Valkyrie Storm

Chapter 167 One Call Master

Chapter 167

Tang Yan self-enclosed in the sea of ​​​​Qi, communicating with Wuying to repair her injuries, while carefully examining the transformed ghost Qinghuo.

Although this life-and-death struggle was fierce, it was a head-on confrontation with King Wu, and there were many things worth realizing.Carefully reviewing the process of the competition, the performance of Ghost Qinghuo was far beyond Tang Yan's expectations. The biggest difference is that the speed of various martial arts has been greatly improved, especially the time and power of the Violent Art, which can be displayed almost in a blink of an eye. The injury caused to Kane was equally astonishing.

The other party is the genuine King Wu, but his body was burned to such a state, which is enough to show the strength of the ghost Qinghuo.

Judging from Kane's performance in the later period, there is a look of lack of strength, which is probably because he consumed a huge amount of spiritual power when offsetting the burning of the green fire.

Furthermore, in this life-and-death battle, four consecutive body destruction techniques were performed, but the expected crisis did not occur. The ghost Qinghuo independently communicated with the meridians, and even refined the life mist to provide abundant and pure spiritual power to fill the body. With spiritual power, the recovery of the injury was accelerated.

Tang Yan couldn't see the reason, but it should be that the transformation of Ghost Qinghuo is equivalent to a growth, becoming more perfect and mature.

"Little grandson, this time the performance was barely qualified, and I didn't embarrass the ancestor." The blood doll lazily soaked in the sea of ​​​​qi, and it could be seen that the state was very good during this time. Not only the small face was chubby, but the head was even more Scarlet and shiny.It's just that this appearance is still ridiculous, which makes people laugh.

"Hey? It's rare for you old man to praise me once. Do you want something from me?"

The blood doll rolled his eyes: "Don't think of me as a snobbish old ancestor. I am in a good mood today. Let me remind you of a problem. The Immortal Yantian Art is not as simple as you think. space."


"Ah you! Find an opportunity, study carefully, and, I remind you again, and for the last time, you are bloody, aggressive, and your way of doing things is slightly adventurous and crazy. There is nothing wrong with that, but everything You have to have a degree, excessive madness and indulgence are not all good things, just like you today, you are acting too much!"

"What do you mean?"

"It means that although you fought hard, you showed all your hole cards for this meaningless victory. Those old guys haven't realized it yet, but if you analyze it carefully afterwards, you will You will find two problems, one is that your spiritual power is not exhausted, there must be something strange in it, and the other is that you are obviously injured but recovering one after another, which is also unreasonable. They must investigate to the end. "


"You want my advice?"

"of course."

The blood doll grinned: "Dream! Ancestor, I am your master? Or your father? It is already a great favor to give you a few words. Be content, baby!"

"Old Ancestor, I have something that I have kept in my heart for a long time, and I have always wanted to find a chance to tell you, look now"

The blood baby raised his head and stared at him for a while: "What kind of tricks are you trying to do?"

"Don't dare, I feel that the relationship between us is too rigid. You are the former master of Ghost Qinghuo and Immortal Yantian Jue, and I got the inheritance by chance. In fact, to a certain extent, you are my Master."

"so what?"

Tang Yan said solemnly: "I know that you are longing for rebirth, longing for one day to come to the vast Central Plains again, and I also know that you are looking for a chance to break free from the shackles of the Buddha's heart and occupy my body."

snort!The blood baby snorted lightly.

"I understand your feelings, but can you try to change the way of doing things? I have a suggestion called win-win! You treat me as an apprentice sincerely, and I serve you as a master, and we grow together. One day in the future, our teacher Wouldn't it be better for you to join hands and gallop across the vast Central Plains than to deal with those treacherous and cunning enemies alone?"

Tang Yan's words came from the heart. First of all, he wanted to ease the grievances of Xie Zu, and turn the hostility into mutual help, so as not to be wary of him every day; Still, his experience far exceeds his own. If he sincerely helps, he can avoid many detours and grow faster; thirdly, Tang Yan has a selfish heart. The blue fire of the ghost is bound to attract prying eyes, and having a strong ancestor covering it can at least reduce a lot of trouble.

"You really think so?" The blood baby hooked the corners of its mouth with a half-smile.

"It's absolutely true. This way, you and I will win together. I have no reason to plot against you, and I have no ability to plot against you. If you agree now, I will change my words immediately and call Master."

The smile on the corner of Xuewawa's mouth deepened: "Okay, yes, if you think so, it's not in vain that I helped you a few times."

"Then it's settled? Master!"

"Wait, don't rush to call. Answer my two questions, answer well, I will accept you as a disciple."

"Please speak!"

"First, the Buddha's heart is what the old bald donkey has condensed for hundreds of years. It contains a domineering Buddha nature. If I am strong enough one day, I must detonate it to get out of trouble. Are you willing?"

Tang Yan's expression froze slightly. Can he detonate his sea of ​​qi to resist this power?Wouldn't the Seal of Ten Thousand Buddhas be completely shattered?
The corner of Blood Doll's mouth twitched: "Does your expression mean that you don't want to?"

"I think you can think of other ways, it's not necessary"

The blood baby interrupted directly: "Second question, if I am reborn, I must re-learn the Immortal Yantian Jue. What is the prerequisite for practicing the Immortal Yantian Jue? The ghost green fire! Are you willing to strip the ghost blue fire and give it to me? "

Tang Yan's expression froze completely.Peel off the ghost green fire?Old stuff is tough enough!
"How? Two conditions, are you willing to accept?"

Tang Yan took a deep breath and kept smiling: "Old man, do you know why your congregation betrayed you? Do you know why you ended up in this field today? You should!"

"Let's play! I'm playing tricks with the ancestor, you're still tender!" The blood doll let out a breath, and sank into the sea of ​​breath.

Tang Yan was so angry that he didn't bother to pay attention to this moody old monster, and continued to take care of his body and observe the ghost Qinghuo.

During the coma, the life-and-death match continued.

On the first day, six entered three, and the royal family, Rubin Kimi family, and Rao family won.

On the second day, in the knockout round, the three major families of An Meilun, Duolong, and Gao Bo fought in a team battle. The Gao Bo family lost and fell to the fifth from the bottom of the overall ranking.

On the third day, the top three melee.The Rao family announced their renunciation and automatically became the third in the overall list. The royal family fought fiercely with the Rubin Kimi family, and the royal family won the championship.

On the fourth day, the top five claim the spoils from the bottom five.

On the fifth day, the major families left one after another and returned to the Grassia Plain.

When Tang Yan woke up, it was already the seventh day's weight. After seven days of comprehensive repairs, the muscles and bones had returned to their original state, and the state reached its peak, almost as if nothing had happened.

This effect can be achieved thanks to the ghost green fire and the blood soul tree!

In fact, on the fifth day, the state basically recovered to [-]%, but Tang Yan still closed himself, immersed in the sea of ​​​​qi, and carefully observed the changes of the three magical things, the blood soul tree, the Buddha's heart, and the ghost green fire.

Since being reborn in this strange world, their bodies have been injured many times, but they have never seriously observed their reactions after the "heavy injury" before. This time, it is a rare opportunity to maintain a clear mind, so observe very carefully, Tang Yan How long it takes to determine what injuries and what reactions they cause.

As for the battle for the top three, Tang Yan didn't think about it at all. He had exhausted all his strength to get No.3. Du Yang would not be able to recover for a while. The most important thing is, as for Ahn'Qira and other women, they are no longer considered. I can't go to the finals alone, can I?

What's more, the blood baby reminded himself not to make too much publicity. In the eyes of outsiders, he was already half disabled. If he appeared again in a short time, it would definitely cause suspicion and even a sensation.

(End of this chapter)

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