Valkyrie Storm

Chapter 141

Chapter 141
Rao family!

"You crazy, who promised to be your son-in-law and announced it to the empire a few months in advance, do you think my life is long? Or are you afraid that my death is not miserable enough?" Tang Yan roared hysterically, angrily scolding the family seniors in front of him them.

A group of old people were embarrassed and silent, but Ahn'Qiraj was a little annoyed, but his status was low, so he could only stand in the corner and mutter: "You're a good boy!"

"Tell me again if you have the ability?" Tang Yan turned his target and aimed at Ahn Qila: "I got a bargain? What kind of bargain did I get! It's just a broken engagement, and I haven't even kissed my mouth! Now it's a mess The city is full of wind and rain, and all the men regard me as an enemy. As long as I step out of this gate now, I will definitely die without a whole body. Also, the battlefield of life and death is full of dangers, so you must keep a low-key low-key and low-key! You are good, a high-profile The propaganda made all the top masters of the five major families my enemies! I am only a second-rank Martial Ancestor, and I can’t bear the bombardment and killing of so many people in turn! A person who must die, the marriage contract is useless!"

Isaac and the others didn't expect the incident to become such a big mess, and they really underestimated Niya's charm.It was indeed agreed to treat Tang Yan as a adopted son at the beginning, but after thinking about it, they still felt that the "son-in-law" was more binding. Using Niya's charm to tie Tang Yan to the family was far better than the adopted son who did not have much restraint.As long as Tang Yan stays, the ancient holy land in the Central Plains will eventually show kindness to the Rao family, and the two gifted boys Du Yang and Niya will also stay.

The reason why it was announced in advance was to silence some people, so that they would not say that the Rao family randomly dragged someone under the title of 'son-in-law' and threw it in as a scapegoat.The announcement in advance has attracted attention, which means that this son-in-law is serious, and he is indeed a member of the Rao family!
Isaac said: "Let's say sorry first, we were ill-considered, but you really shouldn't bet with Matthews and the others so easily, it will only irritate them even more."

Tang Yan vented his anger, exhaled heavily, and sat down on the wooden chair with a frown: "They are already angry enough, not short of this excitement. Now let's get down to business, is there any way for me to find Du Fu in the shortest possible time?" Yang and Xu Yan?"

"I'm afraid it can't be done. Before participating in the competition, the royal family will arrange special personnel to search you and change into the clothes they prepared for you. This is to prevent the major families from cheating. Gather in advance, because the key to the first stage It is personal survival. In order to reflect the fairness of the competition and avoid super powerful weapons from entering the arena, the royal family can modify the rules. Each participant can only carry one kind of weapon or armor, and cannot carry monsters."



"But what?"

"We already got your demon pet into the wild forest half a month ago."

"Monster pet? What demon pet? Wait, you say black girl?" Tang Yan frowned, staring at Isaac, and slowly stood up: "Are you kidding? The black girl has just been weaned, you put it on your own Throw it into the wild forest?"

Niya said: "Don't be impulsive, the black girl is not as weak as you think. It has eaten the natural treasures of heaven and earth for four consecutive months, and the changes are so great that you may not recognize it yourself. After throwing the black girl into the wilderness Before the forest, we conducted special training for it. It has accompanied you all the way from the northern wilderness to the present, and it should have a lot of experience in living in dense forests, so I think it can handle it.”

Isaac said: "We will not harm you, let alone your demon pet. The black girl has a very keen sense of smell and is familiar with your smell. It should be able to find you in a short time, and then find your two brothers , that's the only thing we can do for you."

The royal family guarded the wild forest very closely, and there were tens of thousands of troops closely surrounding it. The Rao family almost exhausted their efforts, and took advantage of the opportunity of the royal family to bet monsters in the wild forest, and got the black girl who was also a monster into it.With Hei Niu's help, Tang Yan can not only find Du Yang and Xu Yan, but also An Qila and other women.

Tang Yan calmed down a little. Since he started to test the eight-phase thunder seal, he hasn't seen the black girl for more than four months.Tang Yan is aware of its special nature, if it is fed Tiancaidibao every day, some kind of transformation may really occur.

Seeing that Tang Yan's mood had stabilized, Isaac handed him a wooden sign: "This is the information of the contestants from the major families. We have tried our best to make it as detailed as possible, but they are all the hopes of the family, and they may have different The well-known secrets, the major families will definitely do their best for this game, and give them many magic weapons to save their lives. You must first be familiar with these people, but you cannot blindly trust these information."

Niya said: "I will be with you from tonight until the official competition. If you have any questions, just ask, and try to get the details of the [-] contestants within five days. But you don't have to worry too much. They don't know anything about you, and that's your greatest advantage."

In the past, Tang Yan would definitely have teased her, but now she clenched the wooden sign tightly and closed her eyes tiredly.Although he has self-confidence and is not afraid of any challenges, he will face the top 300 young people of the entire Delos Empire after five days. Advanced martial arts.

No matter from which level, he is at a disadvantage.

Knowing the cruelty of this life-and-death struggle, Isaac secretly sighed, beckoned Niya to take care of her, and left the hall with his clansmen.

That night, Tang Yan brought Du Yang and Xu Yan together to carefully study the characteristics of the heirs of the major families and formulate detailed action plans. Niya was always by their side and introduced the martial arts characteristics of the major families. and plan their actions.

Angela and other girls are also making the final preparations accompanied by their parents. They all know the danger of this trip and the cruelty in the wild forest, but they will not give up hope, constantly encouraging their children, and constantly Give them specific instructions.

On the third day, the major families gathered again in the imperial city, where they re-determined the list of contestants, and then they will collectively go to the wild forest, the arena of life-and-death fighting!

All the major families sent king-level powerhouses to guard it personally, and the royal family and the six major families even dispatched senior monsters!The Rao family was led by Odin himself, guarded by Niya and the elders of the three major clans, accompanied by the three major martial king-level priests and one hundred golden armored guards, leaving Venerable Huoying and Isaac to guard the family.

In the early morning, the resounding cries of eagles and roars of beasts resounded throughout the world. Thousands of birds outside the imperial city scrambled to roar. There are powerful monsters such as cruel golden-eyed demon bats, tiger eagles, and northern golden eagles, as well as fierce beasts such as griffins and imperial eagles at the peak of the fourth level.

The mighty ferocity shook the imperial capital, and many fierce birds glared at each other and screamed provocatively. All the family guards had to control with all their strength to prevent these big guys from fighting each other.

The young masters and ladies of the big families looked at Tang Yan from time to time, wanting to see what kind of man could capture Niya's heart, and the murderous intent could not be concealed in their curious eyes.

When the ear-splitting bells rang throughout the imperial city, and the brilliant sun rose in the east, all the vicious birds neighed together, rolling up thick dust and mist into the sky, and carrying their respective contestants to the wild forest!

The blue sky, colorful clouds floating, thousands of vicious birds passing through the border, a large number of Venerables and King Wu walked through the air, and the powerful family guards' eyes were shining, which not only made the areas they passed along the way trembling and uneasy, they all looked up and looked up. Even the young masters and ladies of the family who were on the fierce bird were very excited, and they all clenched their fists, feeling the chill before the war, and even dissipated a lot of fear and tension in their hearts.

"The first stage will be very cruel. You don't have to fight for strength in everything. If you can hide, you can hide. If you can hide, you can hide. Survival is the kingly way." Calm and quiet, but it is difficult to conceal the charm of shocking the world.

"I want to hide it, but your suitors don't seem to allow it." Tang Yan glanced not far away, there was a ferocious golden-eyed demon bat, and the handsome man on it glanced here from time to time The murderous intent in his eyes was undisguised. It was Matthews, the eldest son of the Rubin Kimi family.

Niya said calmly: "The more cruel the reality, the more wonderful life is. Only the victory you win is the most valuable, and only then can you get everyone's approval, and only then can you be worthy of being my Niya's man."

Tang Yan smiled casually, but didn't say anything.

"Actually, I find that I can't see through you more and more." Niya changed her tone slightly, she was no longer so indifferent, and even looked at Tang Yan with a strange look.

"Me? One for mortals, one for all."

Niya smiled: "You are shameless and obscene, and of course you are lustful, but I feel that this is not all about you, is it my illusion?"

"Don't! Don't look at me with complicated eyes. I'm not as special as you imagined." Tang Yan sat up, stretched his stiff neck, and said, "Don't use marriage to wrong yourself. This time, I will do my best for your Rao family to see that your family has a good character, not for you."

Niya was noncommittal, smiled slightly, and said, "Tang Yan, you must survive. Ten years later, I will accompany you to the Northern Wilderness to see what kind of family abandoned you, and what kind of woman is willing to fight for a Shame on the bastard to sacrifice himself."

In the team not far away, Matthews and others have been observing here. When they saw Niya showing a peaceful smile, they were slightly lost. The coldness was restored, and the killing intent was even stronger.

(End of this chapter)

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