Valkyrie Storm

Chapter 166 The Famous Empire

Chapter 166 The Famous Empire
The audience burst into their feet!There is silence inside and outside the arena!
Hundreds of thousands of pairs of eyes converged on the center of the arena, fixed on the three bloody bodies. At this moment, shock and astonishment intertwined in the eyes, and a turbulent sea was set off in the heart.

No cheers, no shouts, just deathly silence!

Is it war or surrender?perfect ending

Shouts like thunder resounded through the sky, echoing in their minds for a long time.

At this moment, the ninth prince, Matthews and other rookies in the empire slowly stood up, and even the second prince's face became weird.

They had already sensed that something was wrong, but they never expected that things would turn into the present situation. The dead Tang Yan and the deposed Du Yang all stood up and ended the battle in a way that was almost juggling.

Sealing the throat with a sword, the perfect ending!
Is this the "final lore" carefully designed by Tang Yan?
They really wanted to give a big shout out, but at this moment, their real feeling deep in their hearts was vigilance, this son was too dangerous!

Ask yourself, if you were in Kane's position, would the end be better?Will it be the same ending?Can this lore be avoided?

What kind of trap will Tang Yan design to end this life-and-death struggle!

Looking at the whole battle situation, there may be factors of Kane's carelessness, but it may not be caused by Tang Yan's deliberate temptation. If he goes all out at the beginning, what will the end be?What would happen if you tried your best at the beginning?
But there are too many ifs, but they can't match the shocking ending at this moment.

"It's a fight or surrender!" Xu Yan roared again, and the sharp claws holding Kane's head exerted force slowly but firmly, cutting open the flesh little by little, and piercing into the bones.

Kane's eyes were bloodshot, and he wanted to violently resist, but the consciousness wounded by the ancient sword became more dizzy due to the impact of anger, as if he might fall down at any time.

The two third-rank martial sects of the Duolong family were furious. They did not expect to end up in this field. Their hands were tightly clenched, and the sound of creaking joints showed the heat of their anger, but they were scrupulous. No one dared to move forward. step.

"This is a battle of life and death, you can kill people, Xu Yan, do it! Use Kane's blood to witness our rise!" Tang Yan's voice was extremely cold.

"Goodbye!" Xu Yan's expression suddenly became ruthless, as if he was going to kill him.

"We admit defeat!" The two finally couldn't bear the pressure and roared hysterically.

"Kneel down!" The three of Tang Yan roared in unison. Not only did the eyes of the two on the opposite side burst into flames, but even the elders of the Duolong family in the VIP area frowned tightly.

Odin stared blankly at the bloody and arrogant three people in the arena, his whole body was trembling, and his eyes were shaking with a little haze. For many years, the Rao family has never moved all the major families of the empire like it is today !This honor, this touch, touched his soul!

The clan elders and the priests clenched their fists, secretly lamenting the child, what a job!

Niya's beautiful eyes were shining, but there was a slight strange feeling in her heart, which was indescribable and unexplainable, in short, it was hot and crispy!

Regarding the upcoming marriage, the inner conflict seems to be gradually melting away.

Maybe Tang Yan is not good enough for him now, but what about ten years from now?
Today, he can be famous in the empire, and in the future, he will be able to stir up the south of the border!
"Kneel down!" Tang Yan and the three said in unison, which woke up the hesitant two.

They looked up at the VIP area of ​​the Duolong family, struggling and hesitating in their hearts, but in the end they slowly bent their knees, knelt heavily on the ground, and said in trembling voices: "The Duolong family admit defeat! We surrender!"

"Second Highness, shouldn't it be time to announce the result? I can't wait, old man, haha!" Odin stepped into the air again, but this time his expression was no longer angry and entangled, but a bright and excited smile.

On the contrary, the expressions of the major families fluctuated, staged scenes of wonderful facial makeup.

The second prince slowly leaned back on the soft chair, looked at Tang Yan with a complicated expression, and without much hesitation, announced in person: "In the final of the top six, the Rao family won the first round and entered the top three!"

Deafening cheers erupted from the arena, Tang Yan and the others who created miracles for this wonderful life-and-death fight.

Anyone will know that today's battle will completely launch Tang Yan's name and become the most dazzling new star in the empire.Even the voices questioning him as the son-in-law of the Rao family will be weakened a lot, because he has created miracles and broken the myth!

Angela and the other girls embraced each other and cried. Although Tang Yan gave many instructions and arrangements before the game, deep down he never believed that they would win, but now they really want to cry!I really want to cry!
But just when the audience erupted in cheers, the strength that Tang Yan and the three had worked so hard to maintain finally collapsed. Tang Yan and Du Yang fell to the ground on their backs. Gas, his face was as pale as white paper.

The body that was meant to be scarred and bruised actually couldn't withstand the last critical blow, let alone forcefully maintain a strong image. Everything just now was purely supported by perseverance.

If Kane resisted forcefully, they might not be able to suppress it.

"Are you fucking playing with us?" The boy and girl who were still kneeling were slightly stunned, jumping up like an electric shock.

"You have admitted defeat, the game is over!"

"The game is over, if you do it again, it will be regarded as a clan war."

Hai Lita and other women all stopped in front of them, their pretty faces were tense, and their eyes were full of determination.

Niya flew over, rolled up Tang Yan and the three of them and rushed to the sidelines.

"Everyone, let me go! Haha, let me go! Come to my house for tea when you have time!" Odin kept cupping his hands, laughing and leaving with his hands behind his back. With a sound, he turned his head to the side, not looking at this arrogant old face.

"Second match, the Rubin Kimi family team vs the Amyron family team!"

Following the referee's announcement, Matthews and Aurora, who had been waiting for a long time, took their respective clansmen into the battlefield one after another, which once again attracted cheers and applause from the audience.

Matthews, the leader of the younger generation of the empire, awakened his spiritual veins at the age of ten, cultivated swords with his body, endured countless catastrophes, resisted the pain of swords devouring souls, and finally successfully suppressed 24 swords after entering the realm of the king of martial arts. Known as the strongest killer of the younger generation of the empire!
He is the most hopeful person in this life-and-death fight against the Ninth Prince's championship. Different from Tang Yan's suspenseful match, the younger generations of the entire empire have high hopes for him. Not lost to the Ninth Prince.

Aurora, the strongest descendant of the An Meilun family for hundreds of years, although she has not stepped into the ranks of Martial Kings, no one doubts her extraordinary strength. There are six family descendants who accompanied the tragic battle. The tribe is evenly matched.

With Tang Yan's astonishing performance, no one can be sure who will win this match!

Tang Yan and others were brought back to the house by Niya himself. Led by Odin, the elders of the three clans and the three priests of the king of martial arts jointly assisted them.

When they checked Tang Yan's physical condition, they were surprised to find that there were no wounds on Tang Yan's supposedly dilapidated body, not even the slightest scar was left on the chest pierced by Kane.

what happened?what happened?
If it wasn't for Tang Yan's body losing weight three times, and his arms showing signs of withering, they would have thought they had hugged the wrong person.

What surprised them the most was that although Tang Yan's body was thin, if you observe carefully, you will find that the muscles are slowly regaining their luster, and the pale face is gradually recovering blood.

Tang Yan is recovering himself

After paying such a high price and being injured to such an extent, the body can still recover?Odin even boldly inferred that Tang Yan was seriously injured in the arena, but he had already repaired himself in a short period of time, and the same was true for the pierced chest cavity!

If this conjecture is true, wouldn't it mean that Tang Yan's immortality is a kind of martial skill after all?Still some kind of physique!Or a special spiritual vein?

How could he have such perverted abilities!

Everyone looked at each other, and they all saw a touch of horror in each other's eyes!
(End of this chapter)

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