Valkyrie Storm

Chapter 1702 The wind is surging

Chapter 1702 The wind is surging (3)

"Do you want to... contact the Demon Spirit Clan first in private?"

Someone made a weak opinion, which echoed quietly in the hall.

But instead of arousing a response, it was full of bitterness.

The demon spirit clan?
If it was the Demon Spirit Clan that was once controlled by the Demon Spirit Emperor, they would definitely join them unceremoniously.

They admired the Yao Linghuang and believed in his character.

At least they won't be entrapped after defecting.

Xu Ye and Yaoling Liunu even had a good time drinking and chatting, and they had a long-term friendship.

Thinking back to the most difficult years of the Bone Race, it was always the Demon Spirit Emperor who helped the Bone Race overtly or secretly, and deliberately took on the defense of the North Sea and relieved the pressure on the Bone Race.

However, during the upheaval of the Demon Spirit Clan decades ago, the Bone Clan cowardly became bystanders, watching the deaths of the Demon Spirit Emperor and Liu Nu, and the ferment of the Demon Spirit Clan tragedy.

They wanted to help, but they were powerless to act, for fear of revealing the bone emperor's secret.

Now that Prince Cang is in control of the Demon Spirit Clan, what face do they have to brazenly step forward?
Although the Bone Race is in decline, they are ready to give up a little bit of dignity, but...but they can't be shameless..."It's self-inflicted." Xu Ye sighed and shook his head, muttering sourly, as if he had knocked over a five-flavored bottle and mixed oil and salt in his heart Sauce and vinegar tea, indescribable taste.

If the Demon Spirit Emperor was in charge of the Demon Spirit Clan, the Demon Spirit Clan would still be the giant pillar in the north, and the Sky Demon Clan would not dare to unite with the Blood Demon Clan, so such a series of things would not have happened.

However, it is too late to say anything now.Do your own evil, taste it yourself.

Xu Ye really couldn't bear the shame to move closer to the demon spirit clan.

Xu Zhuanzhu got up suddenly: "All elders, let's make a decision, none of us are willing to belong to the Spirit Clan, but at this point in the survival of the clan, we have to make a choice.

Before the races make the decision to divide the Bone Race, go to the Eldar.

We can fight with the Spirit Clan, make false claims, and use their protection to develop secretly. Give me more than a hundred years, and I will definitely be able to transform into an emperor. At that time, the Bone Clan will regain the seat of the Golden Ancient Clan and rush back to the place of the lost overlord. List. "

Xu Zhuanzhu is infinitely arrogant, confident that he can mediate under the control of the Spirit Race, confident that he can touch the imperial barrier within a hundred years, and confident that the Bone Race can rise again under his leadership.

Xu Ye slightly raised his eyelids, looked at Xu Zhuanzhu who was in high spirits, and frowned unrecognizably, but he didn't show anything, but asked the clan elders: "What do you mean?"

"Yeah, it's time to make a decision."

"Zhuan Zhu is right, before the other tribes discuss how to carve up the Bone Clan, and before the other tribes react, go to the Spirit Clan. The sooner you act, the better."

"Zhuan Zhu has the talent of the Jinhuang, which is the hope of our clan."

"With Zhuanzhu, we have the basis for a new rise."

"It's rare for Zhuan Zhu to have such arrogance. Our clan needs this kind of momentum now."

After the clan elders and generals looked at each other, they stood up one after another and made suggestions.

Seeing that the ethnic group supported him, Xu Zhuanzhu showed a faint smile on his face, and looked towards the direction where the hall was most attacking without any trace, and his eyes fell on a blonde girl with a hint of savagery.

The blonde girl bowed her head silently, neither speaking nor expressing her opinion, let alone paying attention to the provocation and coldness in Xu Zhuanzhu's eyes.When the audience was trying to argue, she was like a bystander, treating them indifferently, and also seemed to be immersed in some kind of thoughts, feeling sad alone.

Xu Ye sat at the top, making the last hesitation.

It is a matter of life and death of the ethnic group, and the fate of the ethnic group in the future, so he has to be more cautious.

He has dealt with the Spirit Race many times. Those people are not human, ghosts or ghosts. They are very difficult to deal with. The key is that they are sinister and ruthless, and they will use all means to attack. It will be very difficult to survive under their oppression.

Hypocrisy and obscenity?Obeying the positive and violating the negative?To put it simply, I'm afraid that I will be ripped apart by them.

But... well, let’s just leave it at that, except that the Spirit Clan dared to accept the Bone Clan, and the Star Clan didn’t intend to accept itself. up.

At this moment, Xu Zhuanzhu winked at an old man across from him, and quietly pointed at the blonde girl in the corner.Under the oppressive atmosphere of the audience, no one noticed his small movements.

The old man understood and stood up: "I have an immature suggestion. It may not be appropriate to make it on this occasion, but it has to be mentioned when the ethnic group is alive and dead. If it doesn't feel appropriate, just treat it as me. Never said anything."

Xu Ye nodded and signaled: "Old Zun has any opinions, just say it, it's this time, so there's nothing else you can say."

The old man's name is Xu Zun. He used to be the No. [-] figure in the Military Affairs Council, and is now the No. [-] man. He has a high prestige in the clan, and he is also a supporter of Xu Zhuanzhu.

"The key to the future development of the ethnic group lies in the emperor's veins, that is, Zhuanzhu. Zhuanzhu has now replaced most of the bones and has successfully promoted to sainthood. bones, the possibility would be very small. And it would be exposed under the eyes of the spirit race and be persecuted by the spirit race.

I have a proposal, before returning to the Spirit Race, replace the remaining bones for Zhuan Zhu. In the days to come, even if you retreat, you don’t have to risk the danger of being vigilant by the Spirit Race to replace with new bones. "

"Oh?" Xu Ye seemed to understand something, and his eyes suddenly froze.

Xu Zhuanzhu lowered his eyebrows and said nothing, but quietly gestured with his fingertips.

The rest of the elders who absolutely supported him spoke one after another knowingly and without any trace.

"Old Zun is worried. This is indeed a question worth discussing. At Zhuanzhu's level, replacing the strong bones will cause a lot of movement. We are under the surveillance of the spirit clan, so it is difficult not to be discovered."

"But the problem is, the bones left in the family have been used up, and the bones left by the Bone Emperor were destroyed under the invasion of the Demon Emperor. What can I use to replace Zhuan Zhu's bones?"

"At this time, we need to be more cautious. We must not replace Zhuan Zhu with bad bones, otherwise it will seriously affect the later growth."

A few old people talked to each other, guiding the thinking of the clansmen.

Finally, Xu Zun raised his hand and pointed at the blonde girl in the corner: "My suggestion is... dismantle her and hand her over to Zhuanzhu for fusion. In this way, Zhuanzhu Jinhuang's time and chances will be greatly improved."

"Huh?" Everyone in the clan was moved, and their eyes followed his pointing, and fell on the blonde girl. Some were stunned, some nodded, some frowned, and some hesitated.

Floating beings and appearances are vividly interpreted at this moment.

Xu Zun's expression was indifferent: "Her background has not been verified so far, and she has always refused to say it clearly. I admit that her talent and blood are excellent, and the patriarch intends to train her to sprint and compete with Zhuan Zhu, even at the expense of exchanging for her personally. I bought an extremely precious bone, and wished her to become a saint.

But our family is in a crisis right now, and we simply can't bear the heavy responsibility of cultivating two 'hopes', and we don't have so much energy and strength to take care of two people, so it's better to combine them into one.

I know that my opinion is cruel, but her identity is too mysterious, and she has never expressed her sense of belonging to my Bone Clan, so... this old man is just a suggestion, and the final decision will be made by the clan elders. "

"This...isn't very good..."

Xu Zhuanzhu frowned in embarrassment, but the gloomy look in his eyes became more serious.

This woman suddenly came to the Bone Clan and stole the limelight in just a few months. The five imperial bones that came down were given to her.

Lively, it was removed from her body and pressed against her body.

At that moment, Xu Zhuanzhu was completely murderous.

One mountain cannot accommodate two tigers, let alone a woman, a woman from outside.

The hateful thing is that the patriarch defends her everywhere, the kind of defense for no reason.

Sometimes he even secretly wondered if this woman had dedicated herself to the patriarch, or else how could she have captivated the old man so much that she even offered her royal bones?

Xu Zhuanzhu has been trying to find a way to get rid of this threat, but he still can't find a way.

Finally got my chance today.

If I can't kill you, I will also abolish you.

Without the protection of the patriarch, who will protect you in the entire Bone Race?

Without a guardian, how do you fight against me?

Xu Zhuanzhu was embarrassed on the surface, but his heart was full of killing intent.

All the clan elders and generals were silent one after another, or communicated with each other with their eyes.

They don't know much about this girl who suddenly appeared.In the past two years, most of the time, the patriarch was secretly cultivating her, and he was rarely even allowed to show up, let alone communicate.

Although Xu Zun's proposal to 'tear her down' was too cruel and disgusted them, but... for some reason, they didn't have the urge to speak out against it.

The blonde girl sat quietly in the corner, without saying a word, facing the sudden scene indifferently, without any emotion from the beginning to the end.

Xu Zun sat back in his seat, looked at Xu Ye, and waited for his decision.

The rest of the clan elders and generals gradually fell silent and calmed down after successive gestures.

With a depressing calm, he acquiesced to Xu Zun's proposal.

Only the core few old people frowned vigorously, as if they couldn't bear it, and they were doing the last struggle.

(End of this chapter)

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