Valkyrie Storm

Chapter 1375 Accidents

Chapter 1375 Accidents (3)

"Do you have any objections?!" Before Qiao Ba could say anything, someone in Tuobagui's team had already exploded.

Falling from second to third is enough to be aggrieved. Now there is another objection, Tang Yan, a lunatic who likes to make accidents, doesn't it mean that they will directly retreat to the top three? !
"Forgive me, forgive me, I'm a slow-witted person. I was only admiring Mr. Xue Tianchen's wonderful performance just now, but I forgot the business." Tang Yan walked slowly towards the ring, and hugged Xue Tianchen and Wu Jieshu with a smile: "I seem to have a few spirit turtles left in my pocket, I wonder if I can show them?"

"You still have? How much?" The review team has completely lost their temper.

"I'll take it out, and you count." Tang Yan walked to the center of the stage, and deliberately said to Xue Tianchen: "Eunuch, it's about time for you to step down. I'll play with His Royal Highness for you."

Xue Tianchen stared at him coldly for a while, hummed heavily, and left with his sleeves shaken, but instead of stepping back, he came to the edge of the ring. He wanted to see how Tang Yan competed against the book of witchcraft.

"Young Master Tang, it's a pleasure to meet you. I've been waiting for you." Wu Jieshu seemed to expect Tang Yan to make a move, and his expression remained unchanged.

In the depths of the audience, Zhao Huan and his party, who were hiding, showed a sneer.They announced their abstention, but instead of throwing out the hunted Golden Flame Spirit Turtle, they secretly met with the Book of the Witch Commandments last night. Turtle, just to give the witch commandment book a chance to squander.

They are ready for any surprises.

"Really? I'm honored!" Tang Yan took a deep look at him, his smile remained undiminished, and with a wave of his hand, all the golden flame spirit turtles left in the golden lock were thrown out.

Two high-level demon masters, six junior demon masters, and ten demon kings!
Under the sign of the sage on the high platform, the review team patiently assessed: "The total score is 64 points, plus the initial 94 points, the total is [-] points."

94 points, one point for the Super Witch Commandment Book, jumping to the top of the overall list.But at this moment, the crowd in the audience stopped talking and watched the battle with full concentration. The real contest began! !
They are no longer able to care about who is playing tricks in the dark. Where there are people, there is competition, and where there is competition, there is conspiracy.How many of them are figures in the vortex of power in various countries and regions, so they quickly calmed down, blaming themselves for not thinking about it.

"I don't think we need to play these little tricks anymore, how about a game to decide the outcome?" The witch commandment book came down from the semi-Holy Spirit Turtle.

snort!Xue Tianchen on the edge of the ring let out a cold snort, little trick?Doesn't the implication mean that the competition with me just now is a child's play? !

"Just what I want! Who goes first?"

"I'll come first." The witch commandment book was very generous, but the next scene caught everyone by surprise.

Rumbling, pieces of raging flames covered half of the arena, densely packed golden flame spirit turtles became the new focus, none of them were too big, they were all in the realm of demon kings, but the number was quite large.

For a while, they couldn't count.

Wu Jieshu smiled and raised his hand: "Young Master Tang, I have everything."

The people in the review team immediately counted and finished counting carefully: "They are all demon kings, a total of 120! The final score of the Witch Commandment Book team - [-] three points!"

Wu Jieshu laughed and said: "As long as you can surpass me, the championship of the team battle will be yours! I will never throw an extra point!"

120 three points? !

This number has reached about three times that of the rest of the troops!
Not only Xue Tianchen's expression on the edge of the ring changed, but the captains of the rest of the troops also showed surprise. To reach this number, it not only shows that the book of witchcraft has joined forces with other teams, and the number of spirit turtles it hunts must be quite large.

After all, it is possible for only a few troops to contribute their spirit turtles, and the Book of Witch Commandments does not have a huge base, which is not enough to make such a big move.

"This number really startled me, Prince Wu Commandment Book, I admire it!!" Tang Yan rubbed his nose, shook his head with a smile, all the golden flame spirit turtles in the golden lock had been thrown out! !
Even if he recruited Mr. Jin, plus ten points, his total score would be [-] points!

There is still a gap of 120 points from [-] three points in the book of witchcraft.

Nineteen points, if the Three Holy Lands hadn't deducted twenty points from him, he would have narrowly won today, but now... Tang Yan looked in Qin Minghuang's direction with hesitant eyes.He was holding a space ring in his hand, which contained a gift that Xiang Wanqing had sent in place of Qin Minghuang.

Qin Minghuang has only one question - are you sure to win the game!
Obviously, Qin Minghuang predicted that Tang Yan would not be honest, and he had some calculations. If Tang Yan agreed and was sure, he was willing to donate the few spirit turtles he left on purpose, just to win the championship.If Tang Yan didn't calculate, Qin Minghuang would just pretend nothing happened.

But... at this moment, Qin Minghuang and the others secretly shook their heads, feeling sorry.

Because the ring they gave to Tang Yan only had six low-level demon venerable spirit turtles, that is, twelve points of contribution. The reason why they gave so little was to keep their ranking before the exam first, and then help Tang Yan.If I had known this earlier, I would have given him a few more just now.

But... Tang Yan hesitated for a while, and gradually raised the fingertips that had landed on the space ring, but did not summon the Golden Flame Spirit Turtle given by Qin Minghuang.

"Give up?!" Xiang Wanqing and the others sighed secretly.

"The gap is too big." Cang Ming rarely spoke.

Wu Jieshu said: "Only these? It's the last chance, Mr. Tang must seize it."

Tang Yan looked at the dark crowd in all directions, shook his head and smiled wryly: "It's been a while, if I lose, will it be embarrassing?"

"I am willing to bet and admit defeat, there is no embarrassment."

In the team below him, the feminine young man who had provoked Tang Yan before blew a loud whistle again: "Admit defeat, being the second child is not bad, looking at you, you are very suitable to be the second child, haha!"

"Tang Yan, this is the last chance. If there are no other Golden Flame Spirit Turtles, we will announce the results." Qiao Ba made a final announcement to the entire team at the same time: "Whoever has other spirit turtles, bring them all out! Last chance , voided after the expiration date!"

"Fight for it." Tang Yan spread his hands, and the ghost green fire rushed out from his body, covering a radius of [-] meters, forming its own green fire domain.

"What does he want to do? Fight?!" The Wu Commandment Book team was on full alert immediately, and the rest of the team stared wide-eyed at the show.

Wu Jieshu was also secretly on guard, but the semi-sacred golden flame spirit turtle next to him showed a strange light, frowning and staring at the ghost Qinghuo around Tang Yan.

"Tang Yan, our time is limited, so we can skip the fancy scenery and show our cards directly." Wu Jieshu said lukewarmly.

"Your Highness, I might offend you."

"I'm willing to bet and admit defeat, I can afford it." Wu Jieshu was calm, but his team had already gathered at the edge of the ring, each with malicious intentions.

Rumble! !Raging golden flames soared into the sky, flooding the Green Fire Domain.The steel-like roar echoed in the valley, accompanied by a wild crash, the earth shook and the mountains shook, and the golden light dazzled.

A domineering and ancient aura swept across the audience, and once again startled a burst of astonished eyes, its power was even a little bit stronger than the half-holy spirit turtle captured by the witch commandment book.

"I am an ancestor!! Half Holy Spirit Turtle?!"

"What are you doing, another half-sacred tortoise?!"

"Tang Yan is such a crazy guy! He can do anything, he can do anything!!"

There were dense exclamations from all directions, everyone was shocked by Tang Yan's move.

Qin Minghuang's team immediately became very enthusiastic. Everyone looked at each other and smiled again. A semi-sage is equal to ten points. Counting the twelve points they gave Tang Yan privately, the victory is complete!This kid really didn't disappoint them!

"Brother Jinwu! What kind of conditions can make you willing to be a mount?!" Jin Lao restrained the golden flames, and appeared proudly with Tang Yan on his back. turtle.

"Half-holy!! It's really a semi-holy!! Judging by the momentum, it seems to be a bit stronger than the witch commandment book!!" There was a discussion in the crowd, and all the people present were super-powerful, and it was natural to tell whose aura was stronger. By how many points.

"Old Jin??? It's you!!" The semi-spiritual tortoise next to the witch commandment book looked at the old tortoise walking out in surprise. "How could you..."

"Let's talk about the old days later!" Wu Jieshu interrupted their conversation and looked directly at Tang Yan: "Only this one?"

"This is the only one!" Tang Yan nodded.

What? ?Qin Minghuang and the others froze their smiles, what the hell is this kid doing?What about the twelve points we gave?
"I surpassed you by 29 points, you only recruited a semi-saint, the maximum is ten points, and I surpassed you by [-] points. If there is nothing else, today's victory belongs to me."

"You're wrong, my half-sacred two." Tang Yan laughed.


"Beside you!!" Tang Yan pointed to the semi-holy golden flame turtle next to Wu Jieshu.

"You are joking?"

(End of this chapter)

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