Valkyrie Storm

Chapter 172

Chapter 172
"So it's His Royal Highness, hehe, long time no see, still thinking about my little brother? It's a great honor!" Tang Yan met the invited 'master' Second Prince in the VIP Building of the Imperial City!

Hai Lita and other women were stopped downstairs, and Liu Qing, who was hidden in the dark, was also monitored and controlled. They were anxious, but vaguely guessed the identities of this group of people, and no one dared to be too presumptuous.

"I've been thinking about it all the time, but I didn't have a chance to meet you. It's rare for you to come to the imperial city today. How can I, as the master, be grateful for the friendship of the landlord? Please!" The second prince smiled and nodded, signaling Tang Yan to sit across from the table.

"Your Highness, you are welcome." Tang Yan was not afraid, as if he was really meeting a friend, and kept smiling: "I am invited to come here today. Is it just a friend to catch up with the past, or do you have any special orders?"

"Both, let's talk about the past first, and then talk about things. Come, drink." The second prince raised his glass and drank it down.

Tang Yan toasted very generously, and there was not a drop of wine left.There is ghost green fire in his body, even if there is poison in the wine, it can be easily dissolved.

The smile on the second prince's face deepened: "Cheerful! It can be seen that my brother has had a wonderful life recently. He has won a famous name and embraced a beautiful woman. In his spare time, he will tease the heroes of the empire. He travels occasionally and is accompanied by a group of beauties. This This kind of unrestrained life is enviable to many people."

"The Second Highness was joking. I'm just an ordinary person. If I can enjoy it, I have to enjoy it as much as I can. If someone provokes me, of course I have to fight back."

"That's true. In life, pleasure is the main thing."

The second prince was rambling and gossiping, Tang Yan responded easily to everyone who came, knowing that the other party had a purpose, and was also deliberately seducing himself, but he refused to take the initiative to withdraw the topic to normal.

do you want to playGrandpa is with you!

Hai Lita and other women in the downstairs hall kept looking up, but they didn't see Tang Yan coming out for a long time. Liu Qing outside realized that something was wrong, so she didn't blindly rescue her, and returned to the Rao family as quickly as possible.

"Brother Tang, if you are free some other day, go to the palace and I will treat you warmly. I invite you to come here today, and I have something private to ask for your opinion." Take the initiative to speak.

Tang Yan fought wine and ate vegetables happily: "Second Highness, please tell me."

"Did you stay in the Rao family because you were coerced? Or because you voluntarily."

"It's not coercion, nor is it voluntary. At that time, there was no place to go, and the Rao family was recruiting guards, so I naturally followed." Tang Yan said casually, and added at the end: "Actually, I I wanted to find the Second Highness, but the Taiwu mining area was a mess, and I really couldn't find you."

The second prince smiled silently: "Now that you have found it, do you have any ideas?"

"The Second Highness refers to"

"What you can get from the Rao family, I have everything here, and what you can't get from the Rao family, I will also have it here. Whether it is money, martial arts, natural treasures, or beauties!"

"The second prince means that I will serve you?"

"If you don't like the title of 'to effect', you can say that you come to my side to help, and the treatment is definitely much higher than that of the Rao family."

Tang Yan was silent for a while, smiled slightly, and said: "The Second Highness personally came forward to solicit, no matter who it falls on, it is a great honor. If you refuse, you will be a little clueless."

The second prince smiled loudly: "Okay! Have fun!"

"Your Highness, don't worry, I am very willing to follow in your footsteps and achieve some fame." Tang Yan felt the surrounding screen without any trace, there should be some masters hidden behind, but they should not do anything to themselves, Unless the second prince wants to kill Hai Lita and other women, or directly declare war on the Rao family.

But judging from today's posture, if I explicitly refused, with the personality of the Second Highness, I'm afraid it would not be so polite to meet again.

"What conditions do you have? But it doesn't matter."

"It's my honor to be highly regarded by His Highness the Second Highness. I don't have the qualifications to ask for conditions. It's just that my younger brother is now the son-in-law of the Rao family. If he leaves without a suitable reason, wouldn't his reputation be unjustifiable?"

"There are so many provocateurs, and they can't bear the disturbance, so they voluntarily withdraw the engagement. Is this reason enough?"

"But the problem now is that there are fewer and fewer people making provocations, and no one blatantly went to the Rao family's house to make trouble. Second Highness, the same sentence, I am very willing to follow you, but please help me to come up with a suitable and reasonable My idea. Although my younger brother is an ordinary person, he still values ​​the word 'fame' more, and doesn't want to bear some kind of infamy to live his whole life. I think if it were you, you should have the same concerns."

The second prince took a deep look at Tang Yan, smiled and said nothing.

Tang Yan looked at each other quietly for a moment, but the second prince just didn't speak.

Cursing this guy for being difficult enough, Tang Yan continued on the surface calmly: "One more thing, the Rao family treated me well. If I leave easily, wouldn't I be a heartless person? I'm afraid the Second Highness You don’t want to have such a person by your side, do you?”

"So?" The second prince took a sip of sake.

"The Second Highness came to recruit me because he valued my strength, but the prerequisite for choosing an assistant should be loyalty! Let me make a bold guess, you are not only here to recruit me today, but also to test it out. I want to see How about my character, is it really worth recruiting? Let me speculate boldly, if I readily agree, you will definitely be suspicious in the future and will not entrust you with important tasks!"

Tang Yan kept putting a high hat on the second prince, digging holes and constructing canals, making the opponent's rebuttal path full of potholes, trying to force him to retreat.

The second prince smiled and raised his glass to signal: "You are smarter than I imagined."

Tang Yan raised his glass with a smile: "This is not smartness, but the basic principle of being a human being. The kindness of a drop of water is reciprocated by the fountain. The Rao family has a kindness to me. I can't abandon it without reason. People respect me a foot, I respect you a lot, Second Highness regards me so highly, I am willing to make friends with you, as for how deep this friendship can be, it depends on Second Highness what you want."

"Haha, good, good, a good person respects me one foot, and I respect others one foot. I respect your opinion. When you are not used to living in the Rao family, you can go to a friend's place and sit down. You are always welcome."

"Second Highness, you are open-minded and wise. It seems that you are also a person who values ​​affection. I, Tang Yan, have made an appointment with you as a friend. If you need to go to my younger brother's place in the future, it is my duty!" Pick up the glass and drink it down.

When Isaac arrived at the VIP building with the three king-level priests in person, Tang Yan was walking out with the second prince talking and laughing enthusiastically like two good brothers reunited after a long absence.

The second prince smiled and said: "Patriarch Isaac, you have a good brother-in-law. When you get married, you must send me a wedding invitation, and I will come to congratulate you!"

Isaac couldn't understand the situation, but as the head of the clan, the necessary etiquette was still in place, saluting first, and then smiling.

"Brother Tang, come and sit with me some other day when you have time, we won't come home until we're drunk."

"Definitely, definitely! Let's regret it!" Tang Yan smiled brightly, clasped his fists at the second prince, and left with Isaac and others.

The chief guard came to the second prince's side, and whispered: "This little guy is very deep in the city, and his typical smile hides a knife, so don't be close friends."

The second prince looked at the back of Tang Yan leaving, and the smile on his face did not spread, but became meaningful: "This is not a hidden knife in a smile, but smart. You look at him like a child of seventeen or eighteen years old? He is younger than 27 or eight years old." Be sophisticated.

Think about his speech and behavior from entering the room to leaving, calm and unhurried, well-founded advances and retreats, and gradually took control of the initiative.Such people, if they are enemies, must be eradicated, and if they are friends, they should be treated with courtesy. "

"The Second Highness's meaning"

"Don't worry, let's talk about it later. I invite him to sit at my house some other day. I have to test it out and see if he is a stubborn monkey or a dragon."

Outside the imperial city, Tang Yan and others soared into the sky on a golden-collared black eagle.

"What's going on? Why are you entangled with him?" Isaac asked Tang Yan strangely.

Tang Yan wiped the cold sweat from his forehead: "What else can I do? I want to recruit me. Fortunately, I react quickly, otherwise it will be a disaster."

"He didn't care about you, did he?"

"Don't worry, I can handle your sister. A mere prince can't do anything to me."

Isaac shook his head and smiled: "If Niya hears this, you will be tortured."

"I feel that the second prince will come to trouble me again. You have to find a way to create some trouble. I will retreat after I go back. Whoever invites me will disappear!"

(End of this chapter)

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