Valkyrie Storm

Chapter 148 Abuse

Chapter 148 Abuse
"Did you hear that? She seems to be calling your name."

"Do not care."

"The voice is somewhat familiar."

"is it?"

"Looks like a sister"

"You heard it wrong." Tang Yan pretended to be indifferent.

Annabelle listened carefully for a while, then pursed her mouth and muttered, "Obviously she is my sister."

Tang Yan tried his best not to let himself guess, there were all kinds of traps there, and they were specially designed for people?impossible!It's not that Tang Yan is cold-blooded, it's that once he shows up, let alone saving people, even his own life will be at stake.

Seeing that Tang Yan was indifferent, Annabelle bit her lips lightly, and leaned in tentatively. She wanted to speak, but she was afraid of offending Tang Yan, so she pretended to talk to herself, "It's really my sister, is it?" Sister Angela, I heard correctly."

Tang Yan pretended not to hear.

The little girl continued to approach, lay down next to Tang Yan's ear and whispered, and quickly sat back to see if he hadn't moved, and continued to approach 'talking to herself'.

Tang Yan was completely speechless, is this girl naive?Still cute?

"It's sister." The little girl came over again.

"Stop, stop, let's go and have a look, but you must listen to my promise."


Tang Yan vigilantly explored the surrounding situation, and then jumped down from the top of the giant tree tens of meters away with Annabelle on his back. The situation was discovered not far from the river.

The scene in front of him made his eyes tear up.

On the peaceful river bank, three teenagers were playing with a girl in messy clothes wantonly, tearing off a piece of clothes from her body from time to time, or fumbling on her snow-white skin. The girl was humiliated and cursed constantly, but I really can't get rid of it.

The girl is none other than Ahn'Qiraj!

Tang Yan's eyes spewed fire, but he didn't dare to act rashly, because on the rubble pile not far away, there was a huge ominous bird that was pecking at the bloody monster. Beside it, a man was meditating cross-legged. It turned out to be De Niro, the eldest son of the Gao Bo family!

This guy really lingers!
"Let's go!" Tang Yan didn't dare to stay for long, turned around and ran wildly with Annabelle on his back.

"Why!" The little girl was anxious, struggling to jump down.

"Why? You don't need to ask why? There is De Niro there! There are three Wu Zong! We are going to die now!"

"Ke Ke, but you defeated Denzel." The little girl summoned up her courage, but lowered her head, not daring to look into Tang Yan's eyes.

"Denzel is Wu Zong, De Niro is Wu Wang, are you really stupid or pretending to be stupid?"

Annabelle pursed her lips in grievance, and muttered again: "You are my uncle."

Tang Yan rolled his eyes angrily: "I am your uncle, so I have to go to die?"

The little girl lowered her head and continued to mutter: "You are also her uncle."

"Any uncle I am can't save her! Stop talking nonsense and leave quickly."

"Don't go." Annabelle avoided Tang Yan's hand, lowered her head and pouted.

"You really think of me as omnipotent? Do you want to go?"

"Don't go."

"If you don't go, I will go!" Tang Yan turned and left.

"Sister!" Annabelle suddenly called into the distance.

"You!" Tang Yan rushed over, covered her mouth, and ran away carrying her in spite of her resistance.

On the bank of the river, De Niro moved his sword eyebrows slightly, looked towards them, listened a little, sneered at the corner of his mouth, and deliberately loudly ordered: "It seems that Tang Yan will not come, enjoy yourself, the best three Let's go together and let her have a taste of a man."

"Don't!" Ahn'Qiraj cried out in horror, struggling desperately.

"Haha, you'll yell 'more' later! Come on, young master, I've wanted you for a long time!" A slightly stronger boy grinned and threw Ahn'Qiraj to the ground, untied his clothes and went Jumping up, the other two teenagers quickly unbuttoned their clothes, their eyes full of excitement.

"De Niro! You must die! My father will never let you go!" Angela cried in despair.

"This is a battleground for life and death. Life and death are determined by strength, and the weak must obey the strong. As for how the weak will be treated and how they will die, no one cares. When my brothers are done enjoying themselves, they will Feed you to monsters, who knows what you have encountered in your life?" De Niro sneered.

"De Niro, you shameless bastard, you're a man for doing such a thing! Get out of here, you're going to touch me!" Ahn Qila curled up tightly, and the three teenagers rushed forward without any hesitation.

Tang Yan ran wildly in the forest, but the voice behind him could be heard clearly, reminding himself over and over again to keep calm and never be impulsive.


"Damn bastard! Belle, hurry up and stop it! I'll be back soon." Tang Yan slapped himself, threw Annabelle down, and rushed to the deepest part of the dense forest.

"Hey! Where are you going? How can I stop it?"

"Believe in yourself! I'll be back soon!"

Annabelle was so anxious that she almost cried, she looked back, but she didn't dare to rush over by herself, but she really couldn't stand the sound of struggling and crying, she gritted her teeth secretly, bravely rushed over, and shouted softly: "Stop it! !"

A childish cry made the atmosphere on the shore slightly quiet. The three teenagers who were tearing their clothes slowly raised their heads, and all their red eyes fell on Annabelle.

The little girl trembled in fright, almost knelt on the ground, tried her best to keep calm, and raised her soft sword tremblingly: "I, I, I, I said stop!"

"Hey? Isn't this Annabelle's little sister?"

"Haha, I'm lucky today!"

"I delivered it to the door by myself, so the two of you will come together!"

The eyes of the three teenagers glowed red. The Rao family is all beauties. One is more beautiful than the other, and the other is more attractive than the other. Normally, no one dares to do rude actions because of consideration of face, but in the arena of life and death, then There is no restriction, you can play however you want!
"Belle? Run away! Run away!" Anqira cried out in a crying voice.

Annabelle's legs were weak from fright, and she tried her best to keep steady, but her voice was still a little trembling: "You villains, someone will come and deal with you. Sister, don't be afraid, uncle said he will come back."

"Uncle?" De Niro in the distance narrowed his eyes slightly, started to fight slowly, with a smile on his face: "Xiao Beier, is Tang Yan here? Where is he? Why don't you dare to come out by yourself and let a little girl come out to die? Could it be that he took the opportunity to escape?"

The three teenagers sneered, their faces full of indifference. Among them were two second-tier Martial Ancestors, one third-tier Martial Ancestor, and De Niro is a king-level powerhouse. All the contestants from the Rao family came here, so there is no need to worry.

Come one and die one, come two and die one pair!
"Tang Yan? Is he really here?" An Qila had hope in his eyes, but it was quickly shattered. So what if Tang Yan came?De Niro is the king of martial arts, he can be destroyed by raising his hand.

Annabelle pretended to be brave and snorted: "You don't have to worry about it, he will come back anyway."

De Niro smiled silently, and ordered: "Perry, tie up little Belle first."

"Little Beier, don't be afraid, brother, I will love you well. If you are willing to cooperate, I can let you live for more than ten days, and I will kill you at the end." Third-rank Martial Emperor Pei Rui walked towards Annabelle with a grin. While looking at her exquisite and delicate body, the more he looked at it, the hotter he felt all over his body.

"Don't come here!" Annabelle screamed in horror.

"I'm here by chance, what can you do?" Pei Rui licked his lips, raised his hand, and a phantom of his hand directly blasted at Annabelle.

"Peer, run away!" Ahn'Qiraj anxiously shouted.

Annabelle wanted to run away, but she was so scared that she couldn't pull her legs away. She slashed out with a sword, and two thunderbolts landed, but she was too weak, and Pei Rui's hand was unstoppable. tore it over.

"Haha, brother, let me give you a good hug."

"Uncle!" Annabelle screamed, struggling desperately.

De Niro signaled with his eyes to the other two brothers, and they were quietly guarding each other. As long as Tang Yan dared to come out, they dared to capture him alive.

Suddenly there was a commotion in the dense forest in the distance, and a blue-eyed demon monkey more than eight meters high screamed in the sky, running wildly like crazy, as if something angered him.All of a sudden, the dust was flying, the ancient trees collapsed, and the nearby herds of beasts fled in terror.The blue-eyed demon monkey is the overlord of the wild forest, its strength is at the peak of the fourth level, and it has already shown a tendency to transform. Even in the face of a large number of alien species invasion, it is still undefeated and defends its majesty.

The sudden madness at this moment brought strong stimulation to the nearby monsters, and they ran away crazily one by one, but the herd seemed to be controlled by something, and it slowly became a piece, unknowingly rushing towards the river bank come over.

"What's going on?" The riot of the herd was terrifying. The rumbling momentum made De Niro frown, and made Perry and the others turn pale. This scene was too violent, and it was no joke.

"Could it be Tang Yan?" De Niro's face changed slightly.

(End of this chapter)

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