Valkyrie Storm

Chapter 153

Chapter 153
The blood baby sprang out from the sea of ​​qi, inspected the demon king outside with great interest, and said: "This is the king of the violent demon dog, the remnant of the black girl's lineage. To put it simply, the blood flowing from every violent demon dog The blood of Hei Niu's lineage, because the blood is not pure, it is difficult to awaken under normal circumstances, once awakened, it will directly step from the third level to the fifth level, and be promoted to the ranks of the demon king.

By that time, certain traits of the lineage will emerge.If you look carefully at its forehead, there will be some relatively darker and purer black hairs, which are its characteristics. "

"You mean that the demon king came here to help because he sensed the familiar breath of blood from the black girl?"

"It's not here to help, it's the obedience that comes from the blood. The world of monsters is strictly hierarchical. Who is the king and who is the subject is determined by birth. This demon dog king has been promoted to the fifth-level demon king. He has already opened up his intelligence and can He recognized the true identity of the black girl, so he was willing to serve her orders."

"Uh, then, don't I have a demon king's thug?" The corners of Tang Yan's mouth twitched slightly, and the corners of Tang Yan's mouth twitched, revealing a smeared smile.A demon king-level thug?Great job!Especially in this life-and-death struggle, if there is this demon king who is really willing to protect, let alone 30 days, even three years, he can persist.Even if Matthews or the Ninth Prince came to kill him, this buddy could also knock them back.

"It can be said that, tsk tsk, you are really lucky to meet the black girl's remnant here." The blood baby pouted and sank into the sea of ​​blood again, and finally reminded Tang Yan again: "Little bastard, think about me carefully!" As I said before, madness is the true nature of a man, and there is nothing wrong with being ruthless, but if you can't see yourself clearly, blindly arrogant and arrogant, you will end up miserable!"

It was rare to hear the blood baby speak in such a teaching tone, Tang Yan couldn't help showing a smile: "Thank you ancestor, I will definitely take a serious look at myself."

"What should we do with these two guys?" Du Yang looked at Pei Rui and the two of them.The previous arrogance and self-confidence are gone, and his face is as ugly as it is now.

"If the roles were reversed, what would they do with us?"

"Understood! Black girl? It's up to you!"

"By the way, give them a breath." Tang Yan flicked his fingertips, and the soft blue flames danced happily like flowing water, exuding a cool breath.

"Ghost blue fire? It's awakened!" Du Yang's eyes burst into flames, and the black girl became even more excited, and yelled twice at the rampant Demon Dog King, as if arranging orders.

The Demon Dog King directly slapped it out with his paw, which seemed to be a random move, but it formed a strong wind blade storm and swept away with billowing black clouds.

"Tang Yan, if you kill us, the Debussy family will never let you go." The expressions of Pei Rui and the two changed drastically, and they dodged hastily, but the violent demon dogs around them blocked their way with bared teeth.

"When you tortured Ahn'Qiraj, why didn't you consider whether the Rao family would let you go? When you killed me, did you consider whether Niya would let you go? We are all adults, don't Talking about such a naive question, be good, don’t make trouble, you will die like a man.”

"Tang Yan, you are too deceitful. I greet your eighth generation ancestor!" Pei Rui was so angry that he spurted out a mouthful of blood. In this trance, the wind blade storm swung by the Demon Dog King once again enveloped him. Inside, there was a shrill scream, and the other brothers fled in panic, only to be overwhelmed by the herd of beasts.

When the riot ended, Pei Rui and the others lay on the ground covered with scars, struggling to get up, but they no longer had the ability.

"Borrowing a sentence from your big brother De Niro, as your parting words, here is the arena of life and death, not the arena, and never pay attention to fairness and justice. Whoever lives and who dies, the weak will prey on the strong, what matters is not the level of strength, but who can be more powerful Good to live. Well, it’s over, rest in peace.” Ten huge green fireballs formed around Tang Yan’s body, engulfing the two of them in an instant.

After awakening, the ghost green fire has obviously changed a lot, it is more pure and cool, it doesn't look so manic, but in just ten seconds, it refined the two Wu Zong into spiritual source liquid, This time there was not even any dross left!

"Give this to me." Du Yang unceremoniously picked up the spirit source liquid refined by the second-rank Wu Zong. This one was enough to bring him back to his prime. In a trance, he returned to the original days again!
"Give this to our black girl. It's a good job!" Tang Yan handed Pei Ruilian's spiritual source liquid to the excited black girl. The little guy swallowed it in one gulp, and his petite body immediately tensed up, letting out a painful groan. Moaning, the black electric glow swishing all over his body.

But Hei Niu's endurance has obviously improved by leaps and bounds. This is the spirit source liquid of the third-rank Martial Ancestor. Before changing it, she was directly unconscious. Now, although the refinement is very painful, she is standing upright.

The Demon Dog King possesses intelligence comparable to that of human beings. Although he doesn't know why the two corpses disappeared, he can clearly feel the energy contained in the two drops of liquid. Looking at Tang Yan and Du Yang with scarlet eyes, he looked at Tang Yan and Du Yang again. Looking at the black girl, she seemed to understand something, and yelled at the ethnic group a few times.

Crash! More than 200 demon dog kings rushed into the dense forest like locusts crossing the border. In an instant, the sound of roaring, biting, and screams resounded through the woodland. The dogs returned one after another, bringing back more than 60 monster beast corpses, densely packed, large and small, piled up randomly on the ground, most of them were third-level monsters, and there were six fourth-level monsters.

"Uh..." Looking at the corpses all over the floor, Tang Yan froze for a moment.

"Roar!" The Demon Dog King seemed to want to express something, but with his huge body and fierce appearance, this 'expression' directly turned into a 'roar', which made Tang Yan's eardrums hurt.

"Don't get excited, let's talk about it, you are going to practice all of these." Tang Yan pointed to himself, and then pointed to the corpses all over the ground.

Demon Dog King nodded.

Holy crap!You are smart enough!But with so many corpses, it's too cruel, don't you really treat yourself as an outsider?Tang Yan slandered a few words, but he had to ask this master to do something later, so he could only pretend to go to the corpse of the monster beast, and blasted more than ten green flame fireballs one after another, covering more than a dozen corpses, and began to refine them one by one.

As the ghost green fire burned, the spirit source liquid condensed drop by drop. Because they were all lifeless corpses, the size of the source liquid was very small.

The magic dogs sensed the surging energy contained in these cyan droplets one after another, and tentatively moved forward one by one, but were shocked by the roar of the magic dog king and fled in all directions.

The Demon Dog King sucked in a big mouthful, and swallowed all the refined spirit source liquid. The surging spirit power rushed in like a river, and quickly spread to every organ in the body.

Accompanied by this transformation of the ghost green fire, there is an extremely slight green fire breath remaining in the spirit source liquid, which means it has the effect of condensing and removing impurities.The Demon Dog King felt it silently for a while, raised his head to the sky and let out a shocking roar, his big scarlet eyes fixed on Tang Yan, obviously beating a little hot.

It looked like he was going to occupy him!

"The next time you catch a prey, don't kill it. It's better to refine it alive." Tang Yan explained to the Demon Dog King while refining the green fireball with all his strength to refine the corpse.

The Demon Dog King nodded vigorously, and roared at the herd of beasts around, which meant to catch it quickly!

"Stop!" Tang Yan yelled to stop, "Brother, are you trying to exhaust me to death? Let's stop here for today. Anyway, it's a long time, and there are plenty of opportunities."

The black girl came to her senses, swayed around like she was drunk, and murmured at the Demon Dog King to make him obedient.The Demon Dog King was a little reconciled, but still recalled the herd resentfully.

Tang Yan picked up two drops of spiritual source liquid to replenish his spiritual power, and said, "I have another unfeeling request, can I ask you to help me find some people in this wild forest?"

He didn't have the luxury to save all the members of the Rao family, and he didn't have that ability, but now that he has the special allies of the magic dog group, there is no reason to stand idly by.Not to mention one more person, one more powerful helper in future team battles.

The Demon Dog King looked at the black girl, and then at the ghostly green fire that was burning faintly. He rolled his big eyes, raised his head and frowned, pretending to hesitate.

The corners of Tang Yan's eyes twitched, and he tried to force a smile: "Don't worry, I will stay here for 20 days, let's help each other, help me find someone to protect us, and I will refine the spirit source liquid for you!"

The Demon Dog King opened his mouth wide, and smiled on his ferocious face, nodded boldly, and stretched out his paw to shake hands with Tang Yan, but this paw was bigger than Tang Yan's.

"Help me find six girls, all of whom are wearing such clothes with such marks on them." Tang Yan pointed to Du Yang's clothes and marks, and the Demon Dog King immediately arranged for all the clansmen to throw them out.Even though they are only third-level monsters, their actions are very orderly. They run in groups of ten and scatter around.

(End of this chapter)

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