Valkyrie Storm

Chapter 160 The Birth of the Top 6

Chapter 160 Birth of the Strongest Six
For the upcoming team battle, the major families have tried their best, and they are not stingy with panacea and natural treasures, hoping that their representative teams can enter the arena in full bloom.

This is no longer just a simple match, it is not only a rare opportunity to learn from each other, but also related to the honor of the family.

Among the major families, the most nervous ones are the Gaobo family and the Debussy family. They had hoped to hit the top three, but now they are facing the danger of being classified as the bottom.The shame and the price they paid were beyond their tolerance.

But whether it is De Niro's broken arm or Denzel's soul wound, it will not be repaired in a short time, two days is not enough!

During these two days, spectators from all over the country almost filled the life-and-death arena outside the wild forest. The number reached an astonishing one hundred thousand, and there was even a growing momentum.The latest adjustment of the game rules by the royal family caused a lot of controversy, but it was cleverly used by the casino to set off an unprecedented storm of high-stakes gambling as it wished.

The result of Survival in the Wild Forest was completely beyond people's expectations. The "endgame" created created too many variables for the second stage of the team battle, and these variables reached the peak under the impetus of "rules"!

Under the deliberate publicity of the royal family and major casinos, this life-and-death match became the focus of the entire empire, and hundreds of millions of eyes gathered in the wild forest!

When all parties were in full swing to rectify, a moderate disturbance was stirred up by someone with a heart.

First of all, De Niro has no hope of recovery and can only participate in the competition with a half-disabled body, but his injury has been controlled, and he is still expected to enter the top six; secondly, Denzel of the Debussy family announced his withdrawal from the competition and returned to the family for recuperation. The withdrawal of the Debussy family is doomed to miss the ranks of the top six; third, two outland families, 'Tatu' and 'Bruce', which have long been favored by people, have released amazing news one after another. The secret method forcibly improves the strength, and each has three third-tier Wuzong participating in the competition. They are likely to become strong contenders for the top six.

On the last day, Tang Yan, who gradually came into the public eye because of Niya's marriage and "suspected cheating", became the focus again. A mysterious person made a shocking statement. Tang Yan came from the Great Zhou Empire. He was wanted, and caused a sensation in the Northern Wilderness for killing eleven high-ranking Wu Zong, including the tutor of the Giant Elephant Academy.

When the news was announced, not only were all the spectators incredulous, but even Gao Bo and other six major families were moved by it. They sent information to the Great Zhou Empire to investigate, and the exact information was sent back almost that night. This Tang Yan was Tang Yan back then. , the Du Yang next to him was the same Du Yang back then, both of them killed eleven great Wuzongs in a row with the power of the first-order Wuzong, and rushed out of the Giant Elephant City to go into exile in the world!
Back then, the first-tier Martial Ancestor was able to kill the third-tier Martial Ancestor across two consecutive tiers, but now he has stepped into the ranks of the second tier, what kind of terrifying strength will he have?
No matter how many accidents accompanied him at the beginning, he could not conceal his impressive record.

While all parties were in shock, the reason for Denzel's severe injury was announced by interested people. Tang Yan severely injured Denzel in a head-to-head confrontation, and stopped at the end without taking his life. De Niro's severe injury and Perry et al. People's deaths are all related to Tang Yan!
At the same time, some people began to suspect that the real purpose of the Rao family marrying a daughter was really only because of Tang Yan's previous achievements?Although it is very amazing, it is far from the level of Niya's promise, unless Tang Yan has other identities!

All in all, in just one day, Tang Yan seemed to be synonymous with mystery, and even the odds of the Rao family representative team in the casino changed again and again.

"Is this going to push me to the forefront?" Tang Yan who got the news was not a little excited, but frowned.

Du Yang lazily squinted his eyes half-closed: "I'll fire you first to create a lot of momentum for you, but once you lose miserably in this match, it will be equivalent to falling from a thousand miles high, and the fall will be even worse! "

Xu Yan is holding up a thousand-jin stone tripod for exercise: "I heard that many people in the casino have bet heavily on you. Once you lose, they will definitely lose a lot of property. At that time, these people will regard you as an enemy Look at it, a little provocation will become the main force against you marrying Niya."

Du Yang suddenly smiled: "People are afraid of becoming famous when they shoot famous pigs. You are a celebrity now, so you must be prepared to accept all kinds of rumors."

Tang Yan ignored the teasing of the two: "That's not what I'm worried about. This life-and-death battle has attracted too much attention. Once someone pushes the flames, the news is likely to spread to the Northern Wilderness of the Great Zhou Empire."

"Are you worried about King Zhou Ling?" Du Yang and Xu Yan stopped one after another.

"The hatred of killing a daughter, the hatred of humiliation, he can't wait to pull out my bones."

Du Yang fell silent. After all, this is a battle that attracts the attention of the whole country. It is not impossible for the news to reach the ears of King Zhou Ling.

Xu Yan saw that the two were depressed, and comforted him: "The Delos Empire spans [-] kilometers from east to west. Even if the news spreads, it will take several years. Think about your deeds in the Giant Elephant City. It was a sensation at the time, but in this Delos The empire was not mentioned because of this life-and-death struggle until a year later. Besides, King Zhou Ling covered the sky with one hand in the northern wilderness, but he did not dare to come to the Delos Empire. The strength of the strong family is not inferior to the Lingwang Palace!"

"I hope so." Tang Yan stood at the window staring at the dark night, took a deep breath of cool air, and exhaled slowly.What Xu Yan said was correct, but I was afraid that the villain would add fuel to the flames and send the news to the Great Zhou Empire.King Zhou Ling really didn't dare to be presumptuous here, but he can definitely use dirty tricks!

On the edge of the wild forest, a huge arena of life and death rises from the ground, similar to the Colosseum in ancient Rome, but more luxurious and larger, it can accommodate more than [-] people!From bottom to top, there are five floors in order, the bottom one is naturally luxurious, and the single price is as high as [-] gold coins!
At dawn, the arena was opened to the outside world, and 10 people poured in, and the noisy sound resounded like a mountain roar and a tsunami, resounding through the sky.

The 24 participating teams quickly completed the lottery, and after a series of inspections and preparations, they started fighting in the morning.

The Rao family played in the sixth game against the Trish family. There were five opponents, three second-tier Wuzong and two first-tier Wuzong.

The three of Tang Yan stood on the edge, only doing command and coordination. The battlefield was completely handed over to Hai Lita and the five girls. win!
The battle on the first day was not too turbulent. All the previously favored families passed the competition smoothly. Even the representative team of the Debussy family, which lost Denzel, passed the competition because the opponent was too weak.

the next day!
The twelve defeated teams took turns to face off, and the three families ranked last were selected.

Day three!The top twelve advances to six!
Draw lots in turn to determine the opponent.

The Rao family played in the third match against the star team 'Tatu'. There were seven opponents, three third-tier Wuzong, three second-tier Wuzong, and one first-tier Wuzong.

Because both sides are families with high voices, they have received a lot of attention.

Tang Yan and Xu Yan still did not make a move. Du Yang assisted the five girls in the battle. The scene was extremely tragic. Tired of always sitting in the back.

At the last moment, Du Yang severely injured a third-tier Wuzong and two second-tier Wuzong one after another, becoming the focus of the audience.But Du Yang didn't want to reveal his true strength prematurely, so he pretended to be seriously injured and fell into a coma. In the end, Xu Yan played and helped the five girls win the final victory.

Still a miserable victory!
But the strength displayed by the Rao family team was beyond people's expectations, not only because of Du Yang's ability to leapfrog to the next level, but also because Tang Yan never made a move, and Xu Yan simply defeated his opponent with a single blow. Performance, aggravated the mystery of the team.

In the evening of the same day, the results of the competition were announced, and the Debussy family had the heaviest casualties, ranking fourth from the bottom of the overall ranking.

The top six were born: the royal team with the nine princes as the captain, the Rubin Kimmy team with Matthews as the representative, the Doron family team with Kane as the representative, and the Gauber family with De Niro as the representative The representative team is the An Meilun family representative team represented by Aurora, and the Rao family representative team represented by Tang Yan.

Except for the Debussy family, which was excluded due to special circumstances, the six major families of the empire still entered the top six with their unparalleled power. Whether it was the Ninth Prince, Matthews or Kane, not only did they not make a move, they even did not even have a match. Go, just sit in the luxury area as a spectator.

The previously optimistic star teams were defeated one after another, causing bursts of sighs.

After the game, the royal family randomly selected in the arena to determine the next day's schedule.

Nine Princes VS De Niro

Matthews vs Aurora

Kane VS Tang Yan
A peak duel is about to begin!

(End of this chapter)

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