Valkyrie Storm

Chapter 155 The Rao Family

Chapter 155 The Rao Family
More than 200 violent demon dogs set off a crazy hunting storm in the wild forest, specifically targeting the single contestants. In order to achieve the best results, the demon dog king personally touched and provoked the other four demon kings, or The rampage in the depths of the deserted forest completely disrupted the entire deserted forest and angered the monsters and beasts in order to aggravate the difficulty of survival for the major families.

Tang Yan also specifically asked Hei Niu that if any of the raging demon dogs found the figure of the king-level warrior, that is, Matthews and others, let them notify the demon dog king as soon as possible, and let him chase it down until it was seriously injured.

The Demon Dog King cooperated very much, and hunted the fourth-level monsters wantonly, tortured them to death, and threw them to Tang Yan for refining.

Tang Yan did not refuse anyone who came, and tried his best to refine the spiritual source liquid, part of which was enjoyed by the Demon Dog King, and part of which was used to enhance the strength of Ahn Qila and other women.

The miraculous effect of the spiritual source liquid brought them an unimaginable impact. The eyes of everyone looking at Tang Yan changed over and over again, especially Xu Yan, who vaguely noticed something, looked at Tang Yan The eyes are getting weirder and weirder.

When the wild forest fell into greater chaos, the atmosphere of the edge town also became weird.

As time went on, the intensity of the life-and-death struggle began to escalate, and the number of deaths of the contestants continued to increase. From the initial extinct to the relief after three days, and then continued to increase after ten days, gradually appeared two people from the same family The fact that the three fell one after another meant that the contestants in the wild forest began to unite, and the major families began to hunt each other.

Everyone was sweating, staring at the stone tablet array hanging high in the air!

These children are all their treasures, and any one of them has spent painstaking efforts to cultivate them.

But once the life-and-death fight starts, no one will be able to interfere. The wild forest environment is cruel, and death is unavoidable due to the battle of wits and courage among hundreds of contestants.

From the beginning of the game to the present, every family suffered losses. Even the royal family had two members fall, and even two families were completely annihilated. The number of surviving six families was less than four.

But when there was a tense atmosphere inside and outside the wild forest, a strange phenomenon finally attracted the attention of those who cared.

That is the Rao family!
The stone plaques of the major families collapsed one after another, but only two of the Rao family collapsed, and the other eight were still hanging high, shining brightly, very dazzling.

Everyone knows that one of the purposes of this life-and-death fight is to punish the Rao family, and because of Niya, the captain Tang Yan offended almost all the male contestants, and Ahn Qila and others are all weak women .

According to the normal development of the situation, the Rao family should suffer the heaviest loss. Not to mention all of them died tragically, it is very normal for seven or eight to die, but they only broke two, only two!

Time passed day by day, death incidents occurred frequently, and two or three stone plaques were broken every day. The big families were anxious and angry, and everyone was filled with anger, but the Lao family never had any stone plaques again. Fragmentation situation.

Especially on the No. 20 day after the competition, the stone plaque representing Hailita suddenly shone brightly and became more crystal clear. What does this indicate?Heralds a breakthrough!

Hai Lita actually broke through in this dangerous battle in the wild forest!

No. 20 three days, Ahn'Qiraj broke through and entered the second rank Wuzong!

No.20 Six days, Annabelle entered the third rank of martial arts!

The entire edge town is completely boiling!When other families are in crisis, the Rao family has made breakthroughs one after another. This is a life-and-death struggle

"We sue the Rao family for cheating!" The patriarch of the Gaobo family couldn't bear it anymore.

The elders of the other families cast doubtful eyes one after another. This phenomenon can no longer be described as 'unreasonable', it is simply an exaggerated abnormality!
They are totally unacceptable!So exciting!

"The Rao family must give us an explanation, otherwise we will collectively question the fairness of this life-and-death struggle!" The patriarch of the Rubin Kimi family looked directly at Niya, the representative of the Rao family.

"Give me a reasonable explanation!" The three top families, Duolong, Gao Fu, and An Meilun expressed their attitudes one after another!

Niya was as indifferent as ice, and responded unceremoniously: "I don't know!"

"What's your attitude? What we want is an explanation, not your opinion. Now, answer immediately!" Because of Denzel, the Debussy family was already annoyed and angry, and now they finally found a vent. The tone is very aggressive.

Niya was expressionless, and glanced at the patriarchs of the five major families one by one, and said directly: "What!"


"What did you say?"

"Give you the guts to say it again!"

"Don't think that just because you are pretty, you dare to be defiant!"

"Although you and I have the same seniority, you are still a junior in front of us. How did Odin educate you?"

The five big families scolded Niya angrily, this girl's words are really too much.

"How do I educate my children, and it's your turn to interrupt? Niya is right, what is it!" An indifferent voice swept across the audience, piercing into everyone's minds like the tip of a needle, making their faces slightly pale white.

Everyone in "Odin" changed face slightly, but they were happy and unafraid. The family had sent a powerful man who was strong enough to resist Odin's power. What's more, this was a public place, and no matter how arrogant he was, Odin would not dare to hurt anyone.

Odin walked out slowly, glanced at the eight stone plaques still hanging high in the air, with an indistinct smile on the corner of his mouth, and deliberately said: "It seems that the wild forest is easier than I imagined, I'm useless My child is still alive and well, huh? There are still three breakthroughs, hehe, I am not ashamed at all, they should really thank the royal family for this opportunity to experience, and thank the brothers and sisters of the major families for their care.

oops?How come so many of your families died?Is that Denzel's brand?It looked like it was about to fall.Yo?Is that De Niro's brand?It seems to be cracking.Um?Is that one from the Doron family?Only five left?so miserable! "

Odin bluffed as if no one was around, making the faces of the major families turn green and pale. This old thing is too deceptive!
A venerable of the Gaobo family appeared in the small town and said indifferently: "Patriarch Odin, with all due respect, the members of the Rao family participating this time are relatively weaker, and most of them are weak women. may persist for so long, so”

"So what?" Odin's smiling face darkened, and his tone was even more unfriendly: "It is normal for all my children to die in it, and it is normal for you to be far ahead. It is not normal for you to die two or three times? The field depends not only on strength, but also on strategy! Our children are very weak, but they can persist until now, which can only explain one problem, my children are smarter and smarter than your children, and can adapt to various dangerous environments.

This is the real thing!True strength!Unlike some people who usually show off their power, when they really arrive on the battlefield, they belch one after another!Do you know what it means to have a simple mind and well-developed limbs?Ever seen this species?If not, wait for your children to come out and look carefully, and you should have a very deep understanding. "

"Odin! These words are a little too much!" The venerables of the five major families appeared together, each with colder eyes.

"Excessive? It's not too much for you to curse my child for raging? Is it too much to tell the truth? I warn you that the entire life-and-death battle is run by the royal family. All contestants are strictly inspected before the game. You question others for cheating , is questioning the majesty of the royal family!"

Everyone was speechless, and no one could find the right words to refute.

"Since you can't afford to lose, don't come to participate in the life-and-death battle, it's a shame!" Odin spat directly, looked at the eight shining stone tablets again, ignored the fire-breathing eyes of everyone, and laughed wildly: "Sweet!" ! It's so cool!"

puff!The elder of one family vomited blood out of anger.The five major families glared at each other, and some venerables even clenched their fists quietly, as conflicts were about to break out.

"There are still the last two days. If you are in the mood to swear here, it is better to prepare for the upcoming team battle. You are all old, and you must use your brains before doing things. Don't question others at every turn, and call others when you lose. Cheating, it will make you look tasteless!" Niya retorted disdainfully.

"It's not your turn to teach us a lesson!" The elders of the various families responded indifferently.

Niya ignored them, looked at the shining stone tablet, a smile slowly appeared on her cold face, and ordered as if no one was there: "You all go to prepare, and clean up the dust for my hero. Go to each other, Inform the family that the big casino collects money, but we have made a big bet that at least five of us will survive the first stage, and it seems that we will win!"

The elders of the clan laughed one after another: "In the first stage, we bet 3000 million imperial gold coins. The odds are [-] to [-]. It's a small profit. Haha, cool! It's so cool!"

Puff!The sound of vomiting blood resounded through the township, and six clan elders were so angry that they fell unconscious to the ground.

(End of this chapter)

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