Valkyrie Storm

Chapter 154 Manhunt

Chapter 154 Manhunt
ah!A piercing scream resounded through the dense forest, startling the birds.

Ahn'Qiraj was terrified, staring fixedly at the huge monster in front of him with big eyes, at first he thought it was a pitch-black mountain depression, but when he looked closely, his whole body was trembling like electricity, it turned out to be Huge monster!

Annabelle woke up rubbing her forehead, and the next second, she passed out again.

"Introduction, my buddy, Dahei. Come on, Brother Hei, say hello to my niece." Tang Yan squatted on the head of the Demon Dog King, and waved with a smile.

The Demon Dog King raised his eyelids to look at Ahn'Qiraj, and continued to sleep deeply.

"What's going on here?" Ahn'Qiraj was completely confused.They were obviously in a desperate situation before they fell into a coma, but in the blink of an eye, not only were they all alive and well, but there was also a hideous and terrifying monster in front of them. The breath alone was definitely not an ordinary monster.

Thinking of this, Ahn'Qiraj gasped, and a single word came into his mind, demon king!
"Little girl, calm down, don't act like you ate a dead mouse." Tang Yan jumped down.

An Qila said angrily: "Can't you be a gentleman when you speak?"

"Gentleman? De Niro is usually a gentleman, but you forgot who insulted you just now? Don't be stupid, look at a person, not by appearance, but by the inside, my good niece!" Tang Yan rubbed vigorously Rubbing Ahn'Qiraj's hair, he took the opportunity to pinch his little face again, the smooth and greasy feel was very good, he couldn't help but come back and pinch again.

Angela was ashamed and annoyed, but there was nothing she could do: "If you tease me again, I'll tell my aunt!"

"I'm called breathing adjustment? I'm called petting. Your father never touched your head? Never pinched your face? He didn't wash you when you were a child." Tang Yan smiled embarrassingly when he saw Angela blushing and about to run away. , Said: "Let's talk about business."

"Say." Ahn Qila took the initiative to put a safe distance away from Tang Yan, and the good feelings he had just now disappeared. This girl is a shameless bastard, and she can't become a hero no matter what.

Du Yang walked over from the side and said, "Introduce yourself, Helita, Janipova, and Catherine, and focus on your personality."

"What do you want to do?" Ahn'Qiraj asked vigilantly.

Tang Yan stared: "What's your expression, girl? I want to have a passionate scene, okay?"

"Bah, shameless!"

"Don't waste time, hurry up and introduce. The four of you are all first-rank Martial Ancestors, and you can participate in the second-stage team battle. I need to know your details."

"Team battle? We still have to participate in the team battle?" Ahn'Qira really didn't think about this aspect. According to the family's prediction, the seven sisters survived for 30 days to be the victory. The Rao family, or they don't belong to their sisters "Why don't you participate? Not only do we want to participate, but we also want to be in the top three!" Tang Yan's heart was full of fighting spirit. If he hadn't met the Demon Dog King, he still didn't have confidence, but now the ghost green fire wake!Xu Yan and others will return! After 30 days, they have the ability to attack the top five, and the top three is not a luxury!
"Uncle, he killed Denzel." A timid voice sounded, and Annabelle woke up at some point.

"What?" Ahn'Qiraj's eyes widened undeadly.

"A lot of people saw it."

"I didn't kill him, I saved my life. But I hurt my soul. Whether I can survive these 30 days is still unknown. Even if I am lucky to survive, the team battle should be outside the top five."

Ahn'Qiraj's brain was a little short-circuited, and he was stunned for a long while before tentatively asking: "You fought him yourself? Didn't you play tricks against him?"

Tang Yan didn't bother to talk to her, and said: "With the help of the berserk dog, we should find Hai Lita and Catherine soon. I want to select people who are suitable for team battles. In 20 days, we will conduct simulated exercises. Strive to form a fighting force."

Du Yang showed a malicious smile: "In the past 20 days, let the berserk demon dogs sweep through the dense forest, specially round up people from the five major families, count as one if they can be killed, and consume as much of their time as possible to participate in the team battle. number and strength."

"I, we really want to participate?" Ahn Qila was still a little hesitant. After all, the team battle is a head-to-head confrontation, and the battle is against the top powerhouses of the various families. What if they face the Ninth Prince?Or what about Matthews and Kane?Even the injured De Niro has the qualifications to kill them instantly.

"How long do you want to go on and on? Say it!" Tang Yan shouted.

An Qila trembled in fright, and muttered: "It's really rude and uneducated, how will my aunt live in the future, I feel sorry for her."

Tang Yan rolled his eyes angrily: "Are you going to tell me?"

Ahn'Qiraj thought about it seriously for a while, and then began to introduce.

Hai Lita, a first-rank Martial Ancestor, her martial skill is the Celestial Spear Formation, which can be attacked and defended, with great power, and is a peak spiritual-level martial skill.She has a charming and enchanting temperament, a resolute personality, and a very tough style of dealing with things. She is the eldest sister of the new generation of the Rao family and has always regarded Niya as a role model.

Catherine, a first-rank Martial Ancestor, her martial skill is a mirror image of ten thousand methods, which can counteract the enemy's martial skill, and can even rebound and counterattack. It is a martial skill at the peak of the spiritual level. She is a temperamental beauty with a slightly weak personality. She chose this purely defensive martial skill for the sake of Self-preservation.

Janipova, a first-level martial artist, her martial arts are six-layer Fengyang Jue, a spiritual-level martial skill, which can be transformed into a spiritual arrow, which has a strong sudden killing power. With six stacks, she can threaten the second-level martial arts. She is a dexterous beauty. , lively and active, young and talented, he is a young genius in the new generation of our family.

Anqila, a first-rank Martial Ancestor, practices the Great Spirit Art, which is a derivative of Niya's earth-level martial arts, the pinnacle of spiritual-level martial arts, and can form a lush lawn in a short period of time. They are all transformed by spiritual power, they can entangle the enemy by themselves, and even explode steel-like vines to bombard the enemy.

The more Tang Yan and Du Yang listened, the more satisfied they became, and they even felt a little pleasantly surprised. The combination of the four is simply a perfect combination. Hai Lita is the main attacker, Catherine is the defense, Janipova is the sneak attack, and Ahn'Qiraj takes care of it. Overall, the perfect team battle formation!

It seems that the Rao family had this intention when they were training them.

The combination of four people can persist even in the face of twice as many enemies, even if there is a second-rank Wu Zong in it.

But it's not enough!
There are quite a few Tier [-] and Tier [-] fighters in the powerful families headed by the five major families. Once Tang Yan is restrained, the four sisters are likely to fall into a passive position. Once the formation is damaged, the result will be disastrous.

Therefore, it is necessary to improve their strength in a short period of time, that is, to advance to the second-tier Wuzong realm.

After a five-day comprehensive search, the Violent Demon Dogs brought back three girls one after another, namely Hailita, Catherine, and Olivia, a weak little girl. As for the little genius that Tang Yan was looking forward to most, Jia Nibowa and the other little girls only had a few bloody clothes left.

On the evening of the fifth day, Xu Yan returned!

"This is the demon king?" Xu Yan was really taken aback. His right arm began to transform into a demon claw uncontrollably. The sharp fangs seemed to run away at any time.

"It's a helper that the black girl found, and it will protect us during this time." Tang Yan gave a brief introduction, then picked up the tattered clothes on the ground, frowned and said, "Are you sure it's Janipova's clothes?"

"Well, it's hers." Hai Lita and the other women were still in shock, all of them looked like refugees fleeing famine, not only their clothes were tattered, but their eyes were a little loose, obviously still in panic.

"What should we do? Without Janipova, it's like the array has no eyes." Du Yang was a little disappointed.But this kind of situation should be expected, they are just some delicate young ladies, it is difficult to persist for too long in this cruel wild forest.

To put it bluntly, only two deaths are considered lucky.

Xu Yan was still looking at the Demon Dog King with great interest, and he was about to start a fight. After pondering for a while, Tang Yan turned his attention to the two little girls who were hugging and comforting each other in the corner. "What martial arts are Annabelle and Olivia practicing?"

Ahn Qila almost jumped up: "What do you want to do? They are just martial spirits! Go up and die!"

"That's not the question I'm asking you!"

"No, they can't go!" Ahn'Qiraj was very firm.

"Let me remind you of one thing. This is a matter of your Rao family. It is related to the glory and dignity of your family. The three of us are just outsiders. If it weren't for the kindness of Patriarch Odin, we wouldn't go up to die. And you, with the blood of the Rao family on your body, you must stand up when the family needs you, this is the minimum responsibility of the clan!" Tang Yan scolded unceremoniously, and finally shouted: "Say !"

"You..." Ahn'Qiraj's eyes were hazy with anger.

"Can't you talk well?" Hai Lita and the other women muttered dissatisfiedly.

"I'm helping you, not begging you, ask again, what martial arts did they practice?"

Ahn'Qira was dissatisfied, but she didn't say anything, but Annabelle herself was quite sensible: "What I practice is the power of the earth, that is, to form a field of gravity, and I can also cooperate with Sister Ahn'Qira's great life spirit technique to form a combination of martial arts. Haiyang, disturb the mind of the target. Olivia is Janipova's younger sister, and she also practices the Sixfold Fengyang Jue. We will participate in the team competition!"

"Okay! That's it!" Although it was not satisfactory, the martial arts of the two were not too bad.As expected of the No. [-] family in the empire, the martial arts they cultivated are extraordinary!

"But" Ahn Qila and the girls still hesitated. After all, to a certain extent, team battles were more cruel than wild forests. It was a frontal fight, and there was no possibility of hiding.

"There are still 20 days left. I will do my best to raise you to a higher level, and I can also guarantee that you can give full play to your spiritual power during the competition."

"What?" All the girls looked at the fool, and Xu Yan couldn't help turning his head to look at him.

"If I can do it, how about everyone kissing me?" Tang Yan grinned and returned to his original nature.

(End of this chapter)

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