Valkyrie Storm

Chapter 1393 Rising Dragon Road

Chapter 1393 Rising Dragon Road

Unlike the collision half a month ago, this time Medusa was really angry, and this palm used at least five points of her strength.Her real strength is comparable to that of a kappa, and [-]% of her strength is enough to obliterate any semi-saint, and even revive a newly promoted saint.

Tang Yan felt something was wrong at the first hit, and the bombardment with all his strength was like hitting a pile of flour.Boom! !There was no fierce clanging and contention, only the petrified fog aroused all over the sky, and it boiled instantly, turning into a swirling vortex and swallowing Tang Yan's dragon body.Beginning with the striking claws, the entire body quickly petrified.

At the same time, the petrified mist petrified Tang Yan and even the green fire, and the surrounding water tides petrified in a strange manner. Accompanied by the dense and strange sound of clicking waves, the space nearly [-] meters in front of Medusa became a whole. Stones, all the offensive and fury stopped instantly.

The scene is weird and terrifying.

"I don't know how to live or die! I really can't help you?" Medusa snorted coldly and stopped, and the huge stone nearly [-] meters sank suddenly, causing dense blisters.

The sudden stillness immediately attracted the attention of all parties, and the golden lions who were in the midst of a fierce battle in the distance were all alarmed, looking at the falling boulder in astonishment.

Inside... is Tang Yan? !
"Except for that mermaid, kill all the others, torture and kill! If you dare to come to our river area to be presumptuous and mutilate my Naga people, this is the end!" Medusa snorted coldly, and directly issued the killing order.

"You killed Tang Yan?!" The three heads of the golden lion were hideous.The members of the Ren family woke up as well as Langya, and couldn't accept this scene at all for a while, it was too sudden, too fast!

"What are you waiting for?" Medusa snapped.

"Kill!!" Alison and others roared collectively, and thousands of Naga people woke up from the chaos. They were even more encouraged by Medusa's killing intent, showing their fierceness, and then aroused their killing intent.

But... a small sound suddenly came from inside the sinking boulder, but it was impossible to detect it inside the boulder and the chaotic water bubbles.

"The second level of Candle Dragon Secrets! The second round of the Year of Killing!"

"Rising Dragon Path!"

In the depths of the petrified boulder, Tang Yan suddenly opened his scarlet eyes, the blood in his whole body was boiling hot at this moment, wanting to burn his soul!

The Supreme Tyrant Rising Dragon Dao proudly inspired!
He was indeed petrified, but what was really petrified was not his dragon body, but the layer covering his surface—the blister!
The most precious gift from the holy land actually helped him at the moment of life and death, and helped Tang Yan avoid the ultimate move of the holy ancestor.

Rumble! !The dragon's body vibrated violently, and the boulder suddenly exploded, turning into a majestic dragon aura that soared into the sky. The dragon's roar was frightening, the dragon's might was mighty, and the ten-foot-long dragon's body slammed wildly. .At the same moment, the extremely powerful dragon energy flooded her whole body and hit her whole body.

"Hiss!!" Sudden changes caused confusion at the bottom of the lake again.

"If he died that easily, it would be impossible for him to go from the wilderness to the Holy Land, kill him!!" The golden lion roared with three heads, roaring and trembling at the bottom of the lake.

The master of evil, the Ren family group, Langya, and the red-haired mermaid group fell into a riot again, rolling towards the Naga group like a storm.

Following Tang Yan's hoarse roar, the dragon's body struck Medusa and pierced through the chaotic river bottom with unparalleled ferocity.

The booming sound shook the sky, and a huge light and shadow broke through the waves, stirring up chaotic and vast waves.

A giant image of a dragon, coming from the river tide and spray, wrapped in unparalleled fighting power, pierced the sky, and met the stars all over the sky.

It looks like a dragon but it is not a dragon, but it clearly has the power of a dragon that can startle all beasts!

Stepping on the river tide, stomping the space, and stepping on the strong wind, Longying rushed to the height of a thousand meters in a shocking posture, illuminating the already dark night.Qiao Ba, who was charging at full speed, was startled by the pervading dragon's power, and he stopped abruptly after several thousand meters.

Ow! !
The giant dragon phantom roared up to the sky, the roar was thick and fierce, and the space trembled wildly. With the dragon's body soaring into the sky, the blasted lake surface was even more surging with countless waves.

"What is that?" Qiao Ba and the others were astonished, and they were confused for a moment. Wasn't the kappa invading?What kind of monster is that again? !Could it be that two came? !
But at the next moment, accompanied by a crisp cold snort, the phantom of the giant dragon that attracted widespread attention suddenly collapsed, replaced by white mist, like a sea like clouds, sweeping in all directions, covering the sky.

In the chaotic white clouds, a terrifying and huge white python tail loomed, and as the white mist rolled, a beautiful-colorful-red-fruited female body appeared at the same time.

It was as huge as a hundred meters, and it was writhing violently. The woman's head was covered with thick pythons, and the scene was creepy.But if you look closely, you can vaguely see its snake tail dripping with blood through the thick fog, as if it has just been pulled out of a meat grinder, which is shocking.

"Death!" The banshee with a snake-tailed body let out a sharp and piercing scream, and the rolling killing power shook the four directions.

"Medusa, there are many people who can kill me, but it's definitely not you!!" Tang Yan was tightly entangled by Medusa's snake tail, and looked very small and trapped under her huge body, but Eyes full of ferocity, killing intent undiminished, screaming and roaring.And at the same time, a beam of extinguishing light was shot towards Medusa's eyes. At the same time, the two dragon claws on the upper part held the black iron coffin, and the python's head blasted towards the angry shot. "go away!!"

"Holy Ancestor! Take and keep people!" Qiao Ba was the first to wake up, not only yelled, but also struck a golden knife, golden and gorgeous, exuding a blazing divine light, bloody in the golden depth, as if there were endless bright red The bloody water was burning inside it.

The golden light illuminated half of the sky, like nine days of thunder and lightning smashed out of a thousand-meter space, and slashed towards the petrified field.

Medusa awakened immediately, but... the golden blade light blazed into its hundreds of feet of flames at an approaching moment, boiling the sky, tearing apart the petrified space, and splitting towards the revealed Medusa.


Medusa reached out to intercept, but was still carried away by a huge force, hundreds of meters away.

Qiao Ba's knife struck out the essence of his life, so mysterious that it shattered Medusa's left hand, and the blood scattered like rain.

"Old man Qiao, do you dare to fight with me?" Medusa was angry, this knife was definitely Qiao Ba's full strength.But at this moment, Tang Yan broke free from the entanglement of her python's tail. With a strong body vibration, he plunged into the lake without any stop. The secret skill of Qianlong was activated and poured directly into the bottom of the lake.

"Come back, brat!!" Medusa pursued angrily.

"Holy Ancestor, please be merciful, otherwise don't blame the old man for not remembering the old love!" Qiao Ba roared across the air, the sound shook the river area, and the golden long knife came out of its sheath with a clang, pointing directly at Medusa.

The natal golden knife was unsheathed, and the night suddenly sounded dull thunder, the sky was full of wind and clouds, and thunderclouds accumulated.

A boundless killing power centered on the golden knife, detonated the sky.

Qiao Ba's fighting spirit was high, and he raised his arms and raised his sword, so vast and domineering!
"Old Qiao, what's going on?" Han Shaofeng and the others were at a loss, still immersed in the shock brought by the dragon shadow.

The other saints were also more or less at a loss, only Du Jue was slightly immersed, stepped forward, covered a whole kilometer, and approached Medusa forcefully.

The supreme secret technique of Buddhism—a thousand miles away!
"Holy Ancestor of Medusa, who was that just now?" Du Jue looked up at Medusa, his tone and face were calm, but his hands behind his back were tense. The killing palm blasted over!

Tang Yan dived to the bottom of the lake at a very high speed, forcibly collected the Lord of the Fiends, the Ren family group and Langya along the way, and went on a rampage all the way to the palace at the bottom of the lake.

The energy storm formed by Du Yang's promotion eighteen days ago has long since disappeared. The vast palace is quiet and beautiful. Tang Yan's mind swept across the entire palace, and found a strange fluctuation in the deep palace.

Inside the deep palace is a 'vacuum' world surrounded by five palaces. There is not a drop of lake water here, but flowers are blooming. The bamboo pavilion and stream are beautiful, like a garden in the land world.

In the main hall of one of the palaces, a thin young man in blue clothes and black hair was sitting cross-legged. A crystal clear spar was suspended in front of him, filled with a petrified halo. poured into his body.

Beside him lay quietly a small snow-white beast, like a bear or a tiger, its whole body was white without a trace of impurity, it was very cute.The little beast also slept deeply, its chubby body undulating rhythmically, absorbing the fog of petrification permeated by the spar.

It was Du Yang and the totem beast 'Tutu'.

Seeing them resting safely, Tang Yan heaved a sigh of relief, and Du Yang's breath clearly told him——Breakthrough!Maybe the time to break through is not long, the breath is messy, and it has not accumulated well... "The deep palace, idlers have strayed in by mistake! Please leave immediately!" Two four-armed naga came out from the side halls on both sides of the palace , pulling the water arrow, holding the water spear, pointing at the menacing 'beast'.

Tang Yan took a deep breath and let out a long breath. He let go of the demon spirit veins and changed back into a human form. He casually pulled a black robe on his body, ignored them, and walked towards the palace.

"Stop!! Can't you understand what we're saying?" The two Naga guards shouted in unison, their bows and arrows drawn into complaints, and the tips of the arrows accumulated surging water energy.

Just when Tang Yan was about to speak, Du Yang and Tutu, who were retreating in the palace, woke up, frowning, extremely dissatisfied that someone interrupted the retreat, their cold eyes glanced at Tang Yan, and a trace of strangeness flashed in the bottom of their eyes: "Who are you?!"

(End of this chapter)

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