Valkyrie Storm

Chapter 179 Chocolate

Chapter 179 Chocolate

"Brother, don't be nervous, I just happened to pass by." A strange tone came from halfway up the mountain, and in the messy and bloody forest, a white figure looked around.

Tang Yan's vigilant expression was slightly astonished, oops?I go!Is it an illusion?

Why does this have a strong smell of Henan dialect?

Leng Buding seemed to have returned to the days of tomb exploration. At that time, he had to deal with tomb robbers from all over the world, and he had experienced all kinds of dialects.

"Brother? Don't be impulsive, I don't mean anything malicious."

The strange dialect accent sounded again, and under Tang Yan's almost dull eyes, a fat man in white came out riding a magical creature.

Dressed in white, with a bright face and a sweet smile, but a little frustrating and mellow, it is cute, but it has a kind of wretched feeling that needs to be beaten.

The divine beast is panting, plump and plump, full of charm, it is a purebred white-striped pig!

Depend on!Tang Yan couldn't help swearing, there are so many wonders in the world, and there is actually a pig riding as a pet in battle, and this girl is still smiling, looking very proud.

"This big brother? Is it Tang Yan?" The fat man in white came riding a pig, smiling.

"You know me?" Tang Yan circled around this superb brother twice, 100% sure, this is the white-striped pig raised in his previous life, and it is well maintained, white and tender, it is a good material for cooking lard.

"I've been to the life-and-death fight, and I've seen Yee's game, oh my god, it's so exciting, so beautiful, I'm so excited." The best brother was beaming, trying to express his point of view, but he emphasized weirdly, The lack of words and the poor way of expression made this praise nondescript.

"Is your IQ okay?" Tang Yan looked at him amusedly.

"Huh!" The top-quality man dragged out a long ending voice, and said very dissatisfied: "What do you mean by this sentence? I'm suave, handsome, cute, and flowers bloom when I see them. It's a standard trick Beautiful boy!"

Tang Yan smiled and patted the pig: "Are you selling pork?"

"Ah?" The top-quality man didn't react, and the white-striped pig also seemed slow to react, and hummed twice, as if enjoying the stroking.

"When did you come here? What did you see?" Tang Yan showed a kind smile, and tried the white-striped pig without any trace, re-determining whether it was a domestic pig or a monster!

The current Leiyun Mountains are full of crises. Not only are the three empires constantly conquering, all kinds of monsters have fallen into madness, and thousands of evil warriors have sneaked into it. It can be said that those who dare to act alone among the mountains have some skills Yes, this guy looks mentally disturbed, and he is riding a white pig, which is neither fish nor fowl, and looks awkward, but Tang Yan's intuition tells Tang Yan that this kid is not simple!
"I took Lulu out for a walk, and found that this valley was a bit strange, so I came to have a look. As soon as it appeared, that little dog stared red-eyed. If it didn't look familiar, I would have run away."

"This pig is called Lulu? What about you?"

"My name is Chocolate."

I still have chocolate!Tang Yan couldn't help laughing out loud: "The Leiyun Mountains are not stable now, do you still have the mind to go out for a walk with pigs? Little brother, your hobby is very unique?"

"I'm not afraid, I brought Lulu out to see the world." Chocolate seemed to be very interested in the black girl, and reached out to touch her, but the black girl swished away, lying on Tang Yan's head and facing him Grinning.

"You don't seem to be from the Delos Empire?"

"I'm an orphan. I grew up in the Dayan Mountains. I heard that it's very lively here recently, so I brought Lulu here. I just arrived the day before yesterday. Oh, let me go. The scenery here is really unique. I have never seen so many in my life. dead."

Tang Yan looked at the chocolate carefully, and the more he looked, the more curious he became. He didn't have the slightest fluctuation of spiritual power. He seemed to be just an ordinary person. This white pig was also sleepy, without any characteristics of a monster.

Really just ordinary people?

In other places, Tang Yan would not pay too much attention, but in this environment, things that are too normal are the most abnormal.

"Brother Tang, why are you here? Just yourself?"

Tang Yan smiled and said, "I said it's just me, what will happen to you?"

"Huh" is another long ending accent, and Chocolate raised his brows: "Brother Tang seems to be quite hostile to me? Do I look like a bad guy?"

"Don't chat with you, I have something to do, so I'm leaving first." Tang Yan turned around and was about to leave.

"Wait, brother, stay a while."

"What else?"

"Want to sign my name?"

"Me? Sign?"

"Just sign it on Dudu. Master said that the power of a hero is infinite. I hope that one day I can kill a King Wu like you and become a qualified killer!"

"I signed my name on a pig? Are you kidding me? Wait, what are you talking about? Are you a killer?"

"Of course! My ambition is to be a killer who will scare all warriors!" Chocolate's face was full of yearning, and there were shining little gold stars in his eyes.

"Just you? You are riding a pig to play assassination? Dude, you are so creative!"

"Look at things from the perspective of development. What I value is the future. Lulu is still young, but when he grows up in the future, he must be a holy beast! This is given to me by my master before he died. I must be firm believe!"

"Uh..." The corners of Tang Yan's eyes twitched slightly, this girl's master must be mentally abnormal.

"Also, I have a knife that is as fast as the wind, flashes like lightning, and kills people invisible!" Without any warning, Zhu Guli flashed his arms and wrists, and a butcher's knife went straight to Tang Yan's throat. It was really as fast as lightning, It's like thunder, quick and ruthless, perfect interpretation!


Rao Qihai Buddha's heart gave an early warning, and Tang Yan kept vigilant all the time. The knife still cut his throat, and scarlet blood spurted out.

"You..." Tang Yan was taken aback, his expression suddenly changed.

"Hey! You're quite slippery!" Chocolate seemed to be very surprised. In the next second, people and pigs blurred, as if disappearing out of thin air. At this moment of trance, a sharp murderous aura suddenly appeared behind Tang Yan. Straight to the back of the head.

Accurate and hate!

Eight Phase Thunder Seal!Tang Yan roared in his heart, and appeared a hundred meters away in an instant.

"Brother? What are you doing? Don't run away!" The weird accent floated in the valley, but the chocolate disappeared again, and appeared in the place where Tang Yan flashed in a blink of an eye, slashing through the air with a butcher's knife.

Pooh!A bloody gash on the back was cut open!

"Damn bastard!" Tang Yan was shocked and angry, and the eight-phase thunder seal burst out one after another, dodging in embarrassment in the valley.

Chocolate still had a pure and curious expression. He dodged left and right while riding a white pig, and even locked Tang Yan tightly in the eight-phase thunder mark. Not only was his speed amazing, but he also seemed to be very relaxed.

The white-striped pig is lazy, snorting occasionally and shaking its head occasionally. It seems to be nothing new, but there is a thin mist escaping from its body, and it is this mist that allows it to easily flash in different directions.

This is a martial art of space
Tang Yan's mind was so excited that even the blood dolls in the sea of ​​qi rushed out, feeling the situation outside solemnly, with surprise flashing in his eyes.


Successive blood spatters, every time Tang Yan appeared, Chocolate wanted to feel the same, appearing almost at the same time, the butcher's knife was extremely sharp, leaving deep marks on his body every time, although it would not hurt To the muscles and bones, but this feeling of being aggrieved is really a bit crazy.

"Lava! Explosion!" Tang Yan let out a snarl, and the ground within a radius of [-] meters shattered one after another, and the magma burst out violently, and the temperature of the entire valley suddenly soared.

"Oh? Brother, what are you doing?" Chocolate dodged leisurely on a pig, and the butcher's knife followed him like a shadow, locking Tang Yan with a fierce aura!

"I'm messing with your ancestors! Miracle seal!" Tang Yan's eyes turned fierce, and a huge golden butterfly broke out of his body, stirring up a range of tens of meters around him, and this time, it happened to sweep the chocolate into it.

Tang Yan took advantage of this opportunity to cast the eight-phase thunder seal one after another, and appeared on the mountainside hundreds of meters away in the blink of an eye, looking really embarrassed.

"Brother, someone offered a reward of [-] gold coins for your head. I've been looking for you for half a year, so why don't you pity me?"

"Lend me your head?"

"Anyway, you can't die, why don't you grow another?"

"We have something to discuss."

"Brother? Don't run away? Why don't you think it's a hit, give me your head, and I'll go get the bounty, and we'll earn [-]% of the money?"

Chocolate rode on a pig and chased after him with extreme speed, and a murderous aura began to spread, his wretched expression turned cold, and his curious eyes turned sharp like a sword. Only this weird tone and body Under the white striped pig is still the same.

"Who the hell is looking for such a top quality to assassinate me? I greet the ancestors of your family!" Tang Yan yelled, and fled like crazy in the forest.

"Hey, big brother, what are you doing, looking down on me? I am very professional, I will never give up when I take over the task, and I will stick to the target. Should you admire me?"

"I admire your size! Go with a pig!" Tang Yan was distraught, why did such a thing happen?
"My Lulu doesn't have a date yet, why don't you think about it? For its happiness, I can make an exception and don't want your head." The strong dialect accent of chocolate came from behind, and Tang Yan was so angry that he almost spat out blood.

(End of this chapter)

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