Valkyrie Storm

Chapter 1653 The Runaway Tang Yan

Chapter 1653 The Runaway Tang Yan

"Huh? This knife..." Han Zuo was about to get angry, but suddenly the sword in Tang Yan's hand drew his eyes, and a familiar feeling spread in his heart.

"Let me ask you one last time, who did you learn the last knife in Bailu City?" Tang Yan raised his saber, pointed at the left side obliquely, and the flames of anger burned fiercely in his chest, almost burning himself to death.

"Who gave you the knife in your hand?" Han Zuo looked more and more familiar, half of his body was inexplicably hot, arousing a strong sense of longing.

"I! I'm here! Ask! You!" Tang Yan couldn't hold back his anger anymore, his voice was roaring, his words were sharp, and he exerted force all over his body. His feet that were pressed on the ground were released instantly, and the ground under his feet was torn apart.

The killing intent was overwhelming, and the flames of anger were like the sea.

The anger in his chest was completely aroused and swept his whole body.

At this moment, Tang Yan's soul was on fire.

Aww!In the world of ancient warfare, in the boundless mountain of corpses and sea of ​​blood, a specter appeared proudly, standing upright, with boundless dominance. Grasping the sky, the evil spirits of the heavens and the earth rolled, and a peerless long knife gathered together.

The phantom roared, almost angrily scolding the 'heaven', cutting the air with a round knife, with a majestic momentum.

Crash, at this moment, the sky in the ancient war world 'collapsed'.

In the jungle of fangs, deep in the rainforest, Tang Yan hooked up with the world of ancient warfare, his eyes were red, his murderous intent was like a sea, and he slashed with a shocking knife-Bengtian!
It is the first time since being promoted to the Holy Spirit, it is the most perfect outbreak of the ancient war triple.

Within a kilometer radius, the wind howled, the bushes shattered, and the ground cracked and tore out hideous cracks. It was like the end of the world, and the vision was completely blurred, a sea of ​​evil spirits.

Collapse? !Collapse? !Han Zuo's complexion changed drastically, and the blood in his body was boiling, not only frightened, but also excited, and Mu Ran let out a heart-piercing roar, the sound almost tearing the evil spirit.

"Ancient Warfare, the second stage, collapse the sky!!"

"Ancient Warfare, the second stage, collapse the sky!!"

Tang Yan and Han Zuo displayed the second level of the ancient martial arts at the same time, and the two came face to face, with a fierce aura, and a shocking sword glow.

At this moment, the two seemed to be dragging a 'mountain and river' in rotation.

Majestic and domineering.

Boom! !

In the depths of the Canine Tooth Mountain clump, there was a loud noise that shook the space like a stone breaking the sky. A huge and vast mushroom cloud rose into the sky, pushed back the clouds, and then swept across the sky, covering the sky and the sun. The scene was extremely terrifying.

The entire mountain range trembled at this moment, like an earthquake.

All the monsters and casual warriors almost knelt on the ground, staring up in horror and fear, staring at the surging mushroom cloud through the gaps in the messy branches.

There... is the focus of heaven and earth... "What's going on? Who's fighting?"

"Saint? Isn't this momentum too exaggerated?"

"What is this for? Ruin this world?"

"Damn it, run away, run away."

Just as people stood up and stared, the strong wind caused by the collision area raged at an alarming speed, the gravel rolled wildly, the old trees swayed, and the dust and mist mixed with debris rushed to the sky.

This gust of wind and mist has the momentum to sweep across the entire Dog Tooth Mountains.

Bang bang bang!Tang Yan rolled back and forth in the forest, smashing ancient trees and boulders, until a hundred meters away, he vigorously controlled his body balance, but before he could stabilize, Tang Yan let out a heart-piercing roar, rolled and rolled Crawling and rushing up, like a runaway wild wolf.

Hoarse and roaring, he rushed to the sky again with blood-red eyes. "Ancient Zhan Bengtian? Ancient Zhan Bengtian!! You are worthy too! You are also worthy of using my mentor's martial arts! Bastard, I will chop you up!"

He was roaring, venting, crashing the sky?It's really crashing!
How could this bastard old thing have the martial arts of fighting demons?

why? !

"Haha, Zhanmo's knife? Zhanmo's knife! Liemo's knife? Am I reading it right? Hahaha." Han Zuo was excited, trembling all over his body, his narrow eyes widened at this moment.

The right half of his body was even hotter, causing the blood in his whole body to boil, and his fighting spirit soared layer by layer, and an extremely strong longing filled his soul.

"Ancient War! Soul Slaying!" Tang Yan was like a fierce tiger descending the mountain, and he slaughtered again. The ancient sword rounded in mid-air, and a sharp soul-slashing edge pierced through the space, straight to the left.

"Where did you come out? There is a Fierce Demon Saber! Yo, Soul Slayer? You can do it, and I can do it too! Let's see who is stronger today!" Han Zuo has no fear, and immediately fights with the knife. Mastered the soul-slaying combat skill.

In an instant, the gap between the two blades collided in the air, like black needles colliding, clang, and a sharp and ear-piercing sound exploded, shattering the space in that area on the spot.

Evenly matched?

Evenly matched!

Hanzuo merged with the "armless body" on the right side of the War Demon, and after thousands of years of tempering, it became an inseparable part of himself, and from it, he obtained the self-created martial arts of the War Demon Megatron, which left the world of war - the ancient war triple sky !

The sword in his hand is one of the treasures of the corpse royal family. Although it is not as good as the 'Fierce Demon Sword' of War Demon, it can still exert the true power of the ancient war triple.

But... Tang Yan's Fierce Demon Saber was cut by Zhan Mo himself in the celestial tombs, and part of Zhan Mo's soul was sealed inside. joint operations.

Therefore, although Tang Yan's strength was not as good as Hanzuo's, he was able to hold Hanzuo steadily in the third stage of the ancient war, so that he was evenly matched at the moment.

"Haha, well, it is indeed the Fierce Demon Saber, this is my Hanzuo's weapon, mine, mine, mine, hahaha." Hanzuo laughed wildly out of control.

"Damn! Tell me clearly, where did you learn the ancient warfare triple?" Tang Yan yelled angrily at high altitude.

"You have the Fierce Demon Knife, the Ancient War Trio, and are you a saint? Interesting! Let's try again? The old man has comprehended God Killing, but he has never had a chance to use it. Can you sharpen the knife?"

Han Zuo fixed his eyes on Lie Mo Dao, greed and longing were stimulating his soul.

If he gets the Liemo Dao, he will be like a tiger with wings added.

"Try? Try your old mother!!" Tang Yan was furious, and suddenly put away the ancient saber, his body suddenly crackled and crackled, and in an instant, he transformed into the demon body of Long Kui, with endless dragon energy gushing out like a sea, The majestic holy power surged into the sky.

"What?" Han Zuo's expression froze.

"Don't waste the third level of the ancient war, I think it's disgusting." Tang Yan roared, Long Kui's ten-foot-high demon body was tumbling in the sky, raging blue fires rushed, Huo Ling'er, and the blood soul tree all appeared.

He has absolutely no intention to kill, and today he risked his life, put aside everything, and wanted to kill this Han Zuo.

At worst, he fled back to Beast Mountain to retreat for ten years.

"The fourth level of Candle Dragon Secrets! The fourth round of the age of killing! Qianlong Dao!" Tang Yan roared in his chest, and in an instant, the sky trembled, the mountains roared, and the endless killing power centered on Qinghuo swept out.

Under the sharp claws, the wind and thunder roared, and there was a low whistling, intent on killing and cruelty, and his figure exploded, like blue lightning tearing through the night, and sprinted for hundreds of meters in a straight line in an instant, piercing through the space along the way.

At this moment, the roar shook the heavens and the earth, and the killing power shook the whole field.

Too sudden, too violent.

Straight-line impact, unstoppable.

The most dominant and fiercest, the way of destruction!
"Dragon? Demon spirit veins? Wait, are Beast Mountain Tang Yan?" Han Zuo was startled, knowing that he must not be distracted at this moment, but the scene in front of him sharply stimulated his vision, and then impacted his consciousness .

The next moment, he came back to his senses in horror, and raised his knife to strike violently.

However, Qianlong Dao is Tang Yan's sharpest killing move. Its speed is so fast that it almost exceeds the speed of sound. The distance of hundreds of meters is spanned in an instant, and it is ruthlessly blasted towards him with unparalleled violence.

In this scene, the trance is visual dislocation.

Han Zuo was about to fight back, Tang Yan had already appeared in front of him, still bombarded like cannonballs.

Roaring, furious.Tang Yan's dragon body was enlarged to the limit in front of Hanzuo. The sharp claws pierced through the space and buckled towards Hanzuo's chest. Tang Yan suddenly opened his fangs and bit down, followed by Qing The fire and the dragon's energy rushed forward and flooded one after another.

How can you be distracted in a duel in the holy realm? !

Han Zuo felt cold all over his body, his subconscious mind tensed up, and he dodged quickly.After all, he is a top killer who has been on the verge of death all year round, and he is the god of killing that the corpse emperor relies on. At the critical moment, Han Zuo still made a subconscious dodge, not to mention that the corpse emperor's body is stronger than steel.

However, even so, Long Kui's critical attack should not be underestimated.

Pfft, the sharp claws tore open Han Zuo's chest cavity, the flesh was torn apart, and the fangs pierced through his left face, and then ruthlessly tore it open.

Whoosh, the moment of life and death is gone at the touch of a button.

Han Zuo withdrew hundreds of meters away, still in shock, his chest was dripping with blood, his left face was bloody, and his body, which he believed to be indestructible, was cut open?
How can it be? !
Tang Yan was full of annoyance and even more dignified.This old thing is really hard enough, if it were any other saint, it would have been torn to shreds long ago, but now it is only the skin and flesh, not even the bones? !

What is the identity of this old thing?The strength is so terrifying!
(End of this chapter)

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