Valkyrie Storm

Chapter 165 Perfect ending

Chapter 165 Perfect ending
"This is your price!" Kane drew out his blood-stained fist, and the corner of his mouth curled up in a cruel arc.

Tang Yan was dying, two mouthfuls of blood came out of his mouth, his head tilted and he lost his breath, lying quietly in the broken pit, letting the falling dust cover it all over.

Kane's face was full of fanaticism: "Do you two want to live? Kneel down and beg for mercy!"

"Unless you kill us one by one, today's battle will never end!" Du Yang wiped the blood from the corner of his mouth, and took the opportunity to put the last drop of spiritual source liquid into his mouth.

Although the spiritual source liquid is amazingly effective, it cannot be used indiscriminately.Just like the Giant Elephant City back then, it was because of excessive consumption that the tendons were damaged, and it almost destroyed itself completely.

This is the last one, and it is also the limit that Du Yang can bear!

"Stop talking nonsense, if you want to fight, fight!" Xu Yan is still fighting like hell, with billowing thunder light wrapped around his right arm, and his sharp claws are still sharp and sharp. Even though his body is seriously injured, his right arm and right claw are intact, exuding a strong force energy fluctuations.

"Okay! I have a bit of backbone, and I can speak human words! I will send you to hell one by one!" Kane charged again, with undiminished power and the same malicious intent, and he came straight to Xu Yan. In his opinion, this That is the biggest threat!

"He is already the tomb of a crossbow, Du Yang, let's persevere to the end!" Xu Yan let out a stern roar, the roar was like thunder, and his voice was majestic.The sharp claws hit the ground violently, and the already dilapidated arena ground was completely shattered, dust churned, gravel splashed, and the scene was in chaos.

After refining the spirit source liquid, Du Yang took the initiative to rush towards Kane. His whole body was completely petrified and filled with a thin mist of petrification. He looked evil and dangerous.

The three figures criss-crossed each other, constantly colliding wildly, Xu Yan's strength was astonishing, and he acted as the main attacker, Du Yang turned into a rock, and his offensive was equally astonishing. Although Kane was extremely domineering, the repeated heavy injuries and the fusion of the five elements just now consumed a huge amount His spiritual power cannot display the real king-level strength at this moment.

All in all, Kane had the upper hand and steadily suppressed Xu Yan and Du Yang, but anyone with a discerning eye could tell that it would take some effort to kill them both.

The key now is to look at other battle circles!
The boy and girl trapped in the chaotic sea of ​​flowers, that is, the two third-tier Wuzong ranks of the Duolong family, have firmly taken the initiative, forcing the five girls of Ahn'Qiraj to scramble and make frequent mistakes.When more and more eyes noticed them, instead of feeling honored, the two felt a strong sense of shame.

The opponents are just a few rubbish, they don't even look at them normally, but now they can trap them for a long time, what is it if it's not a shame

"Stop entanglement, open the fourth door!" The girl shouted in a low voice. With their level of strength, they couldn't bear the energy impact of opening the four doors together, but the current situation forced them to follow the steps and fight!Must fight!
"The fourth door, the injury door, open!" Boys and girls narrowed their gazes, and the strong energy that seemed to be real swelled, and it shook Hai Lita away abruptly, and even the water mirror arranged by Catherine shattered one after another.

The formation that could barely be maintained was finally shattered!
The faces of the five daughters of Ahn'Qiraj suddenly turned pale, and Catherine, who was always delicate, almost collapsed on the ground.

"Spread out! Run around the whole field! Hurry up!" Du Yang noticed the situation here immediately, almost without thinking, he changed his target decisively, and his spiritual power surged up, confusing the ground around Huahai It collapsed one after another, and more than a dozen stone pillars covered with thorns broke through the ground, entangled and blasted towards the young girl who opened the wounded door.

"Let's go!" Hai Lita suddenly came to her senses, urging the four girls to disperse and run away.

"Don't anyone want to leave today!" The teenagers violently shook the stone forest away, and rushed towards the five girls, each of them looked like a beast, not only Hai Lita and the other girls screamed again and again, but also the audience in the stands took a deep breath , These guys are going crazy?

"This is your price, go to hell and find Tang Yan!" Kane let out a snarl, knocked Xu Yan away, and went straight to distracted Du Yang, punched him out, and the rock on his chest completely collapsed broken.

Although Du Yang's whole body is covered with rocks, the nature of the rocks is still flesh. The injury at this moment is equivalent to the shattering of flesh!After tossing about ten meters away, he fell heavily on the ground, struggled a few times, and then became silent.

Life and death do not know!

The atmosphere in the arena reached its peak again, and the roar of mountains and tsunamis shook the sky. Kane was finally about to end this life-and-death struggle with his strength.It's just that few people noticed that the place where Du Yang fell was on the edge of the pit where Tang Yan was 'buried'!

Is it a coincidence?Or a trap?

"How long can it last?" Kane laughed wildly, putting all his energy on Xu Yan.

Xu Yan no longer dared to face-to-face confrontation, and was repeatedly defeated!

The arena was completely in chaos, with screams and collisions everywhere, which was completely different from the previous intense scenes.

Soon, Angela and Annabelle hugged their bodies tightly, their delicate bodies trembling, they sat slumped in the ruins, tremblingly raised their hands, as if raising their hands to surrender.

The three of Kane reconciled one after another, ignoring the two miscellaneous fish, and focused all their energy on chasing Xu Yan and others, trying to end this hard-won victory with a shocking blow.

"Why do I feel that something is wrong?"

"Tang Yan died too easily!"

"There must be fraud in it!"

"Looking at the entire game, Tang Yan's performance was remarkable, and he shouldn't have ended up in this situation."

"But he is obviously dead!"

"It won't be that simple!"

"Do you want to remind Kane? If Tang Yan really wins this game, he will be one of the top three!"

"The Kane authorities are unclear, and reminders are useless."

There were bursts of discussions in the VIP area, and sensitive people noticed the problem.

as predicted!

After repeated injuries, Xu Yan suddenly stopped, panting heavily, and raised his hand to stop Kane who was about to hit him with all his strength: "Wait a minute, I think this is the end"

Kane's aura was also difficult to hide the confusion, but the victory was just around the corner, and he was still high-spirited. He grinned, "You want to surrender? You can! Kneel on the ground, knock three times in a row, and then say surrender to all the audience!"

"It has to be like this? We're actually a draw, and it doesn't make sense who wins." Xu Yan panted heavily, and sat on the ground collapsed, exhausted so much that even his consciousness began to faint.

"Whoever the fuck draws with you, either surrender, or I will abolish you today! Your time is limited, I don't listen to nonsense!"

"Kane, in fact, you have failed in detail." Xu Yan took a few deep breaths with difficulty, calmed down the chaotic blood, and said: "You just killed me, and the focus of today's game is us! If I surrender and admit defeat, you can win back your face? Look at your current appearance, think about your performance from beginning to end, it can be described as bad. You are strong, and the world recognizes it, but you must know that not everyone is When fighting against you, it is a step-by-step collision, and sometimes strategy will be more powerful than force!"

"It's not your turn to teach me, so I surrender immediately. I don't listen to nonsense!" Kane frowned slightly, but his mood became more irritable.

"Wait! I have a way to make today's game a perfect ending!"

Xu Yan repeatedly stopped, stalled for time, and used words to attract the attention of Kane and the other two.Not far away that they didn't notice, Ahn'Qiraj and Annabelle, who hugged and trembled, were concentrating on controlling their spiritual power. A bunch of very tiny green grasses grew among the ruins, formed flowers, and scattered pollen.

The two women controlled it very cleverly, all the green fucks were among the ruins, all the pollen was flying with the dust, not only avoiding their attention, even the [-] spectators in the arena didn't notice it, or didn't go here at all Notice.

In addition, in the deep pit more than ten meters behind Kane, Tang Yan's body wounds have healed, and the spiritual power he silently mobilized is ready to go. Du Yang on the edge of the deep pit tensed his body, urging Using the last spiritual power to activate the origin of Lepus in the spiritual vein, subtle swirls appeared in the eyes, which began to change into black and white.

"What way? If you dare to play tricks, I will never let you down today, and no one will try to save you!" Kane did not stop, and the brothers and sisters behind him were on full alert, keeping a close eye on Xu Yan. Any misbehavior will be dealt with with all their might.

"From the beginning to the present, you have an overall advantage and are generally suppressing us, but it is undeniable that the most exciting parts are all our three counterattacks. Every reversal will trigger cheers in the arena. So I It is suggested that we should win the final blow! What do you think?" Xu Yan showed a slight smile on his pale face, and the smile was very strange.

"Are you courting death?" Kane was furious.

Xu Yan stood up unsteadily: "To be precise, you are really stupid! You exchange positions with me, and I won't give you any chance to talk nonsense!"

"Kane, be careful!" De Niro in the VIP area suddenly issued an urgent warning.After careful observation, Matthews and others also discovered the problem at this moment, frowning, and stood up together.


A golden lightning bolt flashed behind Deep Pit and Kane respectively.

"Slaying the soul!" Tang Yan looked embarrassed, but his eyes were like torches, and his breath was extremely calm. He swung out together, looking like thunder, and there were subtle ripples along the way.

Kane was alert at the same time, turned over suddenly, and punched violently at the same time. However, the inhaled pollen had already begun to work. The sudden forcible force, coupled with his own weakness, caused a slight sense of drowsiness in his consciousness at this moment.

The ancient sword passed by, severely wounding Kane's soul.

If he was in his prime, this knife wouldn't hurt him too much, but now Kane felt as if he was struck by lightning, and all his offensive attacks collapsed.

At the same time, Du Yang sat up violently, two beams of black and white brilliance burst out from his horrifying eyes, and with the force of rotation, he hit Kane fiercely. His absent-minded body could no longer be stopped, and he was directly pierced through, with a large area on his chest. petrochemical.

Xu Yan suddenly exploded, and a tumbling appeared next to Kane. The sharp claws grabbed his throat, as if he might kill him at any time, and the thunderous roar resounded throughout the arena: "The perfect ending, it's the battle!" Is it down?"

(End of this chapter)

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