Valkyrie Storm

Chapter 1701 The wind is surging

Chapter 1701 The wind is surging (2)

After ten days and ten nights of "half-exploration, half-sprint" travel, the three of Tang Yan crossed the dangerous eastern demon territory, followed the boundary line of the Star Clan territory, and advanced into the Bone Clan territory.

It's a pity that they couldn't find the fantasy monster that Yueying was looking forward to. They found a lot of spiritual treasures, but they didn't have any obvious effect on Langya.

During this time, Yueying actually had thoughts similar to Yan Luo, insisting on mating the little golden monkey with a seed, and sometimes performed hypnotic experiments on it, so that the golden monkey kept screaming in fright, and either hid in Mu Rou's arms or suffered bitterly. Begged Tang Yan to subdue the witch.

When Tang Yan arrived at the edge of the Bone Race's territory, hundreds of thousands of strong human races had already gathered in this area known as the forbidden land of strangers, and strong people from different regions could be seen everywhere. The team is always in a hidden place, unless you happen to meet them, it is difficult to see their true face.

The three of Tang Yan went deep into the territory cautiously, avoiding the eyes of all ethnic groups and factions as much as possible. They were wrapped in cloaks and covered with cloaks. Maybe they attracted attention, but they were not enough to attract prying eyes.

They first explored the situation of the Bone Race on the periphery, and did not approach the central area in a hurry.

The territory occupied by the Bone Race is located in the east of the northern part of the mainland, adjacent to the northeast sea.

This place has a special meaning for the entire human race and monster race.

This is the "landing ground" tens of thousands of years ago when the coalition forces of the human race and the monster race invaded the leftover war world, and it is the main battlefield where the coalition forces of the demon race resisted the invasion of the two races of the human race and monster race.

There used to be a huge battlefield with tens of millions of people here.

There used to be a melee between the Ten Emperors here.

Countless legends have been left here, and countless bones have been buried here.

On this vast and dangerous land, a barbaric battle lasted for ten thousand years, recording the most difficult battle period when the allied forces of the human race and the monster race entered the world of the lost war.

The three tribes of humans, monsters and demons have been conquering this land year after year, killing countless people, fighting bloody battles, and causing countless deaths. The blood of the three tribes soaked every inch of the land, and their bones piled up in every area. Countless strong men fell here. Countless legends end here, and countless myths are cast here.

Here is a world of bones, here is a land soaked in blood.

This place was later occupied and controlled by the Bone Race, or because of the special situation in this area and the particularity of the Bone Race's bloodline, the Golden Ancient Clan rewarded the Bone Race's territory.

During that period, the human race urgently needed to be strong, and during that period, the Bone Emperor was the hero of the human race.

The history of the human race and the demon race is piled up here.

There are animal bone restricted areas all over here, and blood rivers can be seen everywhere; the sky here is gray and dark;

For a long time, few people set foot on the vast Bone Race territory.The dark atmosphere here is thicker than that of the corpse royal clan and the Asura clan, and the sense of danger brought to outsiders here is heavier than that of the demon clan.

But in recent days, the silence here has been broken by the human race and monster race who heard the news. Looking around, the gray world is full of people.

The tone of the periphery is lively, mixed with fish and dragons, most of them are looking for news.

The real Bone Race ruled area inside is chaotic, filled with powerhouses of all races and factions, the rare semi-holy powerhouses are no longer uncommon here, and you can meet one or two from time to time.

However, starting half a month ago, the Bone Clan's real exclusive territory 'Blood Bone Forbidden Zone' has been completely sealed off, and any force is strictly forbidden to set foot in it, including the Star Clan who saved them.

Looking back on the battle that night, the Bone Race's memory is still fresh.

The huge Bone Race was injured and nearly destroyed.

Not only the number one expert of the Bone Clan, but also the acting patriarch of the Great Saint Realm was torn to shreds, and the bones left by the Bone Emperor were all turned into dust.

The number of the entire ethnic group dropped sharply from more than 150 million to [-] million. Ordinary people suffered the most casualties, basically all of them died under the indiscriminate and devastating blows of the Heavenly Demons.

Among the 150 million people, there are 100 million troops who can go to the battlefield.

There are only 33 saint realm powerhouses left, and only [-] semi-saint realm powerhouses.

A lineup of this level is completely unqualified to be called the 'Golden Ancient Clan', and their delisting and decline are a foregone conclusion. It is even difficult to keep this 'Blood Bone Forbidden Zone' that has been guarded for tens of thousands of years.

The Bone Race is gloomy, relying on their dilapidated restrictions to seal the entrances of the group, guarding the last dignity of the nobility.

Fortunately, although the Golden Ancient Clan came for the second time, they never deliberately asked the Bone Clan to open the restricted area, which can be regarded as giving the Bone Clan a face and respect.

But how long will this respect last?

Where will the fate of the Bone Race go?
In the dilapidated meeting hall of the Bone Race, the remaining dozens of clan elders and generals gathered here.

A depressive and gloomy atmosphere filled the air, squeezing everyone's heart.

Xu Ye sat in the top position and took over the position of acting patriarch of the Bone Clan, giving the chaotic Bone Clan a backbone so that they would not fall apart.

As the retired dean of the Military Affairs Academy and the former supreme commander of the Bone Clan, Xu Ye is the current strongest Bone Clan, a strong man at the peak of the Holy Realm.

Relying on his prestige and strength, he took over the clan affairs during this extraordinary period, and even undertook the pressure from the entire clan, but in just thirty or forty days, the pressure had exhausted him.

Qiang Zuo's majesty could no longer conceal his exhaustion.

His bright and deep eyes were already bloodshot.

"This is the letterhead sent by the Spirit Clan last night. Let's take a look." Xu Ye took out a letterhead from his cuff and threw it at the next clansmen.

The letter had been hidden by him all night, and it was already crumpled.

Just like his mood at the moment.

"Spiritual clan?" The silent clansmen raised their heads one after another.

The clan elder who caught the letter was about to open it, but stopped, staring fixedly at the letter in his hand, with a complicated face, he clenched it a little bit, and with a click, it turned into dust.He closed his eyes, and sighed faintly: "Don't look at it, at this juncture, what kind words the Spirit Race can send is nothing more than letting us Bone Race come under their umbrella."

Xu Ye said: "The Spirit Race is here to recruit us. The condition is that the Bone Race fully attaches itself to the Spirit Race. The details will be discussed in the future. Now we will get things done as soon as possible and move eastward along the coastline. They will meet us at the border between the two races.

A condition was added in the letter, in order to avoid conflicts from the other ancient tribes, the Bone tribe must not take away any wealth and resources in the territory, which is tantamount to dedicating all of them to other tribes. "

"Hmph, don't take any resources away? The reason is very noble. This is for better control of us in the later stage, let us beg them to donate resources like a dog."

In the hall, a cold hum sounded, very extreme and contradictory, but it expressed the resentment of many clansmen at the moment.

This voice came from a heroic boy, who looked very young, proud and strong.He is a Bone Race secret builder, with the strength of the newly promoted Saint Realm, and his name is Xu Zhuanzhu.

In fact, this person is the son of destiny cultivated by the Bone Race for the sake of the millennium.

It took a hundred years of painstaking cultivation, and it was successfully promoted a year ago, which brought hope to the ethnic group. Unfortunately, just as this hope appeared, the ethnic group faced such a disaster.

Good luck tricks people, and fate is changeable.

Xu Ye signaled Xu Zhuanzhu to sit down, and after adjusting his emotions, his voice became very calm: "The spirit clan's intention is very clear, we just need to decide whether to defect, they will do their best to protect them, and they will personally come forward to negotiate with the other ancient clans."

"What do you mean?" The clan elders have been arguing for a month, and now they are all tired, and they are almost calm after admitting it.So although today's meeting was dull, it was very peaceful, and it was no longer "hot and enthusiastic" like before.

"Our Bone Race has undergone such drastic changes. It is no longer realistic to maintain the status of the Golden Ancient Race. The big guys have almost accepted it. If we want to continue to occupy this territory alone and survive and develop safely, it is basically impossible. possible.

Now that all ethnic groups gather outside the restricted zone, they haven't acted rashly for the time being. That's because they haven't discussed a unified plan. But given the current situation, don't expect them to 'take care' of us. Thank God if they don't just kill us.

What I mean is, finding a faction to attach to is a good choice.

I know it is difficult for everyone to accept, and I understand that the dignity of the Bone Race cannot be violated, but now we have to abandon some things for the continuation of the race.

A few years ago, the Spirit Clan made a deal with the demon clan Mo Qilin, but they had a falling out. These years, the two sides collided constantly, and they were exhausted by Mo Qilin. treat us well.In terms of geographical location, the Eldar is also one of our best choices. "

The complex gazes of the clansmen fell on Xu Ye, and defected to the spirit clan?The Spirit Clan is evil and dark, they can be regarded as a different kind in the Ancient Golden Clan, and there has always been hatred between the Bone Clan and the Bone Clan.

Going to the Spirit Race now? ?

No matter how I think or feel awkward.

Xu Ye avoided the eyes of everyone, and he didn't dare to face the eyes of his clansmen.His heart was bleeding, and his hands were tightly clenched in his cuffs.

Does he want to?He really doesn't want to!

He is a hardliner. He has fought on the battlefield and made countless rhetoric that he would rather die than surrender.

He is more reluctant than anyone else to join the Spirit Race.

But... now that he is sitting in the position of patriarch, he has a completely different mission.

The Bone Race must survive and develop.

The people of the clan pushed themselves into this position, what they wanted was 'hope', not destruction.

I would rather be spurned in the future, but now I have to swallow my anger.

In this way, besides the Spirit Race, who else can we choose?

(End of this chapter)

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