Valkyrie Storm

Chapter 140 Chaos

Chapter 140 Chaos
"I'll kill you!" Matthews was furious, his eyes flickered, and two sword lights burst out, aiming at Tang Yan on the high platform.

"Go away!" Niya waved her hand casually, clanging and clanging, shaking off the two sword beams.

"This kind of thing, how can you be worthy of you? You are insulting yourself, or insulting me, Matthews!" Matthews' face was gloomy and almost ferocious. Shoot into the sky, clang clang clang!Dense metal sounds reverberated in the air, like sharp swords coming out of their sheaths, and like metal and stone clinking, 24 sword lights burst out of the body, stained with scarlet blood, and blasted at Tang Yan together.

The sword energy was sharp and piercingly cold, and the terrifying killing intent seemed to condense into substance.

Niya's complexion changed slightly, and he wanted to take Tang Yan to evacuate, but once he escaped, Xu Yan, Du Yang and others would all be in trouble. At the nick of time, Isaac suddenly appeared, raised his hand, and a strong flame burst out, sweeping across the sky. "Matthews, dare to attack my uncle, are you tired of work?"

"Isaac, you are tired of living if you dare to attack the juniors." The priests and elders of Rubin Kimi's family were all furious, and they drew their swords and rushed to the high platform.

"Let's go!" All the gold-armored guards rushed to the high platform, guarding Tang Yan and others one by one, and quickly evacuated.

A terrifying impact swept across like a stormy sea. It was a huge fluorescent hand shadow, like a substance, heavy with pressure, like raging waves, and even more like a mountain, blasting everyone on the high platform away on the spot.

De Niro's face was gloomy: "No one can leave today without explaining clearly!"

"Little devil, get out!" Kane's eyes were red, and at this moment, he struck out with an iron fist, hitting Tang Yan who was in chaos. To all the golden armor guards.

Tang Yan's fascination burst out, and he quickly dodged to the side.

"This kind of rubbish deserves to have Niya." De Niro suddenly appeared in front of Tang Yan, stretched out his hand, and once again condensed into a huge hand shadow, blasting and killing like a tsunami.

"Go away!" Xu Yan roared sharply, blocking in front of Tang Yan, his right arm instantly became a claw, wrapped in the unparalleled power of thunder and lightning, brazenly facing the hand of God.Du Yang moved at the same time, a pure petrified force avoided the hand shadow and went straight to De Niro.


After all, De Niro is a king-level martial artist, and the hand of heaven is an earth-level martial art. The power of the angry blow at this moment is really terrifying, and the fierce impact blows them all away on the spot.

Rumble!The entire inner hall was in chaos!
Tang Yan was furious, but there were murderous eyes from all directions, all the people running away. The top heirs of these top families were like wolves and tigers one by one. Most of them were intercepted, but there were still a few people besieging and killing them.

Before he could find a breakthrough, three radiant sword beams tore through the dust and mist, and went straight to the chest and abdomen. The speed was so fast and the killing intent seemed to cut him in four.Tang Yan felt a chill all over his body, and with a roar in his heart, the Golden Elephant Jue turned his body into gold in an instant.

clang clang clang!Three deafening bangs sounded, and Tang Yan was rushed more than ten meters away as if struck by lightning, and smashed down the stone wall of the inner hall, and smashed into the chaotic crowd outside. , the body has been repeatedly tempered, and at this moment there are still three wounds, or not wounds, but four sections, the wounds are torn from the front of the body, and it is almost to the back.

Fortunately, the Undead Yantian Art has been strengthened and healed at the fastest speed.

"Trash, take your life!" Matthews stepped forward like a killing god of war, and appeared in the sky above Tang Yan in an instant. His cold eyes locked on Tang Yan like a poisonous snake, and twenty bloody long swords floated around, all aimed at Tang Yan. After touching Tang Yan, there was a second of silence, followed by a loud bombardment.

De Niro killed at the same time, his eyes were cold, and he pushed out his palm, like a turbulent wave rolling, or like a mountain collapsing. The terrifying shadow of God's hand swept over, scattered the people along the way one after another, and went straight to the bloody Tang Yan on the ground.

The two newly promoted Martial Kings and the two geniuses of the Empire, at this very moment, are all mad, with a determined killing intent!
Rumble!The destructive power directly flooded the area, and even the people around who couldn't dodge in time suffered. They vomited blood and flew backwards, and several people were almost crushed by Matthews' sword light.

Niya and the others came out one after another, and they were all taken aback when they saw the dusty scene in the arena.

Matthews glanced at Niya coldly: "He doesn't deserve it!"

Niya looked at the ruins in a daze, her face slowly sank, her eyes moved up little by little, and fixed on Matthews, her voice was like shaking off ice scum: "A life for a life!"

"Niya, calm down!" Rubin Kimi's devotees roared in unison.

But Niya burst into the sky in an instant, his right fingertips twirled, and a vast river of energy surged out, transforming into a roaring beast, and slammed at Matthews fiercely. The killing intent was absolutely not Pretentious, the coldness in his eyes almost froze Matthews.

"Are you going to kill me?" Matthews didn't evade, but looked at Niya, the woman he had been chasing and loving for more than ten years.

"Master, get out of the way!" The two priests intercepted in time and stood in front of Matthews. With a rumble, water beasts swept over and drowned the three of them on the spot. The arena is destroyed.

In the next second, Niya's eyes turned to De Niro, without saying a word, his spiritual power condensed into a sword beam tens of meters long, and he burst out, as if he was about to be bombarded and killed. The Gaobo family welcomed him with all their strength. However, Isaac rushed over, engulfing them like a tide of scorching flames: "Don't bully people too much, do you really think our Rao family has a good temper? Kill me!"

The sudden wild collision threw the entire arena into chaos. Most people didn't know what happened, but they felt Niya's undisguised murderous intent and the hatred of the big families. Everyone acted rationally. Shut up, dodge towards the edge as quickly as possible, so as not to be affected and die unjustly, and stare blankly at the situation in front of you.

"Enough!" Just as the battlefield level was about to be upgraded, a hoarse roar suddenly came from the previous ruins. Niya, who was about to chase Matthews, stopped and stared at the dusty area. ruins.

"Tang Yan?" Isaac was a little surprised, even more inconceivable. Facing the angry blows from the two martial kings, this guy didn't die?
"You are the young masters of an aristocratic family, not local hooligans. A group of martial kings beat me up, this little Wu Zong? How shameless! Disgusting mother opened the door for disgusting, so disgusting!" Tang Yan's clothes were torn, his body was covered in blood, and he was embarrassed. Walking out of the dust and fog, his fierce eyes swept over Matthews and the others.

If it hadn't been for the eight-phase thunder seal that was successfully cast at the last moment and teleported between the two thunder rays, he might have been killed just now. Yan Tian Jue eased up for a full 2 ​​minutes before returning to adult appearance.

"He's not dead?" Kane and the others looked at each other in blank dismay. They were first blasted by Matthews' sword energy, and then greeted by the joint bombardment of Matthews and De Niro. Even if Kane stood there by himself, he might be killed. He was seriously injured, but this ordinary Wu Zong didn't seem to have suffered too much injury.

Tang Yan picked up a piece of cloth casually, touched the blood on his face indiscriminately, and pouted heavily: "With this kind of quality, it can be regarded as a descendant of the family. It really gives your family a face! If I were your father, I would definitely slap him die, to avoid embarrassment."

"You bastard, what did you just say? What are you, worthy of educating us?" De Niro was in a panic, staring at Tang Yan viciously.

"What did I say? Can't you hear? Do you have a fucking ear problem? Or is your head flooded with water and you can't understand it? Just because of a woman, you lose your mind, don't care about the occasion, fight violently, and plan to kill me, Rao, in front of the big families of the empire. The prospective son-in-law of the family is bombarded, and you are not afraid of causing a family war? It will cause civil strife in the empire." Tang Yan wiped the blood and angrily scolded: "Look at your virtuous behavior! Are you crazy? Something is wrong!"

The angry atmosphere calmed down a bit, everyone wanted to refute, but couldn't find the right words for a while, people from other families looked at each other, who is this guy?With such courage, he even pointed at Matthews and others' noses and cursed.

"If you want to pursue a woman, you have to rely on your personal charm. Don't mess around every day, let alone pretend to be cool and chic. You have to pay attention to strategy. It's okay to learn more from your uncle and me. Make progress by retreating and let women back!"

"Who are you uncle!" De Niro and others shouted in unison.

"Who posted it?" Niya glared, the little bastard even brought him in.

"For example, don't get excited." Tang Yan coughed dryly, straightened his face, and pointed at Matthews and De Niro and other young masters and ladies from major families: "Listen clearly to me. If there is any contradiction, we will live or die. If there is any dissatisfaction with the resolution in the arena, we will meet in the arena of life and death, and I, Tang Yan, will accompany you to the end! Live like a man, and men must solve problems in a man's way!"

"Okay! You said it! Let's see you in the arena of life and death!" Matthews glanced coldly at Tang Yan, then looked at Niya, and snorted heavily: "Let's go!"

"Wait! Who let you go? Who allowed you to go? I like to gamble. Do you dare?"


"If I lose, you can take this life as you like. If I can make it to the top three in the team battle, you will kneel on the ground and kowtow ten times to my little brother. You must face the royal family and the big families at that time!"

"This game, I bet! But you don't die too early, I, Matthews, will take your life!" With a thought, Matthews sank all 24 sharp swords into his body, bringing the family's offerings and clansmen Angrily left the arena.

"And you, let's see you in the battle of life and death! Whoever wants to take my life, I will be ready at any time. But I will not be stingy with your life. If anyone loses, your family will not be able to fight against you within five years." The Austrian family takes any hostile action." Tang Yan targeted De Niro and others again.

"Gamble! See you in the arena of life and death, don't die too early!" De Niro and others left one after another, leaving behind a mess all over the floor and the children of the aristocratic family who were still immersed in a daze.

(End of this chapter)

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