Valkyrie Storm

Chapter 178 Advance to Tier 3

Chapter 178 Advance to the third rank
Tang Yan seemed to have returned to the time of the barren city cemetery, as if he had walked into the "optional shopping mall", randomly selecting suitable "goods", devouring the soul of life, and refining the corpses of the strong at the same time.

Constantly changing directions, constantly refining corpses.

The harvest of spiritual source liquid was quite abundant, and the soul of life devoured was also quite abundant. With the infusion of a large amount of essence, the blood soul tree was completely quiet, greedily enjoying the fresh life essence.

Moreover, there are corpses all over the mountains and plains, and there must be some powerful existences among them.Maybe you can't find it now, you can't find it tomorrow, and you will have a chance to find it after all.

Tang Yan always believed in this!

Finally, in the early morning of the third day, a valley with a strong evil spirit was discovered.

This is a valley surrounded by mountains. There are at least nine peaks of different heights guarding it. It is vast and deep. There must have been an extremely tragic battle here. Two peaks collapsed, and one peak was forced to life by some kind of sharp weapon. Some of them were cut off from the middle, and several mountain peaks were covered with hideous and terrifying scratches.

In the depths of the valley, there are dozens of huge corpses of monsters, all of which are fourth-level monsters, black-scaled pangolins, a ferocious monster that is comparable in size to a giant elephant, and is covered with tough scales. This kind of monsters live in groups. , and violent and bloodthirsty, has a strong desire to hold on to the territory.

Generally speaking, a group of black-scaled pangolins will have a fifth-level demon king!
This is where Tang Yan is really excited!

as predicted!

After Tang Yan rushed into the valley, he really found a demon king-level pangolin that was smaller in size but covered with golden lines among the piled up pangolin corpses!

The demon king was in tatters, his scales, which were comparable to fine steel, were full of cracks, he was pierced through the ground by a war halberd, and he died after exhausting the blood of the beast!

Standing in front of this demon king, Tang Yan was a little lost.Even after dying tragically for a long time, it still exudes a strong bloody aura, and those scarlet eyes send chills down the spine, and one dare not look directly at it for too long.

In addition to the corpses of the huge herd of beasts flooding the valley, there are also hundreds of corpses of soldiers and generals. It can be seen that this is a real elite soldier. It must be someone The sharp knife troops in the army.

Don't think too much, these soldiers who died in battle should all be strong at the spirit level or clan level.

Tang Yan wandered among the gloomy and bloody corpses for a long time. The more he looked at them, the more satisfied he became, and the more he looked, the more excited he became. At last, he stood on the head of the demon king, looking up at the thick blood circling above the valley, and the gloomy soul that was faintly visible. Laugh out loud. "Cool! Haha! God, I thank you today, sir!"

After some venting, the surging ghostly green fire burst out of the body, covering a black-scaled pangolin, and began to refine it one by one. There was already a considerable amount of spiritual source liquid in the golden lock, all of which were as small as dewdrops. Replenishment of spiritual power is enough.

With their assistance, Tang Yan is confident in refining the corpses in the valley.

As for the corpse of the pangolin demon king under him, Tang Yan decided to use it to attack the third-order barrier!
After two months of comprehension and refinement by the Rao family, the second-order realm has been consolidated, and there is enough foundation to attack the third-order.

Moreover, the unjust soul of the pangolin demon king is likely to allow Mieyan to step into a new field, erupting with even more terrifying and destructive power.

"Girl! Watch out for this valley. If there is any danger, please remind me immediately. After you are done, I will give you a big treat!" Tang Yan took a deep breath, sat cross-legged, and while urging the ghost green fire to refine the corpse, he swallowed the space between heaven and earth The wandering soul of life.

Rumble!The powerful devouring power disturbed the grievances floating in the sky and the earth, dense swarms of grievances whizzed down, and the most clear one was the soul of the demon king. Even though he was dead, the huge figure still exuded a terrifying pressure.

Tang Yan held his breath and concentrated his mind, his consciousness connected with the blood soul tree, and he began to swallow crazily.

The green fire filled the air, not only burning the corpse, but also roasting the blood, and even the unconscious souls in the world were refined.With the continuous supply of spiritual source liquid, Tang Yan was full of energy, and the ghostly blue flames spewed out continuously, and scattered to various areas.

From early morning to noon, from noon to evening, Tang Yan tried his best to create a green fire furnace that filled the entire valley, covering all the corpses.

Because of the excessive consumption, Tang Yan's face was pale, and he felt exhausted, but the huge harvest made his eyes red, and a sense of ecstasy filled his consciousness, and he became more and more energetic and crazy.

The black girl was in the blank area deep in the green fire, watching with bright eyes one after another the spiritual source liquid flew by, entering the golden lock one after another, jumping up and down excitedly, of course, although the little guy was happy, But he didn't forget his mission, his small eyes rolled around, watching out for the gradually dimming sky.

The entire Leiyun Mountain Range was covered by blood clouds, and before the scorching sun outside ended, it was already pitch black.

But up to now, all the corpses in the valley where Tang Yan is located have been burned, and there is not even a little blood stain left. Compared with the bloody scene outside, this place is obviously a piece of pure land.

"Girl, protect the law for Grandpa!"

Without wasting time, Tang Yan took out a thumb-sized spirit source fluid from the golden lock, which was obtained by refining the demon king, and his eyes were flickering with excitement.

Perhaps because of the confinement of the mysterious formation in the Thunder Cloud Mountains, the soul of life of this demon king has not dissipated, and most of the blood essence remains in the body. The refined spirit source liquid is much larger than expected, and it can be used for Hit the third level barrier.

Immortal Yantian Jue is fully activated!

Tang Yan was fully prepared and began to swallow this spiritual source liquid.

boom!Like a river rushing, the surging to manic spiritual power raged down, and because the power was too strong, it even started to tear the meridians.

Tang Yan held on to his mind, endured the severe pain, and operated the Immortal Yantian Art to guide them to disperse to the whole body, repeatedly tempering the tendons and bones.

The big Sunday rotates repeatedly!
The vast spiritual power is raging and rolling!
Even the sea of ​​qi began to stir up waves, and Wuying released a hazy blood mist towards the meridians. While tempering the life essence in it, he voluntarily assisted Tang Yan in repairing the tempered meridians.

The process is painful, like a cocoon turning into a butterfly, but with the repeated tearing and healing of tendons, the joy of transformation always exists.

In martial arts training, the leap from Wu Ling to Wu Zong is a difficult transformation. From the first level of Wu Zong to the second level, the process is difficult to upgrade to a level, and from the second level to the third level, it is equivalent to a qualitative transformation. It is the basis for a warrior to successfully enter the Martial King. This step is painful and cruel, but it is especially critical!
Tang Yan was able to find the essence of the demon king by luck, which will definitely be of great benefit!
The Great Zhoutian runs repeatedly, time and time again, meticulously and comprehensively tempered, time and time again, repeatedly striving for perfection.

When Tang Yan opened his eyes again, the sky was already bright, and the sky and the earth were dark with blood. Occasionally, there were gusts of wind whistling, mixed with the roar of monsters, or the screams of some warriors.

Feeling the doubling of the meridians in the body, the surging spiritual power like a river, and looking inside the sea of ​​qi that has inflated several times, Tang Yan couldn't help but take a deep breath, with ecstasy on his face.

When the consciousness spreads out, the range of [-] meters can be alerted, and some subtle objects can be vaguely captured. This feeling is far clearer than that of the second-level Wuzong!
"Start to temper the eyes of death."

Tang Yan calmed down again, and began to gather the resentment remaining in his body. He had been taking the spiritual source liquid for a while, but did not temper them seriously. This time, he added the resentment of the demon king level, If you don't act again, I'm afraid it will affect your mind.

This kind of thing has long been familiar, Tang Yan cleverly guides the strands of gray breath in the meridians to gather towards the eye sockets, and the seven acupoints of the eyes continue to rotate, turning into vortices of energy, smashing and refining them.

Other wronged souls are easy to refine, but the demon king's resentment will take some time.

Fortunately, when it died for a long time, although it had a strong evil spirit, it did not have much wisdom left, and its frantic struggle did not bring Tang Yan any harm.

As they are condensed, the seven acupoints around the eyes glow more brilliantly, and the rotation speed of the cyclone doubles.

"Ho!" In Tang Yan's heart, his right eye suddenly opened, and thousands of grievances spewed out, almost turning into substance, struggling and roaring, as if venting their resentment and unwillingness.

The area in front of him trembled hazyly, and the evil breath almost shredded the space.

Um?Sure enough, there has been a change!
As soon as the Mie Mie Eye was activated, Tang Yan noticed the abnormality. In the past, the activation was quick and concentrated, turning into a beam assault, but this time it was violently twisted, forming a vortex.

With a thought, the Nirvana Eye burst out with all its strength!
In an instant, a wave of twisted and rotating corrugated light beam burst out, shooting more than [-] meters in an instant, hitting the tough mountain directly, rumbling, dust flying, and debris splashing, a spiral cavity with a width of five meters was impressively formed. And has been extended to a deep distance inside.

Even though they are separated by a hundred meters, they still have such power!

Tang Yan can feel its spiral power that crushes everything the most!If it is an object that is close in front of you, I am afraid it will be directly smashed into pieces.

No wonder the blood doll said that the eyes of death and the art of destroying the body are not so simple.

as expected!They can also be advanced!
It is indeed a martial skill that surpasses heaven and earth!

When Tang Yan was studying with great interest, the black girl suddenly became alert, her delicate body tensed up, she stared straight at the mountainside in the distance, her hair stood on end, and she let out a low moan.

Someone Tang Yan did not hesitate at all, and instantly retreated. Two golden thunders formed on the spot and 50 meters away, and his body appeared directly [-] meters away.With the leap in strength, he could only dodge four or fifty meters of lightning in the past, but now he easily appeared a hundred meters away.

(End of this chapter)

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