Valkyrie Storm

Chapter 173

Chapter 173
In the south, it is vast and vast. The three great empires of Delos, Dazhou, and Mira stand together, occupying a huge territory. For thousands of years, they have been conquests and conquests. The borders of the three countries border each other and are constantly changing. , Most of the border areas are desolate and dilapidated, the ground is stained with blood all the year round, corpses floating unabated, monsters devour madly, violent and violent.

But no matter how life and death collided among the Three Kingdoms, how bloody conquests, there has never been a drastic change that hurt the fundamentals. The relationship between the three empires is always unpredictable, both enemies and friends, changing rapidly. The master of a hundred battles, with the nature of a tiger and a wolf, guards the borders and passes of the empire.

The three kingdoms stand together, and they are all developing and growing, and they seem to contain each other.

The strong are all strong, and the weak are all together.

However, the successive changes in recent years are like a heavy hammer slowly but forcefully breaking this delicate balance.

First, the upheaval in the cemetery of the deserted city involved the royal families of the three empires, and a large number of venerables and kings of martial arts fell. There were many casualties among the princes of the royal family.

Afterwards, the Great Zhou Empire took the lead in launching an attack, stirring up the chaos of the Three Kingdoms, taking advantage of the chaos to make profits, and winning consecutive victories.

Later, the Taiwu mining area, where the foundation of the Delos Empire was located, completely collapsed, revealing ancient relics.In times of war, the wrong choice of the royal family led to the emergence of hidden dangers in the family. In the end, internal and external troubles forced the family to cede land for peace.

Now, as various forces sneak into the Taiwu mining area to explore the mysterious world, the entire south of the border has temporarily returned to silence.

This 'quiet' lasted for a short period of five months!

Without any warning, the Great Zhou Empire united with the Sala Empire to start a war again. Five million elite soldiers overwhelmed the border, crossed the psychedelic forest, and drove straight from the border area between the Great Zhou and the west of Delos.

The western border area is the adjacent Taiwu subsidence area. Because the impact of the land cession incident has not yet subsided, Delos has stationed 80 troops here, but in the face of the sudden arrival of 500 million coalition elite soldiers, hastily formed defensive lines frequently Fallen, more than [-] elite soldiers floated corpses for more than a thousand miles.

Because there is no danger in the Taiwu area, the troops of the Delos Empire have all resigned, and they have continuously sent emergency orders to the royal family.

"Report! The Allied Forces of the Great Zhou Empire and the Sala Empire encircled and wiped out the tenth, No.12, and No.15, the three major armies, and 15 soldiers were slaughtered!"

"Report! Marshal Salo asked for help seven times! It's urgent!"

"Report! Our garrison collapsed across the board. Marshal Sa Luo led the remaining 20 troops to withdraw from the Taiwu mining area and stationed at Wanjianguan to meet the coalition forces of the two countries!"

"Report! Five million coalition forces from the two countries have besieged Wanjian Pass!"

The war broke out, so suddenly!
The whole country of Delos was shaken, the Sala Empire forcibly changed its course, and the Great Zhou Empire suddenly tore up the peace agreement that was still in ink!
500 million coalition troops?With such an astonishing number and such a severe impact, the two countries must have planned for a long time and reached a secret agreement!

The Delos royal family didn't have time to think about the reasons, so they could only prepare for the battle with all their strength!

Wanjian Pass is the number one fortress in the west of the empire. Once it is lost, the coalition forces of the two countries will drive straight in and press down on the Leiyun Mountains where China and the West meet.

Behind the Thundercloud Mountains is the Xia Plain, the heart of the empire!
In a hurry, the Delos Empire strictly ordered the borders in other directions to guard and raid, and at the same time mobilized various garrisons to cross the Leiyun Mountains to help defend the Wanjian Pass!
"Protect my country and my country!"

"When a man is born in the world, he should make meritorious deeds and achieve a lifetime of fame!"

Conscriptions were posted in major cities, the situation of crisis, and the announcement of passion set off an unprecedented upsurge of joining the army, and a mighty number of passionate men poured into the barracks.

In three days, the Delos Empire's 50 vanguard troops crossed the Thundercloud Mountains and poured into the crumbling Wanjian Pass. After the assembly of 300 million elite soldiers of the empire, the prince of the empire once again put on armor and went into battle. Commanding the 300 million elite soldiers of the empire, they surged across the Kexia Plain with overwhelming fighting spirit and marched towards the Thunder Cloud Mountains. Another 100 million reserve troops were formed at the fastest speed!

Wanjianguan is known as the third most powerful pass in the south of the border. It used to be the western border of the Delos Empire in history. It blocked many imperial invasions. Later, the empire carried out a more comprehensive restoration and used it as a bridgehead to attack the Taiwu mining area and successfully annexed the entrenched here. The ancient country, brought it into the control territory.

The royal family of Delos believes that the majesty of Wanjianguan and the ability of the first marshal Saro are enough to persist until the assistance of 300 million elite soldiers from the empire. Once they successfully assist in the defense, they will have the opportunity to resolve the crisis and expel the enemy.


On the second day after Pioneer's 50 troops settled in, Wanjianguan declared a complete fall!After all, it was facing 500 million menacing coalition elite soldiers. Marshal Salo was able to resist for four days with 20 remnants and [-] garrisons.

"Report! Wanjian Pass has fallen!"

"Report! Marshal Saro committed suicide and apologized!"

"Report! The 13 remnants retreated to the Thundercloud Mountains!"

"Report! The 500 million coalition forces of the two countries marched straight in, overwhelming the Thunder Cloud Mountains!"

"Report! All 300 million imperial troops have entered the Leiyun Mountains to meet the coalition forces of the two countries!"

With 800 million elite soldiers from both sides, an epic bloody battle erupted in the Leiyun Mountains. The mountains and plains were full of killing figures, the vast blood filled the mountains and forests, and the tragic evil spirit rushed straight to Xiaohan, and corpses piled up in the valley.

The monsters were frightened and furious, and crazily attacked the troops of both sides, and even the monster king led the group to break out of the territory.The two demon venerables hidden deep in the mountains broke through the sky, destroying one territory with monstrous rage.

Chaos!Great War!The tragic situation crossed the southern boundary and spread to the Central Plains, even many hermits and old monsters were alarmed.

The tragic battle lasted for half a month. The 100 million reserve troops eagerly formed by Delos poured into the battlefield, but the 200 million troops reassembled by the Great Zhou Empire and the Sala Empire had already rushed across the border, passed through the Taiwu mining area, and approached Wanjian Pass .

Once these 200 million elite troops are thrown into the battlefield, they will definitely turn things around, defeat the defense line of the empire, cross the Leiyun Mountains and enter the Kexia Plain, threatening the heart of the empire.

At that time, who can stop these bloody lions who are like wolves and tigers? Even if they persist in the end, the Delos Empire will definitely collapse and decline from then on!

The people of the empire were panicked, and the royal family was under tremendous pressure.

After three days of fierce quarrels, the royal family finally decided to send 50 imperial guards to the west of the imperial city to fight towards the Leiyun Mountains.

The emperor of the empire recruited death squads from major families in his own name.

At the time of the empire's life and death, the six major families temporarily put aside their grudges and dispatched a large number of elite troops to fight fiercely, and the Rao family was also among them.

For this, the Emperor personally thanked Odin and apologized for the previous incident.

After urgent discussions, the major families dispatched at least one Venerable, five Martial Kings, and no less than a thousand Wuzong troops.Although the number is relatively small, their powerful combat power is enough to sweep one side!
The six major families joined hands, and the remaining families and forces no longer hesitated, and all sent part of their elite forces.

It took two days to hastily form a death squad of [-] people!Led by Prince Hemai, the younger brother of the Human Emperor, they went straight to the Thundercloud Mountains!
The fierce melee continued and escalated sharply.

After half a month of fighting with all their strength, the chaos in the Thundercloud Mountains was finally contained, the coalition forces of the two countries suspended their offensive, and the Delos Empire got a little respite. However, when both sides were planning a new round of offensive and defensive battles, an unexpected surprise The incident is like a dark cloud covering the entire Leiyun Mountain Range!
Blood flowed into rivers, and corpses floated for thousands of miles!

Wrath persists!The bones do not rot!
This was the most tragic battle in the history of South China for thousands of years. In just one month, more than five million people died on the battlefield!
The thunder cloud mountain range is full of evil spirits, blood is pervasive, the wind howls, and the souls linger, thick blood fills the world, even the sky is often filled with blood-colored dark clouds, raining scarlet blood, thousands of souls weep, and linger for a long time.

The scene was horrible and strange, and soldiers often couldn't bear it and went crazy and out of control. This was one of the reasons for the armistice of the Three Kingdoms!

The souls of 500 million soldiers roared and lingered for a long time. The billowing blood engulfed thousands of miles of mountains, making everyone horrified. This kind of weird scene had never happened before. In the past, when wars broke out, the souls naturally dissipated. The bones were either burned or killed by monsters. Swallow it clean, but now the ghost is still there!The bones do not rot!Blood flowed like a river!
Even the souls of the undead are floating between heaven and earth!

What happened?
Could it be that a certain character has imprisoned this space?Who set up the evil formation here?Could this whole mess be a conspiracy?who is planning all this

The news spread throughout the southern land, crossed the vast mountains, and spread to the Central Plains.

Many evil warriors have been dispatched to the Leiyun Mountains to refine their souls and pay homage to the undead!
(End of this chapter)

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