Valkyrie Storm

Chapter 1387 Kneeling

Chapter 1387 Kneeling

Announced by the Three Holy Lands, the audience will rest for an hour.Then, with the first ray of dawn in the morning and the first chiming of the bells in the Valley of the Wicked, the top six melee battles for the top ranking of the world's heroes officially started.

The sound waves of collisions on the high platform and the immediate energy storm not only caused the tens of thousands of spectators in the arena to shout wildly, but also attracted the people of Wicked Valley outside the arena to come over, swarming inside and out. More than [-] people were gathered, the crowd was black and dense, and the faces that looked around were all excited and cheering.

For this kind of event, they deserve their applause.

At the beginning of the war, Tang Yan did not join forces with Xu Yan as expected, but directly confronted the witch commandment book alone! !

Tang Yan has been dubbed the number one successor of the Eight Forbidden Lands after gradually fighting fiercely, and the book of witchcraft is the well-deserved number one prince of the five empires.They all defeated doubts with their strength, defended their glory with tenacity, and stood proudly in the top six arenas. Therefore, they can bear the title of number one.

Therefore, the battle between the two almost represented the collision between the Forbidden Land and the Empire, and the sages on the high platform were overwhelmed by the excitement, even the old people in the academy who didn't understand martial arts were moved by it.

Everyone forgot Tang Yan's perverted character for the time being, and they were all excited by the power of the sky fire he showed, and the power of the emperor's veins in the book of witchcraft was not weak at all, hitting Tang Yan hard in an all-round way.

A fierce battle, a battle between dragon and tiger.

Xu Yan confronts Dong Qingniu, who is a heavy hammer, one is a violent female man, the other is a melee lunatic, one smashes the audience with an iron fist, and the other smashes the crowd with a giant knife. They are all powerful warriors.

'Iron Fist vs Big Sword', the violent impact shook the ground, Chu Kuangfeng had no choice but to personally control the prohibition of the ring, thus avoiding the possibility of collapse.

The collision between Xuanyuan and Master Luan Cheluan seemed calm, not as intense as expected, but...a confrontation...a silent confrontation, a contest of ideas, mysterious and mysterious but tense and exciting.

The top six semi-sages, the strongest representatives of the new generation of Qitian Continent, without exception, have shown terrifying strength and perseverance that amaze the world. If they are given another hundred or thousand years, they will definitely have their seats among the peak figures of Qitian Continent.

What people see is not only a wonderful duel, but also the unlimited future behind them, which may be the main reason for their cheering.Just imagine the endless future. When one of them transforms into an emperor and stands at the peak of the entire continent, the audience can say with infinite pride: "I have witnessed my emperor fight with my own eyes."

But... this desperate duel didn't last long, and the violent collision and consumption meant that they couldn't last long.

"Ah!!" Suddenly, a roar full of unwillingness and arrogance resounded through the audience, the witch commandment book screamed upwards, its eyes widened, and the surging energy was like an out-of-control storm, boiling around and berserk around, bringing With an earth-shattering roar, it rushed towards the sky.

The momentum is huge and the scene is shocking.

Wu Jieshu was covered in blood, his clothes were tattered, and veins spread from his face all over his body. He was crazy, he was boiling, his eyes were red, and he clenched his teeth tightly.

Every cell in the body is burning, and every inch of muscle in the body is tensing.

He was crazy, and he was even more resisting.

He was shouting, and even more mournful!
At a height of [-] meters, the boiling green fire turned into a giant eagle covering the sky, flapping its wings and making a crisp cry, piercing through gold and cracking rocks, roaring to the heavens.Tang Yan stood proudly in the depths of the falcon, clasped his hands tightly, and even more violently turned the green fire into a giant eagle claw, pressing firmly on the storm-like energy, resisting to the death to control the counterattack of the witch commandment book, and fully controlled the The resistance of the son of the Emperor of the Holy Empire.

At this moment, the audience was silent, even Xu Yan and the others in the scuffle stopped fighting and paid attention to the shocking scene.All the saints on the high platform stood up, and the audience of more than [-] spectators opened their mouths slightly, opened their eyes, and clenched their fists.

At this moment, Qin Minghuang, Xue Tianchen, etc., all the strong people couldn't help but take half a step forward.

"I...don't...convince..." Wu Jieshu shouted hoarsely, the sound shook the arena, mixed with strong unwillingness and madness.

However... "Kneel!!" Tang Yan suddenly roared, shocked, the shadow of the green fire palm was like the hand of the gods, and it was rumbled down ten minutes.

Rumble! !The tough arena under Wu Jieshu's feet was full of cracks, as if it had been bombarded by a meteorite, and dense rubble shot out in all directions.

Chu Kuangfeng, who was in charge of the ban on the ring, changed his expression slightly, and suddenly roared: "Come here and help!!"

Han Shaofeng woke up with a start, and immediately rushed down from the high platform. The two saints joined hands to control the prohibition of the ring, forming a giant energy barrier. This move made the audience hear the needle drop, and the atmosphere of the audience was completely frozen, and even lost the sound of breathing.

"Impossible!!" The Witch Commandment Book roared again, its eyes were black and bewildering, and the remaining energy surged unreservedly, and the entire space was on the verge of collapsing.

"Kneel!!" Tang Yan yelled for the fifth time, and took control for the fifth time. The big green fire palm clasped violently, clicked, and the ring space was cracked like a glass plate.

At this moment, Wu Commandment Book's blushing face suddenly became stiff, his chest rolled, and he froze for a moment, puff, a mouthful of blood spewed out, scarlet and poignant, falling on the energy storm, stunned more than a hundred thousand eyes.

"I do not……"

Boom! !Wu Jieshu's legs were trembling and he knelt heavily on the ground, his evil eyes were completely dimmed.The fierce shock wave went out of control on the spot, swept across and scattered, the fragmented arena was completely shattered, and the energy storm lost control immediately.Tang Yan's palm of fire shrouded the air with a force of destruction, which immediately aroused the exclamation of the audience.

"Do it!!" Chu Kuangfeng and Han Shaofeng yelled at the same time, thrusting in forcefully, resisting the green fire, and saving the witch commandment book!

Wu Jieshu knelt and sat quietly in the dilapidated arena, his face was ferocious and resolute, his eyes were bloodshot, his whole body was tense and stiff, and his unwillingness was still so strong.But... a moment before, he had been completely unconscious... lost consciousness... Tang Yan stood proudly in midair, and slowly let go of the boiling green fire with a expressionless face.

"Wonderful!" On the high platform, 'Lei Nv' Ling Qingnuma sighed softly. It has been a long time since I have seen such a wonderful duel. It is unparalleled and extremely wonderful.The rest of the people on the high platform nodded slowly involuntarily, their eyes fixed on Tang Yan who was in mid-air, secretly feeling emotional.

Xue Tianchen and others in the auditorium were also slightly absent-minded. Is this Tang Yan's real strength?He has grown to such a state!How long can you hold on if you put yourself in the place where you are in the witch commandment book? !And can it be better than the witch commandment book?

The heirs of the Holy Empire also had complex expressions, and their ups and downs could not be calmed down for a long time.

But... While the audience was absent-minded and sighing, a very small number of careful people saw something weird, and it was about Tang Yan! !The strange martial arts that Tang Yan occasionally used during the battle and the occasional black coffins caught their attention.Even the waves of blue flames that erupted from time to time were too vast, and there was no need to be so extravagant and wasteful. Other audiences looked at the blood, and they felt that they were deliberately hiding something to cover up something.

"Black coffin?! The coffin in his hand is... the black black iron coffin?"

"Where did he come from? Did he go there! Or did he pick it up by accident?"

Somewhere in the Valley of the Wicked, Jiu Selu and Mr. Da noticed the black coffin that Tang Yan had used many times, and fell into deep doubts.

The arena was destroyed, but the battle continued. Following Chu Kuangfeng's order, the fight between Xu Yan and Dong Qingniu was staged immediately. The collision of forces can arouse the audience's enthusiasm the most, and the violent close combat can arouse the enthusiasm of the audience the most.

In just a short moment, the audience came back to their senses from the excitement created by Tang Yan and Wu Jieshu, and all their attention was focused on their new battle.

The fierce battle between Xu Yan and Dong Qingniu lasted for half a stick, and then the battle between Xuanyuan and Luan Che broke out.

In the end...Xu Yan narrowly defeated Dong Qingniu at a huge price, and almost revealed his identity as a Bone Race for this, winning a thrilling victory.The fierce battle between Xuanyuan and Luan Che lasted only twenty rounds, and Luan Che unexpectedly conceded defeat and withdrew from the competition for the top three.

Immediately after that... Xuanyuan took a deep look at Tang Yan and announced his retirement. He was willing to rank third and no longer compete for the championship.This action caused an uproar in the audience, and people became more and more curious about this woman in white, curious about this descendant of Tianji Pavilion, looking forward to Tang Yan or Xu Yan being able to arouse her true strength, but... she unexpectedly retired from the competition... and then , Xu Yan announced that he would compete for the championship and consider himself the runner-up!This move was unexpected, but somewhat expected.In the eyes of others, Xu Yan didn't want to "cannibalize" Tang Yan because Xu Yan thought he couldn't compete with Tang Yan.But in fact, Long Li and the others know best that Xu Yan is extremely eager to fight Tang Yan, and Tang Yan is also interested in colliding with Xu Yan, but that battle is destined to be buried deep in their hearts. Even if it breaks out in the future, it will not be in the future Today's occasion.

With the strength of the two of them, if they really fight, unless they use the trump card at the bottom of the box, unless the power of the blood is squeezed and stimulated, no one will be able to do anything to the other.

(End of this chapter)

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