Valkyrie Storm

Chapter 183

Chapter 183
Tang Yan insisted on a head-on confrontation, not just to test the strength of these elite soldiers, but the main purpose was to create a big momentum and bring Chocolate over.By the way, let him see his true strength, and blow his confidence to continue chasing and killing.

"Hey, how did you know I was there? You see, how embarrassing it is to be discovered." A strange tone appeared in the flying dust, and Chocolate walked over on a white pig: "Brother, I have decided , accept! But I will only be responsible for the time when Ye is in Thundercloud Mountains, after leaving, I will continue to hunt and kill Ye."

"No problem, this is the deposit!" Tang Yan casually escaped from a huge purse and threw it heavily at the chocolate.

Chocolate hurriedly caught it, weighed it for a while, and the two plum-blossom eyes immediately turned into glittering gold coins. The smile on his face was as obscene as it was, and even the white-striped pig under him screamed twice excitedly, twisting Looking at the plump Qinghe, seeing Tang Yan, I wanted to cut it off and stew it.

"Open the defensive circle, don't let Tang Yan escape, let me continue to kill above the Zong level!" The scarred man looked solemn, and with a roar, all the Zong level powerhouses charged into the fog again.

"Brother Zhu, I will lead you, you sneak attack, show your strongest strength, and prove to me that you have the strength to protect me!" Tang Yan swung his sword and rushed towards the elite Falcon soldiers.

"Just look at it!" Chocolate hurriedly put the money bag on his shoulders, took out the butcher's knife and rushed over, but he didn't charge forward, but swayed and loomed.

"Don't play tricks, I will definitely not let you go today." An adjutant was the first to spot Tang Yan, and with a flick of his spear, the concentrated energy of the spear head enveloped Tang Yan, and the sharp and fierce force almost turned him into a hornet's nest.

Tang Yan retreated and dodged again and again, seeming to dodge in embarrassment, and the adjutant chased after him, but just as he gathered all his strength to attack again, a pig-killing knife appeared out of thin air and hit his hip.

There are many styles, with a sense of beauty in the skill.

Pooh!Blood splashes!

ah!A scream echoed in the thin mist, the adjutant screamed in grief and indignation, holding back his blood spurting.

who?Who attacked!
Who the hell is wicked, it's not good to cut it, cut others!
The man with the scar happened to appear here. Witnessing the scene in front of him, his heart trembled slightly. Is there anyone nearby?The moment this consciousness emerges, a cold killing intent emerges behind him.

Almost without thinking, turning over was an iron fist.

"Brother, I'm here!" A strange tone sounded from the side, and the butcher's knife slashed through the void, seemingly erratic, but it was accurate, fast and ruthless. Howls of grief.

"I...!" the scarred man cursed.

Tang Yan grinned secretly, subconsciously tightened his buttocks, and secretly scolded this pig man for being obscene!

"Brother, what are you doing?"

"Brother, look at the knife!"

"Brother, where are you looking? I'm here!"

"Brother, look at the cows flying in the sky!"

In the thin mist, the voice of chocolate sounded one after another. Every time it appeared, it was an incomparable slash, and every time it was slashed, it was accompanied by a piece of buttocks being thrown up, and there was a scream of shame, indignation and rage.

In an instant, the entire dense forest was in chaos, Chocolate's movement was terrifyingly fast, and that pig-killing knife was even more extraordinary, as if it could break through all obstacles.

The knife sees the flesh, and the knife is gorgeous.

Even the four chief and adjutants were brutally persecuted, either lacking a piece of meat, or slashing in the center. Such obscene and obscene offensives almost drove them crazy. Even if they were strong-willed, they lost their minds at this moment, screaming and starting to chase murderer.

"Brother Pig, work harder, disrupt them all, and leave the rest to me." Tang Yan agitated loudly, and made a few moves in a frenzy. In the next second, the Eight-Phase Thunder Seal burst out and appeared directly on the [-]-meter Outside, he escaped cleanly.

Chocolate seems to be addicted to playing, riding a white pig humming a little tune happily, chopping people in the woods, and counting the soldiers from time to time, watching the grief-stricken soldiers.

Chocolate quickly realized that he had made a huge mistake. These soldiers were too adaptable. After being completely ignited, they fell into a state of berserk, and the strength they erupted was somewhat astonishing.

"Gravity field, fully open!" Following the roar of the scar man to the extreme, under the leadership of twenty Wu Zong, a total of 150 warriors were scattered around, scattered in a strange formation, one after another strong The gravitational aura of the superimposed on each other.

At the same time, ten soldiers frantically entangled Chocolate, restraining him with their lives.

"Hurry up, hurry up! Don't hold back anything, hurry up!" 150 soldiers urged with all their strength, and in just 2 minutes, a gravity field with a diameter of [-] meters was formed suddenly, with a force of ten thousand catties, not only the trunks and roots began to shatter Even the rocks were covered with cracks. The ten soldiers who were responsible for containment finally breathed a sigh of relief, and retreated towards the periphery at full speed.

The man with the scar and twenty Wu Zong stepped forward, but they were not affected by gravity.

Chocolate felt the crisis, and it was too late when he wanted to escape.

"Damn it, I'm going to crush you to ashes!" The man with the scar spat out blood, his face was so ferocious that it was almost distorted, and the labor pain from him was like a branding iron destroying his dignity.

"It's not just his bones and ashes, I'm going to crucify him to sacrifice the flag in front of the camp, and die from exhaustion of blood!" Another official official was furious and angry, shame!What a shame!If other teams found out, wouldn't you laugh your ass off?

"Lulu, trouble." Chocolate's face was a little pale, and he comforted the frightened white striped pig. He turned his eyes left and right, but he didn't find Tang Yan's figure.

got tricked
Depend on!This guy is worse than me

"Kill!" With an angry roar, more than twenty Wu Zongs were all killed. Under the impact of anger and shame, they all fell into a state of rampage, and the offensive was as crazy as it was.

A thousand meters away, Tang Yan stood on the top of the mountain and observed from a distance. Although he couldn't see clearly, he could feel the general situation.


The black girl squatting on her shoulder bit Tang Yan's ear and muttered something.

"I understand, add more seasonings to him. If you want to kill me, you have to be prepared to be killed! You shouldn't accept this deal!" Tang Yan hooked his mouth and disappeared out of thin air. He showed himself outside, smeared a few times on his face indiscriminately, and put the black girl and the ancient sword into the golden lock by the way, and ran forward pretending to be flustered.

Swish swish!
There were nearly a hundred figures flashing in front of them, and they were the hunting and arresting troops of the Thunder Eagle Group Army. Their aura was even stronger than the two they encountered before, and there was even an undisguised king-level power among them.

good!Chocolate, this time I don't believe you can survive!
"Ask you something, answer honestly, we can spare your life." A slightly old man with short hair looked at Tang Yan expressionlessly.

"Tell me." Tang Yan was very respectful.

"Have you seen a boy with a saber on his back and a pet dog in his arms? He's about the same size as you!" When he said the last sentence, the eyes of the rest of the soldiers were all on Tang Yan, wanting to pierce him through like a knife , there are a few people who seem to be a little skeptical.

"Wash your face clean!" A cold voice came from the crowd.

"Are you looking for Tang Yan?" Tang Yan took the initiative.

"Huh? You know!"

"I just saw that some of my senior brothers were also attacked. He happened to be in front, and there were two troops dressed in the same clothes as yours to encircle him." Tang Yan pointed at the chocolate battlefield.

Everyone listened intently, and sure enough they heard the sound of shouting for killing. The captain of the King of Martial Arts stepped into the air and stared at the battlefield thousands of meters away. "That's right, it's Dong Qiang's troops, let's go!"

More than a hundred warriors rushed at full speed, ignoring Tang Yan.

Tang Yan won't stay here. After solving this problem, it's time to concentrate on collecting the corpses of powerful monsters or warriors. This is the right thing to do!

It has been three or four days since I entered Thundercloud Mountains, and I have witnessed too many bloody scenes, which shows how tragic the battle in Thundercloud Mountains was at that time, especially in certain areas, there must be more corpses of superpowers.

But Tang Yan has always remained vigilant, and did not go to places where the evil spirit is too strong, that is, places where tens of thousands of people died in collective battles. There must be evil and vicious fighters gathered there, and there may be superpowers from all sides .

He only wanted to search for some relatively remote places where powerful corpses existed.Anyway, I didn't come here for the ancient monsters, but purely to refine the corpses. I have plenty of time, so I can search carefully.

Up to now, Tang Yan no longer thinks about other things. Even if there is another powerful killing situation in the Leiyun Mountains, those super strong will naturally deal with it. What's more, the blood soul tree has awakened, so it should not be easy to watch him die .

After figuring this out, he concentrated on refining the corpse.

However, with the lessons learned from the Falcon Group Army, Tang Yan deliberately changed into tattered clothes, and cleverly disguised his body, which was too delicate to do, but it was okay to pretend to be an old man. I got a small package on my back and pretended it was a hunchback.

In this way, an old, ugly and somewhat hunchback tramp was born, maybe it was too ugly, even the black girl gave him a disdainful look, and Tang Yan was so angry that he almost shut him up for confinement.

(End of this chapter)

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