Valkyrie Storm

Chapter 1770

Chapter 1770
Three kilometers away!

On the cliff, Tang Yan occupied a vacant Eagle's Nest, sat cross-legged in the depths of the messy dead branches, held his breath and concentrated his mind, the green fire surged all over his body, burning blazingly, as if the space was about to be melted.His gaze was like lightning, gazing at the vast battlefield, his fingers clasped tightly, absorbing the essence of the sky fire from all over his body to gather a cluster of pure flames.

At the same time Xuanyuan discovered him, the killer moves he had accumulated formally took shape.

"Skyfire Secret Technique - Instant Kill!"

puff!The spike beam appeared in an instant, piercing space, surpassing the speed of light, and hit the distant battlefield in an instant. The target of the surprise attack was... Titan!
But Tang Yan is definitely not a simple surprise attack. After a long time of condensed deployment, this light beam is not only as thick as a thumb, but also has a dazzling green light, entwined with pure green fire power, like a meteor across the sky.

Its power is extremely terrifying. Once hit, it will either die or be disabled, but because of the dazzling light, it is more and quite conspicuous while possessing power.

"Get out of the way!!" Xuanyuan shouted, waking up all the powerful members of the reincarnation clan. Everyone jumped up in shock and dodged.

Whoosh!The light beam first passed through the place where the Samsaras were hiding, didn't hurt anyone, but startled them all, and then attacked the Titan.

"Hiss?!" Tai Tan was horrified, and instantly caught a beam of light coming towards him, but at the same time he sensed the danger, the beam had already appeared in front of him, not only the speed made him terrified, but the terrifying power that appeared in an instant was even more terrifying. It made him chill all over.

No matter how far away Watchman No. [-] locked him, he held the knife and slashed.

The light of the sword shines through the world, the prestige of the mountains and rivers soars, and the momentum of the rivers surges.This knife unleashed all his strength, and even unleashed a vast mountain range, with endless mountains, herds of beasts and birds, and rushing rivers.

But the beam of light penetrated into the light of the blade in an instant, avoiding the edge of the blade, as if possessing magical spirituality, and then... poof... smashed the heart bone, and hit the heart of Tai Tan without any suspense. Passed through, and shot from the back, and the lingering power continued, it blasted towards the Hanchen battlefield in the distance, and hit the back of an ancient corpse of ten thousand years old.

With a crisp cracking sound, the ancient corpse of ten thousand years was sent flying hundreds of meters away.The back was bloody and bloody. Although the internal organs were not injured, because the wound was connected to the shoulder, the injury was still serious, and the flexibility of the entire right arm was greatly reduced.

Two people in a row, two consecutive surprises.

The fierce atmosphere of the battlefield was forcibly broken, everyone was startled, their spines felt chills, and their eyes and thoughts involuntarily looked at the source of the light beam.

But what they saw was not Tang Yan on the distant cliff, but the reincarnation clan who was startled halfway, and what they saw was Xuanyuan and others.

"Is this group of people sneak attacking?" At this moment, everyone on the battlefield, including Xu Pojun and others, thought in unison that they wanted to **** the Hui people. He avoided a catastrophe and was not successfully attacked, but when he noticed the situation on the distant battlefield, everyone was dumbfounded.

"Pfft!!" Tai Tan staggered in mid-air, took three steps back, spurted blood from his mouth, and the blood gushed out of his chest as well. Endlessly poignant.

"No!!" Taylor wailed hoarsely, his pupils dilated, and his eyes flickered.

However, at this moment of upheaval, Watchman One, who was ready to go, launched his ultimate move, swift as a stream of light, across the sky, and in the blink of an eye, passed by Titan, turned the poisonous knife in his hand and slashed diagonally, slashing fiercely. It slashed at Tai Tan's throat, split the chaotic spiritual armor, and slashed at the fleshy throat.

Passing by, blood splashed again, and the wound stretched from the throat to the cervical spine.

Whoosh whoosh!
The Watcher troops dormant below the battlefield all jumped up, like a flock of eagles rising up, drowning the fallen Titan, and all the sharp blades and short knives pierced through their bodies.

Tai Tan didn't make a sound, didn't resist, his consciousness was spinning, his body became cold quickly, as if falling into an endless abyss, the light became darker and darker, his suffocation became stronger and stronger, his body fell repeatedly...drop...hum!In the distance, Taylor's head buzzed muffled, blank, and he was completely stunned.In the shaking eyes, in the blurred vision, there is only the scene of Titan spurting blood, only the scene of Titan falling down, only the vigorous figure of the Watcher team, and only the desolation of his body full of short knives and sharp blades.


Han Chen clenched his hands suddenly, his brows were furrowed, his eyes narrowed, and he was shocked by the scene in front of him.

Xuanyuan stared at the battlefield, his pupils dilated.

After a while, her breath froze, she turned her head slowly, and then looked at the direction Tang Yan was lurking, but there... there was no energy fluctuation, let alone the breath of life.

Three kilometers away, Tang Yan hid in a tall tree, and ordered coldly: "Notify the watchmen troops, all gather here, and notify Xu Pojun to withdraw."

All the bitter women troops accompanying them attacked, hiding in the shadows, and rushed towards the frozen battlefield.

Taylor was trembling in absence, terrified in sluggishness, his mouth slowly opened, and for a long, long time, a hoarse wailing exploded in his throat: "Wow!!!"

Xu Pojun and the others frowned, also shocked by the drastic changes in front of them, and focused more on the reincarnation team several miles away.Although they have been obsessed with killing the Titans, when this moment comes, what they feel is not surprise, nor excitement, nor the ruthlessness and cleanliness of the Overwatch troops. What they feel is suffocating pressure.

The fall of the Titans, the rage of Pangu, and the southern continent... What kind of earth-shattering changes will occur?

Han Chen's eyes were dark and cold, and the sea of ​​consciousness set off a turbulent wave. What he thought of was not the deeds of the reincarnation clan, not the fall of the Titans, but his own situation.The Pangu clan vented their anger indiscriminately, and Cangwu Zhiyuan would definitely be affected.

Although the Pangu clan has been dormant and has not made any major moves for many years, no one ignores this force. Once angry, it will definitely trigger a change in the sky.

"We...have been raped?" The middle-aged man of the reincarnation clan was in a daze, stunned, cold, and a little absurd, and somehow got raped?If such a big crime is charged to the reincarnation clan, wouldn't the two clans declare war?
"We didn't do it! Quickly explain!!" The clan elder of the reincarnation clan reminded the clan members sharply.

But who is going to explain?Need to explain?If you open your mouth at this time, it will only get darker and darker!

"Reincarnation? killed our prince?" Taylor's eyes were bloodshot, he roared hoarsely, and turned his resentful gaze towards the reincarnation.They sneak attack?They pierced Tai Tan's heart with hidden weapons, and he could clearly see this scene.

The reincarnation clan is the culprit! !

Xu Pojun and Xu Lengcheng all withdrew and retreated, gathered beside the team of watchmen, guarded them closely, and then asked in a low voice: "What happened just now??"

"I'll find out later." Overwatch No. [-] was ruthless and cold-blooded, fearless of the upheaval on the scene and the consequences, tightly strangled Tai Tan's three-meter body, his eyes were like lightning, full of murderous intent.

"Give back Your Highness to me." Taylor suddenly ran away, killing Xu Pojun and others.

"If you want a Titan, go to the East China Sea to get it. Pangu Clan, we are waiting for you in the East China Sea!!" Xu Pojun made a decisive decision and uttered a cry, deliberately throwing out the name of 'East Sea' in order to confuse the Pangu Clan's judgment.

At this time, the team of bitter mothers sneaked up and guided Xu Pojun.

"Withdraw! You go first." After Xu Pojun and Xu Lengcheng broke up in person, the watchman team escorted the half-dead Titan to rush out.

"Stop them!!" Han Chen yelled, absolutely not letting them go.

"Shoot and stop them." Xuanyuan ordered categorically, they must not let them take Tai Tan away easily, otherwise they will be blamed for this.

But... Tang Yan's timing of this surprise attack is very critical. When the battlefield is about to explode, the beast tide troops from all directions have appeared in sight, and the six demon saint-level auras are leading them across the sky at an astonishing speed. Pounce here.

Before it arrived, a torrential bloody aura had already swept over the sky and covered the sky. The blood and hostility seemed to fill the space and crush the entire ruins.

"Don't let any one go, surround yourself!!" Outside the six holy prestige, a shout was loud and thunderous, making the endless space tremble, and it was clearly and sonorously transmitted into everyone's hearts. In the ears, the shock made everyone's blood boil.

At this moment, the sky quickly turned dark, dark clouds rolled, thick and rolling, endless thunder light emerged from nothing, from small to large, from roaring and looming, to rampaging and boiling.

A sea of ​​dark clouds enveloped the sky, and thousands of thunder and lightning raged on the clouds. The terrifying coercion that diffused made the rushing beasts scream in horror, and even the six demon saints rushing forward felt the terrifying pressure.

"Lei Qilin?!" Xu Pojun and the others suddenly changed expression.

"How did you attract it?" The reincarnation clan stopped and looked back in horror.

The team of the corpse royal family abruptly stopped chasing, their eyes swayed, and they stared into the sky. This terrifying holy power made it difficult for them to breathe.

(End of this chapter)

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