Valkyrie Storm

Chapter 17 Killing Wu Ling

Chapter 17 Killing Wu Ling
Suddenly, a glaring white light came out from behind the wooden sign, and the bone-piercing cold air filled the range of more than ten meters. The tall and thin man who bore the brunt instantly became an ice sculpture, and Ailinda, Tang Ying, and the stocky man were also affected, and their bodies were covered with thick ice. of ice.

"Tang Ying, run away!" The backing man in white tore off his fangs mask, rushed forward, and rushed straight at the relatively unaffected solid man. After ten steps, the curtain suddenly rose and he clenched his hands tightly. His right fist was all over the pale rock, and it hit the man's head in the air.

This is Du Yang?The man in white turned out to be Du Yang?
The stocky man suddenly let out a ferocious sound, the spiritual power surged in his body, the clang shattered the ice all over his body, and he clenched his fist to block Du Yang's impact.boom!The two fists collided, and the strength collided. Du Yang let out a muffled grunt and retreated in embarrassment. The stocky man just staggered back two steps. He was about to get angry when he was shocked to find that his fist had started to petrify?Start from the fist and spread upwards!
"Is this petrification?" The stocky man's face changed suddenly, and he forced a sharp attack on his right hand to stop the invasion of this strange martial skill.

Du Yang fell five meters away, struggled to get up, and rushed up again: "Tang Ying, take them away!"

"Du Yang?" Tang Ying forcibly broke through the ice all over her body, picked up Alinda first and rushed towards the dense forest.

"You bastard!" The man was furious, he shook his left hand violently, and the thick mist rushed towards Du Yang like a whirlwind. Although it was only mist, the impact was extremely powerful, and it contained a spell that was not weaker than the previous ice-bound spell card. cold power.

ah!Du Yang was injured immediately, screaming and throwing him face to face.

"Go to hell!" the stocky man roared and rushed towards Du Yang.

But at this moment, a cold azure blue light suddenly struck from the side: "The damned person is you!"

Pfft, blood spurts, a ferocious mouth of blood slanted from the shoulder to the side of the waist, and the man screamed and retreated, looking at the woman in blue in front of him in amazement: "How could you?"

"How can I stand up? Don't worry if you don't!" Alinda's face was covered with frost, and her right hand slowly clenched the blue long sword. .The ice crystals inside and outside of her body hadn't completely melted yet, but time didn't allow her to wait any longer. Her breath locked onto the stocky man, and she said to Du Yang and Tang Ying, "Leave this to me, and you guys deal with that."

Du Yang and Tang Ying nodded heavily, with hot eyes pulsating, they rushed towards the tall, thin man in white who was about to break through the ice.

Erinda was out of trouble, and they were invincible.

"You are dead!" The stocky man covered the wound in front of his body with all his strength, his eyes were cloudy and cloudy, and he immediately took out the signal spell card and threw it high into the sky. There was a loud bang, and the dazzling flames exploded in the sky.

"I'm sorry, you can't wait for them to come over." The anger in Alinda's heart had reached its peak, she screamed, her body flew away, the blue sword flew swiftly, and the sharp ice crystal storm surged, swallowing it instantly The man in white.

In an instant, blue ice crystals flew, scarlet blood splashed, and shrill screams resounded through the valley.

"Two blows from the flames!"

"Cangyan hit hard!"

A blazing blade with superimposed power, and a powerful blow as fast as a thunderbolt, Tang Ying and Du Yang's strongest martial arts burst out at the same time, hitting the tall and thin man trapped in the ice sculpture hard.

In an instant, ice shards splashed and blood spread!Du Yang's heavy blow hit his forehead, and Tang Ying's fire knife broke through the ice sculpture and tore his chest cavity.

The two of them exerted strength one after another, and the fire knife combined with heavy blows, densely bombarding the tall and thin man. The ice sculpture was broken, and even his body was bloody and bloody, and some parts began to petrify.

The tall and thin man was filled with grief and indignation, but he was unable to break free. It was not until he was attacked ten times in a row that he seized the opportunity to forcibly escape. The shattered ice scatter in all directions like blades, and the two people rushing forward were thrown away. .

"Little bastards, I'm going to kill you today!" The tall and thin man was completely furious, his scarlet eyes fixed on Tang Ying and Du Yang, and his majestic third-level martial spirit was bullied into such a mess by a few little bastards. It's a disgrace!

"Take care of yourself!" Tang Yan, who approached quietly, seized the opportunity and suddenly exploded. His right eye swirled and filled with evil aura. The Eye of Nirvana burst out and hit the person's body precisely. nape of neck.

The man had already covered his whole body with spiritual power. Although this surprise attack worked, it failed to pierce his throat, but only shattered the protective film of spiritual power and slightly injured his flesh.

Tang Yan had expected it a long time ago, and continued to attack, followed by his fingertips shrouded in blue flames, tearing fiercely.

The man was startled and dodged in embarrassment.

"It's my turn, Grandpa!" Tang Yan rushed towards him like a thunderbolt, moving like a rabbit. The stormy attack immediately enveloped the man, without giving him the slightest chance to fight back.

"Follow me well! The eight postures of Vajra! Subduing the dragon, crouching the tiger, splitting the mountain palm and hugging the tiger, squatting with the bear, and pushing with the crane step" Tang Yan roared again and again, like a wild beast running wild.

The "Eight Gestures of Vajra" in the "Bajiquan" are unreservedly displayed, the movements are swift, smooth, and majestic. The whole body is covered with eyes and hands. Because the blue flames are lingering around the ten fingers, every heavy blow is astonishing. A little flame remained, ruthlessly devouring the man's body protection spiritual power and flesh and bones.

"What kind of martial art is this?" Du Yang's eyes were full of shock, and he stared at Tang Yan who was running away in a daze. The dense attack was so fast that he could hardly see clearly.

Tang Ying's small mouth was also slightly opened, looking at the scene in front of her as if she had seen a ghost.

"Bastard! You pissed me off!" The man finally stabilized his body, exerted strength from his waist, and with a wave of his arms, he violently knocked Tang Yan, who was rushing towards him, into the air.

"I'm angry with you big-headed ghost!" Before Tang Yan could fully stabilize his body, he rolled and scrambled, and hit again: "Little girl, don't be dazed, let you see enough another day, come here to help now! "

"Du Yang, stay and help Eileen Da Tutor!" Tang Ying stomped her feet in resentment, and rushed up holding the flame knife.

The tall and thin man looks more embarrassed now. First, his cheek was pierced by an unknown thing, then he was frostbitten by the icy air, and then he was persecuted like a bombardment by two little guys. There are dense green flames burning, none of these four kinds of damage is fatal, but the combination of four is really fatal!

Seeing Tang Yan and Tang Ying rushing up again, the man struggled and hesitated for a moment, then turned his head and fled towards the dense forest.

"Don't let him run away, girl, intercept him from the side!" Tang Yan let out a roar, and his speed suddenly increased. Tang Ying moved in response, threw a big arc, and intercepted him from the side.

The tall and thin man fled in embarrassment in the woodland, the spiritual power in his body surged towards his whole body, but there were too many wounds, it was impossible to be completely scruples, the most terrifying thing was the blue flames covering his whole body, if one was extinguished, there would be hundreds more While burning, they spread towards the wound as if they were alive, and drilled into the body from the skin and flesh, causing pain like ten thousand ants piercing the heart.

"It's over!" A scolding sound appeared from the side, and Tang Ying swung the flame knife to slash at the tall and thin man: "Two heavy blows from the flame, I'll take it for this girl!"

The tall and thin man was totally focusing on one thing and neglecting the other right now, and devoted himself to counteracting the attack of the flames. He didn't expect Tang Ying to come so quickly. He was a little surprised, and the "Two Heavy Blows of Flame", which was comparable to a blow from a martial spirit, hit his abdomen with precision.

Tang Yan pounced forward, landed his hands on the ground, turned his waist, and landed on the man's thigh with a leg sweep.

Accompanied by an exclamation, the tall and thin man fell in embarrassment. Tang Yan rushed up, grabbed his fist and hit his forehead, using almost all the parts that could be used, and the most important two punches hit the man's face. "Ugh! Go to hell!"

The tall and thin man struggled desperately. In panic, he only urged his spiritual power to resist the burning of the green fire, but forgot to push away or kill Tang Yan on his body.

The man's wailing and angry roar echoed in the chaotic dense forest, as well as Tang Yan's beast-like roar.

Tang Ying, who looked straight at the crazy look, was terrified.

In the end, Tang Yan punched the wound on the man's throat, and the cyan flame swished in, burning the trachea and throat mercilessly, and the screams stopped abruptly, leaving only Tang Yan's fighting and screaming.

The range of the man's resistance became smaller and weaker, and when the green fire covered most of the body, there were only a few unconscious twitches, and then completely returned to dead silence.

Du Yang followed the trail, but hid among the branches and did not show up immediately, looking at Tang Yan more and more strangely.I have never had any dealings with this notorious rich man. One is disdain, the other is conflict, and I have never cared about it.It was the first time they got along with each other since entering the psychedelic forest, but since the team was attacked by white-eyed jackals until now, Tang Yan's various performances have been far beyond expectations.

Could it be that the Tang family did something to him?
Or Tang Yan has always been a deliberate disguise?

Or is the message itself wrong?

"Brother, he seems to be dead." Tang Ying looked at Tang Yan's panting back and reminded with lingering fear.

Tang Yan gasped weakly, only feeling a little dizzy in his brain, as if he might faint at any time.

"Help me up!" Tang Yan raised his hand weakly.

Tang Ying hurried over, supported Tang Yan's heavy body vigorously, and moved to the next root to sit down.

At this time, a series of rapid roars came from the woodland, and the two of them were immediately alert, but they were both exhausted, neither had the strength to dodge, nor to resist, they just sat there vigilantly.

Whoosh!There was a slight sound of breaking wind, and a figure flashed towards Tang Yan. When he passed by Tang Yan's position, he suddenly let out a small sigh and stopped.

This is a man with an evil feeling. His skin is pale and colorless, and he is a bit creepy against the black clothes. The most terrifying thing is that he is carrying a paper man with heavy makeup on his back!

An evil, cold feeling.

"This is..." The man looked in surprise at the green fire that was still burning the corpse not far away. After a while, his expression trembled slightly, and a gleam of light flashed in his eyes, and he fixed his eyes on Tang Yan and Tang Ying.

Tang Yan quietly clenched Tang Ying's little hand, and looked at the evil man in front of him vigilantly.

"He's there!"

"Be careful, this guy's martial arts are wicked!"

"Langtou, Dajiali, follow me, and others will surround you from the side."

With roars and hurried footsteps, more than a dozen powerful figures ran across the forest, and surrounded the evil man.

The evil man's eyes fixed on Tang Yan, and a strange expression flashed across his eyes, a little surprised, and even a little inexplicable killing intent, but he hesitated a little, chose to give up temporarily, and left this place in a flash.

"Hurry up, don't let him run away!"

"I'm going crazy! The five-level monster Triceratops triceratops, which was finally hunted down by sacrificing a dozen brothers, was taken advantage of by this bastard! Catch it for me, no matter what!"

"Never let him go!"

More than a dozen strong men in coarse linen clothes rushed to him. When they saw Tang Yan, they were a little wary, but after seeing that it was two children, no one came to answer him, and they all chased after the evil man.

(End of this chapter)

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