Valkyrie Storm

Chapter 1771 Lei Qilin

Chapter 1771 Lei Qilin

"Let's go, let's get out of here." Xu Pojun's face was solemn, and he hurriedly ordered. The team of watchmen in front never stopped from the beginning to the end, and ran at full speed following the guidance of the bitter woman.

Click!The golden lightning loomed in the depths of the dense forest. Tang Yan crossed the space at an extremely fast speed, occasionally galloping at full speed, and soon approached the battle circle, colliding head-on with the watchman team in the dense forest.

"You did a great job. You've worked hard, I'll leave it to me." Tang Yan growled softly, and the hell world opened up, covering the team of watchmen.

"Let's go!!" The watchman's troops did not slow down, holding the titan in the sky, and rushed in against the gushing darkness and death.

Xu Pojun and others followed closely: "Young Master Tang, we will go with you. Lei Qilin's strength is terrifying, you can't kill him by yourself."

"I have my way, don't worry, you go in!" Tang Yan thanked them for their kindness, but both of them were seriously injured, and the consumption was even greater, so they couldn't be put in danger anymore.

The hell world opened, covering Xu Pojun and Xu Lengcheng.

"Be careful yourself." Time was running out, the two stopped insisting, relaxed themselves, accepted the engulfment, and entered the dark hell space.

Tang Yan immediately turned around and headed towards the distance at full speed.

He had already observed the lineup surrounded by the beast horde on the way here, and found a suitable breakthrough. Now that the encirclement net has not yet formed, he still has a chance to fight out.

"Where is the person? Where is the person!!" Taylor rushed over in a hurry. There was obviously someone in front of him just now, why did he disappear in a blink of an eye?Where did you go? ?
"Where are you? Where are you! Come back to me! Come back!"


"Bone Race traitors, this old man hacked you!"

Taylor looked crazy, searched everywhere, rushed from the dense forest to the sky, and then rushed to the mountains, but he really lost the trace of the Bone Race team. Such a large team, with hundreds of people from top to bottom, how could it be missing?

His Royal Highness lost in front of him? ?
Taylor was furious and mad with pain.

Han Chen rushed over with the ancient corpse of ten thousand years: "Concentrate in one direction and kill it!!"

Taylor ignored it and continued to shout: "Bone Race thief, come out!!"

Han Chen punched him in the face: "Wake up, you died here, no one is pitiful, but you have been convicted of a sinner! Only if you are alive, can you avenge Titan, and take revenge with your own hands!"

"Let's go!" The Wannian Ancient Corpse supported the out-of-control Taylor, and rushed towards the due east.

"Follow me, kill me!!" Xuanyuan led the team and rushed in another direction, throwing away all distracting thoughts and sprinting with all his might.

Two forces, two holy forces, rushed towards the encirclement like lightning.

At this moment, the encirclement circle is faintly about to be completed, every direction is guarded by demon saints, and there is a huge army of beast hordes behind them, they are fearless, as long as they can contain the enemy and wait for the thunder unicorn to come, the enemy will become a turtle in the urn, and there is no way to escape. escape.



In two directions, Hanchen and Xuanyuan showed their holy power, roaring loudly from behind, shaking the mountains, shaking the thunderclouds all over the sky, and blasting towards the boundless army of beasts with unparalleled fighting power.


Thousands of beasts sing together, thousands of beasts rise up violently, attracting thunder and lightning, blowing strong winds, collapsing mountains, shaking sharp claws, baring fangs, densely packed, filling the field of vision, crowding the world, like a giant wave rising from the sky, facing them Came over.

Crack, rumble.

The sky was shocked, and the divine splendor was unrivaled.

Different directions, the same blasting sound.

Hanchen and Xuanyuan all rushed into the beast tide, turned into killing gods, slaughtered ruthlessly, swiped wantonly, annihilated groups of monsters, shattered countless energies, and dispersed the vast tide.

The world of killing turned pale, and the mountains of war trembled.

There is no doubt about their strength. They defeated the intercepting demon saint head-on in a sudden attack, entered the beast tide, and advanced nearly a hundred meters.But the swarm of beasts continued in front of them, and there were countless powerful monsters. They used their flesh and blood and the power of rampage to forcefully stop their offensive and slow down their speed.

At the same time, the army of beasts from all directions closed the encirclement at an astonishing speed.

"You all go over there!!" Lei Qilin led the thunder down, and ordered the other four demon saints to kill in the direction of Xuanyuan and the others, and it killed Hanchen's troops by itself.

"War!" Hanchen and Xuanyuan both had a premonition of the crisis and shouted loudly.

Hanchen stimulated the power of evil corpses, exhibited endless corpse energy, took the lead, fearless and fearless, charged in the depths of the beast tide, smashed a ten-foot tiger with his fists, smashed a double-headed golden eagle with his claws, and smashed his wheels On the back of the giant crocodile, it ran wildly, rushing vertically and horizontally, as if entering the land of no one.

The two [-]-year-old corpses and Taylor followed closely behind, expanding the escape route, destroying the entire army of beast hordes, also rampant without hindrance and tyrannical.

Xuanyuan danced in the air, spreading the cold wave all over the sky, freezing all the monsters and beasts, using the power of freezing to shake the wind, rain, thunder and lightning, and resist the pulse of the earth.Her face was expressionless, her eyes were completely white, the pervasive cold wave almost frozen the space, and even the reincarnated people behind her slightly distanced themselves.

They all showed their true strength, crossed the beast horde, and broke out of the encirclement in just ten breaths, but...the beast horde delayed their time. When they finally broke out of the encirclement, the real fierce battle It's officially here.

The four great demon saints straddled the space and intercepted Han Chen.

Lei Qilin led the thunder from the sky to gather in the field, enveloped the Cang Qiong Mountains, and stopped Xuanyuan in front.

This extremely rare and fierce battle broke out in the Demon Realm. The two major battlefields were fierce and bloody battles. The sky was dark and the sky was dark.

If Hanchen, Xuanyuan and the others didn't have special treasure techniques, they might really be planted here, submerged in the beast tide, and either die in battle or be captured.

"Let's fight, let's fight, beat him until the sky is dark." Tang Yan looked at the battlefield from afar outside the beast army, paying attention to this rare bloody battle and the performance of Hanchen and Xuanyuan.Today's battle should be able to squeeze out the true strength of Hanchen and Xuanyuan, show it clearly, and give yourself a reference.

But... when the fierce battle is in full swing, there is an abrupt turning point in the eastern battlefield—Xuanyuan strikes!surrender!

"Stop all of them!" Xuanyuan suddenly revealed the most powerful ice field, covering his team, resisting the attack of the beast tide, and confronting the approaching Lei Qilin head-on.

Lei Qilin is here, the hope of killing him is too slim.What's more, the number of beast hordes is still increasing, even if they break out of this encirclement, they cannot escape Lei Qilin's pursuit.

What's more, she knew better that Tang Yan was dormant in the dark, observing herself, and waiting for an opportunity.

If he goes crazy, Tang Yan will not only see his true strength and all the cards under his all-out efforts, but also hunt him with all his strength after he kills him, and he will easily be charged with crimes after his death. Blame it on Yaoyu.

Rather than revealing his true strength ahead of time and possibly dying in an unknown way, it is better to simply surrender and be taken away by Lei Qilin.

After the reincarnation clan gets the news, they will definitely do their best to save them, and will negotiate terms with Mo Qilin, and use a small price in exchange for themselves and the team to return to the clan safely.

Fighting desperately is the worst policy, fleeing is the worst policy, and surrendering is the best policy.

"What? Why surrender..." The team's emotions were about to become intense when they were severely suppressed by the old woman.She understood what her aunt meant, and she even exclaimed how courageous she was, which is called being able to bend, stretch, advance and retreat.

"Xuanyuan, the reincarnation clan, has admired the name of Lei Qilin for a long time." Xuanyuan slowly spread out the ice field, and faced the thunder group in the sky, holding the destructive Lei Wei.

This generation of Lei Qilin was not the first generation of Lei Qilin, so he naturally didn't recognize the reincarnation emperor's younger sister, but the other party's sudden surrender made him lose his reason to continue to be cruel.

"Take it!!" Lei Qilin shouted coldly, and the thunder tide twisted and gathered in the sky, turning into more than ten chains, wrapping around Xuanyuan and the others.

The army of beast hordes immediately charged over ten Thunder Beasts and stopped them.

"Surrendered? Thankfully she figured it out!" Tang Yan was a little surprised, and then his face became gloomy. This little girl is too straightforward to surrender just like that?
At the same time, the sudden stop of the fighting on Xuanyuan's side quickly affected Hanchen's side, and Hanchen made a decisive decision: "We surrender!!"

The two [-]-year-old corpses immediately stopped in front of Han Chen and guarded them closely.

Taylor had already vented in the killing, recovered his composure, and quickly understood Han Chen's intentions. He was panting heavily at the moment, but he didn't insist too much.If the reincarnation clan insisted on fighting to the death and could disperse the energy of the demon domain, they still had a chance to fight out, but now the chance was almost zero.

It is better to surrender than to be killed in the melee.

In this way, the Yaozu has no reason to fight again, so naturally they will not kill them directly, and at most use it to obtain benefits from their own ethnic group and exchange them at equal value.

"We surrender, stop fighting immediately." Han Chen shouted again, stopping the monster sages who were getting bigger and more fierce. He worried more, the encirclement circle had formed, and the hope of killing was very small. Even if he was seriously injured and escaped, he couldn't escape. Out of Tang Yan's pursuit.

Rather than being embarrassed by then, it is better to face it calmly.

At the moment when the encirclement formed, he had this idea, and he was ready to order to stop it.But what he didn't expect was that the team from the reincarnation clan made a decision before him.

Tang Yan lurks in the dark, frowning.This scene was beyond expectations. Both teams actually surrendered? !He was still thinking about waiting for someone to escape, so that he could benefit from it.

" two are very courageous." Tang Yan muttered a few words silently, lurked quietly, hid in the depths of the woods, and quickly evacuated towards the distance.

(End of this chapter)

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