really sorry for embarrassing Mr. Xue Tianchen. I was happy for nothing, but in the end Your state of mind shouldn't matter, right?"

This scene was also unexpected, causing the atmosphere of the audience to change again and again, and the faces of most people were wonderful and colorful.

Some people laughed straight away. As expected of the princes of the Holy Empire, at this moment, they even secretly kept a hand.

"Hmph!" Xue Tianchen snorted suddenly, waved his hand again, and waved a golden flame spirit turtle as majestic as a rhinoceros: "I still have it, high-level demon master, add four points! 86 points! Three points more than you! !"

"Oh?? There are more, I'll take a look." Wu Jieshu raised his eyebrows and thought for a while, then said in surprise: "Unfortunately, I have one too."

boom! !An equally majestic Golden Flame Spirit Turtle crashed down, and the blazing high temperature made the temperature of the sky and the earth rise a little more.

"I'm really sorry, high-level demon master, add four points, I am 87, you are 86, and you are one point ahead!"

"Are you kidding me?!" Xue Tianchen was a little annoyed, and every time he got a bit more, it was obviously intentional.

"Yeah? You can see that?" Wu Jieshupi smiled.

"Humph!! I know you keep one hand, and I will keep one hand." Xue Tianchen waved again, and a low-level demon master appeared, raising the score by two points: "I have 88 points, one point ahead of you!"

The two of you, one and the other, the Golden Flame Spirit Turtle reappeared like magic, which not only made the score competition continue to be fierce, but also changed the atmosphere of the scene again and again.

A good review and notarization turned into a farce in an instant!

"Enough!! Take as much as you have! All revealed, overdue and void!!" The people in the review team became impatient, and stopped their fight with a loud shout.

Xue Tianchen threw several spirit turtles in succession, and looked directly at Wu Jie Shu: "My final total score is 92 points! You can still be higher than me in Wu Jie Shu, today you win!!"

The Witch Commandment Book still kept smiling, and recruited a few without haste: "Unfortunately, I'm still one point ahead of you, 93 points, all!!"

Xue Tianchen's face finally sank: "You still have??"

"Who knows." Wu Jieshu sneered.

Xue Tianchen glared at the witch commandment book for a while, then looked at the three casual cultivators below without any trace.

The casual cultivators also looked ugly. If they had known this, they would have given Xue Tianchen a few more.When Xue Tianchen found them, they thought that if each team contributed more than a dozen points, Xue Tianchen would be able to play the whole game, but how could the witch commandment book... Even if the witch commandment book had the assistance of the half-sacred tortoise, It is not so easy, and it seems to have expected that someone will play tricks, always one point higher than Xue Tianchen, it is obvious to show him face.

Could it be... The Book of Witch Commandments also found a certain team? !

By now, the wise men in the other teams have somewhat recalled that although Wu Jieshu and Xue Tianchen fought fiercely, it was very unreasonable.

Looking at those casual repair teams with extremely low scores, there must be ghosts in them.

"Mr. Xue, you have such a good attitude, and the second is also good." The book of witchcraft deliberately squeezed Xue Tianchen, and turned to the saints on the high platform: "It's almost done, let's announce!!"

Qiao Ba ordered again: "Who has any objection? If there is no objection, the final ranking of the team battle will be officially announced. The champion will be the representative team of Wu Jieshu, the second runner-up will be the representative team of Xue Tianchen, and the third runner-up will be the representative team of Momo..."

"Um... I... I have a little... objection..." Just as Qiao Ba was officially evaluating the rankings, and when all the troops thought that the excitement was about to end, a discordant voice appeared weakly at this inappropriate timing.

(End of this chapter)

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