Valkyrie Storm

Chapter 1389 Do something for the people of the world

Chapter 1389 Do something for the people of the world
"The Temple of the Holy Spirit has tens of thousands of soul warriors. They have a large number of soul martial arts. It is precisely because of this that they can take root and develop, survive and grow in various regions of the mainland without any scruples. They can develop to such an extent. The root of the situation lies in one point - they have soul power unparalleled by other warriors, and they can even leave their bodies and turn soul power into weapons."

Du Jue's words clearly revealed his dislike for the Temple of the Holy Spirit.The atmosphere of the audience changed again and again, and the faces of the descendants from all over the world also became a little weird.

Zhao Huan, Xue Tianchen and the others frowned imperceptibly, and also received the gazes of many people nearby.

The Holy Land inspire people?Still... "The Holy Land is not a sanctioner, it is impossible to punish anyone, but the Holy Land can do something for the people of the world." Du Jue raised his hand to signal, and a group of more than a hundred monks walked out of the arena, and walked to each arena in turn.

They held jade plates in their hands, covered with brocade silk, which could be vaguely seen as something like bamboo slips.

"What is it?" Niya asked Tang Yan.

Tang Yan narrowed his eyes slightly, and saw through the brocade: "It seems to be...a martial art!!"

Du Jue announced loudly: "Hereby, the Three Sacred Lands contribute two martial arts to the world, one for soul protection and one for soul conceiving, both of which are prefecture-level elementary martial arts!"

There were bursts of discussions in the audience, and everyone's eyes were on fire at this moment.

"Earth-level martial arts? Dedicated to the world? What a big deal!!"

"Soul pregnancy! Soul protection?!"

"This is the Holy Land, wonderful!!"

"Haha, well, I'm not angry anymore."

"The Holy Land cannot punish the Holy Spirit Hall, but it can do something to protect the world. This...haha...I like it!"

The atmosphere in the audience was hot one after another, and the previous anger changed.

Not only are two earth-level martial arts presented to the holy land, but also the type of martial arts-soul protection!The soul is pregnant!

Every country, every place and every power is more or less afraid of the Temple of the Holy Spirit, because they are all special fighters who can threaten the soul.Once the soul is damaged, the martial arts will not be able to improve at the slightest, and the soul will be lost in severe cases.In today's world, apart from the fact that various empires and forbidden lands may have some soul martial skills, and they cannot be too strong, even the kings and royal families do not have them in other places.

This is also one of the main reasons why the Temple of the Holy Spirit can be unscrupulous, and it is also one of the reasons why all countries and places are cautious when dealing with the Temple of the Holy Spirit.

And now... the Three Sacred Lands have jointly launched two soul martial arts, all of which are earth-level martial arts!It had to make the audience moved.

Du Jue announced loudly: "As long as you practice it with your heart, the two major martial skills will quickly increase the soul power of everyone present, and can add an invisible armor to your soul. With all due respect, these two major soul martial skills are left over from ancient times. Many defects may not be 100% suitable for all fighters, but we have made joint repairs and adjustments in the Three Holy Lands, which can fully guarantee that they will not hurt you at least.

It is hereby noted that the two types of martial arts are not offensive martial arts, and the protective ability may also be limited, which varies from person to person, and it is impossible to completely resist the offensive of the soul type.But... with them, at least your soul power will be stronger, so that you will not be helpless when you encounter soul martial arts attacks.

Also, everyone here is from the royal family of the king, the royal family of the empire, the powerful families of various countries, and the hidden families of various regions. I hope that you can bring these martial arts back, not only for your own practice, but also for the people around you to practice together.

Don't keep it private, don't keep it private.

Another purpose of the Holy Land's convening of the League of Heroes in the World is to use your hands and influence to build a protective barrier for the Qitian Continent, which is under the threat of the Temple of the Holy Spirit.

Here, old monk, on behalf of the Three Sacred Lands and all warriors in the world, I would like to thank you all..."

Du Jue even gave a deep bow. At the same time, Qiao Ba, Chu Kuangfeng and others on the high platform, as well as the vice presidents of the academy, all stood up, nodded slightly, and turned to the princes and princes from various countries present... that's fine. A salute... This move caught everyone off guard, and Du Jue's high-pitched voice touched a chord in everyone's hearts.After a moment of calm, all the contestants and the initial knockouts spontaneously bowed their heads to the old people in the Holy Land, and more and more people bowed their heads until the audience collectively bowed their heads to respect their demeanor and respect them mind.

Du Jue raised his hand to signal, and the monks on the high platform walked towards the crowd with jade plates, and sent two bamboo slips to all the contestants and the early eliminations.

Qiao Ba reiterated again: "The Holy Land has repaired and adjusted these two martial arts for 300 years. The Three Holy Lands can use the name of the Holy Land to assure you that the two martial arts will never do any harm, let alone the above. What kind of tricks did the Holy Land do?"

Du Jue said: "Since the era of great destruction until now, warriors in Qitian Continent have gradually neglected the growth and nurturing of souls because they valued martial arts too much. The growth of warriors can make warriors stronger.

The Holy Land hopes to use this opportunity, with the help of you representatives of the new generation in various regions, to set an example for all the new generation, and spread it widely to all the new generation warriors, so as to inject new vitality into the future martial arts, Re-stimulate people's motivation to conceive and nourish their souls. "

Qiao Ba also said: "The Holy Land can give you another five days. You can all stay here to recuperate your injuries and experience the two major soul martial arts. If there is something you don't understand or have doubts, we old guys from the Three Holy Lands will sit down In this fifth arena, waiting for you to come over, all doubts will be answered."

The atmosphere of the Martial Arts Field changed and touched again and again, so far no one thought about the previous anger, they all listened to the speeches of Du Jue and Qiao Ba, and felt a trace of holy power revealed by them at this moment.

All the saints and the vice presidents of the academy stood up and shouted: "I will announce that today's competition is over and disbanded!"

... "The holy land finally looks like a holy land this time. It is bold and generous. I have begun to change my opinion of them." Back in the valley house, Nian Youyu weighed the two books of martial arts in his hand and nodded in satisfaction. : "Two local-level soul martial arts! I have lived half my life, and this is the first time I have an earth-level martial skill! Not bad!! Good baby!!"

Xuanyuan Longli said: "There are still people in the Holy Land who are sympathetic to the people of the world. Their overall purpose is this. The reason why they have been strong for the past month is that they have to be strong and show domineering. After all, the contestants who have been recruited All of them are princes and princes, most of them are arrogant and noble people. Qiao Ba and the others don't show some domineering posture, which is not enough to make them obey.

Now that the competition has come to an end, the mission has basically been successfully completed, and there is no need for them to be strong. "

"These two books of soul martial arts have the title of earth-level martial arts, but they should not have the power of earth-level martial arts." Tang Yan sat at the stone table and flipped through the bamboo slips. "At best, it is a high-level spirit-level martial skill, at least not high! But it is not bad, it can not only nurture the soul, but also protect the soul, just like what Qiao Ba said, put armor on the soul.

If it can be popularized to all races in the world and to most warriors in the future, at least the danger of the Holy Spirit Hall will be reduced by [-]%, and all countries will no longer be afraid of the Holy Spirit Hall. "

Nalantu said: "Once the news is announced, the name of the Holy Land will definitely rise to an unprecedented level, but it is tantamount to a complete break with the Holy Spirit Hall, and it is also tantamount to a cold reception of the Daqian Dynasty either explicitly or secretly.

The Three Holy Lands will not sanction the Holy Spirit Hall and the Dagan Dynasty, but will deter them, and attack them openly or covertly. Today's behavior is a signal in the early stage. "

"What's the situation with Xuanyuan?" Nian Youyu suddenly asked Tang Yan: "I think she is obedient, why did she give up suddenly in the end? If there is a real fight, I think she is probably no worse than Wu Jieshu and has the ability to compete for the championship of."

Zhao Zimo who came back said: "She is very smart, it is better to give up than fight."

"Why?" Nian Youyu didn't understand.

"Do you still need to ask why? What happened on stage at that time, Tang Yan, Xu Yan, her. If she really challenged, she would be [-]v[-]. If she faces Tang Yan and Xu Yan together, she will definitely fail in the end."

"OK, got it!!"

"Why do I's not easy..." Niya glanced at Tang Yan intentionally or unintentionally.

Tang Yan hastily retorted: "Hey!! What look?! I have nothing to do with her! You can't get involved with me if you meet a woman, right? I quit a long time ago with a knife on Sezi's head!"

"Why are you nervous?" Niya narrowed her eyes slightly.


"Pfft!" Everyone couldn't help laughing.

Tang Yan smiled awkwardly: "It's really nothing, really."

"How much do you know about Xuanyuan?" Matthews looked at Gu Lingfeng.

Zhao Zimo said: "That woman is taciturn and silent, and she is becoming more and more mysterious. Today's defeat of Murong Zixuan really shocked me. I was terrified to see it. I can't say that Murong Zixuan was defeated. Injustice or not, I can only say that the woman is terrible."

(End of this chapter)

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