Valkyrie Storm

Chapter 161 The Peak Showdown

Chapter 161 The Peak Showdown
Kane VS Tang Yan
What he was worried about finally happened. Tang Yan was almost a loser against Kane. This can be seen from the casino's reaction. Tang Yan was overwhelmingly betting on Tang Yan to lose!

After all, no matter how mysterious and background he has, Kane is a veritable King of Martial Arts!Accompanying the competition are five melee masters!
Tang Yan's strength level gap is too big.

Niya and others tried to persuade Tang Yan to give up. Even Angela and other women came over timidly, but they were all politely refused.

"He won't cry until he sees the coffin. Kane is more dangerous than De Niro. He might kill him!" In the study, Niya was annoyed and anxious.

A clan elder said: "Kane has already uttered harsh words, and the battle will be completely resolved in 5 minutes. Either kill him or make him unable to stand up for the rest of his life."

Another elder said: "After the lottery, I saw De Niro enter Kane's VIP room. He had fought against Tang Yan and knew some details. This time, he probably introduced him to Kane. What agreement was reached."

"Then what should we do? How about we discuss with the Second Prince about giving up the competition?"

"I'm afraid he won't allow it!" Odin exhaled helplessly, and said, "Since Tang Yan wants to experience it once, we will grant his wish. But we must always be prepared. Forcibly shoot, end the game!"

Niya and the others were worried: "It's the only way."

In the early morning of the next day, fanatical roars opened the prelude to the finals. More than [-] people gathered in the arena, interpreting the word "huge crowd" to the extreme.

waiting area!

"Hide the spiritual source liquid in your cuffs. Once your spiritual power is exhausted, pretend to wipe the corner of your mouth and take one. Remember, you must not be discovered!" Tang Yan repeatedly told the girls.

The five Ahn'Qiraj girls nodded quickly, but they were all nervous, and little Belle's forehead was still dripping with sweat.

Today's opponents are too strong, so strong that their hearts are shaking.

"Don't be nervous, have confidence, tell yourself I can do it!" Tang Yan stretched his arms vigorously, opened his arms and smiled, "Come on, let's give each of you a hug and help you relax."

"Bah!" The five girls' pretty faces were flushed.

"What kind of expression do you guys have? A good way to relieve tension is to hug, come on, I won't mind, just treat it as a free offering."

Hai Lita took Tang Yan's flirtatious glance, and actually walked up to hug her for a while, her pretty face turned redder, and her heart beat faster, but the nervous feeling really dissipated a lot.

"It smells so good!" Tang Yan took a deep breath brazenly.

"Only this one time, behave well." Hai Lita avoided everyone's eyes, hooked Tang Yan's ears with the tip of her dexterous tongue, giggled twice and dodged away.

Tang Yan's body trembled slightly, secretly exclaiming that he had enjoyed himself.

Encouraged by Hai Lita, Angela and other girls came over one by one. Tang Yan would not refuse anyone who came, and gave them a deep hug. Different styles of body fragrances, different temperaments, and different enchanting scents The figure almost revived the sleeping little brother.

Du Yang murmured to himself: "I'm not afraid that the hooligans are educated, but I'm afraid that they have methods. Only this kid can come up with such shameless methods."

"How about it? Don't be nervous? We've even abolished De Niro, and we're afraid that Kane will be a yo-yo. Just do what I told you, and the timing must be right! Leave the rest to us! "

"Come on! I can do it!" All the girls held hands and encouraged each other!
"The first match, the representative team of the Duolong family vs. the representative team of the Rao family, starts now!"

Following the referee's order, the gates on both sides of the arena opened at the same time, and Kane and others in fine clothes came out amidst the cheers of mountains and tsunami. With a shake of his hand, he proudly pointed to Tang Yan and the others who were walking slowly.

"Brother Kane, please be merciful." Tang Yan greeted them warmly with a bright smile on his face.Angela and the other women followed behind, looking at the frivolous and disrespectful figure in front, listening to the hearty and relaxed laughter, a slight smile appeared on the corner of their mouths, and they were not as nervous as expected.

"Of course." Kane showed a strange arc, took off his gorgeous cloak, and revealed his majestic body wrapped in black: "I don't like bullying the weak, today is only for learning, when will you kneel down and beg for mercy, knock three times in a row? Nodding your head, I will stop immediately. But you had better move quickly, otherwise I will knock you down with one punch before the three heads are knocked off, so thanks for that?"

"Hey!" The contestants of the Duolong family all smiled unscrupulously, their eyes swept over Anqila and other girls one by one, showing very contemptuous smiles.

These girls should be very interesting in bed, but in this arena, they are really not good enough.

Tang Yan smiled, neither annoyed nor angry: "Thank you Brother Kane for reminding me, I will try to move as fast as possible. Then shall we start now?"


"What kind of play?"

"How to play? Just go to war, what kind of tricks do you want to play? Someone reminded me last night, you little guy is very cunning."

"No matter how cunning I am, can I still defeat King Wu with cunning? Brother Kane, don't be so wary, I'm just offering an opinion."


"The three of us fight with you alone. Your brothers will watch from the side first. If the three of us are defeated, we will immediately kneel down and surrender. Today's round will be over, how about it?"

Kane took a deep look at Tang Yan, and said with a half-smile: "Is there another sentence after your sentence, if the three of you win, today's game will be considered your victory? Little guy, you are not too soft-spoken." !"

Tang Yan scratched his head with a smile: "People have to have good wishes, don't they?"

"Brother, beware of him cheating!" Someone reminded Kane.

"So what if you're cheating, and you can still cheat me to death? I'll play with them first, and you are ready to take action at any time. If there is an accident, you immediately deal with those women and come to help." Kane whispered to the clan brothers Ordered, and raised his voice: "It is acceptable, lest others say that I bully you."

Although he didn't believe that Tang Yan could defeat him, he was not a reckless person, and necessary preparations had to be made.

Tang Yan nodded with a smile, and reminded Hai Lita without any trace: "Remember what I told you, play by ear!"

"Please enlighten me!" Xu Yan stepped forward, standing ten steps away from Kane.Tang Yan and Du Yang separated from each other, looking at Kane with smiles on their faces.

"You two men let a woman be the striker? How graceful." Kane twisted his lower neck vigorously, his muscles gathered, exuding surging coercion.

"Ready?" Xu Yan's face sank like water, staring at Kane coldly.

"Hehe, you can start anytime, chick? Or younger brother?" Kane clicked his tongue twice, and scratched his eyes hard on Xu Yan's chest.

"You are called the ancestor!" Xu Yan's eyes narrowed suddenly, he stepped forward fiercely, and hit the ground with his right fist. At the same time, a terrifying pressure surged from his arm and wrist, and the moment his fist touched the ground, Turn into ferocious sharp claws, entangle the billowing wind and thunder!

With one punch, the wind and thunder move!

A violent tremor suddenly swept across the entire arena, even the surrounding [-]-meter seats trembled and rumbled, with Xu Yan as the center, all the gravel within a [-]-meter range shattered, and the dense debris swept like a whirlwind When it came out, thick dust rolled in all directions.

"Death is swaying!" Du Yang's smile remained the same, his eyes were cold, and with a sharp roar, thirteen huge stone pythons suddenly erupted from the cracked ground, entwined with pale petrified brilliance and rushed towards the center. The sudden violent scene not only The contestants of the Duolong family were shocked, and there was a tidal wave of exclamations even from the surrounding stone platforms.

This momentum is too great!It's not like what Wu Zong can do!
Kane frowned slightly, and rolled back one after another, dodging the stone python's impact.

"Brother Kane, take my knife?"

Tang Yan appeared behind Kane like a ghost, his body destruction technique exploded, his strength instantly reached the third level, green flames filled the air, and the four strikes of the flames burst out perfectly!

It's like thunder, and it's like a landslide!
"Small tricks!" Kane turned around abruptly and punched directly.

Clang!The ear-piercing clang of gold and stone resounded through the mist, Tang Yan retreated as if struck by lightning, Kane staggered back two steps, and was about to sneer, but suddenly found a gentle green flame spreading from his fist to his wrist , and devoured the muscles that should have been as strong as steel at an alarming speed, and there was a sharp pain.

what happened?

"Wind and Thunder Claw!" Xu Yan appeared suddenly, and the beast-like claws tore through the space, engulfing the billowing wind and thunder, and went straight to Kane's throat.

Kane's face changed slightly, and he was about to intercept.

Tang Yan and Du Yang reappeared, with a smile on their faces, but they were full of fighting spirit, and the corners of their mouths curved cruelly.At the moment of appearance, Tang Yan's right eye and Du Yang's eyes both surged with terrifying energy vortexes.

The combination of the three hits instantly.

There was an astonishing crashing sound from the riot area that hadn't dispersed yet, and a majestic figure blasted out like a cannonball, smashing more than ten deep holes in the ground, and blasted directly onto the stainless steel guardrail a hundred meters away. There was a violent tremor.

At the moment of "It's Kane", the audience was moved. Tens of thousands of people stood up and looked at the disconcerted strong man in disbelief.There was a hideous wound on his chest that was deep enough to reach the bone, and blood was bubbling. There were two equally scary blood holes behind him, one was wrapped in gray mist, as if it was devouring his muscles, and the other was petrified, like To destroy his whole body.


Kane coughed up blood, slowly raised his head, his scarlet eyes fixed on the ruins a hundred meters away.

Three figures gradually rose from the billowing dust and mist, they were Tang Yan, Du Yang and Xu Yan, each of them had a revived stone python under them, supporting them until mid-air.

Compared with Kane's embarrassment, the three of them were almost unscathed, even their faces were rosy, and they were looking at Kane with a smile.

Only at this moment, the smiles of the three changed in everyone's eyes.

The arena of 10 people was completely silent, and it was a bit overwhelming, why in just a few seconds, Kane was severely injured and retreated, but Tang Yan and the three were arrogant.

This is completely unreasonable and completely different from their expectations. Even the second prince and others frowned slightly in the VIP area where the royal family and the six major families were located.

At this second, almost all they think of is cheating!
But all contestants will undergo a body check before the competition, and each person can only carry one weapon or armor, and none of them can have too much strength!
This is the most solemn guarantee made by the royal family, and there is no possibility of problems!
How do you explain this scene now?
(End of this chapter)

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