Valkyrie Storm

Chapter 139 Niya's Husband

Chapter 139 Niya's Husband
"Niya, what are you doing? Speaking of seniority, you are the elder!"

"It's just a group of children. As an elder, you are going too far!"

"This is a public place, not your Rao family, so you can't be presumptuous!"

The parents of the major families stood up one after another and reprimanded Niya for going crazy without warning.Niya is the youngest daughter of Odin and the younger sister of Isaac. She is a figure of the same generation as the contemporary patriarchs of the major families. people.

De Niro and the others looked a little embarrassed, looking at Niya with a icy pretty face with lingering fear, only now did they realize that Niya is not a vase, but one of the top ten overlords in the Taiwu mining area, and even a second-rank martial king !

In this silent and tense atmosphere, Tang Yan burst out laughing inappropriately: "Elder? A group of juniors are molesting the elders? A child showing love to his aunt? Thank you for doing it."

"Little devil, what are you talking about?" Shy and indignant eyes fixed on Tang Yan.

Tang Yan smiled awkwardly: "It's nothing, I'm talking to myself."

The group of "you" wanted to reprimand this ignorant brat, but they couldn't hold back a word for a long time.Tang Yan's ridicule just now seemed to hit their nails.

The issue of Niya's age and seniority has always been a hurdle in the hearts of all suitors, but they have been voluntarily avoided all the time, and no one has touched it, let alone raised it.Today is fine, the brat said it bluntly.

Seeing De Niro and the others deflated, Ahn'Qiraj suddenly felt refreshed, and couldn't help but look at Tang Yan again. This guy doesn't seem to be particularly annoying.

Seeing that Tang Yan was eager to try, Du Yang had the urge to quarrel with this group of young masters, so he quickly reminded him in a low voice: "Don't, don't make enemies, don't draw too much attention. The more low-key you are, the more beneficial you are in the arena of life and death."

"Hehe, the inner hall is still busy, what are you talking about?" Accompanied by a frivolous laugh, a feminine man in a fine attire walked in with nine young men and women.The women are graceful, or coquettish and exquisite, and the men are tall and burly, or delicate and handsome. They all exude a not weak aura, and there is a slight arrogance between their brows.

The leading man is of course the ninth prince of the empire, and the men and women behind him are naturally the strongest elites selected from the direct and collateral blood of the royal family. How much sriracha.

Within the alliance-based Delos Empire, the so-called royal family is the longest and most powerful family power, steadily ranking first in the empire, and its successors are naturally unmatched by other families.

The appearance of the Ninth Prince and others made the already delicate atmosphere weird. The eyes of De Niro and other heirs of the family were slightly indifferent. Only the An Meilun family and the Debussy family nodded slightly in salute, but somewhat reluctantly. .

"The representative team of the royal family?" Tang Yan looked at the ten powerful members of the royal family, and secretly felt that they were worthy of being the clan standing at the top of the empire. Regardless of their impressive strength level, both men and women showed a faint killing intent.Tang Yan is very familiar with this kind of aura, which is the 'potential' accumulated in the long-term battle.In other words, the selection of contestants by the royal family this time is not purely based on grades, but also an important prerequisite experience!Survival experience!

After all, the first stage is to survive alone, facing the threat of thousands of monsters, and the strife of death among the major families. If you don't have good quality and experience, it is difficult to persist for 30 days.

After all, this is not a competition, but a life gamble!

"The registration of all the great families has ended, and only your Rao family is left. When are you going to start?" The Ninth Prince glanced over the representative team of the Rao family, and lingered on Tang Yan intentionally or unintentionally.

"Right away!" Niya personally led Tang Yan and others to a high platform not far away.

"Huh? Who are those three children?" Someone finally noticed a problem. There are only seven girls including Angela, and Tang Yan and three strangers make exactly ten. Could it be that they will also participate in the competition?who is it?Why have I never seen it before!

For unfamiliar and unknown things, people are often very careful subconsciously.The eyes of the heirs of the major families flickered with vigilance, and they lingered on the three of them one by one, and finally they all settled on Xu Yan. This breath is probably a third-rank Wuzong, and even reached the peak of the Wuzong. Could it be that Rao The family and the clan in hiding
Who is this man?Special vigilance is required!
The Ninth Prince is interested, this kid should be Tang Yan, right?He actually wants to replace the Rao family in the war?In what capacity!This life-and-death struggle clearly stipulates that they must be members of the family, that is, to prevent foreign aid.

"Take a drop of blood essence, drop it on the stone tablet, and mark your name and identity." The staff took out ten ordinary stone tablets, lined them up in front of Tang Yan and ten people, and glanced at Tang Yandu without a trace. Yang and Xu Yan secretly guessed their identities.

Ahn'Qiraj started first, stretching out his fingertips to bleed out a drop of Yin Hong's blood, the stone tablet suddenly flashed a stream of light, as delicate as jade, clear and clear, completely opposite to the ordinary one just now.The rest of the girls followed suit in turn, activating the stone tablet in front of them with blood essence.

Niya personally fetched a carving knife, with smooth knife skills, and carved everyone's identities on ten stone tablets. Angela, daughter of Andea from the Rao family, and Amy, daughter of Ferroga from the Rao family. All seven girls are collateral. heirs ofThe three direct descendants, Betsy and the two boys, were hidden by the family. They were too young and too weak to withstand the test of life-and-death struggle.

Niya continued to chisel Du Yang, the adopted son of Odin, the patriarch of the Rao family, and Xu Yan, the adopted daughter of Odin, the patriarch of the Rao family.

"A foster son? A foster daughter? This is a violation!" Aurora suddenly shouted coquettishly, and the faces of the rest of the people were not very good-looking.

Niya paused, and said indifferently: "The regulations require family members, but there is no name to be related by blood. Aren't adopted sons and adopted daughters counted as family members? They are all children that my father took in a long time ago. Because I like them, What's wrong with being included in the family?"

Kane, a strong man in Chinese clothes, said coldly: "Then let's just find some third-tier Wuzongs under the age of 25 and recognize them all as adopted sons. Wouldn't they all be able to participate in the life-and-death battle? What's the point of this competition?"

"It's up to you, no one is stopping you, but it seems that you have already signed up and cannot modify it!"

"You guys are cheating!"

"Excuse me, Your Highness the Ninth Prince, are adopted sons and adopted daughters considered members of the family?" Niya asked the Ninth Prince directly.

The corner of the Ninth Prince's mouth still had a slight smile, a strange color flashed in his eyes, and he was silent for a while: "Forget it!"

"What else do you have to say?" Niya glanced at the major families one by one, including De Niro and others who admired her. All the contestants frowned slightly. loophole!This cheat is done more cleverly!
What an asshole!

Niya ignored them and continued chiseling, slowly engraving Tang Yan, the husband of Niya of Rao's family, on Tang Yan's stone tablet!
"It's done, put it away!"

Everyone didn't care at first, subconsciously thinking that he was a adopted son, until the staff on the high platform exclaimed, dozens of eyes refocused on the stone tablet, and the word 'husband' pierced deeply in everyone's pupils.

Tang Yan was stunned for a moment, coughed a few times, and carefully reminded: "I made a mistake, it's the adopted son."

"That's right, it's you." Niya replied lightly, and casually threw the stone plaques to the display stand in front, where the stone plaques of all the family contestants were lined up in order, densely packed, as many as three hundred.

"Niya! You seem to have made a typo!" De Niro's smiling face slowly darkened, and he slowly clenched his fists. The sound of creaking joints rubbing against each other was particularly harsh in this empty and quiet inner hall.

Even Denzel, who was always silent in the corner, slowly raised his head, his dark eyes fixed on Tang Yan without blinking.

Isaac announced loudly: "Niya's fiancé is Tang Yan, representing the Rao family in the life-and-death competition. After the competition, we will announce the wedding date!"

Tang Yan swallowed, and smiled coyly: "You are so humorous, you dare to make such a joke, don't be naughty, change it quickly."

This time, the silent atmosphere became depressing, everyone's eyes were changing, various emotions flashed through their minds, and finally decided to kill!

De Niro, Kane, Matthews who had just walked in, and the other young masters of the family all stared at Tang Yan coldly, their killing intent undisguised, and getting stronger.

Seeing that Niya was indifferent, Tang Yan almost cried: "Are you serious?"

"Really!" Niya and Isaac both nodded with certainty.

(End of this chapter)

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