Valkyrie Storm

Chapter 1394

Chapter 1394
The footsteps that Tang Yan was about to take stopped at the sound, and the words that were about to come to his mouth were also stuck. Looking at Du Yang in disbelief, he was stunned for a moment.

"Who are you? It seems to be chaotic outside, did you come here?" Du Yang stood up, staring at Tang Yan coldly.Tutu shook his body, showing a fierce look, Tang Yan's bloodstained face was a dangerous signal for it.

Tang Yan frowned more and more, and looked at Du Yang and Tutu with complicated eyes.

"I'm asking you, are you deaf?!" Du Yang clenched his right fist tightly, and the crisp clicking sound echoed in the huge hall for a long time, his cold eyes flashed with murderous intent.

"His grandma's." Tang Yan's face turned completely cold, his chest heaved violently, and his breathing became more and more rapid.

"Huh? Is there a problem? Who are you scolding!" Du Yang snorted coldly, walked out of the hall with Tutu, shook his hands and clenched his fists, and directly put on airs to fight.

"Medusa!!" Tang Yan roared suddenly, stepping out, the ground cracked, the terrifying aura shattered the surrounding pavilions, and the whole person rose from the ground, lightning retreated, and an angry roar came from afar : "I sold you to a brothel!!"

"You bastard! Die to me!!"

"The Holy Ancestor calm down!!"

"Tang Yan, are you crazy? What nonsense are you talking about? Back off!!"

"Stinky old bitches, I won't be able to get over my heart if I don't fuck you today!!"

"Amitabha, goodness, goodness, Nephew Tang, you..."

"Get out of the way!! Seal him completely today!!"

"Stop it all, that's enough!!"

"Stop off!!"

"Stop!! Stop it for me!!"

"Han Shaofeng, what are you doing in a daze, put this kid under control!!"

"Who dares to touch me? There are no equals! Medusa, I will definitely train you to be the number one brothel!!"

"Amitabha! Nephew Tang, be careful with your words!"

... The bottom of the lake in the distance was completely chaotic, with chaotic roars, sharp roars, fierce energy collisions and dazzling light waves, which not only shook the palace at the bottom of the lake, but even the golden lion and The Naga people were all dumbfounded.

Seven or eight high-ranking saints gathered together, and they should have been arrogant and immortal, but at this moment, there was a commotion like a vegetable market.

"Where did the madman come from?" Du Yang frowned, looking at the bottom of the lake in the distance.

"A guy who doesn't know what to do, how dare to humiliate the ancestor!" The two four-armed naga stared angrily.

"It seems to be very chaotic outside? What's the matter?" Du Yang's face darkened, but he frowned slightly: "Why do I suddenly feel familiar? Tutu, do you have any impression?"

Tutu of the totem beast showed a little confusion, obviously there was a bit of déjà vu, but when trying to recall, there was a sense of confusion and so on, and I couldn't remember anything clearly.

"You two!! Who was that lunatic just now?" Du Yang asked coldly to the two four-armed naga outside the door.

"This...he...we don't know each other either." The two Naga guards didn't dare to say anything more. The ancestors had explicitly prohibited mentioning Tang Yan's name and things.

"Tang Yan? What is the name of that lunatic Tang Yan?" Du Yang vaguely heard such a name that made him vaguely sensitive appear in the distant roar.

"Young Master Du, why don't you go in and rest first."

"Yes, the holy ancestor has repeatedly told you that you just broke through and urgently need to cultivate."

The two four-armed naga were in a bad mood, and they tried to persuade Du Yang repeatedly.

Du Yang ignored them, the more he thought about it, the more he felt that the man was familiar just now, and the name Tang Yan was also very familiar, as if he had seen or heard it somewhere, but the more he tried to think about it, the more he felt his head fluttering.

Tutu suddenly growled vigilantly at the two multi-armed naga, as if asking something angrily.

"You two have weird faces, what's going on? Did you eat something unclean, or did you do something unscrupulous?" Du Yang was withdrawn and shrewd, and he saw through the weirdness of the two Naga at a glance.

"Young Master Du misunderstood, we..."

"Stop talking nonsense! Ask what you want and answer what you want!!" Du Yang opened his fingers wide, petrified dust and mist lingering around his fingertips, crystal clear, but exuding throbbing energy: "One chance, tell me everything I want to know!"


"Who was that person just now, and why did I have a headache? Whoever says first, lives! The other one, dies! Who lives and dies, decide for yourself! Don't think I'm joking, I'm only joking with my friends!"

After about half a stick of incense, Tang Yan and others who continued to make noise all came to the depths of the palace, which was the courtyard where Du Yang was.

All of them are menacing, each of them is surging with energy, and each of them is emotionally excited. The pervasive aura alone will crush the luxurious palace.

Followed by hordes of Naga people, tens of thousands, in a black mass.

"Stop arguing!! Do you still have a bit of saintliness!!"

"If I don't give an explanation today, I, Tang Yanhuo, will turn your Hequ World into hell with such a face!!"

"Rampant!! I have lived for tens of thousands of years, and I have never seen such an arrogant kid like you! Let you grow up for a few more years, wouldn't this world not tolerate you!!"

"Don't give me any big reasoning. You have lived tens of thousands of years and still stayed in the holy land. You have the nerve to show off! Why are you so thick-skinned?!"

"Uh... Nephew Tang Yan, you have scolded us all."

"I didn't scold you, I scolded this shameless old woman!"

"Come here!! Take this brat for me!!"

"Enough! Enough is enough for all of you!! Don't blame the old man for turning his face and denying anyone who can't keep his mouth shut!" Qiao Ba couldn't bear it any longer. He grabbed Tang Yan, who was out of control, and pointed at Meidu with his other hand. Sarah.

"Okay, okay, stop making trouble. What's the matter, just let it go, and this situation must be caused?" Liuhe Shengshen shook his head and smiled bitterly, pointing at Tang Yan: "You little temper is not what you want. Who? Always lose control at every turn, what will happen in the future?"

"What happened to Tang Yan?" Du Jue frowned and asked Tang Yan. This time, things really went wrong. The world of the River District is a very special place, and the Valley of the Wicked will pay [-] points, but Tang Yan is not. A reckless and irritable person would not rush here from the Valley of the Wicked to be angry with Medusa for no reason, it seems... very angry.

"Ask her!! What nasty things did she do!! She's too old to be ashamed!! What do you leave him for? Be your little face! You're not afraid to show your waist!!" Tang Yan In a fit of anger, he started talking about everything. It's been a long time since he was so impulsive. Today, he couldn't control it. He kept clutching the space brocade box in his hand. If there is no reasonable explanation and solution, he will get through this time no matter what. Eternal Beast Mountain!
"I'm an ancestor! It's almost enough!!" Chu Kuangfeng almost rushed up to cover Tang Yan's mouth!Even a rough man like him can't stand it anymore, and the critical point of Medusa's rampage is not far away.

Liuhe and the other monks repeatedly touched Amitabha, and they felt so bad, this guy is a little devil, it's all like this now, will he become a holy place in the future and not fall out of heaven?Another day, if he has a chance, he has to take him back to the pure land to calm down, otherwise he will be an evil ancestor again, even more exaggerated!
Medusa really reached the limit of endurance, her face was gloomy, she stopped bickering, her eyes flickered with a cold light, and a sinister aura spontaneously diffused.

"Tang Yan!! Don't you give up if you don't piss us off? What's going on, tell me!!" Qiao Ba felt like he was about to lose control. If Medusa showed her full body, today's incident would definitely not happen. It ended easily, and even directly ruined the game the day after tomorrow.

"My brother, Du Yang!! He was detained at the bottom of the lake by this bitch, not only imprisoning him from participating in the competition, but also erasing his memory, and now I don't even know him!! Tell me, this old bitch is vicious or not!"

"What? There is such a thing?" Qiao Ba and the others suddenly changed their expressions. The holy monks in the Pure Land also couldn't keep calm, and they all looked at Medusa in astonishment.

Detain Du Yang?Erase memory?
If something like this happened, it's no wonder Tang Yan lost control.

"Sacred Ancestor Medusa, is this really the case? Your actions... not only hurt Tang Yan, but also violated the agreement with our Holy Land!" Ling Qingmao spoke for the first time, and directly showed annoyance.

Du Yang is not only Tang Yan's brother, but also a person in this competition.If Medusa was purely protecting him from breaking through the realm, they would not say much, but if Medusa played a trick to kill Du Yang, it would be a completely different situation.

Otherwise, if things get serious, the prestige of the Three Holy Lands may be questioned!

Medusa stared at Tang Yan coldly, and the anger and killing intent that was accumulating were finally suppressed under the questioning eyes of the saints.

At this moment, Alison from behind suddenly exclaimed: "What did you do to them?!" Everyone followed the sound and saw that there was a stone sculpture in the center of the temple gate not far away. It was a lifelike four-armed Naga, full of It was five or six meters tall, with a painful look and a struggling posture. Beside it was a four-armed Naga who fell to the ground and was unconscious.

In front of them were Du Yang and his totem beast, squinting their eyes obediently watching the farce in mid-air.

Tang Yan didn't dare to look Medusa in the eye, but he couldn't hide the anger in his heart: "I won't listen to any explanation, and I don't dare to do what you want! Today, I have to restore Du Yang's memory no matter what, if I miss it At any point, if there are any sequelae in the future, I will never let you go."

(End of this chapter)

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