Valkyrie Storm

Chapter 1652

Chapter 1652
"Come out, dare to show off with just this little ability..." Han Zuo sneered, but suddenly, his voice stopped suddenly, and he felt something in his heart, and stared fiercely at the dark dense forest on the left.

a child?A pale, creepy child?

Among the old brown and yellow tree roots, a baby-like child was standing blankly, with his head down, but his eyes were raised, and the black eyeballs were staring straight at him.

He was naked, his body was pale and cold, and there were a few pieces of wet soil hanging on his messy and loose hair.

It looked like a dead body dug out of the mud.

A cold, dead air emerged from the dark forest.

This sudden appearance of death has already lingered in the entire dense forest without a sound. At this moment, the dense forest full of vitality seemed to have turned into a cold hell.

When did this little thing come?
Just when you confuse yourself with laughter?Or earlier?

"Huh?" Han Zuo was startled again, and suddenly turned around.

Not far behind him, in the dark and cold withered leaves, there was a girl in red kneeling steadfastly, kneeling silently, lifeless.

Her hair was disheveled, her red clothes were like blood, and she seemed to be crying leisurely.

Holding something in both hands, there is a faint flame dancing.

After the previous death aura spread, a thick fishy smell overflowed from her body, wafted in the air, pungent, making people sick and uncomfortable.

This smell is the smell of blood!

"What is this?" Han Zuo looked at it strangely. He had never seen a similar creature before. It was eerie, cold and frightening. It couldn't capture energy fluctuations, let alone determine its strength.

Could it be the Wraith?

Han Zuo had seen resentful spirits before, they were life forms born in the most yin and evil places in the world.

"Who else? Let's all come out." Han Zuo twisted his neck, not fearless, but rather interested, ready to play with them.

"Roar! Roar!"

A deep roar came from the dense forest on the side, and an evil creature wrapped in black aura walked out of the shadow area and entered the field of vision.

This thing is surrounded by black air, and it is steaming like burning. I can't see the exact shape, but it should not be too big. It steps on the dead branches and leaves all over the ground, making a harsh cracking sound.

Its pace is slow, but its power is heavy.A pair of green eyes glowed with two balls of green light, as evil as hellfire.It gave people an inexplicable sense of danger, and the deep roar was soaked with ferocity.

And at this time.

"Hehe." A silver bell-like laughter sounded suddenly, right in front of him, staring at him, she was actually a beautiful and suffocating woman, and she was wrapped in a ray of red gauze, looming, so enchanting. And charming, enough to make any man fall for it.

However, Han Zuo felt endless coldness from under her beautiful appearance.

Han Zuo finally restrained his contempt. The mysterious enemies that appeared in these four directions gave him a strange sense of danger. It stands to reason that at his own level, there is almost nothing that can cause fear, but... what are these four things?There is no energy fluctuation, no breathing, no temperature, and even no soul, but it still exists, and the weird sense of death makes people feel fear from the bottom of their hearts involuntarily.

Damn it!Han Zuo gritted his teeth secretly, and let himself wake up from his vigilance. How could he become sober with fear because he is a majestic saint?

Ridiculous, ridiculous, hateful and hateful.

"Is there any more? Come out, one by one, when will they be out? Do you think this is the image of the ring show?" Han Zuo twisted his neck, showing his fighting spirit.

Although the words were harsh, his intuition told him that he might have met his opponent today.

"May I ask the old man's name?" The evil monster made a sound, but listened carefully, it was not it talking, but there were other people in the steaming mist around it.

During this conversation, the monster's 'burning' black air faded slightly, and a vague figure appeared beside him, looking at him coldly.

And...after the black air fades, the appearance of the monster can be roughly seen.

Is it a dog? !
A ferocious dog with blue-faced fangs, black hair like needles, thick and long claws, and a pair of green eyes that are extremely vicious. These are extremely aggressive gazes.

Its body is curled up in a weird posture, as if it might violently bite its prey at any time.

Han Zuo couldn't help but look at this vicious dog a few more times, its appearance was too ferocious, it gave off a strange sense of danger, it didn't look like a normal monster.

"Who the hell are you? Stand up! Otherwise, I'll punch your head off!" Han Zuo was furious, pretending to be a ghost, annoying, and daring to scare Lao Tzu?Tired of life crooked you!

The next moment, the light in Han Zuo's eyes suddenly froze, and the holy power suddenly appeared, stirring up the audience with the momentum of explosion. In an instant, there was a strong wind, old rocks rolled, and dozens of big trees in all directions were uprooted and fell in pieces.

Like a hurricane raging, the scene was in disarray.

But the four ghosts and the mysterious man remained calm and carried them coldly.

Like a stubborn stone under a strong wind, it is cold and tough.

"You made a fuss in White Deer City. I'm very interested in your last knife. Today, I'm here for that knife technique." The black air around the vicious dog faded again, revealing a vague body——Tang Yan!
"The question I'm asking is, who are you?! Can't you understand human speech?" Han Zuo wondered again, is this human?It looks like a person, but why can't you feel the energy fluctuations?Like an empty shell.

What the hell is going on today?I have lived for tens of thousands of years, and I have never encountered such a situation.

"I also politely asked you your name and name. Didn't you hear? Are your ears stuffed with dog hair?!" Tang Yan's face was stiff and air-conditioned, and he was holding a shining big knife in both hands.

"Arrogant thing, do you know who you're talking to?" Han Zuo was furious, and in an instant, he became angry like lightning, and struck Tang Yan violently, to be exact... Sen Luo's avatar!
"Hack you to death!" Sen Luo's avatar stepped forward suddenly, slashing with round knives.

"Death!" Han Zuo's chest roared and rolled, and his iron fist was like a blow.


The impact of the fist and knife made a crisp and piercing sound, and the big knife broke on the spot, turning into debris all over the sky, while Han Zuo's face was ferocious, and his fists raged continuously, and they went straight to the head of Sen Luo's avatar.

With a crisp bang, it was directly smashed into pieces.

But... at the nick of time... Kacha, the golden lightning tore in the air and slashed towards Han's left side. Tang Yan stepped out in real body, and the ancient saber slammed down violently. "Yaha, open!"

It almost split Huashan Mountain with all its strength, and it was extremely fierce.

What?Where did it come from?Hanzuo's complexion changed drastically, but the change was too sudden and too fast, between the calcium carbide fire, his offensive continued, smashing Sen Luo's clone, his back tensed up, and he was ready to fight against Hanzuo.

He is quite confident in his physical hardness.

However, there were too many drastic changes in this instant.

Han Zuo bombarded Sen Luo's clone, and Tang Yan struck with lightning.Han Zuo bombarded resolutely, ignoring the strong enemy, Tang Yan's power soared, and his killing intent surged.Moreover, the Vicious Dog, Rakshasa, Tomb Boy, and Prajna all gathered in front of him almost instantly, and rushed forward ferociously.

The scene is suddenly complex and dangerous.

"Roar!" The vicious dog jumped up, and its big mouth full of hundreds of fangs bit down on Hanzuo's throat fiercely. His chest and lower abdomen.

Extremely brutal.

Rakshasa, Tomb Boy, and Prajna followed closely behind, full of ghostly aura and murderous intent.

Too violent, too cruel, too fast.

The terrifying energy exploded in an instant, centered on the fierce battle point, and swept hundreds of meters. The uncle and boulder who had fallen before were all violently thrown away, and rushed in all directions in a chaotic manner.

Then, a thick cloud of dust, accompanied by gravel on the ground, rose up into the sky in chaos and rage, reaching hundreds of meters above the sky, disturbing the vast mountains and resident birds.

"You bastard, the old man is going to chop you up!" Han Zuo's roar broke out in the depths of the dust and mist, roaring like thunder, rolling endlessly, spreading all over the mountains, frightening all monsters and beasts.

"Immortal thing, if you don't give me a clear explanation today, I'll kill you alive." Tang Yan glared at Han Zuo, his eyes seemed to spew fire.

Corpse royal family?Collapse?

Tang Yan intuitively felt that there was a fire burning in his heart.

The moment he heard Wolf Fang's report, he almost exploded.

He didn't dare to think about it, but he had to think more!
"Ah, I'm angry." Han Zuo wiped his throat, where the blood flowed horizontally, and the flesh was mutilated. It was torn out by those four strange things, and he was hit by a heavy knife in the back, which was even hotter. It hurts.

This is the first time I have been calculated to be so embarrassing.

"All of you disperse! Keep an eye on me, and if you find an opportunity, don't show mercy." Tang Yan motioned for the ghosts to leave. He stared fiercely at Han Zuo, twirling his hands and ten fingers, tightly clenched the ancient saber, Qing Huo The turmoil surged from both arms to the saber, burning it, even removing his seal.

The four hell ghosts all dispersed and stayed a hundred meters away without hiding, just staring at Hanzuo coldly, like a wild beast staring at its prey.

(End of this chapter)

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