Valkyrie Storm

Chapter 1398 Desolate Ancient Altar

Chapter 1398 Desolate Ancient Altar
River District World, Central Lakes.

While the saints in the Valley of the Evil are preparing intensely, this place has also entered a crucial and busy stage. The entire bottom of the lake is bustling, but there is no noise.

Behind the palace complex is a vast undulating mountain cluster at the bottom of the lake, covering an area of ​​almost tens of kilometers.Here are jagged rocks, steep and undulating mountains, towering cliffs and deep cracks, and the whole mountain is eerie and eerie, immersed in a cold atmosphere.For many years, even the river beasts dare not set foot in it, because there will always be an unspeakable but real sense of fear that will appear out of thin air in the hearts of all river beasts that try to get close.

Over time, this place has become a taboo, even more taboo than the palace of the holy ancestor.

It's cold and depressing here; it's dangerous and gloomy here.

But starting from today, a dazzling light suddenly appeared in the deepest part of this taboo mountain, flickering continuously, and a large number of Naga people came in and out, rushing between the dark and cold lake bottom cliffs, transporting supplies, preparing What.

This phenomenon attracted the attention of nearby river beasts, but none of the river beasts tried to get close due to the sense of fear formed over the years.

As time went on, the light in the deepest part of the mountain became more and more intense, and finally formed a huge beam of light, hundreds of meters high, shining there, extremely dazzling, and became the most dazzling existence at the bottom of the lake.

"Commander Alison, has the ancestor already passed?" A six-armed Naga rushed to the busy Naga team at the edge of the mountain, and directly found Commander Alison who was nervously directing.

"I went in to prepare last night, and now it's almost finished, just wait for the Three Holy Lands to bring everyone over. What are you doing in such a hurry? Do you have something to do with the Holy Patriarch?" Alison asked while commanding.

"There is something that needs to be reported to the Holy Ancestor."

"The ancestor is busy, so I don't care about you. She's in a bad mood these days, don't mess with her, just tell me if you have anything to do." "Yes! The area in the southwest of the River District is a bit weird, Since the early hours of last night, I have not been able to contact the guards there, and my subordinates suspect that there may be some accidents."

"That's it?! It's chaotic there, there are accidents every day, you can't contact the guard team, you can contact the river beast there. If there is nothing else, I'm going to get busy." Alison was very busy.

"No, I have already contacted the river beast there, but there has been no reply. I sent all the sisters around me there, but they still haven't come back. I'm really worried that something might be wrong, so I want to ask the ancestors to give me instructions. I will send a few more teams to go and have a look together.”

"Can't you keep in touch?" Alison looked at her strangely.

"I haven't been in touch!!"

Alison thought for a while, and said: "Choose two teams of [-] people at random, and just say my order, and cooperate with you to go to the southwest to do an investigation. Go and come back quickly. If there is any situation, you are allowed to take heavy measures to suppress it." .”


"Don't think too much, it must be the group of beasts who are fighting. Go." Alison sent her away, and in a blink of an eye she was back in command of the team, very busy.

In fact, I didn't pay much attention to the report of the six-armed naga just now, but it was this negligence that caused an irreversible disaster of the century!

In the southwestern part of the river area, the vast river stretches as far as the eye can see, and the lake surface is shimmering and peaceful under the gushing sun.But under the beautiful scenery, there is a strangeness floating around.

This is the bustling place in the river area, and it is also the place with the most abundant herds of beasts. It should be very lively, with flocks of fish and beasts, birds and cranes. If it is normal, the scene is exactly like this.

But today, the vast river stretches as far as the eye can see, except for the occasional waves of light caused by the wind blowing on the river, there are no fish, beasts, birds or cranes, or any trace of life.

Here there is nothing but natural beauty, but no living pleasure.

There was a dead silence, a palpitating calm.

Moreover, this dead scene is spreading towards the central part of the river area at an astonishing speed, like invisible and hordes of death, running wildly in the gorgeous river area, harvesting all the lives encountered.

The river areas were quiet, groups of river beasts disappeared, and the rivers lost their vitality.

If anyone looks down from a high altitude, it will be horrifying.

The six-armed Naga, who bid farewell to Alison, led the other two teams to leave the central part in a mighty manner, and marched towards the southwest at full speed. They rode the river tide and drove like lightning.

Until... after more than sixty kilometers away, they suddenly became alert and looked around intently.

"Why is it so quiet!! Where's the river beast here?"

"This section of the river should be the territory of... the three-striped tiger-headed crocodile!"

"What's going on? Are you still asleep?"

The three six-armed nagas headed by them were in a bad mood, and they all signaled that the team was on standby, and vigilantly checked the surrounding situation. More than 200 nagas divided themselves into three groups, and dispersed towards the surroundings while being vigilant.

suddenly! !

"What is that?!" A six-armed naga suddenly exclaimed, waking up all the naga almost like a scream, causing them all to rush over.

"Why... that is..."

At the bottom of the clear and calm lake under their feet, a pair of cold eyes unexpectedly appeared, looking straight at them.

The eyes exist strangely, exuding endless silence and coldness, like dead things, but they are startled into cold sweat.

"What thing! Playing tricks, get out!" All the Naga tribe drew their bows and arrows, and ordered to the bottom of the lake.

After staring at it for a while, the eyes gradually faded until they disappeared, and the cold breath also disappeared.

"What's the situation?" The Naga tribe was puzzled, and slightly loosened their bows, but in the next moment, dense water arrows exploded from the calm lake without warning.

Puff puff!After piercing through all of them, no one was spared!

"Eh... ku..." The Naga people stared round and opened their mouths wide. Their consciousness was rapidly weakening, and their strong bodies were rapidly liquefied, turning into a column of water and flowing into the lake below.

Living life is such a strange death.

The sky was bright and sunny, but the lake was eerily cold.

The killing happened suddenly, and it ended even faster, and then... the lake continued to be calm, and the calm continued to expand. Deep in the bottom of the lake, seven shadows passed by like ghosts, advancing towards the center of the lake at an extremely fast speed.

Among the mountains at the bottom of the lake, there is an ancient and huge altar that has existed since ancient times, exuding a vast atmosphere, with a strange shape, similar to the eight trigrams profound formation, and the scene is extremely magnificent.

Its periphery is dotted with dense energy spars, which is dazzling.

Crystal stones are originally expensive treasures, but now they are scattered in thousands or even tens of thousands, and the energy contained in them as a whole is enough to be comparable to a saint.

The focus-like beam of light erupted from the center of the altar, where the energy emitted by the spar was gathering, forming a strange vortex eye, churning endlessly, like clouds and seas, faintly transmitting a strange roar.

It looks like a source of disaster, more like a node of space.

Right in front of the altar, Medusa showed her ferocious and gigantic real body, fully controlling the operation of the altar. In some special positions around the altar, two eight-armed nagas led more than twenty six-armed nagas. Jia Pan sat, continuously injecting energy into the altar, stimulating its activity.

Looking around, there are already [-] Naga tribes gathered in the mountains and plains, and they are densely spread in all directions, invisible to the edge, like a blue wick lighting up the mountains.

"Hiss...that's a little exaggerated... our empire doesn't need such a big formation..." Tang Yan and the others had just rushed to the mountains, and they were deeply shocked by the sight in front of them.

The size of the altar is comparable to a football field, and the beam of light is like a giant peak piercing the sky. The most important thing is that the activation of the altar requires Medusa and more than [-] ethnic groups to open it together.

"Stay here." Qiao Ba and other saints all walked towards the altar, and talked with Medusa for a while, Liuhe, Shengyin and other holy monks, Han Shaofeng, Chu Kuangfeng, all scattered to the other five on the altar The eye of the formation, united with Medusa, accompanied by a low shout, the powerful energy ruthlessly hit the eye of the altar.

Rumble! !The ground shook, the bottom of the lake was in chaos, and the beam of light erupting from the altar became even more turbulent. It directly crossed the lake thousands of meters away and shot high into the sky.

"Why am I suddenly a little nervous? What kind of altar needs the joint opening of the six saints, tens of thousands of top-grade crystals and tens of thousands of Naga river beasts, and the strongest of the three holy places at the other end to help stabilize it." Nalantu Whisper softly.

This sentence not only expressed Nalantu's worries, but also expressed the doubts of other people. The battle in front of them became more and more exaggerated.The Three Sacred Lands did not hesitate to spend such an astonishing price, and they must be expecting the same return. Then... what is at the other end of the altar?What kind of test will be waiting for them!

(End of this chapter)

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