Valkyrie Storm

Chapter 1395 Crisis

Chapter 1395 Crisis
"Brother Du Yang, you don't know Tang Yan anymore?" Chu Kuangfeng walked and landed in the courtyard.

Du Yang looked at Tang Yan, then at other people, including Medusa, and suddenly smiled: "I didn't know each other just now, but now I do."

"Huh?" Tang Yan immediately looked back.

Du Yang patted the stone sculpture in front of him: "I was confused just now, thanks to these two friends, I almost remembered everything."

"Answer my question, what did you do to them?" Alison rushed over in a hurry.

"One dies, one faints."

"What? You just killed it?"

"Sorry, my strength and energy are limited. I only learned how to kill people, but never how to save people." Du Yang ignored Alison, and suddenly slammed his palm on the stone carving. Composite Possibilities.

"What are you doing??" Alison left to draw the bow and arrow.

"It didn't grasp the opportunity well, so I can't blame me." Du Yang raised his fingertips, and crystal clear and petrified light gathered on his fingertips, pointing at Alison obliquely: "Let's learn from each other?"

Medusa stopped Alison: "Come back!!"

Du Yang took Tutu to the air: "It's time for the farce to end, let's go!"

Tang Yan frowned and looked at him: "You really remember it all? What happened just now??"

"It's been too long in retreat, and I was confused for a while. It's no big deal, let's go." Du Yang greeted him.

Tang Yan didn't follow, but looked at him seriously for a while, and then asked abruptly, "What were the names of the two girls we had at Zuixiang Building in Juxiang City back then?"

"Huo Wu, Xue Rou. You won't ask about other things? In public!! You are shameless, I want it!!" Du Yang was quite speechless.

Tang Yan relaxed his vigilance a little, and quickly chased after her, not forgetting to scratch Medusa's eyes fiercely: "Today's business is endless! Let me tell you something very rude, I, Tang Yan, am not a good person, I... hold grudges! !"

Du Yang, who was in mid-air, bowed towards Medusa: "Thank you, I will never forget this kindness, but this place does not belong to me. I am leaving, and I will come back to see you often in the future."

Medusa was surprisingly silent. She neither punished Du Yang for killing her clansman, nor touched Du Yang's bow, nor even cared about Tang Yan's threat, she lowered her eyes in silence.

"This is... what kind of situation??" Chu Kuangfeng was completely confused by the defendant. This scene was like singing an opera, making people overwhelmed and inexplicable.

"What happened to you just now? It made me almost call the Eternal Beast Mountain here." Tang Yan caught up with Du Yang, and the golden lion followed.

"My consciousness has been disturbed. It's a subtle interference. It's not very serious now. Fortunately, you came today. You really want to forget me here. It will be ten days at most. It will be difficult for me to recognize you in the future .” Du Yang interrogated two four-armed naga and got a general idea of ​​some things, not comprehensive but enough to understand the general situation.

"Sure enough, that bitch is making trouble!!"

"Don't be angry, if it doesn't matter, I have at least five more years to be promoted to the semi-sage, and the time is only a lot longer! The merits and demerits offset each other, so don't blame it." Du Yang was deeply dissatisfied with Medusa's actions However, if Tang Yan didn't come here, he would never be himself again, but become a servant of Medusa, staying in the river palace in this life.

But thinking of her help to him, Du Yang really couldn't hate him, so... bowed, thanked her again, and came back to see it in the future.

"Do you need treatment?"

"No need, just buffer for a few days."

"Go back and find Niya to fix it for you, insurance."

Chu Kuangfeng and the others were still puzzled, which one did they sing?
"Holy Ancestor, should we stop them?" Alison was furious, wishing to drag Tang Yan over to fight in groups, and Du Yang, who didn't know what to do!It is a great honor to keep you by the ancestor's side, toasting and not eating fine wine, but doing such an unforgivable thing, not only left, but also killed one of their clansmen.

What's even more strange is that the holy ancestor let them go so easily, and didn't pursue Tang Yan's serious injury to Bapu, which was completely inconsistent with the overbearing and cruel temperament of the holy ancestor for many years.

"Stop?! Block it, you know it!!" Ling Qingmao suddenly scolded, mercilessly: "Haven't you understood? Why Tang Yan is not afraid of you is because they don't need to be afraid of you at all! Behind his back Not only is it backed by Nine Dragons, but it is also supported by the ancient kingdom of Xingluo, and it also carries a mobile space with it--Eternal Beast Mountain, which contains the five great demon saints and millions of ancient beasts!
If you really get anxious, Tang Yan can do anything, not to mention that your river area will be destroyed, and the Valley of the Wicked will suffer.Don't tell me what you are not afraid of, yes, you are not afraid of threats, but are you really willing to exile in that space from now on?Point your heart and ask yourself, if you really entered there, how long can you live! !wake up! ! "

Alison and the other Naga were irritated by the scolding and became emotional, but they couldn't say anything to refute.

"Stop arguing!!" Du Jue stopped the escalating atmosphere, and asked Medusa: "Forgive me, what happened today is because your ancestor made a mistake first, and Tang Yan was eager to save his brother. The way he did it was really drastic. A little bit, but young and vigorous, too much but not too much. Today, some old guys from Pure Land came forward to intercede for Tang Yan, let’s let this matter go, don’t make any more trouble.”

Liuhe and other holy monks said: "It will not be good for anyone if things go on. The final competition will be held the day after tomorrow. At that time, we will still have to rely on the river area and the holy ancestor. In our opinion, it is better to be calm." .”

Surprisingly, the ancestor did not refute or get angry this time. He stared at the direction where Tang Yan and Du Yang left. After a while, he pretended to leave: "Seeing off guests, the river area will be closed from today, and it will be opened in the morning of the day after tomorrow."

"I'll thank the Holy Patriarch." Liuhe Shengshen exhaled, nodded his head in thanks, and finally resolved the trouble after a long time.

"Old Qiao, the dragon that fought with the holy ancestor before is..." Han Shaofeng suddenly asked Qiao Ba in a low voice, very curious in his heart, and kept talking.

"Don't ask about things you shouldn't know, and please forget about some things you saw today. When you should know, you will naturally know. Don't blame me for being hypocritical. This is actually Mr. Big and the others mean it. Well, let’s all go back.”

A sensational farce came to an end, and before the arrival of the descendants from various countries, the lake returned to calm again.

Although this matter caused suspicion and noise for a while, the Holy Land side never mentioned it, and they didn't make much noise.

After Du Yang returned to the valley, he retreated directly. His realm was very unstable, and more condensed was worth it.

Tang Yan consumed a lot of energy, and he also retreated to recuperate, but... Tang Yan was in a very complicated mood at the moment, lying on his back on the bed, frowning, his right hand slowly spun, and a water ball was wriggling gently on it.

It was the championship prize given to Tang Yan by the holy land, a treasure with defensive ability, which faced the petrified seal of the holy ancestor in the river area before, and it was it that took the blow instead of Tang Yan!
The petrified mist petrified the water mass at that time, but it did not go deep into the fixed point, and did not even touch Tang Yan's skin. Remember the raid.

Not to mention that Shengzu felt unbelievable at this point, Tang Yan was shocked at that moment.Blister did not make a sound and took the blow of the Holy Realm instead of himself. If the news spread, it would definitely cause a sensation.

Looking at the entire Central Plains, defensive treasures that can withstand the attack of a semi-holy are already a treasure, very rare, and I have never heard of any one that can cross the hurdle of a saint.

This water ball is a treasure!The real deal baby! !

But... After the surprise, only doubts and worries are left, because Tang Yan is very weak now, a kind of inexplicable weakness, this feeling of weakness appeared after leaving the palace at the bottom of the lake, at first it was just excessive consumption, but until now ease.

Tang Yan found after exploring Qihai that both Huo Ling'er and Blood Soul Tree seemed a little listless, and they were no longer as lively and mischievous as before.

Whether it was Tang Yan or Huo Ling'er, this feeling of weakness was getting worse. At the moment when he was concentrating on the investigation, Ling'er and the Blood Soul Tree curled up and fell asleep.

"What did you do to me?" Tang Yan muttered to himself while pinching the water ball.But the water ball is always like a toy, without consciousness, soulless, and unable to give any response.

The more Tang Yan thought about it, the more something was wrong, and he felt a bit chilly suddenly.

Finally, with a thought, the water mass returned to the surface of the body and completely disappeared after being covered.Tang Yan got up, left the house, first found Wuzhen, and then went to visit Dujue.

All the saints have just returned to the Valley of the Wicked and are about to go to the fifth arena.Upon learning of Tang Yan's visit, Du Jue temporarily changed his way and returned to his Buddhist monastery.

When Wuzhen brought Dujue back to the monastery, Tang Yan's face was already very ugly, his eyes were shaking, and when he saw them coming in, he immediately got up: "Uncle, I have something wrong with my body!!"

(End of this chapter)

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