Valkyrie Storm

Chapter 158 Humiliation

Chapter 158 Humiliation
Wild Forest Survival No. 30 days, more than [-] members of the Royal Guard drove fierce birds to the sky, like throwing arrows out of bows and arrows to various areas of the wild forest, searching for survivors with the help of stone cards.

Tang Yan and the others had been escorted by the raging demon dogs to different areas of the wild forest two days ago, pretending to be living alone, so as not to arouse the suspicion of the royal family.

After half a day of searching, the imperial guards found all the survivors one after another, a total of 177 people, most of whom were wounded, and a few passed out while still on the way.Compared with Tang Yan and others who are relaxed and happy, they are tense almost all the time, wandering between life and death.

"Tang Yan, great job!" Odin personally went to the square to greet Tang Yan, hugged Tang Yan tightly, and laughed loudly: "As expected of my son-in-law, Odin did a great job!"

"Father, pay attention to the occasion." Niya blushed slightly.

"Whether the occasion is not the occasion, you are my fiancee wherever you are, come on, hold your hand!" Tang Yan raised his eyebrows and teased without any scruples.

"Hold your head!" Niya glared at him.

"Grandpa!" An Qila and other girls rushed over one after another, and rushed over excitedly.

"Good! Good! I'm proud of you!" Odin's face was full of relief. The 30-day cruel experience was really hard for them.

Seeing more and more people coming back, Niya frequently cast their eyes here, and reminded: "Go back first, it's all rotten on your body."

Tang Yan stretched her waist, her eyes sparkled: "My hand is hurt and I can't wash it myself, why don't you do your wife's duty? Don't think wrongly, it's just a bath."

Niya smiled sweetly and said, "Okay, I'll wash it for you myself, it will definitely make your heart unforgettable!"


"Tang Yan!" De Niro jumped down without waiting for the vicious bird to land, staring at Tang Yan with fire-breathing eyes: "Where are my brothers Perry and Ham?"

"Huh? Are you asking me? Your child, why are you asking me?" Tang Yan signaled Niya not to be impulsive, walked over with a smile, and looked him up and down: "Oh, our genius Deni Why does Luo look like this, was he bitten by a dog? Or was he bitten by a pig?"

"Clean your mouth!"

"De Niro, what's the matter?" The elders of the Gaobo family quickly surrounded him.

"It's him! He killed Perry, Will, and Maywell." De Niro's current appearance is not only in a state of distress, he even has an arm crippled. The furious blow of the Demon Dog King almost sent him to hell , The remaining 20 days were spent in exile.

"You are so brave, you dare to kill my grandson, you are tired of living"

"Give us an explanation!"

The elders of the Gaobo family glared angrily.

"Aren't you sick! Explain? What explanation! That's right, I killed the person. Please understand the situation first. This is a life-and-death struggle. If you die, you will die. You can blame others?"

De Niro was at a loss for words, calmed down a little, but still gritted his teeth and said in a cold voice: "The life and death struggle is about survival in the wild, but killing each other is not allowed."

"Hey? Such a big man, how shameless? Life and death fights allow women to be abused? You almost gave Ahn'Qiraj and Annabelle to that, so what?"

"What? You son of a bitch, I've abolished you, you bastard!" Odin was furious, and the terrifying power shocked the people within a hundred meters away to stagger and retreat. Even the sky was covered with dark clouds, which quickly accumulated, and there was a faint thunder and lightning raging.

The big families frowned slightly, wanting to get angry, but slowly suppressed it.Murder is one thing, and the phenomenon of bullying women is inevitable, but it may be difficult to explain the current situation of being caught.

The clan elders looked at De Niro one after another, asking if it was true.

De Niro's face turned blue and white, but he didn't know how to deal with it.

At this time, the venerable of the Obo family came over to face Odin's power: "Little guy, don't spit out blood! You insulted if you said insulting? Show evidence!"

"Say I killed someone, you show evidence!"

"I saw it?" De Niro snorted heavily.

Tang Yan rubbed his forehead and said with a wry smile: "I'm really worrying about your IQ, have you seen it? This is the proof. I also saw you insulting all the dead female members of other families! I also saw you perverted Even corpses are not spared, and I saw you even try female beasts, this is my evidence!"


"What me? Please, I'm a big man, can you use your brain when you speak and do things? I really don't know how a person like you can be designated as the heir of the family. It's sad. Besides, you used this method to frame me. It’s really not level, say that I killed three younger brothers of your family, but they have two second-tier Wuzong, one is a third-tier Wuzong, and you said you saw it, which means you were there. Four people beat me one, Three of them died in a daze, and you were crippled, sorry?" Tang Yan squinted at De Niro, showing a contemptuous smile on purpose.

De Niro was trembling with anger, unable to hold back a word.Ever since he was a child, he has been shrouded in a halo, and no one has ever dared to resist him, but since he met Tang Yan, this kid's fangs and sharp teeth unceremoniously challenged his bottom line time and time again.

It's not that De Niro is so unbearable, nor is it that he is irritable and irritable. It's that Tang Yan's words are too vicious and his head is wandering too fast. If anyone is in De Niro's position, I'm afraid he will vomit blood with anger.

The elders of other families wisely shut up and watched the show from a distance.This kid is Niya's fiancé?The little mouth is no ordinary poison!How dare you point to De Niro's nose and reprimand him!

Just as Tang Yan was about to turn around and leave, he suddenly turned around and smiled: "I understand, you said these words to set off my greatness on purpose? Thank you, you are really a good person."

De Niro gritted his teeth: "You'd better pray that you don't meet me in a team battle, and I'll let you know what the consequences of being owed are!"

"I'm actually looking forward to meeting you in the team battle. There are only four of you left in your Gaobo family, three second-rank Wuzong, and a half-disabled Wuzong. Believe it or not, I will completely torture you?" Tang Yan's unscrupulous landlord nun With a graceful willow waist, she inhaled the rich body fragrance with enjoyment on her face: "Women who want to pursue me, let's talk about it after growing arms first, a cripple, sorry? Hehe, fortunately, the upper one is missing, if the lower one is also tsk tsk "

snort!De Niro snorted, staggered back two steps, and blood oozed from the corner of his mouth.

"De Niro! How are you?" The elders of the Gaobo family quickly surrounded him.

De Niro glared at Tang Yan resentfully, wanting to reprimand something, but his footsteps swayed, and he passed out.After 20 days of desperate struggle and life-and-death escape, he had reached the limit of his physical fitness. At this moment, he was repeatedly humiliated by Tang Yan.

Niya was very cooperative, allowing Tang Yan to knead her waist unscrupulously, with a charming smile on her face.

Matthews, who had just landed, happened to witness this scene, and his face suddenly became gloomy, but he didn't have an attack. He quietly landed in his family area. As his father and the clan elders left quickly, they had to make final preparations for the group. Fight for the championship!

The other young heroes were full of evil fire, but they were all suppressed by the adults of the family.They all noticed the playful look in Tang Yan's eyes. It must be a trap, maybe they are waiting for someone to come to their door and receive a meal of 'cynicism'.

"Let's go, go home and sleep, wash my feet, rub my shoulders, and give me a full-scale massage, just like what I taught you that time." Tang Yan stopped Niya from leaving, raising her voice very loudly on purpose high.

"Bah! This girl will enjoy it!" Everyone cursed one after another, but there was sadness on their faces of grief and indignation. Hearing these words was like bleeding from the heart, my goddess, she was ruined just like that.

Niya fully cooperated with Tang Yan, always smiling brightly, but Odin, who was following beside him, sensed something was wrong, coughed lightly, and led everyone behind ten steps, and they shook their heads secretly, showing pity.

Tang Yan was dazed and ignorant, and continued to enjoy the wonderful touch, and even tried to touch it a little bit downward.

But at the moment of stepping into the house, there was a crisp click, and a miserable scream resounded through the village: "I dropped my hand!"

(End of this chapter)

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