Valkyrie Storm

Chapter 157 Tang Yan's Secret

Chapter 157 Tang Yan's Secret

Seeing their cheerful and cheerful frolicking, Tang Yan couldn't help but smile, but his expression slowly regained his dignity, holding the sleepy black girl and continuing to be in a daze.

"What's the matter, what are you worried about? They have been practicing very hard these days, and they should be able to cope with the cruelty of team battles." Du Yang walked over with a root in his mouth.

Xu Yan followed and said, "There are still three days left, all the contestants should be lurking and preparing, and no one will come to provoke you."

"I'm not worried about this. You said that we did this, is it a bit too high-profile."

Du Yang said: "Are you talking about helping them break through? Worried that the royal family will deliberately target us in the second stage?"

Tang Yan leaned back on the tree trunk and said softly: "Because of the help of the Demon Dog King, all the major families are threatened. They are too busy to take care of themselves and have no intention to provoke us again. We have avoided many dangers because of this. Now the distance from the first There are only three days left before the end of the first stage, and there must be a lot of casualties in other families, not only are we alive and well, there are three people who have made a breakthrough, which is simply stimulating them."

Xu Yan said: "Tang Yan's concerns are justified. The fundamental purpose of the royal family's life-and-death struggle is to punish the Rao family, but we have successfully passed the first stage. This is completely beyond their expectations, so we must be in the second stage." The most likely thing is to play tricks secretly, let us face a powerful group, and completely lose."

Du Yang pondered and nodded slowly: "The royal family will not take action in person. The most likely way is to use the clan of Duolong and other families. It can not only eradicate us smoothly, but also transfer the hatred of the Rao family to other big families. For example Matthews' love for Niya is the craziest, and his martial arts are overbearing and terrifying. Kane is a complete lunatic, and he is also known as the mad beast of the new generation of the Delos Empire. Although De Niro is injured, his king-level strength cannot be underestimated. We have experienced it firsthand. If we do face them, I am afraid it will be more or less bad."

"That's what I'm worried about." Tang Yan remained silent, and said after a long time: "We must think of a strategy. In the team competition, not only can we not shrink back, but we must advance to the top three! Not only for the Rao family, It is even more important to let the entire empire see our extraordinaryness, and then have a desire to win over us, which will turn many troubles into benefits."

Both Du Yang and Xu Yan agreed with Tang Yan's opinion. All major empires and families value talents, especially young people with unlimited potential. If their performance is enough to shock everyone, the major families will definitely try their best to win them over instead of being Simply take extreme measures.

They didn't want to leave the Rao family, but just took this opportunity to ease the current situation.

Du Yang and Xu Yan couldn't help but look at Tang Yan a few more times. This kind of sophisticated idea really doesn't seem like something a teenager can come up with.

But the idea is beautiful, but the reality is cruel.

Xu Yan was silent for a while, then suddenly said: "I thought we were already very familiar with each other and could be regarded as good friends, so we can share some secrets with each other, so as to improve the tacit understanding between each other and increase the chance of winning."

"What do you mean?"

Xu Yan looked at Tang Yan with a complicated expression: "I want to know who your master is!"

Tang Yan smiled: "I don't have a master, I'm talented and self-taught!"

A rare smile appeared on Xu Yan's indifferent face, and said: "Let me go first, I come from a special family, inheriting ancient spiritual veins, and can be refined into a part of myself by replacing the bones of strong people or monsters. The stronger the spirit veins, the stronger the bones that can be refined. My family used to be very strong, and it was once powerful, but with the evolution of the years, the family declined, and there were few descendants left. In order to seek new opportunities, all the descendants of the family Traveling, growing up independently, unless you have the ability to improve the family's destiny, you must not go back on your ancestral land."

Ancient spiritual veins!
Tang Yan's face changed slightly, this is a sensitive word.

Du Yang raised his eyebrows and looked at Xu Yan: "You said these are plans to share secrets with each other? I'm sorry, but I'm just an ordinary kid without any complicated background."

Xu Yan looked at Tang Yan: "It's you I want to know!"

"Me? Am I not the young master of the Tang family? The same young master as before."

"I've already been honest, do you still want to hide it? As long as you tell the truth, I can accompany you for another ten years!"

"What do you want to know? To be specific, I'm a little confused." Tang Yan couldn't figure out what Xu Yan had discovered, or he didn't believe everything Xu Yan said, the ancient spiritual veins that had fallen?How many children and grandchildren are left?Is it credible?
Xu Yan stared into Tang Yan's eyes: "The weirdest sky fire, the ghost green fire!"

"Huh?" Tang Yan's face changed slightly.

"I couldn't believe it at first, and I didn't think about it, but the spirit source liquid you refined and some of your special martial arts aroused my suspicion a little bit. If I'm right, your body The origin you have is the ghost blue fire, what you practice is the Immortal Yantian Jue, and your master is the evil ancestor who killed the evil!"

Du Yang's face changed slightly, and he looked at Tang Yan in disbelief. Although he was confused, Xu Yan's performance and special words at the moment were strongly impacting his nerves.

In the depths of the sea of ​​qi, the blood baby raised its eyelids, the corners of its mouth curled up in a special arc, and continued to close its eyes to rest, swallowing the blood energy from Wu Ying, and didn't care about it.

Tang Yan became interested, and asked back: "You seem to know more than me, even Tianhuo?"

"I don't know Tianhuo, but I have heard a rumor that about 600 years ago, an extremely cruel figure suddenly appeared in the Central Plains, founded the evil spirit religion, slaughtered thousands of creatures, provoked the holy places and ancient countries, and triggered a massacre Catastrophe. His famous battle was to burn the imperial city of a huge empire overnight, including the royal family, tens of millions of subjects were all refined.

He proclaims himself an evil ancestor, arrogant and violent, constantly provoking powerful enemies, his growth rate is extremely abnormal, and the most terrifying thing is that he is almost immortal!No matter how many times you are bombarded, you will be reborn inexplicably, and then you will kill your enemies when you are not prepared!

The martial art practiced by Xiezu is called Undead Yantian Jue, and he possesses the ghost Qinghuo that makes everyone crazy. He is a ferocious character, and even a legendary character. He has been recognized as the most likely to be promoted to the Human Emperor people.But his appearance was short-lived. In just a hundred years, he suddenly disappeared and never appeared again. Along with his disappearance was the ghost Qinghuo! "

Tang Yan met Xu Yan's starry eyes: "This happened 600 years ago? Where did you hear it?"

"The family's ancient scrolls, I found out by chance." Seeing that Tang Yan didn't refute, Xu Yan felt a turmoil in his heart. Guess it right?He really has the ghost green fire?He turned out to be the descendant of the evil ancestor!If this news spreads to the Central Plains, I don't know how big a storm it will cause. I'm afraid those ancient holy lands and ancient empires will not be able to hold back.

"If I say that I got the inheritance by chance, I don't even know what kind of evil ancestor, do you believe it?"

"Trust!" The evil ancestor is cruel by nature, surly and domineering. If he survives in the world, he must not be willing to be lonely. The reason why he has been silent for 500 years can only show that he was in a catastrophe during his heyday, and the ghost green fire on Tang Yan is obviously just a prototype At this stage, the ability to degrade the immortal sky fire to such a degree is enough to explain the tragedy of that battle back then.

"Okay, I admit that I have the origin of the ghost green fire in me, and I also admit that I practice the Immortal Yantian Jue, but as for the evil ancestor you mentioned, I really haven't heard of it." Tang Yan habitually kept a little secret for himself .

Xu Yan took a deep look at Tang Yan, showing a slight smile: "Thank you for your frankness, I will abide by my agreement, and I will follow you for 15 years with profits! But I will give you a sincere suggestion. Before you grow strong enough, it is best not to step into the Central Plains, let alone reveal the spiritual source liquid easily, unless you are a close relative, otherwise you will encounter unimaginable disasters."

The last sentence secretly reminded Tang Yan that he could no longer help other people like he helped Ahn'Qiraj, otherwise it would be easy to reveal his identity.

Although there are not many people who know the ghost Qinghuo in this barren land, even fewer who know the evil ancestor, but be careful not to be too arrogant.

"Of course, I have a sense of propriety. Having said so much, we are all honest with each other. Now we should discuss how to deal with team battles?"

"You, me, and Du Yang, join forces to attack the enemy's captain. The rest are handed over to the four women of Ahn'Qiraj. They are not required to defeat the opponent, but to entangle them."

"You should be clear, the enemy's captain is probably a king!"

"You can even defeat the peak Wuzong, and Du Yang can also leapfrog to fight. I am only half a step away from the Wuwang. On the other hand, Matthews, Kane, and De Niro are just new Wuwang, and they underestimate them subconsciously. We, we will look for a breakthrough from here!"

(End of this chapter)

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