Valkyrie Storm

Chapter 182 1 enemy 4

Chapter 182
More than two hundred soldiers in full armor quickly spotted Tang Yan and surrounded him in a fan-shaped formation. Each of them had cold and handsome eyes, murderous looks in their brows, and steel knives or crossbows in their hands, as if they might violently kill someone at any time!
Tang Yan smiled slightly: "Masters, we meet again."

Among this group of troops is the one they met before, and the killing intent in their eyes is undisguised. Don't think too much, this time it must be specially for yourself.

The crowd parted, and a middle-aged man with scars all over his face walked out: "Little guy, I think you look familiar, where did you see it?"

"I also think you look familiar. Could it be Xiaotian who got lost ten years ago? Xiaotian, I'm Erlang!"


"The name of a dog."

"You're looking for death!" The scarred man's face turned cold, and a mighty bloody aura burst out of his body, as if it was real, making people shudder. This is a murderous aura cultivated on the battlefield, forged by endless killing Iron-blooded and fierce.

"I'm courting death. The question is, can you kill me?" Tang Yan said provocatively.

As soon as these words came out, everyone was furious, but they were all vigilant. This little guy is notoriously treacherous. If he dares to be arrogant today, will he have something to rely on?
"Pretending to be a ghost, let's see how long you can last. Below the Zong level, you are in charge of vigilance, above the Zong level, you can fight quickly!" The man with the scar has a capable style, and with a wave of his hand, 40 people rushed out, that is to say, the two troops There are actually forty Wu Zong inside.

Murderous, iron-blooded and fierce!

It is indeed an elite unit of the Falcon Army!
More than a hundred people dispersed their vigilance, and forty Wu Zong charged one after another, accompanied by dull roars, and the fierce and frenzied energy of their knives tore through the air and slashed, completely covering Tang Yan.

They have all heard about Tang Yan's deeds, so it was inevitable that something unexpected would happen, so they tried their best to attack!

Clang clang!
The dense sound of metal and stone resounded through the dense forest, and all the energy of the mad knife, which contained strong blood and evil spirit, hit. Tang Yan remained motionless without leaving any scars on his body, and all the energy exploded in front of him.

With strong muscle strength, the defense of the third-level Wuzong, and the Golden Elephant Jue with all his strength, Tang Yan can completely resist the full blow of the peak Wuzong with his body.

"Strike again!" Everyone's face changed slightly, but the figures running around did not stop, they shouted an order, and struck again, like rolling waves, one wave after another.

Forty strands of saber light and forty strands of energy enveloped him one after another, followed by eight of the second-rank Wu Zong who seized the opportunity to lasing towards them, and as their bodies turned around, their broad broadswords and epees slashed in the air.

Sensing the fierce and wild attack, Tang Yan focused his eyes slightly, straddled his steps obliquely, turned his waist, and the ancient saber was raised horizontally, and the ghost green fire burst out.

Sparks splashed, and sharp sound waves surged out, accompanied by howling green fire.

The bodies of the eight second-rank Wu Zong trembled violently, and they were all knocked away by the rebound, and scarlet blood spurted out.

Scar Man and the others finally changed their expressions, how could it be possible!These people are all 'murderers' who have survived endless killings. Although the offensive is simple, it is the most practical and tricky. This kid not only resisted it easily, but also completely shook it off!

"It's better for you guys to come here in person, these little shrimps don't have to come out and be ashamed." Tang Yan stood with a knife in his hand, provoking the scarred man and others. He is also the chief and deputy captain of the two troops, and they should all be Wu Zong of the third rank. .

"You really have some abilities. You have grown to this level in just two years. Your lord is right. You must get rid of it as soon as possible, otherwise there will be endless disasters! You all retreat and block all escape routes!" the scarred man said. After yelling orders, forty Wu Zong were separated in eight directions, and the other hundred soldiers slightly widened the encirclement circle, and they were also ready for battle.

"Show off the momentum you had when you escaped from the Giant Elephant City, and we will give you a fair fight!" The majestic man who was also the captain stepped forward, turned his steps, danced his saber vigorously, and spun out with roaring energy, turning into a hideous man. The giant crocodile rushed towards Tang Yan.

Tang Yan's footsteps stopped, and the ancient sword slashed and intercepted without fancy, but

It was as if a real roar suddenly exploded, and the giant crocodile's energy exploded with a mountain-like impact, instantly shaking the ancient saber away, and the manic energy enveloped Tang Yan, and even tore open the muscles, leaving more than ten hideous scars behind. Wound.

So strong!Tang Yan changed color slightly!
"Fight!" The man with the scar roared loudly, his long-prepared body stepped forward, and an epee purely condensed by strength screamed down, surging a sharp oppressive aura.

At the same time, the other two adjutants shot from the left and right directions. A silver gun was pointed horizontally, piercing through the space like a bullet, and aimed straight at Tang Yan's heart. An iron whip was wrapped around it, as fierce as the original ripples.

A certain specific martial skill they should cultivate can be used to condense strength to show it, and can transform evil spirit into form. It is most suitable for conquest on the battlefield, and it contains extremely strong explosive power. It is completely the most direct way to kill.

Tang Yan didn't use his martial arts skills, but he was full of fighting spirit, and he used the eight-pole skill Wudao to strike critically!Bajiquan, which is devoted to practice, is not only as simple as boxing, but also includes various weapons.

Combat in close quarters, unrivaled in bravery!
The fighting methods of these officers are all tempered on the battlefield, and Tang Yan's routines are obtained through fighting monsters and beasts. No one loses to anyone, and no one is weaker than anyone else!

The voices roared like thunder and trembled, and the roads clanged like gold and stones. Five figures criss-crossed each other, opening and closing vigorously.

Tang Yan used one against five, and the more he fought, the more courageous he became. The violent offensive surprised the Scar Man and the others. They never expected that the young master of this family would dare to fight head-on with these thugs on the battlefield, and he was really able to resist.

"Okay!" The four of them roared in unison, and the offensive surged suddenly, and the energy condensed into substance enveloped like a storm. Swords, guns, swords and whips mixed together to create a death square, and they were trapped in it. Tang Yan.

Tang Yan broke out with all his strength, as if he felt the surging fighting intent, the ancient sword turned bloody, violently shattering the four people's lingering energy, conveying Tang Yan's extremely fierce fighting intent.

The Falcon members on guard all around frowned. The scene in front of them was completely beyond their expectations, even a little unbelievable.

These soldiers and savages are killing machines, each of them radiates killing blood from the inside out, and they are even more brutal, tricky and vicious when fighting. Under normal circumstances, it is rare for ordinary warriors to dare to confront them head-on.Even if they encounter each other, they are all using fancy martial arts, but today
Tang Yan's performance really shocked them.

"As expected of the Falcon Elite Battalion! How dare you be mad and ruthless!" Tang Yan's fighting spirit was high-pitched, and his voice exploded on the tip of his tongue. officer.

"Have courage, don't blame us for being cruel!" The scarred man let out a snarl, twitching his hands and clenching his hands, striding and bursting into the air, his whole body crackling, his muscles entwined like a python, after five steps, he burst into his face, The huge fist exploded with fierce evil spirit, condensed into two lion heads, like pouring fine steel, actually contained the power of landslides.

Tang Yan hissed and applauded, he didn't use the four heavy blows of the flames, he didn't use the seal of ten thousand Buddhas, he swung the ancient sword purely with strength, and slammed into the two iron fists head-on.

The two impacts were close to each other, forming a superimposed power similar to Lie Yan Jue. Tang Yan withstood the first blow extremely fiercely, but did not block the superposition of the second blow. After all, the opponent was the peak Wuzong and the captain of the elite battalion. Much stronger than Tang Yan.

A mouthful of blood spurted out, Tang Yan's tiger's mouth shattered, the ancient saber almost dropped, his body staggered back and lost his balance.

The other three people's gazes were slightly fixed, and they rushed towards them. The timing and angle were just right, and their rich battlefield experience gave them a tricky look.

"All of you, I think I'm invincible! That's it." Tang Yan took a deep breath, knowing that the mere melee combat skills could not withstand the combined blow of the three of them. The gigantic King Butterfly engulfed the three chief and adjutant officers with a powerful impact.

The three of them are all veterans in the battlefield, and they understand the horror of high-level martial arts, without any hesitation, they decisively deflected the direction, turned from attack to dodge in a blink of an eye, and retreated more than ten meters repeatedly.

"As expected of the person appointed by the lord to eradicate, I want to applaud you, but I blame you, I'm sorry." The man with the scar will not give up easily. attack command.

The fifty soldiers on the outermost perimeter all set up their powerful crossbows, and fifty blood-red crossbow arrows pierced through the air. They were precise and ruthless, targeting every vital point in Tang Yan's body.

"I admire everyone, but I will never give up easily. If you want to kill me, you have to continue to work hard." Tang Yan still did not use the eight-phase thunder seal, and dense green fireballs quickly formed. Booming up, at the same time, Hei Niu's body soared to a height of four meters, screaming in the sky, entwined with lightning, and turned into dense black lightning, blasting towards the crossbow arrow head-on.

Rumble!Intensive and violent explosions enveloped the entire area. These crossbow bolts were like small bombs, forming a strong tearing force and surging flames during the impact.

Tang Yan dodged to avoid a few crossbow arrows that slipped through the net, and the corner of his mouth curled up in a strange arc: "Chocolate, after watching it for so long, what do you think? Do you want to accept it or not!"

(End of this chapter)

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