Valkyrie Storm

Chapter 159 Team Competition Trap

Chapter 159 Team Competition Trap
"The first round of the team battle will be held in two days. Use this time to recuperate. This is the list of survivors from each family. Let's take a look." Niya handed Tang Yan a list of detailed information, showing off her face Smile: "Do you still need a massage?"

"You're welcome!" Tang Yan smiled coyly, but retorted in a blink of an eye: "Man and woman can't kiss each other. We haven't had sex yet. People's words are scary. Please bear with it."

Odin and the others couldn't help but smile, there was really nothing they could do about this little guy.

Niya was speechless, and gave him a bitter look, but, compared to the previous indifference, there was a slight smile on the corner of her mouth that she didn't even notice.

In short, although this kid deserves a beating, he is quite interesting to get along with.

Odin coughed a few times and looked at Tang Yan with a smile: "There are no outsiders now, do you have anything to say to us?"

Tang Yan was flipping through the detailed information sheet, raised his brows when he heard this, and said, "What are you talking about? No. Oh, are you implying that I am preparing a dowry? Are you in a hurry? I am still young and have not yet fully developed. "

"Go to hell!" Niya almost spit out a mouthful of red wine.

The elders of the clan raised their hands to their foreheads, dumbfounding, this girl is really superb!

Odin was also stunned by this sentence, coughed heavily, and said: "We will be a family soon, there is no need to keep secrets. Let me just say it, what happened in the wild forest? How did you Helped Ahn'Qiraj and the others break through?"

On the way back, they took turns to interrogate Ahn'Qiraj, but the girls were quite "loyal" and refused to reveal anything, saying that they promised Tang Yan to keep the secret for the rest of their lives.

"Actually, it's not a big deal. The black girl made friends with the demon king and the violent demon dog king in the wasteland. They voluntarily guarded us for more than 20 days. Ahn'Qiraj and the others are already on the verge of breaking through. With a little experience, the breakthrough is also possible." It makes sense. Don't make me think that it's so complicated and simple. It's only a mortal, but one who has no guts. Occasionally, some special behaviors are due to luck." Tang Yan grinned, and continued to bury his head in reading the information Detailed list.

Odin and the others looked at each other, 100% sure that these words are not credible, but you can't force him, right?
They looked at each other, and they didn't ask any more questions.

Perhaps Tang Yan will tell the truth when he really becomes the son-in-law of the Rao family in the future.

Odin said: "In short, thank you very much."

"You're welcome, they call me uncle, so I have to fulfill my uncle's responsibilities." Tang Yan made a serious statement, but before everyone could show their gratified expressions, the boy said in a blink of an eye, "Hey, what do you mean by that? Very touched? Is the bonus from this gambling equal to me?"

"After you get home, you can go to the cashier to pick it up." Everyone smiled and shook their heads. There was nothing they could do about him, but Tang Yan's cheerfulness kept each other warm and did not change because of being overly polite. of students.

Odin said seriously: "Let's get down to business. The rules of the second stage team battle have been changed. First of all, the families that were wiped out in the first stage and the families with only two survivors, a total of seven , will not participate in team battles, nor will they participate in the final ranking.

In other words, including the royal family, there are 24 teams participating in the team competition.

In the first round, a lottery will be used to fight against each other. The twelve failed teams will fight again in order to rank their strengths, and the last three will be selected as the bottom three in the final overall ranking.

In the second round, the twelve victorious teams draw lots to determine their opponents, and they will have a life-and-death duel in turn.The six failed teams will no longer compete, but the worst team will be selected based on the votes of all the families and become the bottom No.4 in the overall ranking.

In the third round, the six teams that have persisted for two rounds will determine their opponents by drawing lots, and they will face off in a life-and-death duel in turn.The eliminated three teams will compete in a melee match. The team that falls first will be considered the loser and will become the bottom No.5 in the overall ranking, and the remaining two teams will be the fourth No.5 respectively. "

"Wait! Why am I confused? Why don't those seven families participate in the overall ranking? There is also the determination of the bottom four and No.5, isn't it a bit unfair?"

"This rule is obviously unfair, but it is reasonable. This ranking method can keep the participating teams vigilant and high-spirited at all times, and let them understand that victory is not achieved all the way forward, and they may persist until the last round, and will become one of the bottom five; the second point is to stimulate the enthusiasm of the audience, increase the excitement and uncertainty of the major casinos, and attract more people to bet; the third point is to serve the competition Yes, if the rankings are determined step by step according to ordinary rules, the last five must be the relatively weak five of the thirty major families. The prizes they can offer will hardly arouse the interest of families like Rubin Kimi. To some extent, it will reduce the enthusiasm of the participating teams. But if one or two of the last five are like our family, the major participating teams will definitely do their best."

Odin spoke calmly, as if he was explaining the meaning of this rule, but Tang Yan felt more and more uncomfortable the more he listened.

"anything else?"

"And the fourth point, can you tell me?" Odin looked at Tang Yan with a smile.

"You want to test me?"

Odin smiled without saying a word.

Tang Yan leaned on the seat and said: "You have said so much, it makes sense, but from our point of view, the royal family is setting a trap! Whether it is the first round, the second round, or the third round , we are all facing the danger of being included in the bottom ranks. If they do anything casually, we will be reduced to the bottom. Even if we persist until the top six fight for hegemony and the royal family cheats a little, we will also lose miserably.

I said that the royal family of your Delos Empire is really shameless, so frame it up, and find so many high-sounding reasons, and go out of your way to play tricks on the rules. "

Odin nodded with a smile, and said: "Your analysis is correct, not only us, but all major families are being counted. Having said so much, do you have a good solution?"

"No, these three rounds are interlocking. Even if I can last until the last round, the royal family will definitely arrange for me a strong opponent, an opponent who has the ability to kill us. Unless I can turn things around, I won't be able to break the battle." Start this game. Huh? You don't seem to be worried?" Tang Yan looked at Odin and the others strangely.

Odin smiled and said: "We have already figured it out. As long as you don't have any accidents, it's okay to lose this game. The big deal is to pay something."


Niya said angrily: "Ah, what, aren't you very smart? Can't you understand what my father means?"

"Not really understand"

"Father would rather pay any price, but also hope that you can be well."

Odin looked at Tang Yan with such kindness in his eyes: "If you can really stick to the top six, it is enough to fight for my face for Odin, I am content!"

Tang Yan shook his head and smiled, and continued: "We calculated that if the royal family made a move in the final round, they would choose Matthews or Kane."

"That's right, you are most likely to face them in the third round. Once we meet, our defeat is almost a foregone conclusion. These two are very different from De Niro. Kane is a pure melee fighter. Suitable for ring battles, Matthews is known as the strongest genius of the new generation of the Empire, if he is not two years younger than the Ninth Prince, he can definitely dominate any young genius."

Tang Yan rubbed his swollen forehead, lost in thought.

Odin said: "You don't have to be embarrassed. It's good to be in the top six. Once we face Kane or Matthews, we will immediately admit defeat."

"Admit defeat? How can I admit defeat so easily."

Niya said angrily: "What can I do if I don't admit defeat? I have already introduced you many times. Kahn and Matthews are too strong, and they are far from the opponents you can challenge now. Even if they kill you on the field You don't violate the rules of life and death, we can't find an excuse to punish them."

Tang Yan blinked and smiled: "Are you worried about me, or about yourself being a widow?"

"Tang Yan! This is not a joke!"

Odin persuaded: "I used to really hope that you could win a good ranking, but now I only hope that you will be safe and sound. In the future, you must also know how to retreat from difficulties and not be too paranoid. impossible things……"

"Don't worry, I know in my heart that I can lose, but I can't retreat without a fight. If it doesn't work, I will kneel down and beg for mercy. A man can bend and stretch, and I won't stick to those small details."

Niya was a little worried: "Why are you so stubborn?"

"Just this time, it's not an example. Give me the details of Matthews and Kane, as detailed as you can. I don't want a situation like De Niro's to happen again, and it almost wiped me out."

(End of this chapter)

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