Valkyrie Storm

Chapter 180 Falcon Group Army

Chapter 180 Falcon Group Army

Somewhere in the dense forest, a golden thunderbolt suddenly appeared, scaring away several monsters looking for food, the thunderbolt scattered, and a figure in distress appeared.

It was Tang Yan!

But before he could take a breather, a strange tone accompanied by a piercing knife light went straight to his forehead: "Brother? Are you tired? Let's take a rest if we're tired?"

"Stop your grandma's mouth!" Tang Yan's teeth were itchy, he turned his head, and avoided it with difficulty. The Eight-phase Thunder Seal erupted again and reappeared a hundred meters away.

"Brother, don't be impatient, let's talk if you have something to say, I am very easy-going." The pig-killing knife appeared out of nowhere, as if it came across space, accurate, fast and ruthless!
Tang Yan was directly frustrated by this guy and lost his temper. He wanted to resist, but was entangled to death, so he could only run away with all his strength. Fortunately, he had just entered the third-order realm and could cast the eight-phase thunder seal many times, otherwise his spiritual power would be completely destroyed. Can't stand this level of consumption.

Chocolate was still at ease, chasing leisurely on a white pig, appearing out of thin air, slashing out with a knife, leaving bloodstains on Tang Yan's body from time to time.

"Old Ancestor, it's time for you to go out. What kind of evil martial arts does this superb man cultivate, how can he lock me?" Tang Yan had to ask the blood baby for help.

The blood baby was curiously investigating the situation outside, and said indifferently: "It's none of my business whether you love it or not, why should I help you, ancestor."

"You are cruel!"

Tang Yan cursed secretly, thinking hard while dodging.

How can chocolate catch up with the eight-phase thunder seal?And it seems that every appearance is predicted in advance!Could it be that the white-striped pig was the problem?Can it chase its own scent?Or do you have any marks on yourself?
Is it possible to get rid of his entanglement by covering up the smell?
Try it!

Tang Yan continued to dodge in embarrassment, but every time he appeared, he would randomly grab a handful of blood or mud from the tree trunk beside him, and smear it on his body and face.

as predicted!

The chocolate suddenly stopped: "Huh? Brother, you're a bit of a thief."

It worked!

Tang Yan finally breathed a sigh of relief, and stood a hundred meters away and yelled angrily: "Pig man, you better not fall into the hands of the young master, or you will stew your fat pig first, and I will turn your b-face into a chrysanthemum!"

"Brother, I really don't have any malicious intentions. You really misunderstood. This is purely an occupational disease. You keep running, but I can't help chasing after you. Look, if you stop, I won't chase anymore." Chocolate received Picking up the butcher's knife, he rode a white pig and walked slowly towards the inside.

"Shut up! I've had enough of your Henan accent!" Tang Yan didn't bother to talk nonsense to him, and shot out with all his strength using his shadow shadow martial arts.

"Brother? What accent? What are you doing, don't run away!" Chocolate chased after him!

"Fuck your sister!" Tang Yan's grief-stricken voice came from the cluttered jungle.

In order to avoid being targeted by Chocolate again, Tang Yan ran for four or five kilometers in one breath, and kept smearing blood on his body, so that he looked like a survivor who had just crawled out of a pile of corpses.

Leaning weakly against the tree trunk, he casually took out a water bag from the golden lock, gulped a few gulps, and exhaled heavily.

But before he exhaled this breath, the expression on Tang Yan's face froze slightly.

Unknowingly broke into someone else's territory.

Among the intertwined branches, nearly a hundred men in military uniforms stood or sat, each with a fierce expression, a cold breath, filled with murderous intent, and at the moment they were looking at the unexpected visitor with great interest.

It's broken, just escaped from the tiger's mouth, and then fell into the wolf's den!Tang Yan's heart sank, the costumes of this group of people couldn't be more familiar with the Great Zhou Empire Falcon Army!

King Zhou Ling's direct troops!

In this sensitive and dangerous period, all the imperial troops sent into the Thundercloud Mountains are definitely the elite among the elites. Their mission is not only to search for treasures, but also to hunt the imperial troops and expedition organizations. As for each team having a king rank, at least there will be some third rank powerhouses.

The most important thing is that these are all desperadoes who came out of a sea of ​​blood and corpses. They have extremely rich combat experience. Once they are besieged, they will definitely end up miserable!

It's called misfortunes never come singly

Luck is bad, drinking cold water will stuff your teeth!
"Little brother, where did you get your water bag?" A thin soldier squatted among the branches, looking at Tang Yan with interest, with a smile on his face, but his eyes were very cold.

"You mean this water bag? It's been hanging around my waist all the time. Is there any problem with this military man?" Tang Yan quickly calmed down and shook the water bag casually.

"Hehe, it's nothing, just ask casually." The soldier didn't delve into it, and just felt dazzled. The water bag appeared a little suddenly, but no matter how he thought about it, he would never have thought that there would be a space container like a golden lock on him.

"Are you from the Falcon Army?" Tang Yan suddenly became very excited, and hurriedly stood up and said, "I have always wanted to join the army, and my dream is to enter the Falcon Army's Elite Battalion. You must be the Elite Battalion, right?"

The soldiers looked at each other, and there were some sparse laughter, but it could be seen that Tang Yan's excited performance and adoring eyes lowered their vigilance to the minimum.

Those who can recognize the costumes of the Falcon Army should be from their own country!
This admiration aroused their sense of glory a little.

Who doesn't like to hear a good word?Who doesn't like to be adored?
"If you don't speak, you admit it? That's great! I finally saw my idol! Are you here to hunt down Delos' expedition team? Can you count me in?" Tang Yan said expectantly.

"You? Little brother, I would like to advise you, there is nothing interesting here, it is best to leave as soon as possible, so as not to be caught by the imperial troops." A veteran said with a blank expression.

"I just met the expedition team of the Zhidros Empire. Fortunately, I reacted quickly and ran all the way here."

"Oh..." Nearly a hundred soldiers all got up, and their lazy breath suddenly became as sharp as a knife.

"Where is it!" An adjutant jumped down, overwhelming Tang Yan with a forceful aura.

"In the east, it seems to be resting. A wretched guy riding a white pig is on guard. You must be careful, that guy is a ruthless character." Tang Yan pointed to the direction where Chocolate was chasing.

"Go!" More than a hundred people shot out at full speed like taking off their bows and arrows.

"Brothers, be careful, don't talk nonsense when you see that pig rider, kill him immediately." Tang Yan shouted hurriedly, and when he saw them disappear from sight, an evil smile appeared on the corner of his mouth, and he rushed out, continuing Run away.

Chocolate, you can't find it yourself, don't blame the young master for being cruel!
"and many more!"

The centurion hadn't gone far, but was suddenly ordered to stop by the captain.

"Boss, what's the matter?" The adjutant signaled the brothers to guard around.

"Do you feel that kid looks familiar just now?" The captain is a tall man with a heroic and cool look, his eyes flickered slightly, trying to recall something.

"Familiar? You said that"

"I really seem to have seen it somewhere."

"He has a little black dog on his shoulder."

Everyone was silent for a long while, and then said in unison: "Tang Yan!"

The captain's face suddenly darkened: "Damn bastard, I said why is he so familiar, it turned out to be him! His Highness King Ling once gave the marshal a secret order. During the exploration of the Leiyun Mountains, all troops should pay attention to Tang Yan. Once found, capture alive immediately!"

"Didn't he die in the psychedelic forest? How did he appear here?" Someone asked strangely.

"It's said that that guy is very cunning, and it's normal to be able to escape. No matter how many there are, chase me! In addition, try to notify the nearby troops that Tang Yan has been spotted, and he is facing the east. Do his best to round up." The captain gave an order , led the troops to turn around and pursue Tang Yan at full speed.

Tang Yan didn't know that he was already in a crisis, so he continued to change his direction, fled to the deepest part of the wild forest, made some mud to make himself look a little bit more decent, and continued to search for suitable corpses. If he encountered an active fourth-level monster, I don't mind using it to practice my hands and get used to the third-order realm I just entered.

In the middle of the Xia Plain, the city of Lao!
The arrival of three uninvited guests aroused the vigilance of the city gate guards.

These were two men and one woman, who had deliberately disguised themselves, but their murderous aura could not avoid the tricky eyes of the guards. The strong aura of the three of them was also not something ordinary warriors could possess.

Everyone didn't dare to startle the snake, they followed quietly, and managed to notify the golden armor warriors of the Rao family, hoping to get help.

But just when they were about to stop the interrogation, the three went straight to the palaces of the Rao family under constant questioning.

"Three friends, strangers are not welcome here, please go back."

The guards in front of the door crossed their spears and intercepted, with cold and handsome faces. At the same time, the city guards who followed had already rushed over, gathered in every corner nearby, fully on guard.

The woman among the three took two steps forward and said, "Please inform the nobleman that a friend is here for Tang Yan. If you ask, you can be said to be old friends of the Tang family."

In the family study, Isaac was a little surprised when he got the news: "The Tang family? Old man? Please!"

Not long after, two men and a woman were brought into a luxurious study.In view of the strength of the three of them, the two priests of the King of Martial Arts had already been ordered to arrive and sat in two corners of the study.

Isaac looked at the three of them carefully: "You are"

"You are Patriarch Isaac, right? We want to meet Tang Yan."

"Hehe, it's okay to meet people, shouldn't you report your family name?"

"We hope to confirm it first, and then register the number before it is too late."

Isaac smiled silently, and said, "If you are really the Tang family, this Tang Yan is the Tang Yan you are looking for."

"Where is it?" The three of them trembled slightly.

"Your identities?"

"Tang Ba! Tang Qing! Tang Hao!" The three of them reported their names one by one, and they actually searched hard for Tang Yan's three big butchers for nearly two years!
"It really is you." Isaac took a deep look at the three of them, and couldn't hide a little excitement in his heart. These are the three great butchers in the Megatron Northern Wilderness, a veritable king-level powerhouse, and a powerful fighting force!
It would definitely be a pleasant surprise if he could stay with Tang Yan in the Rao family!

"We want to see Tang Yan, isn't it inconvenient for Dao Fang?" Tang Hao eagerly wanted to confirm Tang Yan's current situation, and even Tang Ba and Tang Qing's expressions were no longer so cold and calm.

The three of them will never forget the scene when they quietly returned to the family, and Tang Yanshan's disappointed eyes will never be forgotten.I thought that Tang Yan's disappearance meant the mission was over, and the three of them could return to the family and continue to guard the family in secret, but before they could finish speaking, Tang Yanshan slapped the three of them seven or eight meters away. It was engraved in their hearts like a cone, and they will never forget: "Get out! Get out of my sight forever! I, Tang Yanshan, entrusted my favorite grandson to you to protect, and you responded with such an answer? Don't you feel ashamed? Do you have peace of mind? Where is your conscience! I, Tang Yanshan, have worked so hard to train you for so many years, and this is what you give me? I hate! I hate that I, Tang Yanshan, are blind!"

At that moment, the bodies of the three were cold; at that moment, the eyes of the three were dim for the first time in their lives; at that moment, the hearts of the three were filled with remorse; at that moment, they suddenly realized that Tang Yanshan loved Tang Yan so deeply.

At that moment, they knelt down in front of Tang Yanshan and swore that even if they traveled all over the sky, they would find Tang Yan and protect them for the rest of their lives!

(End of this chapter)

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