Chapter 16

three hours later.

"It's so exciting, so exciting, the ground horn ox, the colorful dove, the wolf-headed horse, the three-clawed tortoise, the red goral, five second-level monsters! The three-clawed tortoise and the wolf-headed horse are both second-level monsters." The top exists. I actually killed them all, this lady is too powerful!" Tang Ying bounced around Tang Yan, although her small face was a little pale, she couldn't hide the excitement in her heart.In just three hours, she basically accepted Tang Yan as her cousin, and she was no longer indifferent or conflicted, but very happy.

Tang Yan regretted instead: "If you hadn't been impatient, you would have got the giant squirrel in the end."

"What giant squirrel, how many times have I said that it is a scorpion cat, a third-level monster, no matter how careful we are, it is impossible to be caught by us, and it may become its prey." Tang Ying was dissatisfied. pouted.

"You have to set your sights high and your goals big, just like my brother and me."

"Bah, bah, don't be shy." Tang Ying put on a grimace, giggled and ran towards the cave in the valley, and shouted excitedly, "Teacher Alinda, guess what we brought back for you."

Looking at the cheerful figure of the little girl, Tang Yan couldn't help showing a little smile on his face, shook his head, and walked towards the valley.

After walking a few steps, he frowned slightly and stopped slowly.

After Tang Ying rushed into the cave, there was no movement, and there was no voice of conversation inside.

Tang Yan was alert by nature, quietly observed his surroundings, and then looked intently at the cave.

There are a few signs of damage to the vines there, isn't it?
His heart moved slightly, he turned his head and fled.

However, there was a blur in front of his eyes, and there was a muffled bang, and a huge force suddenly hit Tang Yan's abdomen.Wow!A mouthful of blood spurted out, and the whole person was forcefully thrown out, and fell on his back seven or eight meters away.

Tang Yan's eyes were wide open, his mouth was wide open, and he curled up forcefully, with severe pain in his abdomen that felt like shaking mountains and pounding seas.

"Little bastard is very clever." The tall and thin man walked up to Tang Yan, stepped on his stomach, and pressed hard to the ground: "I have been waiting for you for three full hours!"

Tang Yan was furious in his heart, and subconsciously wanted to ignite the blue flame, but his rationality suppressed the impulse in time, endured the humiliation, and only struggled and resisted symbolically: "I'm sorry, your sister is too demanding, and the young master has to take it slowly." Satisfied, so it took a little more time."

The tall and thin man didn't react at first, but soon his face changed, he grabbed Tang Yan's throat and violently tore him: "Little guy, you're very kind, I'll give you a chance, say it again!"

"Your sister is very punctual!"

"Looking for death!" The tall and thin man was furious, and he swung his arms violently, turning Tang Yan towards a stone not far away.

"This is the guy who made the master suffer? Sure enough, he has a sharp mouth!" The stocky man grabbed Alinda and Tang Ying's necks roughly, crawled out of the cave, and threw them aside.

"Are you okay?" Tang Ying quickly supported Tang Yan who got up.

"I can't die." Tang Yan spat out the blood in his mouth, and looked coldly at the two men in white. At this moment, he was surprisingly calm, strangely calm, and turned his head after a while, staring at Alinda bitterly: "Why harm us? Why!"

Alinda's delicate body trembled slightly, and her eyes flickered as she looked at Tang Yan with a ferocious face.

Tang Ying quickly explained: "Tang Yan, it's not the fault of Teacher Ilinda. When I went in, she was being pinched by the throat and couldn't speak at all. You also know the body of Teacher Alinda."

"Shut up!" Tang Yan roared suddenly.

Tang Ying froze immediately, and looked at Tang Yan in disbelief, a little bit of grievance slowly grew in her heart, her small mouth shrunk, and tears rolled down uncontrollably.

The two white-clothed men looked at each other, and they both saw some teasing from the bottom of their eyes, and they didn't rush to do it immediately, they both stood there and watched the show.

"I'm sorry, I hurt you." Alinda closed her eyes in pain.

Tang Yan wiped his dirt-covered mouth indiscriminately, and suddenly rushed to Alinda: "I want to earn money even if I die!"

Alinda was caught off guard, and Tang Yan hugged her upright and pressed her down hard on the ground.

Tang Yan kissed Alinda's delicate red lips rudely, and unceremoniously stuck his tongue in and stirred it vigorously.

Alinda's brain buzzed, her eyes widened and she stared at Tang Yan who was crushing wantonly on her body, her brain went blank.My first kiss, my clean body was given by a little guy like this
"Tang Yan, you..." Tang Ying looked at Tang Yan who looked like a hungry wolf, she was slightly absent-minded, and the feeling of grievance seemed to be a little stronger.

Tang Yan kissed and kneaded roughly, showing no mercy, like a wolf out of control.

Alinda was filled with humiliation and despair, but it was futile to resist.

"Swallow it!" Tang Yanruo murmured in a low voice, taking the opportunity of pretending to wipe his mouth, the five spiritual source liquids that were stuffed into his mouth, are now all sent into Alinda's throat. The source liquid of spiritual power flowed down her throat and poured into her chest and abdomen.

The cool feeling quickly spread to the whole body, and the humiliation and sorrow in Elinda's heart were immediately washed away. Feeling the instantaneous filling of spiritual power in the meridians, her spirit was lifted, and her eyes suddenly returned to clarity.

"Bastard! Get the hell out of me!" The two men in white were furious, grabbed Tang Yan's shoulders at the same time, and threw him out.

This beauty didn't even have time to enjoy it, but this bastard gave her a head start.

Tang Yan struggled to stand up, gave Alinda a sharp look, and said with a low smile, "It tastes really good, but it's a pity, no matter how hard you two idiots, it's all leftovers from my young master's use." .”

"Look at these two women, I will torture him to death." The tall and thin man's eyes became colder and colder, his hands tensed slowly, and a trace of mist lingered around them.

"Be careful, this kid is very cunning." The stocky man pinched Tang Ying and Ailinda's back necks respectively, with great strength, without the slightest sympathy, and the two girls who pinched them had difficulty breathing.Alinda was startled and suspicious, and still a little dazed, but she couldn't care less at the moment, and tried her best to refine the pure spiritual power that suddenly appeared in her body, guiding them to hit the ice crystals in the bones.

"In the face of absolute strength, what can cunning do?" The tall and thin man suddenly dodged, and appeared in front of Tang Yan almost in the blink of an eye, and his tight right palm was thrown forward, and it was firmly imprinted on Tang Yan's chest.

The speed is so fast, like a streamer, Tang Yan has no ability to resist at all!
The gap between a third-tier martial spirit and a second-tier martial artist is like a ravine in the sky. Without external assistance, Tang Yan is destined to be ravaged.

boom!Tang Yan felt a sharp pain and distress in his chest, and his body, which had not yet made a counterattack posture, had already rushed into the air.

The tall and thin man slanted into the sky, turned quickly in the air, and slammed his tight right foot towards Tang Yan's abdomen. There was a muffled bang, and Tang Yan fell straight to the ground as if struck by lightning. It was unbearably painful.

"Don't fight!" Tang Ying pleaded, trying to fight back, but was strangled to death by the solid man.

"Wait! Wait!" Tang Yan shouted suddenly.

"What? Want to surrender?"

"Someone, someone entrusted me..." Tang Yan bent over, supported his knees, panting heavily.

"Who? What are you entrusting to you?" The tall and thin man stopped in front of Tang Yan, his raised fist slightly paused.

"Tell me to tell you a word." Tang Yan still bent his body vigorously, quietly stimulating the seven major acupoints in the corner of his eyes, and a strange ripple appeared in the pupil of his right eye.


"Your sister is really on time!"

"Huh? Little bastard, don't know what to do!" The man grabbed Tang Yan's hair and tore it aside violently.

"Death!" At the moment Tang Yan raised his head, a roar exploded on the tip of his tongue, and the Eye of Nirvana instantly shot out an evil black sharp light, straight for the man's head.

It's close at hand!It happened suddenly!
What the hell?The man's heart trembled, and he subconsciously dodged to the side. At this moment, puff, a black glow pierced his face, crushed his teeth, and pierced through his ears.

ah!The tall and thin man suddenly uttered a scream like a ghost, covered his painful cheek with all his strength and staggered back.

"Let's go find your sister!" Tang Yan violently raised his right fist, which was tightly clenched in flames, and punched the man in the face!boom!The man was still in shock, and he received the punch firmly. His front teeth were shattered on the spot, and part of the flames stuck to his face, burning mercilessly.

Tang Yan broke out hysterically, but before he could throw out his second punch, the stocky man arrived like lightning, and a leg-sweeping iron whip hit Tang Yan's abdomen, and flew out directly.

Not far away, Tang Ying concentrated slightly, and she drew out the flame knife to rescue Tang Yan.

"Enough!" A cold shout suddenly sounded in the forest.

"Huh?" The man in white was startled, and the chaotic scene stopped.

"What are you doing? Are you playing monkeys?" A man with a mask of fangs and a white robe walked into the valley, his voice was a little low, with obvious anger.

The tall and thin man tightly covered his cheeks, trying to mobilize his spiritual power to heal the wound, his face livid: "This little thing is too treacherous, we just suffered a little."

"Is he treacherous, or are you too stupid? My question is, why did you not obey the rules? Those who are caught should be taken away. Who stipulated that you can ravage students?"

"Hehe, don't get me wrong, it's really just for fun. There's a good product here, do you want to come with me?" The stocky man felt guilty, rolled his eyes, and warmly invited the visitor.

The tall and thin man hesitated a little, and the ninja smiled bitterly and said, "This girl is a student of Colossus, we can't touch it, but this instructor can deal with it at will."

The visitor interrupted harshly: "Stop doing this, give me the person, and take him away immediately. Everyone over there is starting to worry."

"It's a pity, or else" the tall and thin man felt a little bit reluctant.

"Wait! Who are you? I don't think I've seen you before?" The stocky man frowned suddenly, carefully sizing up the person coming.

The visitor continued to walk into the valley, and snorted coldly: "Don't know?? Don't know each other so soon? Are you pretending to be stupid?"

The stocky man frowned and looked at the person coming. The more he looked, the more he felt something was wrong. The person's clothes were torn and there were a lot of blood stains, as if he had experienced a fierce battle, and the clothes didn't seem to fit him very well.

The doubts in his heart became more and more serious, and the stocky man said: "Can I see your sign?"

"Check the signs? Exchange each other!"


The man in white slowly put his hand into his clothes, the tall and the short were secretly vigilant and prepared to deal with unexpected events, but to their disappointment and relief, the man really took out a black wooden sign the size of a palm.

The tall and thin man threw his own over first, then reached out and asked for it: "We are just checking."

"Take it." The man in white didn't hesitate, and threw it into the air casually. I don't know if it was intentional. When the wooden sign was thrown, there was a slight arc, and it appeared in the area between the two of them in a blink of an eye.

The tall and thin man was about to grab him, but

"Be careful!" the stocky man suddenly exclaimed, the wooden sign seems to have this spell card on the back
The mysterious white-clothed man flew back first: "This is a gift from your companions, and now I give it to you. Frozen spell card, explode!"

(End of this chapter)

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