Valkyrie Storm

Chapter 1399 1 pair of eyes

Chapter 1399 A pair of eyes

The atmosphere became depressing, and there was no longer the initial expectation and excitement. Everyone inexplicably felt a pressure from their own shoulders. They were all smart people. They vaguely felt that today was beyond the scope of the competition, but with a mission.

Under such circumstances, Tang Yan separated his consciousness body and descended to the new world. He did not show up in a hurry, but quietly contacted Xiezu, the Golden Flame Spirit Turtle, and the central ghost city.It is to inform Du Yang and others in time to prepare for the critical moment.

"Throughout the ten-thousand-year history of the Central Plains, apart from the battle between the Emperor and the Emperor some time ago, I am afraid that there is no event that requires the joint action of ten holy realms." Xuanyuan Longli shook his head silently and murmured to himself: "I suddenly have an ominous premonition , today's matter..."

Long Li didn't continue, but it resonated in everyone's hearts.

Tang Yan reminded You Zhuo: "Little girl, take care of your elder sister Xu Yan later, remember one thing, the more dangerous you are, the more you have to rely on someone you trust. If there is an accident, don't pay attention to the greetings of those saints, just do your best. Lean toward us if possible, and don’t worry about anything else.”

"Yeah!" You Zhuo didn't refute this time, she is the most sensitive to energy fluctuations, and the energy stones all over the altar made her feel tight in her chest, almost out of breath.

At such a tense moment, Houston, Luan Che, Qin Minghuang and Xuanyuan involuntarily walked towards Tang Yan's team and gathered together.They all have an ominous premonition deep in their hearts. It is definitely a wise move to join forces temporarily. Now is not the time to be brave and proud.

Qin Minghuang and Xuanyuan belong to Tang Yan's ally empire. Luan Che has long been friends with Tang Yan, and Houston has also dealt with Tang Yan. Under such circumstances, they have a reason to gather, and they can put aside other ideas and cooperate temporarily.

In addition, Wu Jieshu and others gathered spontaneously, like Huan Xidao and Qiu Seer, who had nothing to do with Tang Yan, but somewhat communicated with Wu Jieshu, and spontaneously united into a team.

The formation of the two teams is very tacit, without any gossip, gathering in tacit understanding, guarding in tacit understanding, and joining forces in tacit understanding.

"Nalan, think about the abilities of us people, and try to adjust the team deployment later." Long Li whispered to Nalantu.

Um?Tang Yan felt vigilant, and turned his head to look at the dark mountains.

"What's wrong?" Xu Yan asked.The others followed Tang Yan's gaze and looked back at the mountains, but except for those kneeling Naga tribesmen, there was only a hideous and terrifying dark cliff and deep ditch, and there was nothing abnormal.

Tang Yan shook his head and looked away, but after a moment of silence, he couldn't help turning his head again. This time, Sen Luo's eyes were aroused, and he tried his best to explore the dark and cold mountains.

"What's the matter?" Long Li and the others were vigilant.

Tang Yan stared at it for a long time, then slowly raised his right hand and pointed to the southwest: "There is something there."

"What?" Everyone was on alert.

"a pair of eyes."


"There seemed to be a pair of eyes there just now, but now... it's gone..." Tang Yan felt something was watching him for the first time, but he didn't find anything. The second time he suddenly used Sen Luo's eyes, and vaguely saw a pair of eyes , but in a blink of an eye, there was nothing left.

"Which direction?" Luan Che raised his white jade-like right hand, spread his five fingers wide, and hundreds of blisters surged into clusters, dancing densely around.

"Southwest, five kilometers."

Boom! !The space around Luan Che trembled violently, and the water bubbles shot out like bullets. The dense scene attracted the attention of other teams.

The blisters are like fish swimming into the sea, unrestrained by the tide and water pressure, they disappeared from sight in an instant and rushed five kilometers away.

There was a full pause for half a cup of tea, and the bubbles returned one after another, all of which fell into Luan Che's palm.

Luan Che felt a little, and looked at Tang Yan: "Are you sure it's not a hallucination? There's nothing there."

Qiao Ba rushed over at this time: "What are you doing? Get ready, it's about to start! Remember what I told you, be sure to support each other, and don't mix personal grievances into it. When you reach that space, everything Follow the guidance of the three sages, what to do and what not to do, you must follow the instructions. Do you understand?"

Everyone nodded one after another: "Ready."

"Go, keep up!" Qiao Ba led the crowd to the grand and ancient altar. The beam of light gushing from the altar has reached saturation. In addition to the vast energy, there is also surging space power dissipating. The vortex at the bottom is like an invisible Big hands, tearing them in.

"The ancient road to the void is about to be stabilized. The lord of the pure land will personally guide you in the void. Everyone... Get ready..." All the saints spoke in unison, as if the evening drum and the morning bell were ringing in everyone's ears, and it seemed that an invisible force comforted them mixed emotions.

Everyone looked at each other and nodded.

"Open!!" Medusa screamed suddenly.

"Open!!" All the saints raised their arms and shouted, and the sixty thousand naga looked up to the sky, pouring all their energy into the formation eyes, and the scene was extremely shocking.

Du Jue's voice resounded like a bell, resounding through the bottom of the lake: "Your time is limited, opportunities are rare, seize the opportunity. Half an hour later, the ancient void road will open again, and I will guide you back here, children... I wish you all the best!" all the best……"

Rumbling, the ground trembled and the mountains shook, the altar trembled wildly, countless water bubbles rolled up like a river tide, and the sight was in chaos.

An ancient passage looms within the giant beam of light, desolate and tenacious, extending to the far end of the void.

Tang Yan deliberately looked at Wu Jieshu and Zhao Huan, and smiled slightly: "Old friends, don't mess around in the meeting, once there is a big fuss, we will all go into exile in the void. I was lucky enough to take a position before, and it feels... Not good."

"Let's go!" Wu Jieshu took the lead to step on the ancient road, and layers of light circles expanded around his body, like divine brilliance, protecting himself all around.

Immediately afterwards, Zhao Huan and the others stepped forward one after another, all arousing their respective guardian spirit powers to protect themselves to the maximum extent.

"I have a set of formations, everyone, please move according to my guidance, so that we can be combined as much as possible." Nalantu reminded everyone and guided them.

Buzzing buzzing, Houston and the others used their life-saving martial arts one after another, one after another, like little suns blooming, scattered forward following the guidance of Nalantu, walking into the ancient void road one by one.

"Take full control, don't be distracted." Qiao Ba shouted, and the power of saints penetrated into the void, weaving into the most stable channel of void marks.

These more than 20 people are all crucial people, and any one of them will trigger a chain reaction except for accidents. They must be careful and careful.

At the same time, Medusa ordered the [-] Naga tribes to ensure the stability of the altar. Now there should be no personal grievances, and the stability of the ancient road must be ensured.They are not afraid of the threat of any force, but they cannot bear the consequences of becoming a public enemy of the mainland.

At this moment, in the unknown mysterious world, at the end of the void.

There is no grass growing here, the gravel is in flakes, boundless, the sky is gray, the ground is pale, and the cold ashes are silently scattered, it is desolate and desolate.

What is surprising is that it is in this place of calamity that there is a giant tree towering into the sky, which is thousands of meters long, which is really amazing.The old vines are incomparably strong, and one vine is enough to wrap up a low mountain, as majestic as a giant dragon.

Its existence is incompatible with the desolate surroundings.

It expanded countless green vines, weaving into a huge and sturdy avenue, hitting the gray sky.At the end of the sky, dark clouds billowed, rays of light shone everywhere, and thunderstorms rained like rain, creating a doomsday-like scene.

Deep in the dark clouds, an old man and a middle-aged man stood with their hands behind their backs.

Although the old man was hunched over, his whole body was like a little sun, exuding blazing radiance, standing calmly, his aura restrained, and he still had the potential to shake heaven and earth.

The middle-aged man's eyes were like lightning, and his momentum was like a mountain. He stepped on the vine with one foot, and stepped into the void with the other. The manic thunder and lightning power shredded the space alive, and stabilized the vine to expand towards the endless void.

They are the real operators of this event - the "Guardian Vine" of Zhulu Academy, the master of the Pure Land "Sick Tathagata", and the master of the Valley of the Evil "Zhao Tianyan".

But... at the critical moment when the Ancient Void Road connects the two major spaces, and the world of the three holy lands unites the river area to fully operate, a pair of cold eyes opened again five kilometers southwest of Tang Yan's vigilance, green and shiny, Without any emotion.

And then... a child rose from the dark ditch. It was gray, bloated, and covered with weeds. Its appearance made the surrounding valley completely quiet and cold, as if hell had descended.

Behind it, a strange black mist was silently transpiring, and there was a more gloomy and cold ghost atmosphere in it, even the lake water was eroded and the rocks were polluted.

(End of this chapter)

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