Valkyrie Storm

Chapter 149: The Hand of God

Chapter 149: The Hand of God
In the messy dense forest, dust was flying, branches were flying, thirty or forty sword-horned deer came running wildly, among them were a lot of Lin horses and ground spiders, all of which were third-level monsters, besides these there were also four-level monsters The red phosphorous two-tailed snake rushed over mightily.

The contestants lurking nearby turned pale, and they didn't dare to hesitate any longer, and fled the scene as quickly as possible.

Tang Yan ran wildly in the forest, constantly displaying his shadowy steps, threatening the beasts around, trying his best to maintain the direction of the beasts running, returning to the side of the blue-eyed demon monkey from time to time, ruthlessly grabbing a handful of its monkey hair, and continuing to stimulate The overlord of the wild forest.

This is simply a life-threatening behavior. If you are not careful, you will be directly destroyed into a pulp, but in order to save people, you can only use this crazy method.

"Here we come! Brother, what shall we do?" Seeing the herd of beasts running wildly, Pei Rui couldn't hold back anymore.

"Take them away!" De Niro turned over and jumped onto the ferocious bird, rushing towards the sky.

"Be honest, follow me!" The three of Pei Rui hurriedly controlled Ahn'Qiraj and Annabelle, but at this delicate moment, Ahn'Qiraj suddenly resisted, and eight sharp vines exploded from her delicate body, blasting fiercely. To the two teenagers who were controlling her.

Her strength has reached the first level of Martial Ancestry, and she is also cultivating spiritual-level martial arts. The power of her desperate explosion at this moment cannot be underestimated, and it is still at such a short distance.

The two teenagers were caught off guard and were directly blasted out.

Angela broke free from the rope and shouted coldly, "Pei Rui, let go of Belle!"

The ground trembled violently, and vines burst out of the ground, abstracting Pei Rui violently like an iron whip. At the same time, Annabelle, who had the courage not to come from somewhere, also displayed the strongest martial skill, turning into Lei Mang from Pei Rui's body. Escape in arms.

Pei Rui dodged hastily, with a flash of anger in his eyes, but before he could attack, the herd of beasts had already rushed towards them, gritted their teeth secretly, turned their heads and fled.

Angela and Annabelle's pretty faces turned pale, and they had no time to hide, they hugged each other tightly. The next second, the frightened herd of beasts overwhelmed them.

The first to bear the brunt is the sword-horned deer!

The sword-horned deer is as majestic as a cow, covered with hard and fine scales, with an exaggerated horn on its head, which is almost made of blades. It looks very scary. Once it is submerged by them, the consequences will be unimaginable. The panting sound made the two girls almost faint.


Their terrified screams only lasted for a while, but they stopped one after another, and turned their heads in a daze. A golden figure was lying on top of them, blocking the rioting herd.

"Don't look up!" Tang Yan tightly hugged the two women, the golden elephant shield protected his body, resisting the tearing of the blade, sparks scattered all over his body, although he was not rushed away, his whole body was in excruciating pain, it was like enduring hell knife punishment.

Rumble!The herd of beasts ran wildly past, but turned around by the turbulent river and fled in all directions.

The blue-eyed demon monkey came running wildly, followed the smell and settled in the dust mist, raised its head to the sky and let out a roar, its huge fist directly blasted down.

"Go!" Tang Yan soared into the sky, broke through the thick dust and fog, and jumped into the rushing river.

"It really is you! You were lucky last time, this time it won't be so easy!" De Niro in the mid-air did not hesitate, and slammed out with a palm. It was as if a falling meteorite suddenly slammed into the rushing river, and the violent impact force directly blasted out a huge hand-shaped deep pit. Even the river was silent, and immediately rushed backwards towards the deep pit.

The power of God's Hand was really terrifying. Not only did it hit Tang Yan, but it also suppressed the crazy blue-eyed demon monkey.

"Are you dead?" Pei Rui and the others stood on the edge of the hand-shaped pit, a little terrified. As expected of his brother, the power of this palm is so terrifying that even they feel afraid.

"This kid is very fatal! It is impossible to die like this. Tang Yan, you come out by yourself, or I will give you another palm!" De Niro circled the fierce bird in the air, the jade light in his right hand flowed, and the hand of God was about to strike again. Formed, a terrifying coercion enveloped the earth.

"Stop! I'll do it myself!" Tang Yan jumped out of the deep pit in the turbulent river, carried the two unconscious women on his shoulders, shook his head and smiled wryly: "My friend, I'm just a Wuzong, you need such a ruthless hand ?”

De Niro snorted coldly: "Wu Zong? You don't behave like an ordinary Wu Zong."

"No matter how extraordinary I am, I'm still a Wuzong." Tang Yan left the pit and put Angela and Annabelle on the ground: "Tell me, what do you want? We are all civilized people, and we should try to use civilization as much as possible if we have anything to do." It is not good to yell and kill too much, it hurts peace and it is easy to deepen the conflict."

"Civilization? How about a civilized law?" De Niro smiled, but it was the first time he heard such remarks.

"I'm just a second-rank Wu Zong, and you've entered the king rank. I'm only 16 years old, and you're 23 years old. Don't you feel that the gap between us is too big? No matter which aspect is no longer on the same level. You want to kill me, too It's easy, but what's the point? This will prove that you are more suitable for Niya than me?"

"Then what do you want?" De Niro fell from the bird.

"Fair and just fight, for example, you seal part of your strength, or choose someone you think is suitable to be my opponent, or you let me go now, we will face Niya in the second stage of the team battle. A face-to-face duel. Whoever loses wins, who is stronger, is judged by outsiders."

De Niro laughed again: "No wonder Niya has feelings for you. It turned out to be a kid with a sharp mouth. I really have to say sorry, this is a life and death arena, not a ring, and I never pay attention to it." What is fair and just. Who lives and who dies, the weak are prey to the strong, not the level of strength, but who can live better. Even if I don't kill you today, other people will also attack you when they see you. Anyone who dares to approach Niya , have to accept the challenge of the empire, never die!"

"Speaking so much nonsense, can I understand that you dare not accept my conditions? You don't even have the guts to fight a fair duel. What kind of family heir are you? Are you not afraid of being criticized?"

"I, De Niro, never cared about other people's opinions. I only know that Niya chose you, which made me very unhappy. If I am unhappy, you will die! No one can save you today!"

Tang Yan's complexion slowly sank: "What nonsense! There are too many people who are unhappy with you, do you have to kill them all? De Niro, let me tell you the truth, I am really not afraid of you, sir!"

"Really? Very good! Use all your abilities to avoid regrets."

"Really don't think about it anymore? It's better to think carefully about some things. Don't cry and find no place to cry." Tang Yan slowly clenched the ancient saber, staring at De Niro coldly.

"Stop talking nonsense! Sue!" Pei Rui, who was next to him, pushed out a palm, the air vibrated, and his spiritual power rolled. A jade-colored hand shadow about ten meters away quickly formed, and it blasted towards Tang Tang with a terrifying pressure like a landslide and an earth crack. Yan, huge in size but swift as thunder.

"One life for another, first let you know what regret is!" Tang Yan snorted coldly, golden lightning wrapped around his body, and disappeared in an instant when the jade-colored hand shadow enveloped him.

De Niro suddenly noticed something, but at the same time, the same golden lightning appeared not far from Perry, and one of the three brothers suddenly changed his face, and dodged to the side, avoiding it dangerously It caught the sword glow coming from the sky.


boom!The whole body of the body that had successfully dodged was cold, as if something had been sucked away, his consciousness collapsed, he staggered a few steps and lay heavily on the ground, his eyes were wide open, his pupils were dilated, and he died soon.

Death without warning, weird!

De Niro and the others were shocked, looking at the scene in front of them in disbelief.What happened?At that moment, Tang Yan did swing a knife, but he obviously didn't touch him, how could he die?
"Maywell" Perry returned to his senses and let out a mournful roar.

"Tang Yan, how dare you kill my brother!" De Niro's face darkened.

Tang Yan stepped on the corpse, met their murderous eyes, and said with a sneer, "You can kill me, but I can't resist? What nonsense! To borrow what you said just now, whether you live or die depends on your ability. Dead , can’t blame others!”

"Arrogance! Courting death!" Pei Rui and the other clan brothers were furious on the spot, and they all rushed towards Tang Yan, swiping their palms, dense palm shadows came through the air, like a violent storm, and the attack was extremely wild.The Hand of God can not only be used for long-range bombardment, but also can be transformed into the Hand of Thousand Shadows, which is extremely powerful.

"You are indeed courting death. I will fulfill you today, and you will not even be left with dross!" De Niro's eyes were full of anger, his right hand tightened again, the mist was lingering, and there was a faint rolling sound of wind and thunder. There are dents in the ground.

This time, the killing intent was decisive!
"I advise you to think carefully. If you want to kill someone, you must first be prepared to be killed!" Tang Yan let out a stern roar, and the four heavy blows of the flames directly blasted the clansman back.

"Consider your size, die to me!" Pei Rui fought like crazy, as a third-rank Martial Ancestor, his combat power was still very fierce.The waving hand shadow tenaciously bombarded Tang Yan. Although the hand shadow looked like fog, the impact was extremely violent. Every time he slashed, sparks would be left behind.

But in the face of the siege of the two great Wuzongs, Tang Yan was shocked and did not panic, and quickly dodged with the help of shadow shadow martial arts.He has already sensed the danger of De Niro, but with the eight-phase thunder seal, he should be able to avoid it.

"Tang Yan, today I will let you know the strength of our Gaobo family, and let you know what is the hand of God! Brother, make a move!" Pei Rui roared, and more than ten shadows of hands suddenly merged and slammed at Tang Yan fiercely. The ancient saber roared loudly, and the power surged. Tang Yan couldn't hold back his strength, but was thrown out directly.

"Die! You shouldn't be involved in this fight!" De Niro raised his hand and shook, the mist suddenly shook away, the sound of rolling wind and thunder was loud, and a delicate jade hand burst out, no longer a shadow mist , no longer astonishingly huge, it is a real jade hand of normal size.

As soon as the palm prints came out, the ground trembled, and as they passed along the way, the ground was rumbled and shattered, and even Pei Rui and his clan brothers were blown away by the terrifying coercion.

Tang Yan was about to cast the eight-phase thunder seal, but suddenly he felt that the spiritual power in his body was suppressed, flowing extremely slowly, and the coercion of the hand of God enveloped every part of his body like a mountain.

how is this possible
How could the hand of God have such power?It can confine spiritual power!

(End of this chapter)

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