Valkyrie Storm

Chapter 1388 3 Please Defend Your Name

Chapter 1388 Three Please Defend Your Name

The competition for the top three that the audience was looking forward to, which was supposed to be the most intense championship competition, ended with such a dramatic scene, which not only caught the audience of more than [-] people by surprise, but even the three holy places were a little at a loss.

But the rules were there, Xuanyuan and Xu Yan withdrew one after another, and the title of final champion could only fall on Tang Yan.And...except that Xuanyuan's existence might challenge the champion, looking at the whole audience, Tang Yan could indeed afford this honor.

No matter how unwilling or unacceptable the princes and princes of various countries and the heirs of the forbidden areas feel, Tang Yan finally persisted to the end with his own strength, defeated all challengers, and won the first place in the new generation of Qitian Continent. The supreme glory of a leader.

This time, he didn't add any water, didn't adopt any strategy, and relied on real and fierce battles, especially the defeat in the last battle, which triggered the most exciting confrontation in the two rounds. .

In the kingdom, he defeated the leader Kosoban.

In the forbidden area, he defeated Li Baiying, Xue Tianchen, Su Fei'an and others.

In terms of empire, he defeated Zhao Huan and the book of shamanism.

In the continuous fierce battle, he defeated them dignifiedly.

Who can have doubts, and who will not accept it?
Tang Yan stood on the high platform, surprisingly calm, slowly raised his right hand, and made a new invitation to fight under the strange eyes of the audience, his lips and teeth moved, and he issued a crisp invitation: "Please!!"

A word of please silenced the audience, triggering countless emotions.

I am here, whoever refuses to accept, please continue! !
I am here, whoever refuses to accept, I will accompany you! !
I am here, whoever doubts, please challenge! !
Tall and thin body, simple posture, but at this moment, like a mountain, the audience was silent.

Murong Zixuan stared at the high platform, Houston remained silent, Qin Minghuang looked complicated, Zhao Huan was already in a coma, and the book of witchcraft had left.

The princes of the various empires expressed their attitudes in a quiet manner—recognized! !

Hao Shuai, Cang Ming, Zhao Wenqing and other semi-holy heirs of the empire stared with complicated eyes and expressed their approval with silence.

Xue Tianchen, Li Baiying, Luan Che, Chen Changan, Dong Qingniu, Tuobagui, and Ke Yutong were all silent, expressing their attitude with the same gesture - approval! !

At this moment, one should have cheered wildly, at this moment, one should have shouted passionately, at this moment, all the glory should have been given to the man on the stage who persevered till the end.

But... the audience was silent, and there was continuous silence.

"Please!!" Tang Yan raised his right arm horizontally, with a blank expression on his face, and issued a second invitation with a slightly raised voice.

In the fifth martial arts field, more than [-] people were silent, and occasionally some eyes met each other, and the conveyance was complicated and sighed.

"Please!!" Tang Yan challenged for the third time and screamed for the last time.

Three please shake the heroes, and three please defend your reputation!
Calling for the battle three times, giving the audience the last chance, giving all dissatisfied voices a chance to vent, and even wiping away any possible doubts about the name of the champion.

In response, there was the silence of the entire audience, the tacit and recognized silence of all the descendants of the empire and the forbidden area, and all the descendants of the Sanxiu ancient sect.

In fact... After four days and four nights of fierce fighting, sixty or seventy hours of hard work, and under the influence of the cheering atmosphere of more than one hundred thousand people, all the participants' emotions and moods were more or less changed. These changes, including the princes and princes of various countries, including the heirs of the forbidden areas, this head-on collision, this bloody melee, will definitely become an unforgettable memory of their vitality, and it will also be a significant experience in their youth.

They are all unruly characters, who grew up in different regions, and shoulder the title of unrivaled wizards. They have never failed, and they are always wrapped in glory. No matter where they go, they are widely watched.

From birth to before entering the Valley of the Wicked, they have always been!
Always! !

But... the Valley of the Wicked series event, they endured constant elimination, constant questioning, constant provocation and confrontation, especially in the last round, most of them appeared on stage more than once, were severely defeated more than once, they Initiated a challenge, and was beaten bloody more than once.

Their state of mind is touched by repeated failures and the shouts of the audience, a touch that only they can experience, a life journey that only they can comprehend.

Perhaps, this is also the main reason why royal families and high-level royal families from all over the world allow their descendants to enter the Valley of the Wicked and enter this arena where heroes gather.Those saints and emperors seemed to have expected this scene long ago, and were also looking forward to this scene.

A breakthrough in the state of mind is often more meaningful than the growth of martial arts, especially the heirs who are on the path of advancing to semi-holy or impacting the holy realm of martial arts. Collisions, continuous wins and losses, gradually changed the taste, no longer hatred, more complicated.

Looking at the only Tang Yan left on the high platform, even Zhao Huan, Xue Tianchen, Li Baiying and others were absent-minded for a long time, with complicated hearts.

"I announce that the second round of the competition is officially over!" Qiao Bazhong coughed heavily, breaking the weird atmosphere of the audience: "After the joint notarization of the Three Holy Lands, the champion of the second round of the competition is Tang Yan, the runner-up Xu Yan, and the third runner-up Xuanyuan! If you have no objection, the notarization result will take effect immediately!!"

Du Jue walked into the air and nodded slightly towards the audience: "For the sake of confidentiality, the prizes for the first round and the second round of the competition will be awarded privately by the Holy Land after the game, and they will not be made public. But we will use the name of the Holy Land I swear, I will never disappoint your efforts.

Below, announce the list of personnel who have the right to enter the final game, including the final six and players who have advanced to the top six.

Wu Zun's realm includes——Matthews, Xuanyuan Longli, Xia Minglang, Qiu Se'er, Huan Xidao, Lu Liguo, and Tiansi.

The semi-sacred realm includes Tang Yan, Xu Yan, Xuanyuan, Wu Jieshu, Dong Qingniu, Luan Che, Xue Tianchen, Houston, Zhao Huan, Qin Minghuang.

There are 17 people in total, including five people with special abilities including Nalantu and Youzhuo.The event will officially kick off five days later, and the specific rules and specific venue will be notified separately, but the content of the event and the entire event will no longer be made public. "

"Unpublished? What do you mean?" The crowd was discussing, looking at the saints of the holy land in the sky strangely.

Qiao Badao: "It means that as of today, the alliance competition jointly held by the Three Holy Lands has officially ended, and the remaining competitions will not be held publicly. But you can stay here and continue to wait for the results of the competition."

"Why not make it public? Please give a suitable reason!" Some people questioned loudly. They themselves were looking forward to the event that Holy Land said would change the "world view", but now it is suddenly not made public. It is simply ridiculous and no one can accept it.

"The specific event location is not in the Valley of the Wicked, nor in the world of the River District. We will take the contestants to another place. The number of places is limited, and it is impossible to bring everyone. 22 people are the limit. Please understand .”

"Excuse me?! I don't understand! I can't understand!!"

"Such a reason to dismiss us? Protest!!"

There was a lot of discussion in the arena, and all the contestants couldn't accept this reality. The tide of discussion became more and more serious, and it seemed to be out of control.

Matthews and other lucky participants were equally puzzled.What kind of game will it be?What kind of place will it be?The '22 people are already the limit' mentioned by Qiao Ba is more worthy of scrutiny.

Du Jue announced loudly at this moment: "The Three Holy Lands once promised to provide a special gift to all the invitees and all the contestants who stayed in the Valley of the Wicked, a gift that will make your trip worthwhile. Now the competition is basically It's over, and the gifts are officially distributed."

This sudden announcement successfully suppressed the growing tide of noise. Although it was not enough to divert everyone's attention, at least the situation was under control.

Du Jue's voice spread to everyone's ears, especially all the contestants: "A special organization has emerged in the mainland today. It will grow rapidly within a thousand years, take root in the mainland within a thousand years, and make its respective Branches have developed to various regions of the continent. After thousands of years of accumulation, it has grown to an astonishing level, possessing the power to break the pattern of the continent.

It is the Temple of the Holy Spirit, a group of special organizations composed of soul warriors. They contributed to the imperial war that caused a sensation in the mainland some time ago, and they broke the peace of the Qitian Continent for tens of thousands of years.

The Three Sacred Lands convened the League of Heroes of the World here, with the main purpose of reconciling the increasingly tense situation on the mainland, and injecting some resistance to the imperial war that may break out at any time. Everyone present should be very clear about this.

We, the Three Sacred Lands, are not the law enforcers of the mainland. We are powerless and impossible to join forces to sanction anyone. What we can do is to reconcile and avoid it. "

Huh? ?What's the meaning? ?The tide of discussion on the scene finally stopped little by little, and the whole area was quiet. More and more people paid attention to the air and listened to Du Jue's speech.

(End of this chapter)

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